976 resultados para Compact arrays


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Recientemente ha surgido un nuevo campo de investigación en el área del electromagnetismo aplicado y de la ingeniería de microondas, basado en el control de las propiedades electromagnéticas de estructuras artificiales, conocidas como metamateriales. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el estudio y control del comportamiento de estas estructuras artificiales, y su posterior aplicación para la síntesis de dispositivos compactos de microondas. En el primer capítulo se hace una introducción a los metamateriales en la que se exponen sus principales propiedades electromagnéticas, para finalmente presentar las líneas de transmisión zurdas que se suelen utilizar en el diseño de metamateriales. En el segundo capítulo se realiza un estudio de las propiedades y del funcionamiento de una celda metamaterial. Finalmente en el tercer capítulo se exponen diferentes dispositivos diseñados mediante la utilización de este tipo de celdas.


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, from March until June 2007. In the first part, the impact of important geometrical parameters such as source and drain thickness, fin spacing, spacer width, etc. on the parasitic fringing capacitance component of multiple-gate field-effect transistors (MuGFET) is deeply analyzed using finite element simulations. Several architectures such as single gate, FinFETs (double gate), triple-gate represented by Pi-gate MOSFETs are simulated and compared in terms of channel and fringing capacitances for the same occupied die area. Simulations highlight the great impact of diminishing the spacing between fins for MuGFETs and the trade-off between the reduction of parasitic source and drain resistances and the increase of fringing capacitances when Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) technology is introduced. The impact of these technological solutions on the transistor cut-off frequencies is also discussed. The second part deals with the study of the effect of the volume inversion (VI) on the capacitances of undoped Double-Gate (DG) MOSFETs. For that purpose, we present simulation results for the capacitances of undoped DG MOSFETs using an explicit and analytical compact model. It monstrates that the transition from volume inversion regime to dual gate behaviour is well simulated. The model shows an accurate dependence on the silicon layer thickness,consistent withtwo dimensional numerical simulations, for both thin and thick silicon films. Whereas the current drive and transconductance are enhanced in volume inversion regime, our results show thatintrinsic capacitances present higher values as well, which may limit the high speed (delay time) behaviour of DG MOSFETs under volume inversion regime.


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Functional RNA structures play an important role both in the context of noncoding RNA transcripts as well as regulatory elements in mRNAs. Here we present a computational study to detect functional RNA structures within the ENCODE regions of the human genome. Since structural RNAs in general lack characteristic signals in primary sequence, comparative approaches evaluating evolutionary conservation of structures are most promising. We have used three recently introduced programs based on either phylogenetic-stochastic context-free grammar (EvoFold) or energy directed folding (RNAz and AlifoldZ), yielding several thousand candidate structures (corresponding to approximately 2.7% of the ENCODE regions). EvoFold has its highest sensitivity in highly conserved and relatively AU-rich regions, while RNAz favors slightly GC-rich regions, resulting in a relatively small overlap between methods. Comparison with the GENCODE annotation points to functional RNAs in all genomic contexts, with a slightly increased density in 3'-UTRs. While we estimate a significant false discovery rate of approximately 50%-70% many of the predictions can be further substantiated by additional criteria: 248 loci are predicted by both RNAz and EvoFold, and an additional 239 RNAz or EvoFold predictions are supported by the (more stringent) AlifoldZ algorithm. Five hundred seventy RNAz structure predictions fall into regions that show signs of selection pressure also on the sequence level (i.e., conserved elements). More than 700 predictions overlap with noncoding transcripts detected by oligonucleotide tiling arrays. One hundred seventy-five selected candidates were tested by RT-PCR in six tissues, and expression could be verified in 43 cases (24.6%).


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Eimeria vitellini n. sp. is described from the faeces of the Rhamphastos v. vitellinus. Oocysts broadly ellipsoidal to oval (egg-shaped), 22,6 x 18.3 (20.0-25.0 x 16.3-22.5) micronm, shapeindex (length/width) 1.2 (1.1-1.1). Oocyst wall a single colourless layer about 0.5 micronm thick, becoming thinner at one ectremity, at which point the oocyst usually ruptures. No oocyst residuum, but 1 or 2 small polr bodies of about 1.0-1.5 x 0.5-1.0 micronm. Sporocysts ellongated ellipsoid (pearshaped), 14.3 x 7.5 (13.8-15.0 x 6.9-7.5) micronm, shape-index (1.9 (1.8-2.0), with a thin colourless wall bearing a very delicate Stieda body: a conspicuous sub-Stieda body is present. Sporozoites with anterior and posterior regractile bodies and strongly recurved around a bulky, compact sporocyst residuum composed of relatively fine granules and spherules.


