921 resultados para Dioxygen Binding


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The Reverse Vaccinology (RV) approach allows using genomic information for the delineation of new protein-based vaccines starting from an in silico analysis. The first powerful example of the application of the RV approach is given by the development of a protein-based vaccine against serogroup B Meningococcus. A similar approach was also used to identify new Staphylococcus aureus vaccine candidates, including the ferric hydroxamate-binding lipoprotein FhuD2. S. aureus is a widespread human pathogen, which employs various different strategies for iron uptake, including: (i) siderophore-mediated iron acquisition using the endogenous siderophores staphyloferrin A and B, (ii) siderophore-mediated iron acquisition using xeno-siderophores (the pathway exploited by FhuD2) and (iii) heme-mediated iron acquisition. In this work the high resolution crystal structure of FhuD2 in the iron (III)-siderophore-bound form was determined. FhuD2 belongs to the Periplasmic Binding Protein family (PBP ) class III, and is principally formed by two globular domains, at the N- and C-termini of the protein, that make up a cleft where ferrichrome-iron (III) is bound. The N- and C-terminal domains, connected by a single long α-helix, present Rossmann-like folds, showing a β-stranded core and an α-helical periphery, which do not undergo extensive structural rearrangement when they interact with the ligand, typical of class III PBP members. The structure shows that ferrichrome-bound iron does not come directly into contact with the protein; rather, the metal ion is fully coordinated by six oxygen donors of the hydroxamate groups of three ornithine residues, which, with the three glycine residues, make up the peptide backbone of ferrichrome. Furthermore, it was found that iron-free ferrichrome is able to subtract iron from transferrin. This study shows for the first time the structure of FhuD2, which was found to bind to siderophores ,and that the protein plays an important role in S. aureus colonization and infection phases.


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ABSTRACT Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) employs many different mechanisms to escape and subvert the host immune system surveillance. Among these different mechanisms the role of human IgG Fc receptors (FcγR) in HCMV pathogenesis is still unclear. In mammalians, FcγRs are expressed on the surface of all haematopoietic cells and have a multifaceted role in regulating the activity of antibodies to generate a well-balanced immune response. Viral proteins with Fcγ binding ability are highly diffuse among herpesviruses. They interfere with the host receptors functions in order to counteract immune system recognition. So far, two human HCMV Fcγ binding proteins have been described: UL119 and RL11. This work was aimed to the identification and characterization of HCMV Fcγ binding proteins. The study is divided in two parts: first the characterization of UL119 and RL11; second the identification and characterization of novel HCMV Fcγ binding proteins. Regarding the first part, we demonstrated that both UL119 and RL11 internalize Fcγ fragments from transfected cells surface through a clathrin dependent pathway. In infected cells both proteins were found in the viral assembly complex and on virions surface as envelope associated glycoproteins. Moreover, internalized Fcγ in infected cells do not undergo lysosomal degradation but rather traffic in early endosomes up to the viral assembly complex. Regarding the second part, we were able to identify two novels Fcγ binding protein coded by CMV: RL12 and RL13. The latter was also further characterized as recombinant protein in terms of cellular localization, Fc binding site and IgG internalization ability. Finally binding specificity of both RL12 and RL13 seems to be confined to human IgG1 and IgG2. Taken together, these data show that HCMV codes for up to 4 FcγR and that they could have a double role both on virus and on infected cells.


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In an attempt to develop a Staphylococcus aureus vaccine, we have applied reverse vaccinology approach, mainly based on in silico screening and proteomics. By using this approach SdrE, a protein belonging to serine-aspartate repeat protein family was identified as potential vaccine antigen against S. aureus. We have investigated the biochemical properties as well as the vaccine potential of SdrE and its highly conserved CnaBE3 domain. We found the protein SdrE to be resistant to trypsin. Further analysis of the resistant fragment revealed that it comprises a CnaBE3 domain, which also showed partial trypsin resistant behavior. Furthermore, intact mass spectrometry of rCnaBE3 suggested the possible presence of isopeptide bond or some other post-translational modification in the protein.However, this observation needs further investigation. Differential Scanning Fluorimetry study reveals that calcium play role in protein folding and provides stability to SdrE. At the end we have demonstrated that SdrE is immunogenic against clinical strain of S. aureus in murine abscess model. In the second part, I characterized a protein, annotated as epidermin leader peptide processing serine protease (EpiP), as a novel S. aureus vaccine candidate. The crystal structure of the rEpiP was solved at 2.05 Å resolution by x-ray crystallography . The structure showed that rEpiP was cleaved somewhere between residues 95 and 100 and cleavage occurs through an autocatalytic intra-molecular mechanism. In addition, the protein expressed by S. aureus cells also appeared to undergo a similar processing event. To determine if the protein acts as a serine protease, we mutated the catalytic serine 393 residue to alanine, generating rEpiP-S393A and solved its crystal structure at a resolution of 1.95 Å. rEpiP-S393A was impaired in its protease activity, as expected. Protective efficacy of rEpiP and the non-cleaving mutant protein was comparable, implying that the two forms are interchangeable for vaccination purposes.


