951 resultados para Combustion Ignition


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In recent years, Mg-Ni-based metastable alloys have been attracting attention due to their large hydrogen sorption capacities, low weight, low cost, and high availability. Despite the large discharge capacity and high activity of these alloys, the accelerated degradation of the discharge capacity after only few cycles of charge and discharge is the main shortcoming against their commercial use in batteries. The addition of alloying elements showed to be an effective way of improving the electrode performance of Mg-Ni-based alloys. In the present work, the effect of Ti and Pt alloying elements on the structure and electrode performance of a binary Mg-Ni alloy was investigated. The XRD and HRTEM revealed that all the investigated alloy compositions had multi-phase nanostructures, with crystallite size in the range of 6 nm. Moreover, the investigated alloying elements demonstrated remarkable improvements of both maximum discharge capacity and cycling life. Simultaneous addition of Ti and Pd demonstrated a synergetic effect on the electrochemical properties of the alloy electrodes. Among the investigated alloys, the best electrochemical performance was obtained for the Mg(51)Ti(4)Ni(43)Pt(2) composition (in at.%), which achieved 448 mAh g(-1) of maximum discharge capacity and retained almost 66% of this capacity after 10 cycles. In contrast, the binary Mg(55)Ni(45) alloy achieved only 248 mAh g(-1) and retained 11% of this capacity after 10 cycles. (C) 2010 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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This report describes a method how to perform measurements on boilers and stoves and how to identify parameters from the measurements for the boiler/stove-model TRNSYS Type 210. The model can be used for detailed annual system simulations using TRNSYS. Experience from measurements on three different pellet stoves and four boilers were used to develop this methodology. Recommendations for the set up of measurements are given and the re-quired combustion theory for the data evaluation and data preparation are given. The data evalua-tion showed that the uncertainties are quite large for the measured flue gas flow rate and for boilers and stoves with high fraction of energy going to the water jacket also the calculated heat rate to the room may have large uncertainties. A methodology for the parameter identification process and identified parameters for two different stoves and three boilers are given. Finally the identified models are compared with measured data showing that the model generally agreed well with meas-ured data during both stationary and dynamic conditions.


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The PM-brännaren (pellets burner) have on commission by the company been measured and evaluated in the combustion laboratory of SERC. The objective was to measure the perform-ance and the emissions of CO and NO for three different combustion powers and for start and stop conditions. The burner have been mounted in the Bionett-boiler from Ariterm and been adjusted by the company. The boiler has been connected to a buffer store that admits firing during long period with constant inlet temperature to the boiler. The measurements have been performed by operating the boiler on constant power until stationary conditions are reached. Thereafter the following two hours of operation have been evaluated. The results show that the burner fulfils the limit values for Blauer Engel labelling and the proposed limit values for Nordic Eco labelling. The measured concentration of NO is far below all organisations limit values for NOx. Concerning the start and stop emissions there are no demands from organisa-tions to compare with, but comparing with other boilers measured at SERC, the CO emissions from PM-brännaren is in the same order of magnitude.


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Emissions are an important aspect of a pellet heating system. High carbon monoxide emissions are often caused by unnecessary cycling of the burner when the burner is operated below the lowest combustion power. Combining pellet heating systems with a solar heating system can significantly reduce cycling of the pellet heater and avoid the inefficient summer operation of the pellet heater. The aim of this paper was to study CO-emissions of the different types of systems and to compare the yearly CO-emissions obtained from simulations with the yearly CO-emissions calculated based on the values that are obtained by the standard test methods. The results showed that the yearly CO-emissions obtained from the simulations are significant higher than the yearly CO-emissions calculated based on the standard test methods. It is also shown that for the studied systems the average emissions under these realistic annual conditions were greater than the limit values of two Eco-labels. Furthermore it could be seen that is possible to almost halve the CO-emission if the pellet heater is combined with a solar heating system.


