958 resultados para Corpo humano Aspectos sociais


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Estudo sobre a cobertura pela mdia de assuntos relacionados personagem Maria Fa, considerada santa no-cannica, no perodo de 1994 a 2004. O objetivo foi analisar as manifestaes (ex-votos) atribudas ao credo a essa personagem, a divulgao de assuntos sobre a personagem em jornal local, alm de fazer um resgate histrico do caso a partir da mdia impressa local. Tanto quanto um meio de comunicao, as manifestaes de religiosidade popular podem ser consideradas formas de comunicao e a divulgao destes cultos nocannicos (a santos ainda no canonizados) pela mdia contribui para a continuidade destes eventos. A metodologia utilizada engloba uma srie de procedimentos relativos a pesquisa bibliogrfica e documental, a anlise de contedo de veculos de mdia impressa, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observao participante. Conclui-se que a mitificao popular com relao Maria Fea resultado de um grupo de fatores como a divulgao pela mdia do histrico do crime, a divulgao pela comunicao oral dos feitos espetaculares atribudos personagem pelos devotos, e os objetos deixados como ex-votos que comprovam seu status de santa . No caso da mdia, esta abastece seu pblico com elementos, como textos e fotos, que validam as vrias verses sobre a personagem.(AU)


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Trata-se de um estudo sobre a comunicao integrada de marketing aplicada ao segmento turstico na Bahia. Este trabalho tem como propsito identificar de que forma foram elaboradas e articuladas estrategicamente as aes de comuicao integrada de marketign dentro do planejamento estratgico realizado pelo governo do Estado da Bahia na construo da " marca Bahia", por meio da valorizao de atributos e caractersticas nicas presentes nos aspectos sociais, culturais, econmicos, geogrficos, entre outros, que alimentam o imaginrio da localidade e auxiliam na criao de uma identidade e seu reflexo nos segmentos poltico-econmico e turstico... (AU)


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Neste estudo, busco desvelar a relao entre formao continuada de professores e a prtica de leitura, considerando a instituio do ato de ler e suas implicaes e relacionando conceitos, fatos, causas e efeitos. Apresento uma retrospectiva da iniciao s letras no mundo, pontuando conceitos e as diferentes metodologias utilizadas para o desenvolvimento da indissocivel dupla leitura e escrita, considerando os aspectos sociais e as exigncias de cada poca. Tomo como base os escritos de Alberto Manguel, Uma histria da leitura, e a obra Formao do Brasil Colonial, de Arno Wheling & Maria Jos C.M. Wheling, que direcionam a sntese da implementao da aquisio de leitura e escrita no Brasil e conduzem o discurso para um breve histrico da formao continuada na rede estadual de So Paulo. A instituio da formao continuada e a concepo do conceito de formao continuada, segundo a literatura especfica, permitem a percepo de algumas mudanas nas representaes sociais assumidas pelos docentes em relao educao, ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem e ao seu papel como indivduo ativo historicamente situado. Exemplifico a formao continuada de professores com a anlise do programa EMR Ensino Mdio em Rede. O estudo inclui inicialmente a observao, seguida da anlise, das opinies expressas em questionrios e entrevistas de professores com participao efetiva no programa EMR. A histria da vida de trs professores, enfocando a formao leitora, auxilia no entendimento do processo de leitura e sua influncia na constituio dos sujeitos enquanto leitores e o impacto da prtica de leitura em sua atividade docente. A identificao das situaes que envolvem o processo de leitura e escrita, bem como dos elementos que corroboram ou no para seu aprimoramento, contribui para uma discusso relevante para a efetiva ampliao da prtica de leitura.(AU)


