943 resultados para Corteza terrestre


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The Área de Proteção Ambiental de Jenipabu was created by Decreto 12,620/95, covering the beaches of Redinha Nova, Santa Rita and Jenipabu and Campina communities in the municipality of Extremoz, and Africa community fragment, in Natal. This protected area was created in the context of expansion of tourism in Rio Grande do Norte, in the 1990s, in which PRODETUR investments made possible the installation of infrastructure equipment, mainly in the Via Costeira and Ponta Negra beach in Natal by inserting it in the sun and sea tourism route to Northeast Brazil. In this context the beach Jenipabu in Extremoz, became one of the main attractions for those visiting Natal, due to the natural elements of its landscape, its dune field, which is offered to tourists the buggy ride. In December 1994 the excess buggy rides held in these dunes led to IBAMA ban their access to buggy for carrying out environmental study. This measure resulted in the creation of APAJ in 1995 with the goal of ordering the use and occupation to protect its ecosystems, especially the dunes, the disordered tourism. Given this context, this work aims to analyze the process of creating the APAJ and changes in the geographic space of its beaches, Redinha Nova, Santa Rita and Jenipabu, from the materialization of tourism process, as well as their implications for its residents. To this end, this paper presents a discussion of environmental currents that developed in the western portion of the globe, focusing on the need to regulate small areas of the national territory in protected areas, and an analysis of public policies that enabled the implementation tourism in APAJ as well as the laws and decrees governing the process of creation and management. Using the theory of circuits of urban economy of the Santos (2008) to analyze the territory used by tourism on the beaches of Redinha Nova, Santa Rita and Jenipabu, showing their dependent relationship with the territory used by the upper circuit on the Via Costeira and in the Ponta Negra beach and its influence on the APAJ urbanization process. Ending with the analysis of the influence of the materialization of tourism in the transformation of stocks ways of being-in-space and space-be of the Santa Rita and Jenipabu beaches in each geographical situation of APAJ among the first decades of the twentieth century to the 2014. Fieldwork was conducted between 2012 and 2014, performing actions of qualitative interviews with older residents of Santa Rita and Jenipabu beaches, interviews with structured questionnaire with merchants of APAJ and collecting GPS points trades, identifying and mapping the territory used by the lower circuit in APAJ beaches.


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In line with the process of financialization and globalization of capital, which has intensified in all latitudes of the globe, the world of work is permeated by his determinations arising and also has been (re) setting from numerous changes expressed by example, in the unbridled expansion of temporary forms of work activities, and flexible outsourced by the growth of informality, forming a new morphology of work. However, regardless of how these forms are expressed in concrete materiality, there is something that unifies: all of them are marked by exponentiation of insecurity and hence the numerous negative effects on the lives of individuals who need to sell their labor power to survive. Given this premise, the present work is devoted to study, within the framework of the Brazilian particularities of transition between Fordism and Toyotism, what we call composite settings of the conditions and labor relations processed within the North river- textile industry Grande. To this end, guided by historical and dialectical materialism, we made use of social research in its qualitative aspect, using semi-structured interviews, in addition to literature review, information retrieval and use of field notes. From our raids, we note that between the time span stretching from the 1990s to the current year, the Natal textile industry has been undergoing a process of successive and intense changes in their modus operandi, geared specifically to the organization and labor management causing, concomitantly, several repercussions for the entire working class.


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In line with the process of financialization and globalization of capital, which has intensified in all latitudes of the globe, the world of work is permeated by his determinations arising and also has been (re) setting from numerous changes expressed by example, in the unbridled expansion of temporary forms of work activities, and flexible outsourced by the growth of informality, forming a new morphology of work. However, regardless of how these forms are expressed in concrete materiality, there is something that unifies: all of them are marked by exponentiation of insecurity and hence the numerous negative effects on the lives of individuals who need to sell their labor power to survive. Given this premise, the present work is devoted to study, within the framework of the Brazilian particularities of transition between Fordism and Toyotism, what we call composite settings of the conditions and labor relations processed within the North river- textile industry Grande. To this end, guided by historical and dialectical materialism, we made use of social research in its qualitative aspect, using semi-structured interviews, in addition to literature review, information retrieval and use of field notes. From our raids, we note that between the time span stretching from the 1990s to the current year, the Natal textile industry has been undergoing a process of successive and intense changes in their modus operandi, geared specifically to the organization and labor management causing, concomitantly, several repercussions for the entire working class.