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The submerged entry nozzle (SEN) is used to transport the molten steel from a tundish to a mould. The main purpose of its usage is to prevent oxygen and nitrogen pick-up by molten steel from the gas. Furthermore, to achieve the desired flow conditions in the mould. Therefore, the SEN can be considered as a vital factor for a stable casting process and the steel quality. In addition, the steelmaking processes occur at high temperatures around 1873 K, so the interaction between the refractory materials of the SEN and molten steel is unavoidable. Therefore, the knowledge of the SEN behaviors during preheating and casting processes is necessary for the design of the steelmaking processes  The internal surfaces of modern SENs are coated with a glass/silicon powder layer to prevent the SEN graphite oxidation during preheating. The effects of the interaction between the coating layer and the SEN base refractory materials on clogging were studied. A large number of accretion samples formed inside alumina-graphite clogged SENs were examined using FEG-SEM-EDS and Feature analysis. The internal coated SENs were used for continuous casting of stainless steel grades alloyed with Rare Earth Metals (REM). The post-mortem study results clearly revealed the formation of a multi-layer accretion. A harmful effect of the SENs decarburization on the accretion thickness was also indicated. In addition, the results indicated a penetration of the formed alkaline-rich glaze into the alumina-graphite base refractory. More specifically, the alkaline-rich glaze reacts with graphite to form a carbon monoxide gas. Thereafter, dissociation of CO at the interface between SEN and molten metal takes place. This leads to reoxidation of dissolved alloying elements such as REM (Rare Earth Metal). This reoxidation forms the “In Situ” REM oxides at the interface between the SEN and the REM alloyed molten steel. Also, the interaction of the penetrated glaze with alumina in the SEN base refractory materials leads to the formation of a high-viscous alumina-rich glaze during the SEN preheating process. This, in turn, creates a very uneven surface at the SEN internal surface. Furthermore, these uneven areas react with dissolved REM in molten steel to form REM aluminates, REM silicates and REM alumina-silicates. The formation of the large “in-situ” REM oxides and the reaction of the REM alloying elements with the previously mentioned SEN´s uneven areas may provide a large REM-rich surface in contact with the primary inclusions in molten steel. This may facilitate the attraction and agglomeration of the primary REM oxide inclusions on the SEN internal surface and thereafter the clogging. The study revealed the disadvantages of the glass/silicon powder coating applications and the SEN decarburization. The decarburization behaviors of Al2O3-C, ZrO2-C and MgO-C refractory materials from a commercial Submerged Entry Nozzle (SEN), were also investigated for different gas atmospheres consisting of CO2, O2 and Ar. The gas ratio values were kept the same as it is in a propane combustion flue gas at different Air-Fuel-Ratio (AFR) values for both Air-Fuel and Oxygen-Fuel combustion systems. Laboratory experiments were carried out under nonisothermal conditions followed by isothermal heating. The decarburization ratio (α) values of all three refractory types were determined by measuring the real time weight losses of the samples. The results showed the higher decarburization ratio (α) values increasing for MgO-C refractory when changing the Air-Fuel combustion to Oxygen-Fuel combustion at the same AFR value. It substantiates the SEN preheating advantage at higher temperatures for shorter holding times compared to heating at lower temperatures during longer holding times for Al2O3-C samples. Diffusion models were proposed for estimation of the decarburization rate of an Al2O3-C refractory in the SEN. Two different methods were studied to prevent the SEN decarburization during preheating: The effect of an ZrSi2 antioxidant and the coexistence of an antioxidant additive and a (4B2O3 ·BaO) glass powder on carbon oxidation for non-isothermal and isothermal heating conditions in a controlled atmosphere. The coexistence of 8 wt% ZrSi2 and 15 wt% (4B2O3 ·BaO) glass powder of the total alumina-graphite refractory base materials, presented the most effective resistance to carbon oxidation. The 121% volume expansion due to the Zircon formation during heating and filling up the open pores by a (4B2O3 ·BaO) glaze during the green body sintering led to an excellent carbon oxidation resistance. The effects of the plasma spray-PVD coating of the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) powder on the carbon oxidation of the Al2O3-C coated samples were investigated. Trials were performed at non-isothermal heating conditions in a controlled atmosphere. Also, the applied temperature profile for the laboratory trials were defined based on the industrial preheating trials. The controlled atmospheres consisted of CO2, O2 and Ar. The thicknesses of the decarburized layers were measured and examined using light optic microscopy, FEG-SEM and EDS. A 250-290 μm YSZ coating is suggested to be an appropriate coating, as it provides both an even surface as well as prevention of the decarburization even during heating in air. In addition, the interactions between the YSZ coated alumina-graphite refractory base materials in contact with a cerium alloyed molten stainless steel were surveyed. The YSZ coating provided a total prevention of the alumina reduction by cerium. Therefore, the prevention of the first clogging product formed on the surface of the SEN refractory base materials. Therefore, the YSZ plasma-PVD coating can be recommended for coating of the hot surface of the commercial SENs.


