949 resultados para Computerized tomography
An approach to building a CBIR-system for searching computer tomography images using the methods of wavelet-analysis is presented in this work. The index vectors are constructed on the basis of the local features of the image and on their positions. The purpose of the proposed system is to extract visually similar data from the individual personal records and from analogous analysis of other patients.
Objectives: To determine the best photographic surrogate markers for detecting sight-threatening macular oedema (MO) in people with diabetes attending UK national screening programmes. Design: A multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study of 3170 patients with photographic signs of diabetic retinopathy visible within the macular region [exudates within two disc diameters, microaneurysms/dot haemorrhages (M/DHs) and blot haemorrhages (BHs)] who were recruited from seven study centres. Setting: All patients were recruited and imaged at one of seven study centres in Aberdeen, Birmingham, Dundee, Dunfermline, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Oxford. Participants: Subjects with features of diabetic retinopathy visible within the macular region attending one of seven diabetic retinal screening programmes. Interventions: Alternative referral criteria for suspected MO based on photographic surrogate markers; an optical coherence tomographic examination in addition to the standard digital retinal photograph. Main outcome measures: (1) To determine the best method to detect sight-threatening MO in people with diabetes using photographic surrogate markers. (2) Sensitivity and specificity estimates to assess the costs and consequences of using alternative strategies. (3) Modelled long-term costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). Results: Prevalence of MO was strongly related to the presence of lesions and was roughly five times higher in subjects with exudates or BHs or more than two M/DHs within one disc diameter. Having worse visual acuity was associated with about a fivefold higher prevalence of MO. Current manual screening grading schemes that ignore visual acuity or the presence of M/DHs could be improved by taking these into account. Health service costs increase substantially with more sensitive/less specific strategies. A fully automated strategy, using the automated detection of patterns of photographic surrogate markers, is superior to all current manual grading schemes for detecting MO in people with diabetes. The addition of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to each strategy, prior to referral, results in a reduction in costs to the health service with no decrement in the number of MO cases detected. Conclusions: Compared with all current manual grading schemes, for the same sensitivity, a fully automated strategy, using the automated detection of patterns of photographic surrogate markers, achieves a higher specificity for detecting MO in people with diabetes, especially if visual acuity is included in the automated strategy. Overall, costs to the health service are likely to increase if more sensitive referral strategies are adopted over more specific screening strategies for MO, for only very small gains in QALYs. The addition of OCT to each screening strategy, prior to referral, results in a reduction in costs to the health service with no decrement in the number of MO cases detected. © Queen's Printer and Controller of HMSO 2013.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C24, 53C65, 53C21.
PurposeTo develop and validate a classification system for focal vitreomacular traction (VMT) with and without macular hole based on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), intended to aid in decision-making and prognostication.MethodsA panel of retinal specialists convened to develop this system. A literature review followed by discussion on a wide range of cases formed the basis for the proposed classification. Key features on OCT were identified and analysed for their utility in clinical practice. A final classification was devised based on two sequential, independent validation exercises to improve interobserver variability.ResultsThis classification tool pertains to idiopathic focal VMT assessed by a horizontal line scan using SD-OCT. The system uses width (W), interface features (I), foveal shape (S), retinal pigment epithelial changes (P), elevation of vitreous attachment (E), and inner and outer retinal changes (R) to give the acronym WISPERR. Each category is scored hierarchically. Results from the second independent validation exercise indicated a high level of agreement between graders: intraclass correlation ranged from 0.84 to 0.99 for continuous variables and Fleiss' kappa values ranged from 0.76 to 0.95 for categorical variables.ConclusionsWe present an OCT-based classification system for focal VMT that allows anatomical detail to be scrutinised and scored qualitatively and quantitatively using a simple, pragmatic algorithm, which may be of value in clinical practice as well as in future research studies.