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Eimeria lagunculata, Eimeria mammiformis and Eimeria podocnemis n. spp., are described from the faeces of the fresh-water turtle Podocnemis expansa, in Pará State, north Brasil. Oocysts of E. lagunculata are ellipsoidal, 19.2 x 12.8 (17.0-20.7 x 11.8-14.1) mum, shape-index (= length/ width) 1.5 (1.4-1.7). Oocyst wall about 0.5-0.7 mum thick, with a prominent stopper-like micropyle at one pole. No oocyst residuum and no polar body. Sporocysts elongate ellipsoidal, 11.0 x 5.4 (10.4-11.8 x 5.2-6.0) mum, shape-index 2.0 (1.8-2.1): no Stieda body. A compact, ellipsoidal sporocyst residuum lies between the two sporozoites, which possess a posterior and an anterior refractile body. Oocysts of E. mammiformis broadly ellipsoidal, 30.0 x 19.4 (23.0-37.0 x 16.3-21.5) mum, shape-index 1.5 (1.1-1.9). Oocyst wall about 0.7 mum thick, with a prominent micropyle: no oocyst residuum and rarely a single polar body. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 15.3 x 7.9 (14.8-17.0 x 7.4-9.6) mum, shape-index 2.0 (1.8-2.2), with a tiny Stieda body. Sporocyst residuum bulky, ellipsoidal: sporozoites with two conspicuous refractile bodies. E. podocnemis has broadly ellipsoidal oocysts, 17.0 x 12.8 (14.8-19.2 x 11.8-14.1) mum, shape-index 1.3 (1.1-1.4). Oocyst wall about 0.5-0.7 mum thick, with no micropyle. No oocyst residuum, but always a single polar body. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 9.7 x 5.2 (8.9-10.4 x 4.4-6.0) mum, shape-index 1.9 (1.6-2.0), with no Stieda body. Sporocyst residuum bulky, ellipsoidal: sporocysts with 2 refractile bodies. Eimeria carinii n. sp., is recorded from the tortoise Geochelone denticulata, also from Pará. Oocyst wall about 1.2 mum thicl. No micropyle. Oocyst residuum limited to a number (about 10-20) of scattered granules: no polar body. Sporocysts broadly ellipsoidal, and with no Stieda body: they measure 8,8 x 7.3 (8.0-9.0 x 7.0-7.5) mum, shape-index 1.2 (1.1-1.3). Sporocyst residuum bulky, spherical to ellipsoidal: sporozoites possess both posterior and anterior refractile bodies.


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Intraoperative imaging, in particular intraoperative MRI, is a developing area in neurosurgery and its role is currently being evaluated. Its role in epilepsy surgery has not been defined yet and its use has been limited. In our experience with a compact and mobile low-field intraoperative MRI system, a few epilepsy surgeries have been performed using this technique. As the integration of imaging and functional data plays an important role in the planning of epilepsy surgery, intraoperative verification of the surgical result may be highly valuable. Therefore, teams that have access to intraoperative MRI should be encouraged to use this technique prospectively to evaluate its current relevance in epilepsy surgery.