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Gaseous and particulate emissions from a residential pellet boiler and a stove are measured at a realistic 6-day operation sequence and during steady state operation. The aim is to characterize the emissions during each phase in order to identify when the major part of the emissions occur to enable actions for emission reduction where the savings can be highest. The characterized emissions comprised carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NO), total organic carbon (TOC) and particulate matter (PM 2.5). In this study, emissions were characterised by mass concentration and emissions during start-up and stop phases were also presented in accumulated mass. The influence of start-up and stop phases on the emissions, average emission factors for the boiler and stove were analysed using the measured data from a six-days test. The share of start-up and stop emissions are significant for CO and TOC contributing 95% and 89% respectively at the 20kW boiler and 82% and 89% respectively at the 12 kW stove. NO and particles emissions are shown to dominate during stationary operation.


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Existe um número crescente de componentes químicos lançados ao meio ambiente, muitos dos quais são capazes de induzir efeitos danosos adversos à saúde de animais e humanos, representando uma causa importante de preocupação por seus possíveis efeitos a longo prazo. O impacto ecológico e os riscos a saúde dos organismos associados com a exposição a poluentes ambientais são extremamente difíceis de se avaliar devido a muitos desses componentes serem parte de misturas complexas. Os gases produzidos pelos motores dos veículos à combustão contém diversos poluentes sabidamente genotóxicos, como óxidos de nitrogênio (NOX), monóxido de carbono (CO), óxidos de enxofre (SOx), hidrocarbonetos (HC) e seus derivados, bem como particulados, e metais (cádmio, cromo, cobre, níquel, vanádio, zinco e chumbo). Todos esses compostos isolados ou associados a outros elementos são tóxicos ou de efeito danoso aos organismos, de forma não totalmente esclarecida. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar o possível efeito genotóxico das emissões dos automóveis em roedor nativo Ctenomys minutus cronicamente exposto, através do Ensaio Cometa (EC), comparando os resultados com o Teste de Micronúcleos (MN), ambos em sangue periférico. Levando em consideração alguns fatores que pudessem influenciar os resultados dos testes de genotoxicidade, este trabalho ainda teve como objetivos: identificar a presença de alguns agentes envolvidos na poluição gerada pelos veículos; verificar possíveis diferenças sazonais, como temperatura e ventos; e se existe influência da idade e sexo dos roedores. Os C. minutus (Octodontidae-Rodentia), foram capturados em dois campos diferentes, ambos ao lado da estrada RS/030, na cidade de Osório, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS): (a) Amaral, e (b) Weber. Animais para controle externo foram capturados no Campo Maribo à cerca de 3 km de distância de outra estrada (RS/389-Osório/RS), conseqüentemente afastada das emissões dos veículos. No final do período desse estudo, foram capturados 123 animais (73 fêmeas e 50 machos).