A számítógépes munkavégzés elterjedése számos szempontból és módszerrel vizsgálható. A szerző kutatásai során az ember-gép-környezet összhang megteremtésének igényéből kiindulva arra keresi a választ, hogy milyen tényezők befolyásolják a számítógéppel végzett tevékenységek megszervezésének és végrehajtásának hatékonyságát. Tanulmányában a kutatás indítófázisának főbb eredményeiről, a számítógép-használati szokásokról ad áttekintést, ami elengedhetetlen az irodai-adminisztratív jellegű tevékenységekhez kötődő kritikus tényezők feltárásához, továbbá a mérési és fejlesztési feladatok megalapozásához. A szűkebb értelemben vett ergonómiai szempontok mellett a digitális kompetenciák kérdéskörét vonta be a munkába, amit releváns kérdésnek tart a hatékonyság mérése szempontjából, mivel a számítógép megválasztása és a munkahely kialakítása nem értékelhető az emberi tényező alkalmassága és az elvégzendő feladat tartalma nélkül. __________ Office and administrative work, business corres-pondence, private contacts and learning are increasingly supported by computers. Moreover the technical possibilities of correspondence are wider than using a PC. It is accessible on the go by a cell phone. The author analysed the characteristics of the used devices, the working environment, satisfaction factors in connection with computer work and the digital competence by a survey. In his opinion development in an ergonomic approach is important not only to establish the technological novelties but to utilize the present possibilities of hardware and environment. The reason for this is that many people can not (or do not want) to follow the dynamic technological development of computers with buying the newest devices. The study compares the results of home and work characteristic of computer work. This research was carried out as part of the “TAMOP-4.2.1.B-10/2/ KONV-2010-0001” project with support by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
This dissertation describes the findings and implications of a correlational analysis. Scores earned on the Computerized Placement Test (CPT), sentence skills, were compared to essay scores of advanced English as a Second Language (ESL) students. As the CPT is designed for native speakers of English, it was hypothesized that it could be an invalid or unreliable instrument for non-native speakers. Florida community college students are mandated to take the CPT to determine preparedness, as are students at many other U.S. and Canadian colleges. If incoming students score low on the CPT, they may be required to take up to three semesters of remedial coursework. It is essential that scores earned by non-native speakers of English accurately reflect their ability level. They constitute a large and growing body of non-traditional students enrolled at community colleges.^ The study was conducted at Miami-Dade Community College, Wolfson Campus, fall 1997. Participants included 106 advanced ESL students who took both the CPT sentence skills test and wrote final essay exams. The essay exams were holistically scored by trained readers. Also, the participants took the Placement Articulation Software Service (PASS) exam, an alternative form of the CPT. Scores on the CPT and essays were compared by means of a Pearson product-moment correlation to validate the CPT. Scores on the CPT and the PASS exam were compared in the same manner to verify reliability. A percentage of appropriate placements was determined by comparing essay scores to CPT cutoff score ranges. Finally, the instruments were evaluated by means of independent-samples t-tests for performance differences between gender, age, and first language groups.^ The results indicate that the CPT sentence skills test is a valid and reliable placement instrument for advanced- level ESL students who intend to pursue community college degrees. The correlations demonstrated a substantial relationship between CPT and essay scores and a marked relationship between CPT and PASS scores. Appropriate placements were made in 86% of the cases. Furthermore, the CPT was found to discriminate equally among the gender, age, and first language groups included in this study. ^
Optical imaging is an emerging technology towards non-invasive breast cancer diagnostics. In recent years, portable and patient comfortable hand-held optical imagers are developed towards two-dimensional (2D) tumor detections. However, these imagers are not capable of three-dimensional (3D) tomography because they cannot register the positional information of the hand-held probe onto the imaged tissue. A hand-held optical imager has been developed in our Optical Imaging Laboratory with 3D tomography capabilities, as demonstrated from tissue phantom studies. The overall goal of my dissertation is towards the translation of our imager to the clinical setting for 3D tomographic imaging in human breast tissues. A systematic experimental approach was designed and executed as follows: (i) fast 2D imaging, (ii) coregistered imaging, and (iii) 3D tomographic imaging studies. (i) Fast 2D imaging was initially demonstrated in tissue phantoms (1% Liposyn solution) and in vitro (minced chicken breast and 1% Liposyn). A 0.45 cm3 fluorescent target at 1:0 contrast ratio was detectable up to 2.5 cm deep. Fast 2D imaging experiments performed in vivo with healthy female subjects also detected a 0.45 cm3 fluorescent target superficially placed ∼2.5 cm under the breast tissue. (ii) Coregistered imaging was automated and validated in phantoms with ∼0.19 cm error in the probe’s positional information. Coregistration also improved the target depth detection to 3.5 cm, from multi-location imaging approach. Coregistered imaging was further validated in-vivo , although the error in probe’s positional information increased to ∼0.9 cm (subject to soft tissue deformation and movement). (iii) Three-dimensional tomography studies were successfully demonstrated in vitro using 0.45 cm3 fluorescence targets. The feasibility of 3D tomography was demonstrated for the first time in breast tissues using the hand-held optical imager, wherein a 0.45 cm3 fluorescent target (superficially placed) was recovered along with artifacts. Diffuse optical imaging studies were performed in two breast cancer patients with invasive ductal carcinoma. The images showed greater absorption at the tumor cites (as observed from x-ray mammography, ultrasound, and/or MRI). In summary, my dissertation demonstrated the potential of a hand-held optical imager towards 2D breast tumor detection and 3D breast tomography, holding a promise for extensive clinical translational efforts.