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Studies carried out in several countries have confirmed the students’ difficulty in explaining the causes of the seasons of the year, and most of times their learning takes place incorrectly. The seasons of the year have been generally treated in didactic books apart from people´s routine, based on the heliocentric system, what demands abstraction to understand the phenomenon. Before this difficulty, it is necessary to think about a teaching proposal which allows the students to realize the environmental characteristics and its changes over time, as well as the seasons themselves. Thus, our goal was to work from the perspective of the observer on the terrestrial surface, therefore using the topocentric system. For that, we constructed a didactic sequence, grounded in Ausubel´s meaningful learning theory (2003) and in Moreira´s critical meaningful learning theory (2010), which was applied to students in 9th grade of elementary school and in 2th grade of high school at Escola Estadual Jerônimo Arantes, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, owing to their previous knowledge and alternative conceptions, which were collected via interviews. Afterwards, to evaluate the applied methodology, we made new interviews, by which we realized improvement in learning in relation to the characteristics of the seasons based on Sun´s apparent path, which we attribute to reference the change of observation and the means to obtain data on the volume of rainfall and average temperature in the city throughout the year. On the other hand, there are points that were not highlighted in learning, such as the link between winter and rainy season and the causes of the seasons, points left to be discussed in future investigations.


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A lo largo de la historia, nuestro planeta ha atravesado numerosas y diferentes etapas. Sin embargo, desde finales del cretácico no se vivía un cambio tan rápido como el actual. Y a la cabeza del cambio, nosotros, el ser humano. De igual manera que somos la causa, debemos ser también la solución, y el análisis a gran escala de la tierra está siendo un punto de interés para la comunidad científica en los últimos años. Prueba de ello es que, cada vez con más frecuencia, se lanzan gran cantidad de satélites cuya finalidad es el análisis, mediante fotografías, de la superficie terrestre. Una de las técnicas más versátiles para este análisis es la toma de imágenes hiperespectrales, donde no solo se captura el espectro visible, sino numerosas longitudes de onda. Suponen, eso sí un reto tecnológico, pues los sensores consumen más energía y las imágenes más memoria, ambos recursos escasos en el espacio. Dado que el análisis se hace en tierra firme, es importante una transmisión de datos eficaz y rápida. Por ello creemos que la compresión en tiempo real mediante FPGAs es la solución idónea, combinando un bajo consumo con una alta tasa de compresión, posibilitando el análisis ininterrumpido del astro en el que vivimos. En este trabajo de fin de grado se ha realizado una implementación sobre FPGA, utilizando VHDL, del estándar CCSDS 123. Este está diseñado para la compresión sin pérdida de imágenes hiperespectrales, y permite una amplia gama de configuraciones para adaptarse de manera óptima a cualquier tipo de imagen. Se ha comprobado exitosamente la validez de la implementación comparando los resultados obtenidos con otras implementaciones (software) existentes. Las principales ventajas que presentamos aquí es que se posibilita la compresión en tiempo real, obteniendo además un rendimiento energético muy prometedor. Estos resultados mejoran notablemente los de una implementación software del algoritmo, y permitirán la compresión de las imágenes a bordo de los satélites que las toman.