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RESUME Durant les dernières années, les méthodes électriques ont souvent été utilisées pour l'investigation des structures de subsurface. L'imagerie électrique (Electrical Resistivity Tomography, ERT) est une technique de prospection non-invasive et spatialement intégrée. La méthode ERT a subi des améliorations significatives avec le développement de nouveaux algorithmes d'inversion et le perfectionnement des techniques d'acquisition. La technologie multicanale et les ordinateurs de dernière génération permettent la collecte et le traitement de données en quelques heures. Les domaines d'application sont nombreux et divers: géologie et hydrogéologie, génie civil et géotechnique, archéologie et études environnementales. En particulier, les méthodes électriques sont souvent employées dans l'étude hydrologique de la zone vadose. Le but de ce travail est le développement d'un système de monitorage 3D automatique, non- invasif, fiable, peu coûteux, basé sur une technique multicanale et approprié pour suivre les variations de résistivité électrique dans le sous-sol lors d'événements pluvieux. En raison des limitations techniques et afin d'éviter toute perturbation physique dans la subsurface, ce dispositif de mesure emploie une installation non-conventionnelle, où toutes les électrodes de courant sont placées au bord de la zone d'étude. Le dispositif le plus approprié pour suivre les variations verticales et latérales de la résistivité électrique à partir d'une installation permanente a été choisi à l'aide de modélisations numériques. Les résultats démontrent que le dispositif pôle-dipôle offre une meilleure résolution que le dispositif pôle-pôle et plus apte à détecter les variations latérales et verticales de la résistivité électrique, et cela malgré la configuration non-conventionnelle des électrodes. Pour tester l'efficacité du système proposé, des données de terrain ont été collectées sur un site d'étude expérimental. La technique de monitorage utilisée permet de suivre le processus d'infiltration 3D pendant des événements pluvieux. Une bonne corrélation est observée entre les résultats de modélisation numérique et les données de terrain, confirmant par ailleurs que le dispositif pôle-dipôle offre une meilleure résolution que le dispositif pôle-pôle. La nouvelle technique de monitorage 3D de résistivité électrique permet de caractériser les zones d'écoulement préférentiel et de caractériser le rôle de la lithologie et de la pédologie de manière quantitative dans les processus hydrologiques responsables d'écoulement de crue. ABSTRACT During the last years, electrical methods were often used for the investigation of subsurface structures. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) has been reported to be a useful non-invasive and spatially integrative prospecting technique. The ERT method provides significant improvements, with the developments of new inversion algorithms, and the increasing efficiency of data collection techniques. Multichannel technology and powerful computers allow collecting and processing resistivity data within few hours. Application domains are numerous and varied: geology and hydrogeology, civil engineering and geotechnics, archaeology and environmental studies. In particular, electrical methods are commonly used in hydrological studies of the vadose zone. The aim of this study was to develop a multichannel, automatic, non-invasive, reliable and inexpensive 3D monitoring system designed to follow electrical resistivity variations in soil during rainfall. Because of technical limitations and in order to not disturb the subsurface, the proposed measurement device uses a non-conventional electrode set-up, where all the current electrodes are located near the edges of the survey grid. Using numerical modelling, the most appropriate arrays were selected to detect vertical and lateral variations of the electrical resistivity in the framework of a permanent surveying installation system. The results show that a pole-dipole array has a better resolution than a pole-pole array and can successfully follow vertical and lateral resistivity variations despite the non-conventional electrode configuration used. Field data are then collected at a test site to assess the efficiency of the proposed monitoring technique. The system allows following the 3D infiltration processes during a rainfall event. A good correlation between the results of numerical modelling and field data results can be observed since the field pole-dipole data give a better resolution image than the pole-pole data. The new device and technique makes it possible to better characterize the zones of preferential flow and to quantify the role of lithology and pedology in flood- generating hydrological processes.


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La reconversion des friches industrielles des secteurs de gare est prometteuse dans l'optique d'un développement urbain dense alternatif à l'étalement. Elles constituent en effet une réserve foncière centrale et bien desservie par les transports publics. La densification de ces terrains stratégiques ne pourra cependant freiner l'étalement urbain qu'à condition d'offrir un cadre de vie attractif pour l'habitat. Notre hypothèse est que l'engagement des pouvoirs publics est déterminant pour assurer cette densification qualifiée. Brown fields regeneration in railway station areas is particularly promising in the perspective of a compact urban development alternative to sprawl. They indeed constitute a central land stock which is well connected to public transportation networks. However, the densification of these strategic lands will make it possible to moderate urban sprawl only by providing an attractive environment for residential activities. Our hypothesis is that public authorities involvement is decisive to ensure such a qualified densification. Die Umnutzung von Industriebrachen in Bahnhofsarealen scheint viel versprechend im Hinblick auf eine Stadtentwicklung nach innen als Alternative zur Ausbreitung. Zentralgelegen, stellen diese ungenutzten Flächen eine strategische Bodenreserve dar, welche gut an das öffentliche Verkehrsmittelnetz angeschlossen ist. Ihre Verdichtung kann jedoch die Stadtausbreitung nur eindämmen unter der Bedingung, einen attraktiven Lebens- und Wohnraum zu bieten. Unsere Hypothese lautet, dass das Ausmass des Engagements der öffentlichen Hand bestimmend ist um diese qualitative Verdichtung sicherzustellen.