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Neisserial Heparin Binding Antigen (NHBA) is a surface-exposed lipoprotein ubiquitously expressed by genetically diverse Neisseria meningitidis strains and is an antigen of the multicomponent protein-based 4CMenB vaccine, able to induce bactericidal antibodies in humans and to bind heparin-like molecules. The aim of this study is to characterize the immunological and functional properties of NHBA. To evaluate immunogenicity and the contribution of aminoacid sequence variability to vaccine coverage, we constructed recombinant isogenic strains that are susceptible to bactericidal killing only by anti-NHBA antibodies and engineered them to express equal levels of selected NHBA peptides. In these recombinant strains, we observed different titres associated with the different peptide variants. These recombinant strains were then further engineered to express NHBA chimeric proteins to investigate the regions important for immunogenicity. In natural strains, anti-NHBA antibodies were found to be cross-protective against strains expressing different peptides. To investigate the functional properties of this antigen, the recombinant purified NHBA protein was tested in in vitro binding studies and was found to be able to bind epithelial cells. The binding was abolished when cells were treated specifically with heparinase III, suggesting that the interaction with the cells is mediated by heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG). Mutation of the Arg-rich tract of NHBA abrogated the binding, confirming the importance of this region in mediating the binding to heparin-like molecules. In a panel of N. meningitidis strains, the deletion of nhba resulted in a reduction of adhesion with respect to each isogenic wild type strain. Furthermore, the adhesion of the wild-type strain was prevented by using anti-NHBA polyclonal sera, demonstrating the specificity of the interaction. These results suggest that NHBA could be a novel meningococcal adhesin contributing to host-cell interaction. Moreover, we analysed NHBA NalP-mediated cleavage in different NHBA peptides and showed that not all NHBA peptides are cleaved.


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Das DNA-Reparaturprotein O6-Methylguanin-DNA-Methyltransferase [MGMT] ist der Hauptresistenzfaktor gegenüber der zytotoxischen Wirkung von SN1-alkylierenden Zytostatika in der Tumortherapie. Die Verwendung der MGMT-Hemmstoffe O6-Benzylguanin [O6BG] und O6-(4-Bromothenyl)guanin [O6BTG] führte zu einer Sensibilisierung des Normalgewebes, was eine Dosis-Reduktion der Zytostatika erforderlich machte und die erhoffte Therapieverbesserung verhinderte. Aus diesem Grund ist eine Strategie der selektiven Hemmung des MGMT-Proteins (Targeting-Strategie) erforderlich, um die systemische Toxizität in der Kombinationsbehandlung zu reduzieren. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Anwendbarkeit der Glukose-Konjugation als Targeting-Strategie untersucht, da Tumorzellen einen erhöhten Glukoseverbrauch aufweisen und demzufolge Glukosetransporter überexprimieren. Die Glukose-Konjugate O6BG-Glu und O6BTG-Glu inhibierten MGMT in Tumorzellen und sensibilisierten die Zellen gegenüber den alkylierenden Agenzien Temozolomid [TMZ] und Lomustin [CCNU]. Des Weiteren inaktivierten die Glukose-Konjugate die MGMT-Aktivität im Tumor eines Xenograft-Mausmodells und reduzierten das Tumorwachstum nach einer TMZ-Behandlung im gleichen Ausmass wie die Inhibitoren O6BG und O6BTG. Trotzdem war auch mit den Glukose-Konjugaten keine Steigerung der Zytostatika-Dosis im Mausmodell möglich. Die Untersuchungen der Aufnahme von O6BG-Glu und O6BTG-Glu wiederlegten eine Involvierung der Glukosetransporter. Der Einsatz von spezifischen Glukosetransporter-Inhibitoren und Kompetitions-Experimenten führte zu keiner Verminderung der MGMT-Hemmung oder Aufnahme vom radioaktiven H3-O6BTG-Glu in die Zelle. Dies legt nahe, dass die Glukose-Konjugate über einen unspezifischen Mechanismus (aktiv) in die Zellen gelangen. Der Grund für eine mögliche unselektive Aufnahme könnte im hydrophoben Alkyllinker, der für die Konjugation des Glukosemoleküls verwendet wurde, begründet sein. Dies führt zur Generierung von amphipathischen Konjugaten, die eine initiale Bindung an die Plasmamembran aufweisen und eine Aufnahme über den Flip-Flop-Mechanismus (transbilayer transport) wahrscheinlich machen. Die amphipathische Molekülstruktur der Glukose-Konjugate führte zu einer Partikelbildung in wässrigen Lösungen, die eine Reduktion der Menge an aktiven Monomeren von O6BG-Glu und O6BTG-Glu bewirken, die zur Hemmung von MGMT zur Verfügung stehen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasste sich mit der Rolle von ABC-Transportern hinsichtlich einer Targeting-Strategie von MGMT-Hemmstoffen. Obwohl eine hohe Expression dieser ABC-Transporter in Tumoren zur Resistenzentwicklung gegenüber Zytostatika führt, wurde ihr Einfluss auf MGMT-Hemmstoffe oder einer MGMT-Targeting-Strategie niemals untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wurde zum ersten Mal ein aktiver Efflux von MGMT-Hemmstoffen durch ABC-Transporter nachgewiesen. Die Inhibition von ABC-Transportern bewirkte eine schnellere Inaktivierung von MGMT durch die Glukose-Konjugate. Des Weiteren zeigten Kompetitions-Experimente mit den MGMT-Hemmstoffen eine verminderte Efflux-Rate von Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen, die spezifisch von ABC-Transportern exportiert werden. ABC-Transporter reduzieren die wirksame Konzentration des Hemmstoffes in der Zelle und beeinträchtigen somit die Effektivität der MGMT-Inhibition. Eine simultane Hemmung der ABC-Transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp), multi resistance protein 1 (MRP1) and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) erhöhte die Effektivität der MGMT-Hemmstoffe (O6BG, O6BTG, O6BG-Glu, O6BTG-Glu) und verstärkte auf diese Weise die TMZ-induzierte Toxizität in Tumorzelllinien. Die Involvierung von ABC-Transportern in der intrazellulären Speicherung von MGMT-Hemmstoffen ist wahrscheinlich die Ursache für die beobachteten Unterschiede in der Sensibilisierung verschiedener Tumorzelllinien gegenüber Zytostatika durch das Glukose-Konjugat O6BG-Glu. Eine Strategie, den Einfluss von ABC-Transportern zu reduzieren und zukünftliche MGMT-Targeting-Strategien effizienter umzusetzen, ist die Verwendung von O6BTG als Ausgangssubstanz. Die höhere Inhibitionsfähigkeit der Bromthiophenmoleküle vermindert die erforderliche intrazelluläre Konzentration für eine vollständige MGMT-Hemmung und reduziert auf diese Weise den Einfluss von ABC-Transportern.


