970 resultados para Dibujo en 3D


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El modelatge, visualització i anàlisi de terrenys és de gran importància en els Sistemes d’Informació Geogràfica (GIS). Actualment és de gran interès per a aquesta comunitat disposar de software que permeti analitzar terrenys. L’objectiu principal del projecte és desenvolupar una aplicació per a la resolució de diversos problemes de proximitat en terrenys. Una part important ha d’ésser la de poder generar, visualitzar i modificar un model 3D d’un terreny a partir de dades introduïdes per l’usuari o obtingudes des d’un fitxer. Per tal de poder construir l’aplicació desitjada ha calgut dissenyar una interfície gràfica d’usuari que permetés realitzar de forma interactiva la introducció, modificació i esborrat de les diferents seus (punts, segments, polígons, poligonals...) o restriccions del terreny, així com la seva visualització


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El càncer de pell es considera un dels tipus de càncer més freqüents actualment, entre d'altres factors degut a l'augment en l'exposició a la radiació ultraviolada (UV). Recentment la utilització de la Microscòpia Confocal (MCF) per a l'avaluació i diagnosi del càncer de pell ha rebut un important interès. El principal avantatge és la capacitat de visualitzar en temps real la regió d'interès a nivell cel·lular, similar a la informació obtinguda en una biòpsia, sense el patiment que suposa per al pacient. El principal inconvenient però, és que les imatges obtingudes amb MCF són difícils d'interpretar per als metges en el format actual (conjunt de talls 2D a diferents profunditats de la pell). El microscopi confocal és una de les tècniques més actuals de diagnòstic, i s'ha establert com a una eina per obtenir imatges d'alta resolució i reconstruccions 3-D d'una gran varietat de mostres biològiques. És capaç d'escombrar diferents plans en l'eix Z, obtenint imatges 2D de diferent profunditat juntament amb la informació dels paràmetres de captura (com ara la profunditat, potència del làser, posicionament en x,y,z, etc). Mitjançant eines informàtiques es pot integrar aquesta informació en un model 3D de la regió d'interès. L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és el desenvolupament d'una eina per a l'ajuda en la interpretació de les imatges MCF i així poder millorar el diagnosi del càncer de pell


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L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi de les diferents tècniques per alinear vistes tridimensionals. Aquest estudi ens ha permès detectar els principals problemes de les tècniques existents, aprotant una solució novedosa i contribuint resolent algunes de les mancances detectades especialment en l'alineament de vistes a temps real. Per tal d'adquirir les esmentades vistes, s'ha dissenyat un sensor 3D manual que ens permet fer adquisicions tridimensionals amb total llibertat de moviments. Així mateix, s'han estudiat les tècniques de minimització global per tal de reduir els efectes de la propagació de l'error.


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La miniaturització de la industria microelectrònica és un fet del tot inqüestionables i la tecnologia CMOS no n'és una excepció. En conseqüència la comunitat científica s'ha plantejat dos grans reptes: En primer lloc portar la tecnologia CMOS el més lluny possible ('Beyond CMOS') tot desenvolupant sistemes d'altes prestacions com microprocessadors, micro - nanosistemes o bé sistemes de píxels. I en segon lloc encetar una nova generació electrònica basada en tecnologies totalment diferents dins l'àmbit de les Nanotecnologies. Tots aquests avanços exigeixen una recerca i innovació constant en la resta d'àrees complementaries com són les d'encapsulat. L'encapsulat ha de satisfer bàsicament tres funcions: Interfície elèctrica del sistema amb l'exterior, Proporcionar un suport mecànic al sistema i Proporcionar un camí de dissipació de calor. Per tant, si tenim en compte que la majoria d'aquests dispositius d'altes prestacions demanden un alt nombre d'entrades i sortides, els mòduls multixip (MCMs) i la tecnologia flip chip es presenten com una solució molt interessant per aquests tipus de dispositiu. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és la de desenvolupar una tecnologia de mòduls multixip basada en interconnexions flip chip per a la integració de detectors de píxels híbrids, que inclou: 1) El desenvolupament d'una tecnologia de bumping basada en bumps de soldadura Sn/Ag eutèctics dipositats per electrodeposició amb un pitch de 50µm, i 2) El desenvolupament d'una tecnologia de vies d'or en silici que permet interconnectar i apilar xips verticalment (3D packaging) amb un pitch de 100µm. Finalment aquesta alta capacitat d'interconnexió dels encapsulats flip chip ha permès que sistemes de píxels tradicionalment monolítics puguin evolucionar cap a sistemes híbrids més compactes i complexes, i que en aquesta tesi s'ha vist reflectit transferint la tecnologia desenvolupada al camp de la física d'altes energies, en concret implantant el sistema de bump bonding d'un mamògraf digital. Addicionalment s'ha implantat també un dispositiu detector híbrid modular per a la reconstrucció d'imatges 3D en temps real, que ha donat lloc a una patent.