Tumor functional volume (FV) and its mean activity concentration (mAC) are the quantities derived from positron emission tomography (PET). These quantities are used for estimating radiation dose for a therapy, evaluating the progression of a disease and also use it as a prognostic indicator for predicting outcome. PET images have low resolution, high noise and affected by partial volume effect (PVE). Manually segmenting each tumor is very cumbersome and very hard to reproduce. To solve the above problem I developed an algorithm, called iterative deconvolution thresholding segmentation (IDTS) algorithm; the algorithm segment the tumor, measures the FV, correct for the PVE and calculates mAC. The algorithm corrects for the PVE without the need to estimate camera's point spread function (PSF); also does not require optimizing for a specific camera. My algorithm was tested in physical phantom studies, where hollow spheres (0.5-16 ml) were used to represent tumors with a homogeneous activity distribution. It was also tested on irregular shaped tumors with a heterogeneous activity profile which were acquired using physical and simulated phantom. The physical phantom studies were performed with different signal to background ratios (SBR) and with different acquisition times (1-5 min). The algorithm was applied on ten clinical data where the results were compared with manual segmentation and fixed percentage thresholding method called T50 and T60 in which 50% and 60% of the maximum intensity respectively is used as threshold. The average error in FV and mAC calculation was 30% and -35% for 0.5 ml tumor. The average error FV and mAC calculation were ~5% for 16 ml tumor. The overall FV error was ∼10% for heterogeneous tumors in physical and simulated phantom data. The FV and mAC error for clinical image compared to manual segmentation was around -17% and 15% respectively. In summary my algorithm has potential to be applied on data acquired from different cameras as its not dependent on knowing the camera's PSF. The algorithm can also improve dose estimation and treatment planning.^
With the beginning of airline deregulations in 1978, U.S. domestic operations were in for a period of turmoil, adjustment, vibrancy, entrepreneurship, and change. A great deal has been written about the effects of deregulation on airlines and their personnel, and on the public at large. Less attention has been paid to the effects on travel agents and on the seminal role of computerized reservations systems (CRSs) in the flowering of travel agencies. This article examines both of these phenomena.
Radiolarians in the Arctic Ocean have been studied lately in both plankton and sediment trap samples in the Chukchi Sea area. These studies have shed light on new radiolarian taxa, especially within the order Entactinaria, including two new species of Joergensenium, Joergensenium arcticum from the western Arctic Ocean, so far restricted to the Pacific Winter Water in the Chukchi Sea, and Joergensenium clevei hitherto found in the northern part of the Norwegian Sea south of the Fram Strait. The taxonomic position of the order Entactinaria is discussed and the genus Joergensenium has been emended. We have also observed in detail the internal structure of J. arcticum using Microfocus X-ray Computed Tomography and have utilized three-dimensional imaging for the first time in a species description.
Tra le patologie ossee attualmente riconosciute, l’osteoporosi ricopre il ruolo di protagonista data le sua diffusione globale e la multifattorialità delle cause che ne provocano la comparsa. Essa è caratterizzata da una diminuzione quantitativa della massa ossea e da alterazioni qualitative della micro-architettura del tessuto osseo con conseguente aumento della fragilità di quest’ultimo e relativo rischio di frattura. In campo medico-scientifico l’imaging con raggi X, in particolare quello tomografico, da decenni offre un ottimo supporto per la caratterizzazione ossea; nello specifico la microtomografia, definita attualmente come “gold-standard” data la sua elevata risoluzione spaziale, fornisce preziose indicazioni sulla struttura trabecolare e corticale del tessuto. Tuttavia la micro-CT è applicabile solo in-vitro, per cui l’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è quello di verificare se e in che modo una diversa metodica di imaging, quale la cone-beam CT (applicabile invece in-vivo), possa fornire analoghi risultati, pur essendo caratterizzata da risoluzioni spaziali più basse. L’elaborazione delle immagini tomografiche, finalizzata all’analisi dei più importanti parametri morfostrutturali del tessuto osseo, prevede la segmentazione delle stesse con la definizione di una soglia ad hoc. I risultati ottenuti nel corso della tesi, svolta presso il Laboratorio di Tecnologia Medica dell’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli di Bologna, mostrano una buona correlazione tra le due metodiche quando si analizzano campioni definiti “ideali”, poiché caratterizzati da piccole porzioni di tessuto osseo di un solo tipo (trabecolare o corticale), incluso in PMMA, e si utilizza una soglia fissa per la segmentazione delle immagini. Diversamente, in casi “reali” (vertebre umane scansionate in aria) la stessa correlazione non è definita e in particolare è da escludere l’utilizzo di una soglia fissa per la segmentazione delle immagini.
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