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A presente dissertao de mestrado teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida e a sade mental de 154 professores do ensino fundamental da rede publica de So Bernardo do Campo. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo do tipo transversal e os dados foram coletados nas escolas onde lecionam nos horrios de HTPC. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: WHOQOL-bref, Questionrio scio-demogrfico, Questionrio de avaliao de nvel scio-econmico, Questionrio de Morbidade Psiquitrica de adultos - QMPA e o SF-36. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a qualidade de vida dos professores (WHOQOL-bref) tende a ser regular, no SF-36 a qualidade de vida na capacidade funcional, aspecto fsico e aspectos sociais tendem a ser positivas. Mas, os indicadores das facetas: dor, estado geral de sade, aspectos emocionais, sade mental e principalmente vitalidade tendem a ser negativos. Os dados obtidos no questionrio de morbidade psiquitrica indicaram morbidade psiquitrica em 33% dos professores. As correlaes estabelecidas mostraram que quanto maior os indicadores psicopatolgicos (QMPA) pior a qualidade de vida (WHOQOL-bref e SF-36). Concluiu-se nesse estudo que um professor com a qualidade de vida e com sade mental um professor com uma jornada de trabalho no extensa, que garanta um tempo para o descanso e momentos de lazer. Os professores mais velhos que diminuram sua carga de trabalho apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e ausncia de morbidade psiquitrica


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Fibromialgia uma sndrome de etiologia desconhecida com dor difusa, generalizada e crnica. O diagnstico da fibromialgia deve ser feito de acordo com o critrio do American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 1990. O paciente deve apresentar dor difusa por mais de trs meses e relatar dor palpao em pelo menos 11 de 18 pontos sensveis, chamados de tender points , caracaterizando assim a sndrome. A maioria dos pacientes acometidos so mulheres, e o pico de incidncia etria na ocasio do diagnstico est entre 40 e 50 anos. A dor crnica promove um impacto na qualidade de vida dessas pessoas, diminuindo sua auto-estima, isolando-as do convvio social e fazendo com que percam o controle dos seus pensamentos e sentimentos. Sintomas depressivos podem ser o resultado da disfuno orgnica, associada s condies de limitao das atividades dirias.Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a presena dos sintomas depressivos e analisar o impacto dos mesmos sobre a qualidade de vida das pacientes com SF. Foram selecionadas 30 mulheres com diagnstico de SF, em atendimento no perodo de outubro a novembro de 2005, as quais responderam a dois questionrios: Inventrio de Depresso de Beck, para investigar a presena de sinto- mas depressivos e o SF-36 Medical Outcome Survey Short Form -36, para avaliar a qualidade de vida. Os resultados obtidos na estatstica pelo programa SPS demons- tram que os sintomas depressivos so responsveis pelo impacto na qualidade de vida dessas pessoas, principalmente nos domnios: aspectos fsicos, aspectos sociais, sa- de mental, vitalidade e sade geral. A anlise dos dados sugere que os sintomas depressivos podem influenciar negativamente a qualidade de vida das mulheres fibromilgicas, pois aumenta a sensao de incapacidade fsica, diminui a qualidade das relaes sociais, aumenta o pessimismo, a fadiga e o desnimo


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O envelhecimento um processo multifatorial, influenciado por mudanas biolgicas, sociais e psicolgicas que pode estar associado ao desenvolvimento de estresse e ao comprometimento da qualidade de vida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a relao entre o estresse percebido e a qualidade de vida em idosos no municpio de Campina Grande, PB. O estudo teve um delineamento transversal e descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, amostragem do tipo snowboll e no probabilstica, com amostra composta por 326 idosos, considerando as perdas, totalizaram 253 idosas para a anlise dos dados. Foram realizados anlises descritivas e testes paramtricos e no-paramtricos entre as caractersticas da amostra, adotando um nvel de significncia de 5%. Utilizou-se como instrumentos um questionrio scio-demogrfico e epidemiolgico, o ndice de Barthel, a Escala de Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diria de Lawton e Brody, as Escalas de Estresse Percebido, PSS14 e PSS10 e o SF-36, para avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada sade. As idosas participantes apresentaram o seguinte perfil scio-demogrfico e epidemiolgico: idade mdia de 71,3 anos; 80,2% casadas ou vivas; 55,3% praticam alguma atividade fsica; aproximadamente 50% tinham menos de 8 anos de estudo; 76,7% recebiam at dois salrios mnimos por ms; a maioria, 82,2%, vivia com a famlia; e 87,4% apresentava alguma doena crnica. Com relao ao estresse percebido, foi possvel identificar que as pontuaes da P SS-14 e PSS-10 variaram entre, 2-53 e 4-39, respectivamente, sendo que a quantidade de participantes com valores PSS-14 28 e PSS-10 21 foram de 15.8% (n = 40) e 20.6% (n= 52), respectivamente. Na avaliao da qualidade de vida relacionada sade, os escores do SF-36 foram menores nas dimenses de dor (62,7) e aspectos fsicos (63,6), e maiores nas dimenses aspectos sociais (84,4) e sade mental (75,6). Observou-se uma correlao negativa e estatisticamente significativa entre os valores de estresse percebido e os domnios do SF-36 (p <0,001). O estresse percebido relacionou-se tanto com os aspectos fsicos e funcionais como com a sade mental das idosas, apresentando uma associao com a qualidade de vida de forma global, sendo um timo indicador da qualidade de vida das idosas.