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Esta tesis tiene por objetivo investigar la manera en que el producto animado Shrek es consumido por la audiencia infantil. Se sustenta en la base teórica del consumo masmediático de la comunicación y pretende alimentar con vivencias estas teorías. Para su análisis se utiliza el modelo sociosemiótico de la comunicación. Son dos los puntos que se centran en este análisis: el primero, un análisis estructural de contenido de la película, con el propósito de llegar a descubrir la ideología última que los productores quisieron transmitir; y el segundo, el estudio propio del consumo en las audiencias infantiles seleccionadas para conocer la manera en que los niños/as leen, asimilan, se apropian y reconstruyen con sus propias historias. Para ello los capítulos que se desarrollan son cuatro: El primer capítulo, estudia la historia de los dibujos animados y el cine de animación en Occidente; así como también la manera en que se concibe a la fealdad y lo monstruoso, y la manera en que son y fueron construidas en los medios audiovisuales. El segundo capítulo, aborda profundamente las teorías de la recepción y el consumo para situar el eje de estudio. El tercer capítulo, consiste en un análisis semiótico - estructural de la película, para conocer su estructura, su mensaje, sus personajes y su ideología. Y, el cuarto capítulo, consiste en el desarrollo de la investigación de la recepción y el consumo en la audiencia seleccionada. Toma en consideración las mediaciones que influyen en sus lecturas, los tipos de lecturas que presentan, la visión de la fealdad, y los (des) encuentros que se dan entre texto y lectura.


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Cue combination rules have often been applied to the perception of surface shape but not to judgements of object location. Here, we used immersive virtual reality to explore the relationship between different cues to distance. Participants viewed a virtual scene and judged the change in distance of an object presented in two intervals, where the scene changed in size between intervals (by a factor of between 0.25 and 4). We measured thresholds for detecting a change in object distance when there were only 'physical' (stereo and motion parallax) or 'texture-based' cues (independent of the scale of the scene) and used these to predict biases in a distance matching task. Under a range of conditions, in which the viewing distance and position of the tarte relative to other objects was varied, the ration of 'physical' to 'texture-based' thresholds was a good predictor of biases in the distance matching task. The cue combination approach, which successfully accounts for our data, relies on quite different principles from those underlying geometric reconstruction.


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In an immersive virtual reality environment, subjects fail to notice when a scene expands or contracts around them, despite correct and consistent information from binocular stereopsis and motion parallax, resulting in gross failures of size constancy (A. Glennerster, L. Tcheang, S. J. Gilson, A. W. Fitzgibbon, & A. J. Parker, 2006). We determined whether the integration of stereopsis/motion parallax cues with texture-based cues could be modified through feedback. Subjects compared the size of two objects, each visible when the room was of a different size. As the subject walked, the room expanded or contracted, although subjects failed to notice any change. Subjects were given feedback about the accuracy of their size judgments, where the “correct” size setting was defined either by texture-based cues or (in a separate experiment) by stereo/motion parallax cues. Because of feedback, observers were able to adjust responses such that fewer errors were made. For texture-based feedback, the pattern of responses was consistent with observers weighting texture cues more heavily. However, for stereo/motion parallax feedback, performance in many conditions became worse such that, paradoxically, biases moved away from the point reinforced by the feedback. This can be explained by assuming that subjects remap the relationship between stereo/motion parallax cues and perceived size or that they develop strategies to change their criterion for a size match on different trials. In either case, subjects appear not to have direct access to stereo/motion parallax cues.


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The use of social networks services for promoting business, teaching, learning, persuasion and spread of information continues to attract attention as most social networking services (SNSs) now allow third party applications to operate on their sites. In the field of persuasive technology, the ability of SNSs to build relationships among their users and create momentum and enthusiasm through rapid cycles also give it a greater advantage over other persuasive technology approaches. In this paper we discuss the 3-dimensional relationship between attitude and behavior (3D-RAB) model, and demonstrate how it can be used in designing third-party persuasive applications in SNSs by considering external factors which affects persuasive strategies.


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This article presents and assesses an algorithm that constructs 3D distributions of cloud from passive satellite imagery and collocated 2D nadir profiles of cloud properties inferred synergistically from lidar, cloud radar and imager data. It effectively widens the active–passive retrieved cross-section (RXS) of cloud properties, thereby enabling computation of radiative fluxes and radiances that can be compared with measured values in an attempt to perform radiative closure experiments that aim to assess the RXS. For this introductory study, A-train data were used to verify the scene-construction algorithm and only 1D radiative transfer calculations were performed. The construction algorithm fills off-RXS recipient pixels by computing sums of squared differences (a cost function F) between their spectral radiances and those of potential donor pixels/columns on the RXS. Of the RXS pixels with F lower than a certain value, the one with the smallest Euclidean distance to the recipient pixel is designated as the donor, and its retrieved cloud properties and other attributes such as 1D radiative heating rates are consigned to the recipient. It is shown that both the RXS itself and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery can be reconstructed extremely well using just visible and thermal infrared channels. Suitable donors usually lie within 10 km of the recipient. RXSs and their associated radiative heating profiles are reconstructed best for extensive planar clouds and less reliably for broken convective clouds. Domain-average 1D broadband radiative fluxes at the top of theatmosphere(TOA)for (21 km)2 domains constructed from MODIS, CloudSat andCloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) data agree well with coincidental values derived from Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) radiances: differences betweenmodelled and measured reflected shortwave fluxes are within±10Wm−2 for∼35% of the several hundred domains constructed for eight orbits. Correspondingly, for outgoing longwave radiation∼65% are within ±10Wm−2.


