987 resultados para Cultural dimension
Partim de la convicció basada en les evidències que la competència cultural i artística és fonamental en la formació dels estudiants. A més, aquesta competència no es pot garantir sense que els docents estiguin preparats en aquestes competències: cultural (intercultural), emocional/sensible, crítica, investigadora, comunicativa, creativa, didàctica i inclusiva de l’art (des de l’art, per mitjà de l’art i per l’art). És per aquest motiu que encetem el discurs «entre la realitat i el desig», sintetitzant en poques pàgines no pas allò que és, sinó més aviat allò que podria ser: renunciar a disgregar i jerarquitzar els sabers, i apostar per un paradigma educatiu que valori les competències que transcendeixen una disciplina. La competència cultural i artística està connectada necessàriament amb les altres competències bàsiques: la lògica/matemàtica (representació de l’espai, com a mínim), la comunicativa (de què forma part i molt vinculada a la tecnològica), i, com és obvi, les de l’àmbit de valors personals i de ciutadania i les de l’àmbit cultural i social. Perquè tot això pugui materialitzar-se, també hi ha algunes condicions elementals i relativament fàcils d’oferir que tot just apuntem
VMI (Vendor managed inventory) is a collaboration model between a supplier and a customer, where a supplier has the responsibility of the inventory replenishments. The tightened competition forces companies to collaborate, and VMI is a simple method to cooperate. The aim of this study was to create a cross-border VMI model from Finland to Russia in the case company. However, the cultural differences between the countries produce problems and therefore the cultural impacts to the model and implementation were taken into account. This study includes two parts: the first framework consists of operational principles, benefits, risks, criteria and success factors of VMI and the second concentrates on cultural aspects of the process change. As a result, an operating model for case company’s supply chain was created. In addition, the suggestions for avoiding the cultural impacts in the implementation were given.
Field experiments were conducted in the 1995-96 soybean (Glycine max) growing season to evaluate the effects of cultural practices and host genetic resistance on the intensity of soybean stem canker, caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum f.sp. meridionalis (Dpm). Experiments were conducted in a commercial field severely infected in the previous (1994-95) season. In one study, minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT) cropping systems were investigated for their effects on disease development and on plant yields in cvs. FT-Cristalina (susceptible) and FT-Seriema (moderately resistant). Another study evaluated the effects of plant densities (8, 15, 21 and 36 plants/m) on disease development in cvs. FT-Cristalina, FT-101 (moderately resistant) and FT-104 (resistant). Disease incidence and severity were consistently lower in NT than in MT, and plant yields were increased by 23% and 14% in the NT system for the susceptible and moderately resistant cultivars, respectively, compared to the yields in the MT system. The Gompertz and Logistic models described well the disease progress curves in all situations. For both susceptible and moderately resistant cultivars, disease severity increased proportionately to the increase in plant densities. At the end of the season, 100% of the plants of cv. FT-Cristalina were infected by Dpm, at all plant densities. Disease levels on cv. FT-101 were intermediate while only very low disease levels were recorded on cv. FT-104. There was a consistent negative correlation between stem canker severity and yield. Some practices demonstrated potential for direct application in disease control, and could be combined considering their additive effects.
O presente trabalho testou quatro métodos de isolamento de Streptomyces spp. em tubérculos de batata (Solanum tuberosum) com sarna comum, superficial e profunda, caracterizando os isolados quanto a morfologia, serologia e patogenicidade. Para o isolamento foram testados: meio de cultura ágar-água a pH 10; meio contendo antibióticos; meio de asparagina e meio de quitina. O meio ágar-água pH 10 foi o mais eficaz no isolamento de Streptomyces spp. com média de 129 colônias/placa, além de ser de fácil preparo, menor custo e proporcionar melhor visualização das colônias. No meio de antibiótico verificou-se média de 54% dos fragmentos de tubérculos plaqueados com crescimento de Streptomyces spp. Já nos meios de asparagina e quitina a média foi de 36,3 e 2,5 colônias/placa, respectivamente. Para caracterização dos isolados obtidos utilizou-se o meio de extrato de levedura e malte. As colônias originadas apresentaram coloração que variou de cinza a marrom e de branco a creme, com ou sem produção de pigmento, com cadeias de esporos flexuosas ou espiraladas, de tamanho variável e produzindo ou não micélio aéreo em colônias com cadeias espiraladas. Dezenove isolados, representando esses diferentes tipos, foram inoculados na batata cv. Monalisa por infestação de solo autoclavado, antes da semeadura dos tubérculos-sementes. Sintomas típicos da doença foram verificados 14 semanas após a inoculação, para oito isolados. Anti-soros produzidos em coelhos contra três isolados fitopatogênicos apresentaram reação serológica (dupla difusão em gel-ágar de Ouchterlony) para os antígenos homólogos e para poucos antígenos heterólogos, porém os isolados de Streptomyces com patogenicidade confirmada não apresentaram antígenos em comum.