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Bastantes años de práctica de la psicología educativa-comunitaria y especialmente en sus aspectos preventivos y de intervención familiar, hacen plantearse multitud de dudas que no siempre la ciencia escrita consultada resuelve de manera satisfactoria. Es difícil trabajar directamente con los adolescentes sobre los factores de riesgo de padecer TCA, por iatrogenia, pero cuando se actúa con los padres, podríamos conseguir disminuir o impedir, de manera preventiva, padecer este trastorno, sobre todo después de una detección precoz a través de sus factores de riesgo. Así, la hipótesis fundamental planteada es: la información y formación temprana a las familias sobre el desarrollo físico, emocional, social…, las estrategias educativas y de aprendizaje, el cambio y manejo de comportamientos y los criterios básicos en el establecimiento de normas y límites, podrán motivar cambio de actitud y generar estilos educativos que favorecerán la aparición de factores de protección, no solo respecto a los TCA, sino también a otras problemáticas derivadas de la crisis adolescente.. Desde la psicología comunitaria (Smetana, Campione-Barr, y Metzger, 2006) es necesario ajustar los criterios de lo que significa buena investigación en la práctica y tener claro que el objetivo es saber si la práctica implantada se ha hecho según lo previsto, se mantiene en el tiempo y los factores de sostenibilidad que hay que tener en cuenta. (Hoagwood y Johnson, 2003). Las intervenciones según el modelo de salud bio-psico-social (OMS, 1989), están íntimamente relacionadas con lo que las personas hacen, en el medio en el que normalmente se desenvuelven y con los recursos con los que cuentan (Bronfrenbenner, 2005; Tudge, Mokrova, Hatfield y Karnik, 2009). Con estos presupuestos, parece claro, que ni la familia, ni la institución educativa, ni la institución sanitaria por sí solas tienen la respuesta a tan complejas situaciones y es desde el trabajo multidisciplinar desde donde hay que abordarlas (Fernández y Vidal, 2008; Hombrados, 2013). Puede existir un desequilibrio durante la pubertad entre las áreas relacionadas con el proceso emocional y la corteza prefrontal. Este desajuste temporal puede contribuir a la desregulación emocional y un posterior riesgo de sufrir patologías, en muchos casos (Dahl y Gunnar, 2009; Ladouceur, 2012)...


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Studies carried out in several countries have confirmed the students’ difficulty in explaining the causes of the seasons of the year, and most of times their learning takes place incorrectly. The seasons of the year have been generally treated in didactic books apart from people´s routine, based on the heliocentric system, what demands abstraction to understand the phenomenon. Before this difficulty, it is necessary to think about a teaching proposal which allows the students to realize the environmental characteristics and its changes over time, as well as the seasons themselves. Thus, our goal was to work from the perspective of the observer on the terrestrial surface, therefore using the topocentric system. For that, we constructed a didactic sequence, grounded in Ausubel´s meaningful learning theory (2003) and in Moreira´s critical meaningful learning theory (2010), which was applied to students in 9th grade of elementary school and in 2th grade of high school at Escola Estadual Jerônimo Arantes, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, owing to their previous knowledge and alternative conceptions, which were collected via interviews. Afterwards, to evaluate the applied methodology, we made new interviews, by which we realized improvement in learning in relation to the characteristics of the seasons based on Sun´s apparent path, which we attribute to reference the change of observation and the means to obtain data on the volume of rainfall and average temperature in the city throughout the year. On the other hand, there are points that were not highlighted in learning, such as the link between winter and rainy season and the causes of the seasons, points left to be discussed in future investigations.


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El principal objetivo de esta investigación es el estudio profundo de las últimas motivaciones que justifi can la creación artística, y en especial la pintura, en la cultura aborigen australiana. Partiremos de su estadio primitivo con la pintura en cuevas y abrigos de roca, práctica que ha continuado en ciertas tribus hasta nuestros días, hasta las representaciones en otros tipos de soportes como la corteza de eucalipto o la pintura corporal enfocada a la celebración de determinados ritos ancestrales. Al mismo tiempo, se pretenden comparar dichas motivaciones con las de los artistas occidentales del expresionismo abstracto de fi nales del siglo diecinueve y comienzos del veinte. A través de este contraste entre ambas culturas y diferentes periodos históricos y socioculturales, se intentará razonar y explicar la importancia que el rito, y en consecuencia la participación mística y el espíritu religioso, tienen en la creación artística...