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Livestock are a key asset for the global poor. However, access to relevant information is a critical issue for both the poor and the practitioners who serve them. Therefore, the authors describe a web-based Virtual Learning Environment to disseminate educational materials on priority animal health constraints in Bolivia and India. The aim was to explore demand for 3D among development practitioners in the South. Two wider arguments from the ICT4D literature framed the analysis: the concept of 3D as a ‘lead technology’ and the relevance of Internet skills to the adoption of a 3D format. The results illustrated that neither construct influenced demand. Rather, study participants were ready adopters but desired greater levels of interaction and thereby, a more collaborative learning environment. Therefore, 3D has a number of potential benefits to enhance knowledge sharing among community practitioners in the Global South.


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This paper describes the implementation of a 3D variational (3D-Var) data assimilation scheme for a morphodynamic model applied to Morecambe Bay, UK. A simple decoupled hydrodynamic and sediment transport model is combined with a data assimilation scheme to investigate the ability of such methods to improve the accuracy of the predicted bathymetry. The inverse forecast error covariance matrix is modelled using a Laplacian approximation which is calibrated for the length scale parameter required. Calibration is also performed for the Soulsby-van Rijn sediment transport equations. The data used for assimilation purposes comprises waterlines derived from SAR imagery covering the entire period of the model run, and swath bathymetry data collected by a ship-borne survey for one date towards the end of the model run. A LiDAR survey of the entire bay carried out in November 2005 is used for validation purposes. The comparison of the predictive ability of the model alone with the model-forecast-assimilation system demonstrates that using data assimilation significantly improves the forecast skill. An investigation of the assimilation of the swath bathymetry as well as the waterlines demonstrates that the overall improvement is initially large, but decreases over time as the bathymetry evolves away from that observed by the survey. The result of combining the calibration runs into a pseudo-ensemble provides a higher skill score than for a single optimized model run. A brief comparison of the Optimal Interpolation assimilation method with the 3D-Var method shows that the two schemes give similar results.


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Once you have generated a 3D model of a protein, how do you know whether it bears any resemblance to the actual structure? To determine the usefulness of 3D models of proteins, they must be assessed in terms of their quality by methods that predict their similarity to the native structure. The ModFOLD4 server is the latest version of our leading independent server for the estimation of both the global and local (per-residue) quality of 3D protein models. The server produces both machine readable and graphical output, providing users with intuitive visual reports on the quality of predicted protein tertiary structures. The ModFOLD4 server is freely available to all at: http://www.reading.ac.uk/bioinf/ModFOLD/.


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The ability of six scanning cloud radar scan strategies to reconstruct cumulus cloud fields for radiation study is assessed. Utilizing snapshots of clean and polluted cloud fields from large eddy simulations, an analysis is undertaken of error in both the liquid water path and monochromatic downwelling surface irradiance at 870 nm of the reconstructed cloud fields. Error introduced by radar sensitivity, choice of radar scan strategy, retrieval of liquid water content (LWC), and reconstruction scheme is explored. Given an in␣nitely sensitive radar and perfect LWC retrieval, domain average surface irradiance biases are typically less than 3 W m␣2 ␣m␣1, corresponding to 5–10% of the cloud radiative effect (CRE). However, when using a realistic radar sensitivity of ␣37.5 dBZ at 1 km, optically thin areas and edges of clouds are dif␣cult to detect due to their low radar re-ectivity; in clean conditions, overestimates are of order 10 W m␣2 ␣m␣1 (~20% of the CRE), but in polluted conditions, where the droplets are smaller, this increases to 10–26 W m␣2 ␣m␣1 (~40–100% of the CRE). Drizzle drops are also problematic; if treated as cloud droplets, reconstructions are poor, leading to large underestimates of 20–46 W m␣2 ␣m␣1 in domain average surface irradiance (~40–80% of the CRE). Nevertheless, a synergistic retrieval approach combining the detailed cloud structure obtained from scanning radar with the droplet-size information and location of cloud base gained from other instruments would potentially make accurate solar radiative transfer calculations in broken cloud possible for the first time.


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The 3D shape of an object and its 3D location have traditionally thought of as very separate entities, although both can be described within a single 3D coordinate frame. Here, 3D shape and location are considered as two aspects of a view-based approach to representing depth, avoiding the use of 3D coordinate frames.