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According to the Statute of Children and Adolescents (1990) children and adolescents are conceived as subjects of rights, with absolute priority and development peculiar condition. Thus, if these rights were violated or threatened, will be applied protection measures. Within these measures, in that Statute, the foster institutional is proposed, with transitional and exceptional character. When the child goes out from family and community life, and she is upheld in an institution, the child is placed in a new development context, therefore, with new people, new places, and new relationships. According with Socio-Historical Psychology, theoretical support of this study, each context presents specific demands of socialization that influence child development and her subjectivity is constituted through the relations that the subject establishes in each context. These contexts bring challenges and proposals for the child and she needs to respond these. Then, whereas he is in relation to the other, in this moment, the subject is constituted, the interactions established during the foster institutional will be of paramount importance to the child. Among these interactions, we can cite situations involving aspects of moral development, specifically those that can ask (or not) the exercise of the virtues. About the intersection between these actions can then arise care actions beyond those involving the attending of an emerging need. The objective of this study is to investigate the presence of relation everyday permeated by care actions among children in foster institutional. For the scope of the objective three children were participated, with three years old and in foster care measure. The research is qualitative and the procedure for building the corpus was, mainly, the participant observation. Procedures with video and history in books were also used as supplementary procedures. The analysis of the corpus was made through Thematic Content Analysis, the episodes were grouped into analysis categories pre-and post-established. The preestablished were care actions related to body care, care actions related to socio affective aspects, and care actions related to body care and socio affective aspects simultaneously. The two post-established categories were dismemberment of the preceding categories, called care actions developed in child-child interaction, without the intervention of an adult, and care actions developed in child-child interaction, with direct intervention of the educator. The analysis indicated that in the everyday interaction between foster children, they identify the physical and emotional needs of each other foster member, and they are willing to help them in whatever way they can, emphasizing the importance of play and playful moments like mediators about these interactions. The care actions observed are based on childrens concepts and interpretations made from their experiences and largely refer to maternal care. The condition of being away from their family life can be an element that enables these actions. Finally, this study reaffirms the importance of designing the foster institution as a socialization and care space. It follows the importance of valuing and strengthening the positive aspects that arise in the relationships established by the children in this context, including the care actions, the research objective, which are components of the subjectivity of these children


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the cultural identities of Santa Rita de Cassia constructed from the representations contained in the speech of Santa Cruz urban area residents, which is located in a harsh part of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. These residents make the story of the Saint full of meaning for themselves, in their daily lives, as well as to the society. This is observed in the narration of Rita de Cassias story which has been told in the city over the past one hundred and eighty years, the number of women's names and commercial establishments named Santa Rita. In 2010, with the inauguration of the Alto de Santa Rita a space for worshiping the saint , the amount of visitors increased in the city, due to the construction and inauguration of a colossal monument representing the image of Rita de Cassia. Then, new social, cultural, religious and political aspects became part of the local reality of the city of Santa Cruz, what made residents have something in common to talk about. According to the interdisciplinary approach of Applied Linguistics, our theoretical background is based on the socio-historical language concept, which understands language as discursive practice. Still theoretically speaking, this study establishes an interface with cultural studies, taking into account the concept of cultural identity in post-modernity society. Discourse analysis proved plural, with a multiplicity of cultural identities ranging from very obedient daughter to wife who suffered because of the husband, from very religious woman to the widow who entered the convent, on to the Saint of the miracles and healings interceding in the lives of the ones who seek for help. It was also observed in the above mentioned investigative path that these identities can be constructed and reconstructed if immersed in a different set of social practices historically determined