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Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado que a população portuguesa está cada vez mais envelhecida. Este fator agrava-se em ambientes rurais, onde a desertificação populacional é mais frequente, derivado, entre outros, da migração da população mais jovem para os grandes centros urbanos, em busca de melhores condições de vida. Tendo como consequência a exclusão social da população residente nestas zonas. O reduzido foco populacional das zonas rurais não é um fator atrativo para as entidades que realizam investimentos em serviços e infraestruturas tecnológicas, devido ao retorno financeiro obtido não ser, à partida, rentável. Levando a uma exclusão tecnológica de quem reside nestas zonas. Este fator, agrava-se na população sénior dado que raramente são estimulados a interagir com a tecnologia. Com o objetivo de contribuir para a melhoria desta problemática, combatendo simultaneamente os dois tipos de exclusões, tecnológica e social, propõem-se através desta dissertação, um serviço de videochamada, baseado no conceito do padrão Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV). Um dos fatores considerados, durante o estudo deste serviço, foi a barreira tecnológica existente entre os idosos e a tecnologia. De modo a aproximar ambos, optou-se por aproveitar os conhecimentos que os idosos já possuem na utilização de equipamentos do seu quotidiano. Sendo a televisão, o equipamento selecionado para integrar no serviço de videochamada, permitindo ao idoso contactar facilmente com outras pessoas e serviços. Através da implementação de um protótipo e dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o serviço desenvolvido é uma solução válida para combater a problemática apresentada, contribuindo positivamente para a redução da exclusão social e da iliteracia tecnológica


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Previous studies about the strength of the lithosphere in the Iberia centre fail to resolve the depth of earthquakes because of the rheological uncertainties. Therefore, new contributions are considered (the crustal structure from a density model) and several parameters (tectonic regime, mantle rheology, strain rate) are checked in this paper to properly examine the role of lithospheric strength in the intraplate seismicity and the Cenozoic evolution. The strength distribution with depth, the integrated strength, the effective elastic thickness and the seismogenic thickness have been calculated by a finite element modelling of the lithosphere across the Central System mountain range and the bordering Duero and Madrid sedimentary basins. Only a dry mantle under strike-slip/extension and a strain rate of 10-15 s-1, or under extension and 10-16 s-1, causes a strong lithosphere. The integrated strength and the elastic thickness are lower in the mountain chain than in the basins. These anisotropies have been maintained since the Cenozoic and determine the mountain uplift and the biharmonic folding of the Iberian lithosphere during the Alpine deformations. The seismogenic thickness bounds the seismic activity in the upper–middle crust, and the decreasing crustal strength from the Duero Basin towards the Madrid Basin is related to a parallel increase in Plio–Quaternary deformations and seismicity. However, elasto–plastic modelling shows that current African–Eurasian convergence is resolved elastically or ductilely, which accounts for the low seismicity recorded in this region.


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This paper describes and analyses the Audiovisual Technology Hub Programme (Programa Polos Audiovisuales Tecnológicos - PPAT), which has been implemented in Argentina between 2010 and 2015 as part of the public policy of former administration of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. The main goal was to promote a television industry that reflects the cultural diversity of Argentina by dividing the national territory in nine into nine audiovisual technology hubs, where national public universities acted as centres that gathered a range of regional stakeholders. Considering the 18 TV seasons that were produced for television between 2013 and 2014, the text analyses the diversity of sources and genres / subgenres and its restricted marketing. The article closes with a brief set of conclusions about this initiative.