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Motivated by the modelling of structured parasite populations in aquaculture we consider a class of physiologically structured population models, where individuals may be recruited into the population at different sizes in general. That is, we consider a size-structured population model with distributed states-at-birth. The mathematical model which describes the evolution of such a population is a first order nonlinear partial integro-differential equation of hyperbolic type. First, we use positive perturbation arguments and utilise results from the spectral theory of semigroups to establish conditions for the existence of a positive equilibrium solution of our model. Then we formulate conditions that guarantee that the linearised system is governed by a positive quasicontraction semigroup on the biologically relevant state space. We also show that the governing linear semigroup is eventually compact, hence growth properties of the semigroup are determined by the spectrum of its generator. In case of a separable fertility function we deduce a characteristic equation and investigate the stability of equilibrium solutions in the general case using positive perturbation arguments.


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MOTIVATION: Microarray results accumulated in public repositories are widely reused in meta-analytical studies and secondary databases. The quality of the data obtained with this technology varies from experiment to experiment, and an efficient method for quality assessment is necessary to ensure their reliability. RESULTS: The lack of a good benchmark has hampered evaluation of existing methods for quality control. In this study, we propose a new independent quality metric that is based on evolutionary conservation of expression profiles. We show, using 11 large organ-specific datasets, that IQRray, a new quality metrics developed by us, exhibits the highest correlation with this reference metric, among 14 metrics tested. IQRray outperforms other methods in identification of poor quality arrays in datasets composed of arrays from many independent experiments. In contrast, the performance of methods designed for detecting outliers in a single experiment like Normalized Unscaled Standard Error and Relative Log Expression was low because of the inability of these methods to detect datasets containing only low-quality arrays and because the scores cannot be directly compared between experiments. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The R implementation of IQRray is available at: ftp://lausanne.isb-sib.ch/pub/databases/Bgee/general/IQRray.R. CONTACT: Marta.Rosikiewicz@unil.ch SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. L’albedo lunar i els satèl•lits és un treball que relaciona l’enginyeria aeroespacial amb l’astronomia. El seu objectiu principal investigar si l’albedo lunar, els rajos de sol reflectits a la superfície lunar, pot modificar significativament la temperatura de les plaques solars d’un satèl•lit artificial que orbiti la Lluna i, en conseqüència, afectar-ne el rendiment. El segon objectiu del treball és calcular si seria possible fer un mapa d’albedo lunar, a partir de la temperatura d’un satèl•lit en òrbita al voltant de la Lluna, que permetria conèixer amb més precisió la composició de la superfície lunar. Després d’adquirir els fonaments teòrics necessaris per a realitzar el treball, del procés per a trobar la manera de dur a terme els càlculs i d’efectuar els càlculs en si, les conclusions del treball són que l’albedo lunar causa un augment de temperatura en els satèl•lits prou significatiu per afectar-ne el rendiment; i que amb les temperatures enregistrades per un satèl•lit en òrbita al voltant de la Lluna es podria crear un mapa d’albedo. Aquesta recerca ha estat feta per suggeriment i sota la supervisió del CTAE (Centre de Tecnologia Aeroespacial) per analitzar si els resultats són aplicables al satèl•lit que s’enviarà a la Lluna, Lunar Mission BW1.


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BACKGROUND: The availability of the P. falciparum genome has led to novel ways to identify potential vaccine candidates. A new approach for antigen discovery based on the bioinformatic selection of heptad repeat motifs corresponding to alpha-helical coiled coil structures yielded promising results. To elucidate the question about the relationship between the coiled coil motifs and their sequence conservation, we have assessed the extent of polymorphism in putative alpha-helical coiled coil domains in culture strains, in natural populations and in the single nucleotide polymorphism data available at PlasmoDB. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 14 alpha-helical coiled coil domains were selected based on preclinical experimental evaluation. They were tested by PCR amplification and sequencing of different P. falciparum culture strains and field isolates. We found that only 3 out of 14 alpha-helical coiled coils showed point mutations and/or length polymorphisms. Based on promising immunological results 5 of these peptides were selected for further analysis. Direct sequencing of field samples from Papua New Guinea and Tanzania showed that 3 out of these 5 peptides were completely conserved. An in silico analysis of polymorphism was performed for all 166 putative alpha-helical coiled coil domains originally identified in the P. falciparum genome. We found that 82% (137/166) of these peptides were conserved, and for one peptide only the detected SNPs decreased substantially the probability score for alpha-helical coiled coil formation. More SNPs were found in arrays of almost perfect tandem repeats. In summary, the coiled coil structure prediction was rarely modified by SNPs. The analysis revealed a number of peptides with strictly conserved alpha-helical coiled coil motifs. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that the selection of alpha-helical coiled coil structural motifs is a valuable approach to identify potential vaccine targets showing a high degree of conservation.