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This study aimed to analyze the practice of nurses regarding the development of the nursing process in the consultation to the patient with tuberculosis. This is a descriptive study with quantitative approach, performed with 60 nurses of the Primary units of the city of Natal, RN Health. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. To collect data, we used a structured questionnaire, developed from the "Consultation of Nursing," the Nursing Protocol for the Treatment of Tuberculosis Directly Observed in Primary Care, Ministry of Health. The instrument was subjected to pre- -test and contained questions regarding the elements used by the nurse in consultation with the patient with tuberculosis and an open question about the feasibility of implementing the Nursing Process in Primary Health Care. data collection was conducted between September and October 2014, in health units work of each participant. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20. The answers to the open question were analyzed for themes and quantified for analysis. With respect to the elements of nursing process used in consultation with the patient with tuberculosis, were on the history of nursing at the expense of survey nursing diagnosis, action planning, implementation and evaluation. Step in the history of nursing, however, the actions were toward complaints and symptoms of the disease (100% of the nurses always investigating). Social and cultural aspects involved in for tuberculosis, as stigma and difficulties in routine work, were less addressed by nurses (43.3% never investigated suffering stigma; 46.7% sometimes investigating changes in the work routine patient ). The physical examination was focused on measuring patient weight (100% held). To the understanding of nurses on the implementation of the nursing process Primary Health Care, favorable factors were identified, such as that this implementation can promote greater scientific basis for nursing (36.7%); and hindering aspects, such as the understanding that Primary Health Care is pervaded by bureaucratic issues and high demand (13.3%). Be established in consultation with the nurse fragmentations, since elements as identification of nursing diagnoses, action planning and evaluation were not made in full by the professionals. Highlights the need for continuing education for nurses who are included in Primary Health Care, seeking to maximize the autonomy of these professionals in developing a practice grounded in scientific knowledge


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Even after its abolition, the slave labor still exists in the world. In a new socio-historic context, the shackles and slave quarters have been left behind, nowadays the workers are tempted, subjected to degrading conditions and have their rights retrenched. The contemporary slave labor has been emerging as subject of research in the Organizational Studies since the early 2000s, calling attention to many gaps to be filled about the way organizations all around the world use this practice. Contemporary slave labor is found in many and various economic activities, since coal to textile industries or even stores. In this dissertation, we have incorporated the consumption dimension to the field of Organizational Studies, discussing the modern slavery, aiming to understand the consumers point of view about this topic, that is, we have researched the consumers interpretations concerning the slave labor in the fashion industry. Our objective is to analyze consumers argumentative construction in the decision of buying or not products made by industries from the fashion field that were denounced because of slave labor usage. We have adopted fashion industry as research focus because it obscures the reflection of the consumers that feel like in a new world while shopping, a world of beauty and fantasy, seeking their own satisfaction. Furthermore, the Brazilian fashion industry is one of the biggest of the world (ABIT, 2015), with a huge symbolic strength in the country. We have realized a qualitative research using semi-structured interviews with 35 consumers to identify their arguments according to the criteria defined by Liakopoulos (2002): data, propositions, guarantees, supports and refutations. The data are the statements used by the interviewees categorically, that is, those which are clear in the interviews. The propositions are what qualifies and justifies the used data. The guarantees are related to the nature of the data, they are what gives the sense to the data and are introduced implicitly in the interviewee speech. The supports are universal premises introduced in order to legitimate the arguments. The refutations, when present, counter the used arguments. As results, weve found consumers who developed arguments pro-consumption and anti-consumption and who have defended ideas about the responsibility of different actors for the existence of this practice and for the fight against it. From these two categories: (1) pro-consumption consume despite the complaints and (2) anti-consumption dont consume, because of the accusations; we have identified the following argumentative lines: skepticism, faultfinding and moral engagement. By the end, we have presented the interviewees argumentative construction and the obtained results.