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Programa de doctorado: Turismo, Interculturalidad y Desarrollo Sostenible. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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Progettazione di dettaglio di un banco di prova per testare sistemi ADCS per CubeSat: Alma Test-Bed. Ci si è concentrati sul progetto di un primo nucleo di AlmaTB in grado di testare il controllo di tipo magnetico. Fanno parte di AlmaTB una gabbia di Helmholtz, un air-bearing system, un CubeSat di test, un metrology system. La gabbia di Helmholtz è un apparato costituito da tre coppie di bobine, una per ogni asse spaziale, che serve ad annullare il campo magnetico locale e simulare quello che si troverà in orbita attorno alla Terra. Un software ricava i dati del campo magnetico terrestre da modello IGRF a determinate coordinate e quota e fornisce agli alimentatori del set di bobine l'indicazione della corrente da distribuire. L'air-bearing system è un cuscinetto d'aria generato da un compressore che serve a ricreare le caratteristiche condizioni dell'ambiente spaziale di microgravità e attrito quasi-zero. Il CubeSat di test sarà montato su questo sistema. Il CubeSat di test, nella prima versione di AlmaTB, contiene i sensori e gli attuatori di tipo magnetico per determinare e controllare l'assetto di un nanosatellite. Il magnetometro presente all'interno è utilizzato anche come controllo del funzionamento della gabbia di Helmholtz. Il metrology system traccia i movimenti e l'inclinazione del CubeSat. Questo fornisce il riferimento di assetto vero, in modo da capire se il sistema ADCS lavora correttamente. Una volta che il banco di prova sarà completato e operativo sarà possibile testare algoritmi di determinazione e controllo di assetto che utilizzano diversi dispositivi tra sensori e attuatori disponibili nel mock-up. Su una workstation sono installati i software di controllo ed elaborazione dati. Si è scelto di procedere con un approccio di tipo "chiavi in mano", cioè scegliendo, quando disponibile, sistemi già completi e disponibili sul mercato. La prima versione di AlmaTB nasce dall'importante, vasto lavoro di matching tra i diversi apparati.