Caracterização fisiológica, cultural e patogênica de diferentes isolados de Lasiodiplodia theobromae
Lasiodiplodia theobromae é responsável por doenças em inúmeras plantas cultivadas, causando perdas significativas de produção, notadamente no Nordeste brasileiro. Estudos básicos sobre esse fungo são necessários para se compreender melhor as interações patógeno-hospedeiro e traçar estratégias de controle. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar oito isolados de L. theobromae, obtidos de diferentes hospedeiros, quanto ao crescimento micelial, produção e fertilidade de picnídios, aspectos morfológicos das colônias e patogenicidade. Os isolados variaram em todas as características estudadas. O meio aveia-ágar proporcionou a maior produção e fertilidade de picnídios, sobressaindo-se os isolados obtidos de manga e maracujá. O meio cenoura-ágar não promoveu a produção dessas estruturas. Quanto ao crescimento micelial, o meio V-8 promoveu maior velocidade de crescimento dos isolados. Em relação à coloração da colônia houve grande variação, predominando a coloração branco-acinzentada. Quanto à formação dos picnídios, verificou-se que a maioria dos isolados formaram tais estruturas. Em ensaios de inoculação cruzada, todos os isolados mostraram-se patogênicos aos hospedeiros testados.
The main outcome of the master thesis is innovative solution, which can support a choice of business process modeling methodology. Potential users of this tool are people with background in business process modeling and possibilities to collect required information about organization’s business processes. Master thesis states the importance of business process modeling in implementation of strategic goals of organization. It is made by revealing the place of the concept in Business Process Management (BPM) and its particular case Business Process Reengineering (BPR). In order to support the theoretical outcomes of the thesis a case study of Northern Dimension Research Centre (NORDI) in Lappeenranta University of Technology was conducted. On its example several solutions are shown: how to apply business process modeling methodologies in practice; in which way business process models can be useful for BPM and BPR initiatives; how to apply proposed innovative solution for a choice of business process modeling methodology.
Previous studies of the local involvement of multinational corporation (MNC) subsidiaries focus on host-country firms and local business partners such as suppliers and customers. The role of host-country universities in the same context of innovation networks is neglected. Furthermore, there are many organizational culture- and knowledge-related differences between universities and companies, and this is likely to pose additional challenges for successful collaboration. Early university-industry (U-I) studies have primarily been limited within a national boundary, being concerned with a single level of culture (i.e., at an organizational level) and one-way knowledge transfer from university to industry. Research on more dynamic knowledge interaction in multinational settings is lacking. This is particularly true in the business context of China. In today’s globalizing and rapidly changing organizations, addressing cultural differences and clashes is an everyday reality, and inter-cultural U-I collaboration is becoming a key asset for gaining global competitiveness. This study deals with Finnish MNC subsidiaries’ research collaboration with Chinese universities. It aims to explore the essence of such U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction, uncovering the deep functioning mechanisms of culture underlying effective collaborative knowledge creation and innovation. The study reviews critically different bodies of literature including knowledge management theories and studies, U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction, and cross-cultural research in terms of organizational knowledge generation and utilization. It adopts a case study strategy with qualitative research methods, and data is collected through in-depth interviews and participant observation. The study presents the following major findings: 1. In the light of a comprehensive analysis of U-I collaboration, an effective matching strategy is proposed, in the assumption that good alignment of knowledge interaction strategies and approaches with their corresponding knowledge type, capability development and research task may greatly enhance the effectiveness of cross-cultural U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction. 2. It is proposed that in the Chinese MNC context more dynamic types of knowledge interaction like knowledge co-creation should be of key concern particularly when dealing simultaneously with multi-disciplinary applied research of human factors and technologies. U-I knowledge interaction, otherwise, pays attention only to the study of one-way technology and knowledge transfer. 3. It is posited that the influence of culture on collaborative knowledge interaction can be studied in a valuable way when knowledge-related variables are simultaneously taken into account. A systematic analysis of the role of knowledge in cross-cultural knowledge interaction could best be approached from multi-aspects of knowledge including not only nature, characteristics and types of knowledge but also the process of knowledge (e.g., intensifications of knowledge interaction). 4. The study demonstrates the significant role of aspects of the host-country culture (e.g., Chinese guanxi) in U-I collaboration and knowledge interaction. This is evident, for instance, in issues related to interpersonal relationships and trust, true interest and the relatedness of the research, mutual commitment and learning, communication intensity and interaction, and awareness of cultural and knowledge-related differences between collaboration partners. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are suggested and discussed.
Apresento um breve estudo do conceito alemão de Bildung, com base no artigo "Bildung et Bildungsroman", de Antoine Berman. O conceito é desenvolvido em cinco etapas: Bildung como trabalho, como viagem, como tradução, como viagem à Antigüidade e como prática filológica. Estas sugestões podem contribuir para a interpretação de obras de filosofia da arte e da cultura, por exemplo, passagens de Hegel, de Hölderlin, do romântico Friedrich Schlegel e de Nietzsche.
O objetivo do texto é fazer uma análise da dimensão crítica do conceito de indústria cultural proposto por Adorno e Horkheimer a partir da noção psicanalítica de narcisismo, tal como Adorno a interpretou. A cultura de massa será vista como propiciando o prazer substancialmente ilusório de satisfazer a ânsia de engrandecimento do ego, no mesmo instante em que mantém o indivíduo atado às tendências inerciais de unificação social.