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Three-dimensional electron microscopy (3-D EM) provides a framework for the analysis of large protein quaternary structures. The advantage over the generally higher resolving meth- od of X-ray crystallography is the embedding of the proteins in their physiological environ- ment. However, results of the two methods can be combined to obtain superior structural information. In this work, three different protein types – (i) Myriapod hemocyanin, (ii) vesi- cle-inducing protein in plastids 1 (Vipp1) and (iii) acetylcholine-binding protein (AChBP) – were structurally analyzed by 2-D and 3-D EM and, where possible, functionally interpreted.rnMyriapod hemocyanins have been previously shown to be 6x6-meric assemblies that, in case of Scutigera coleoptrata hemocyanin (ScoHc), show two 3x6-mer planes whith a stag- gering angle of approximately 60°. Here, previously observed structural differences between oxy- and deoxy-ScoHc could be substantiated. A 4° rotation between hexamers of two dif- ferent 3x6-mer planes was measured, which originates at the most central inter-hexamer in- terface. Further information about allosteric behaviour in myriapod hemocyanin was gained by analyzing Polydesmus angustus hemocyanin (PanHc), which shows a stable 3x6-mer and divergent histidine patterns in the inter-hexamer interfaces when compared to ScoHc. Both findings would conclusively explain the very different oxygen binding properties of chilopod and diplopod hemocyanin.rnVipp1 is a protein found in cyanobacteria and higher plants which is essential for thyla- koid membrane function and forms highly variable ring-shaped structures. In the course of this study, the first 3-D analysis of Vipp1 was conducted and yielded reconstructions of six differently sized Vipp1 rings from negatively stained images at resolutions between 20 to 30 Å. Furthermore, mutational analyses identified specific N-terminal amino acids that are essential for ring formation. On the basis of these analyses and previously published results, a hypothetical model of the Vipp1 tertiary and quaternary structure was generated.rnAChBP is a water-soluble protein in the hemolymph of mollusks. It is a structural and functional homologue of the ligand-binding domain of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. For the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata, we previously described two types of AChBP (BgAChBP1 and BgAChBP2). In this work, a 6 Å 3-D reconstruction of native BgAChBP is presented, which shows a dodecahedral assembly that is unprecedented for an AChBP. Single particle analysis of recombinantely expressed BgAChBP types led to preliminary results show- ing a dodecahedral assembly of BgAChBP1 and a dipentameric assembly of BgAChBP2. This indicates divergent biological functions of the two types.