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Our views are based, on a recent study of a district of Uniao dos Palmares (Alagoas). Although being a very compact community (32 city blocks holding two thousand families), transmission is very uneven, the geometric mean egg counts in the various blocks ranging between extremes of 96 and 1920. (Results do not correlate with the availability of domestic water supply). We thus are led to conclude that: (a) transmission is primarily peridomestic, resulting from pollution of open ditches and other collections of water; (b) control of transmission can be done on a selective basis, requiring quite medest investments. Given the inefficacy of population-based chemotherapy, when used alone, the author insists that this alternative cannot any longer be overlooked. He also regrets the emphasis placed upon vaccine development; allegations that this would, at any rate, prevent severe morbidity can be dismissed, since-whatever the cause-morbidity due to schistosomiasis has been rapidly declining in Northeast Brazil.


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We obtain a new series of integral formulae for symmetric functions of curvature of a distribution of arbitrary codimension (an its orthogonal complement) given on a compact Riemannian manifold, which start from known formula by P.Walczak (1990) and generalize ones for foliations by several authors: Asimov (1978), Brito, Langevin and Rosenberg (1981), Brito and Naveira (2000), Andrzejewski and Walczak (2010), etc. Our integral formulae involve the co-nullity tensor, certain component of the curvature tensor and their products. The formulae also deal with a number of arbitrary functions depending on the scalar invariants of the co-nullity tensor. For foliated manifolds of constant curvature the obtained formulae give us the classical type formulae. For a special choice of functions our formulae reduce to ones with Newton transformations of the co-nullity tensor.


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Oocysts of Eimeria porphyrulae n. sp. are described in faeces of Porphyrula martinica (Aves: Gruiformes: Rallidae). They are ellipsoidal to oval, 22.4 x 17.7 (20.0-23.7 x 16.2-18.7) µm, shape-index (length/width) 1.3. Oocyst wall about 1.25 µm thick, colourless, with two layers: inner one prominently striated. Micropyle and sub-micropylar granule present: no oocyst residuum. Sporocysts 17.5 x 9.0 (17.0-19.0 x 8.0-10.0) µm, shape-index 1.9, with inconspicuous Stieda/sub-Stieda bodies. Sporocyst residuum of scattered granules, sometimes a compact mass: sporozoites with two refractile bodies. Eimeria crypturelli n. sp. is described in faeces of Crypturellus soiu (Tinamiformes: Tinamidae). Oocysts ellipsoidal-oval, 20.75 x 14.5 (17.5-25.0 x 11.25-21.25) µm, shape-index 1.4. Oocysts wall about 1.25 µm thick and bi-layered: inner layer faintly striated. Micropyle present, with oocyst residuum immediately below: single polar body rarely present. Sporocysts 13.0 x 7.5 (12.5-13.75 x 7,5-8.1) µm, shape-index 1.7, with a Stieda body but seemingly no sub-Stieda. Sporocyst residuum compact: sporozoites with two refractile bodies. Isospora cacici n. sp. is recorded from faeces of Cacicus cela cela (Passeriformes: Icteridae). Oocysts subspherical-spherical, 26.5 x 23.7 (22.5-27.5 x 20.0-26.2) µm, shape-index 1.1. Wall a single, colourless layer about 1.5 µm thick. No micropyle or oocyst residuum: 1-2 polar bodies. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 17.7 x 12.5 (17.5-18.75 x 11.25-13.75) µm, shape-index 1.4, with pronounced Stieda/sub-Stieda bodies: residuum compact and sporozoites with two refractile bodies. Isospora thraupis n. sp. is described from faeces of Thraupis palmarum melanoptera (Passeriformes: Thraupidae). Oocysts subspherial-spherical, 19.9 x 19.0 (18.7-21.2 x 18.75-20.0) µm, shape-index 1.0. Wall about 0.6 µm thick, smooth, colourless and a single layer: no micropyle, oocyst residuum or polar bodies. Sporocysts 14.2 x 9.2 (13.7-16.2 x 8.7-10.0) µm, shape-index 1.5: Stied/sub-Stieda bodies inconspicuous. Residuum compact: sporozoites with two refractile bodies.