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This work aimed to analyze the so called June Journeys which happened in Brazil in 2013, in an effort to establish a proper ontology for cyberspace that goes beyond old dichotomies that put men and techniques in polar opposites, making difficult to perform a constructive and not merely pessimist analysis of the crossroads between politics and technology. This analysis uses as basis and methodological guidance the Theory of Actor-Network (ANT or TAR) widely used in social studies of science and technology to overcome these dichotomies and allow the analysis of networks, so that is clear the political instability that arises in this context which profoundly changes the political game.


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Between 2003 and 2014 Brazil has increased exports by 52%, increased the formal employment and paid employment by 19% and reduced multidimensional poverty by 42%. The purpose of this work is to test the hypothesis that there is a Brazilian Growth Virtuous Circle where these three variables would be connected in order to increase exports and reduce poverty through the salaries transfer of funds. The construction of the hypothesis is made for Export Industry through ideas Verdoorn, Kaldor and Thirlwall presenting the export industry as an engine of economic growth. To present employment acting directly on economic growth is used Wage Led Rowthorn approach. The Capability Approach of Amartya Sen is used to understand the Multidimensional Poverty. The hypothesis was tested using data from the National Household Survey and Aliceweb between 2003 and 2014 with the use of the Generalized Method of Moments and the generation of elasticities between export and employment, employment and poverty, and export and poverty.


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O presente trabalho tem como intuito trazer para o debate como as TICs, especificamente o ensino/aprendizagem videogame das aulas pode de estar inserido Educaao no Fsica. processo O de videogame modernizou-se, e hoje possibilita uma maior interaao entre o homem e a mquina atravs dos exergames. Nesse sentido, importante salientar que difcil encontrarmos no contexto das aulas Educaao Fsica professores que sejam adeptos ao uso tecnologias. Talvez isso acontea pelo fato da matria sempre ter possudo um carter mais prtico, ou pela dificuldade dos professores com as tecnologias. Hoje, imperativo o uso de TICs no nosso cotidiano, entao, a escola no contexto da Educaao Fsica deve apropriar-se da mesma com a intenao de trazer elementos que possam propicias aprendizagens em aspectos sociais, cognitivos e motores


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O presente trabalho tem como intuito trazer para o debate como as TICs, especificamente o ensino/aprendizagem videogame das aulas pode de estar inserido Educaao no Fsica. processo O de videogame modernizou-se, e hoje possibilita uma maior interaao entre o homem e a mquina atravs dos exergames. Nesse sentido, importante salientar que difcil encontrarmos no contexto das aulas Educaao Fsica professores que sejam adeptos ao uso tecnologias. Talvez isso acontea pelo fato da matria sempre ter possudo um carter mais prtico, ou pela dificuldade dos professores com as tecnologias. Hoje, imperativo o uso de TICs no nosso cotidiano, entao, a escola no contexto da Educaao Fsica deve apropriar-se da mesma com a intenao de trazer elementos que possam propicias aprendizagens em aspectos sociais, cognitivos e motores


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O presente trabalho tem como intuito trazer para o debate como as TICs, especificamente o ensino/aprendizagem videogame das aulas pode de estar inserido Educaao no Fsica. processo O de videogame modernizou-se, e hoje possibilita uma maior interaao entre o homem e a mquina atravs dos exergames. Nesse sentido, importante salientar que difcil encontrarmos no contexto das aulas Educaao Fsica professores que sejam adeptos ao uso tecnologias. Talvez isso acontea pelo fato da matria sempre ter possudo um carter mais prtico, ou pela dificuldade dos professores com as tecnologias. Hoje, imperativo o uso de TICs no nosso cotidiano, entao, a escola no contexto da Educaao Fsica deve apropriar-se da mesma com a intenao de trazer elementos que possam propicias aprendizagens em aspectos sociais, cognitivos e motores