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La vallée du fleuve Saint-Laurent, dans l’est du Canada, est l’une des régions sismiques les plus actives dans l’est de l’Amérique du Nord et est caractérisée par de nombreux tremblements de terre intraplaques. Après la rotation rigide de la plaque tectonique, l’ajustement isostatique glaciaire est de loin la plus grande source de signal géophysique dans l’est du Canada. Les déformations et les vitesses de déformation de la croûte terrestre de cette région ont été étudiées en utilisant plus de 14 ans d’observations (9 ans en moyenne) de 112 stations GPS fonctionnant en continu. Le champ de vitesse a été obtenu à partir de séries temporelles de coordonnées GPS quotidiennes nettoyées en appliquant un modèle combiné utilisant une pondération par moindres carrés. Les vitesses ont été estimées avec des modèles de bruit qui incluent les corrélations temporelles des séries temporelles des coordonnées tridimensionnelles. Le champ de vitesse horizontale montre la rotation antihoraire de la plaque nord-américaine avec une vitesse moyenne de 16,8±0,7 mm/an dans un modèle sans rotation nette (no-net-rotation) par rapport à l’ITRF2008. Le champ de vitesse verticale confirme un soulèvement dû à l’ajustement isostatique glaciaire partout dans l’est du Canada avec un taux maximal de 13,7±1,2 mm/an et un affaissement vers le sud, principalement au nord des États-Unis, avec un taux typique de −1 à −2 mm/an et un taux minimum de −2,7±1,4 mm/an. Le comportement du bruit des séries temporelles des coordonnées GPS tridimensionnelles a été analysé en utilisant une analyse spectrale et la méthode du maximum de vraisemblance pour tester cinq modèles de bruit: loi de puissance; bruit blanc; bruit blanc et bruit de scintillation; bruit blanc et marche aléatoire; bruit blanc, bruit de scintillation et marche aléatoire. Les résultats montrent que la combinaison bruit blanc et bruit de scintillation est le meilleur modèle pour décrire la partie stochastique des séries temporelles. Les amplitudes de tous les modèles de bruit sont plus faibles dans la direction nord et plus grandes dans la direction verticale. Les amplitudes du bruit blanc sont à peu près égales à travers la zone d’étude et sont donc surpassées, dans toutes les directions, par le bruit de scintillation et de marche aléatoire. Le modèle de bruit de scintillation augmente l’incertitude des vitesses estimées par un facteur de 5 à 38 par rapport au modèle de bruit blanc. Les vitesses estimées de tous les modèles de bruit sont statistiquement cohérentes. Les paramètres estimés du pôle eulérien de rotation pour cette région sont légèrement, mais significativement, différents de la rotation globale de la plaque nord-américaine. Cette différence reflète potentiellement les contraintes locales dans cette région sismique et les contraintes causées par la différence des vitesses intraplaques entre les deux rives du fleuve Saint-Laurent. La déformation de la croûte terrestre de la région a été étudiée en utilisant la méthode de collocation par moindres carrés. Les vitesses horizontales interpolées montrent un mouvement cohérent spatialement: soit un mouvement radial vers l’extérieur pour les centres de soulèvement maximal au nord et un mouvement radial vers l’intérieur pour les centres d’affaissement maximal au sud, avec une vitesse typique de 1 à 1,6±0,4 mm/an. Cependant, ce modèle devient plus complexe près des marges des anciennes zones glaciaires. Basées selon leurs directions, les vitesses horizontales intraplaques peuvent être divisées en trois zones distinctes. Cela confirme les conclusions d’autres chercheurs sur l’existence de trois dômes de glace dans la région d’étude avant le dernier maximum glaciaire. Une corrélation spatiale est observée entre les zones de vitesses horizontales intraplaques de magnitude plus élevée et les zones sismiques le long du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Les vitesses verticales ont ensuite été interpolées pour modéliser la déformation verticale. Le modèle montre un taux de soulèvement maximal de 15,6 mm/an au sud-est de la baie d’Hudson et un taux d’affaissement typique de 1 à 2 mm/an au sud, principalement dans le nord des États-Unis. Le long du fleuve Saint-Laurent, les mouvements horizontaux et verticaux sont cohérents spatialement. Il y a un déplacement vers le sud-est d’une magnitude d’environ 1,3 mm/an et un soulèvement moyen de 3,1 mm/an par rapport à la plaque l’Amérique du Nord. Le taux de déformation verticale est d’environ 2,4 fois plus grand que le taux de déformation horizontale intraplaque. Les résultats de l’analyse de déformation montrent l’état actuel de déformation dans l’est du Canada sous la forme d’une expansion dans la partie nord (la zone se soulève) et d’une compression dans la partie sud (la zone s’affaisse). Les taux de rotation sont en moyenne de 0,011°/Ma. Nous avons observé une compression NNO-SSE avec un taux de 3.6 à 8.1 nstrain/an dans la zone sismique du Bas-Saint-Laurent. Dans la zone sismique de Charlevoix, une expansion avec un taux de 3,0 à 7,1 nstrain/an est orientée ENE-OSO. Dans la zone sismique de l’Ouest du Québec, la déformation a un mécanisme de cisaillement avec un taux de compression de 1,0 à 5,1 nstrain/an et un taux d’expansion de 1.6 à 4.1 nstrain/an. Ces mesures sont conformes, au premier ordre, avec les modèles d’ajustement isostatique glaciaire et avec la contrainte de compression horizontale maximale du projet World Stress Map, obtenue à partir de la théorie des mécanismes focaux (focal mechanism method).


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[ES] Se describe una nueva especie de tortuga terrestre fósil para la isla de Sal en función de cuatro restos óseos: un fémur, dos huesos del caparazón y un cráneo incluido en una matriz caliza. La nueva especie, relativamente próxima a la actual Geochelone sulcata del Sahel, se caracteriza por presentar un tamaño más pequeño que ésta (longitud del caparazón próxima a los 400 mm) y por ser mucho menos robusta.