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O presente trabalho apresenta uma modelagem detalhada de processos de combustao turbulentos para um jato concentrico de combustıvel e ar. A modelagem é fundamentada nas equacões de conservacão de massa, de quantidade de movimento, de energia e de espécies quımicas. A turbulencia é resolvida pela utilizacão do modelo k- padrão. Dois modelos de reacões quımicas são apresentados. O modelo SCRS – Simple Chemically-Reacting Systems, que assume taxas instantâneas de reacões quımicas. Também é abordado o modelo E-A – Eddy Breakup - Arrhenius, que assume taxas finitas de reacões quımicas. A radiacão térmica, fenômeno de grande importância devido as altas temperaturas alcancadas em processos de combustão,é modelada através do Método das Zonas. O modelo da soma ponderada de gases cinzas – WSGGM,é usado para determinar o espectro de emissão e absorcão dos gases no processo. Para a solucão destas equacões diferenciais, juntamente com os modelos de turbulência, de reaçõoes químicas e radiação térmica, faz-se o uso do Método dos Volumes Finitos. Para validar a modelagem apresentada resolve-se o processo de combustão em uma câmara cilíndrica. A câmara de combustão usada áa mesma abordada no First Workshop on Aerodynamics of Steady State Combustion Chambers and Furnaces, organizado pela ERCORTAC - European Research Community On Flow Turbulence And Combustion, em outubro de 1994, que apresenta dados experimentais de temperatura e concentração das espécies químicas para várias posições de interesse no interior da câmara. Utiliza-se o gás natural como combustível e o ar atmosférico como oxidante. O processo de combustão sem pré-mistura é resolvido para a condição de excesso de combustível de 5 % para ambos os modelos, onde o gás natural é injetado por um duto circular central, e o ar atmosférico por um orifício anular externo a esse duto, no mesmo plano Uma reação química não estagiada é assumida para o modelo SCRS. Para o modelo E-A duas situações são resolvidas: combustão não estagiada, com uma etapa global de reação química; e reação quımica estagiada, com duas etapas globais. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo SCRS para a distribuição de temperaturas, em termos de tendências gerais, são razoáveis. Já as concentrações de espécies químicas não apresentam dados satisfatórios para este modelo. Para o modelo E-A os resultados apresentam boa concordância com os dados experimentais, principalmente para a situação em que o processo de combustão é assumido em duas etapas globais. ´E analisado em detalhe o papel desempenhado pela transferencia de calor por radiacao, com meio participante. Para melhor verificar as trocas de calor, assume-se uma camara de combustao cilındrica com paredes d’agua. A injecao do combustıvel e do oxidante e feita atraves de um queimador central, semelhante ao usado para validar a modelagem, porem com dois orifıcios concentricos para injecao de combustıvel. Nesta situação o efeito do turbilhonamento (swril), assumido como 20 % da velocidade axial de entrada, sobre a injecao de ar e computado atraves da condicao contorno da equacao de conservacao da quantidade de movimento angular. Nesta fase apenas o modelo E-A, com duas etapas globais de reacoes quımicas, e considerado, ja que o mesmo apresenta os melhores resultados. O processo de combustao e simulado com e sem a presenca da radiacao termica. Verifica-se que a presenca da radiacao termica homogeneiza a temperatura dos gases no interior da camara. Com isso verifica-se tambem alterações nas taxas de reacoes quımicas, modificando a magnitude das fracoes das especies quımicas Quando a radiacao termica e considerada efeitos de extinção local da chama sao verificados nas regioes de temperaturas mais altas, diminuindo o consumo de oxigenio e aumentando a producao de monoxido de carbono, caracterizando assim uma combustao incompleta. Em algumas situacoes tem-se uma variacao de temperatura de ate 500 K, a montante da chama. A radiacao termica tambem aumenta a taxa de transferencia de calor dos gases quentes para as paredes da camara, e desta para o seu exterior. Com os resultados obtidos a partir desta modelagem e possıvel determinar o perfil da zona de combustao, a distribuicao de concentracoes de especies quımicas, o campo de velocidades e as taxas de transferencia de calor para as paredes da camara de combustao, total, por conveccao superficial e por radiacao. Estes resultados sao de extrema importancia para prever a performance de camaras de combustao, assim como auxiliar na sua otimizacao.


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This thesis develops and evaluates a business model for connected full electric vehicles (FEV) for the European market. Despite a promoting political environment, various barriers have thus far prevented the FEV from becoming a mass-market vehicle. Besides cost, the most noteworthy of these barriers is represented by range anxiety, a product of FEVs’ limited range, lacking availability of charging infrastructure, and long recharging times. Connected FEVs, which maintain a constant connection to the surrounding infrastructure, appear to be a promising element to overcome drivers’ range anxiety. Yet their successful application requires a well functioning FEV ecosystem which can only be created through the collaboration of various stakeholders such as original equipment manufacturers (OEM), first tier suppliers (FTS), charging infrastructure and service providers (CISP), utilities, communication enablers, and governments. This thesis explores and evaluates how a business model, jointly created by these stakeholders, could look like, i.e. how stakeholders could collaborate in the design of products, services, infrastructure, and advanced mobility management, to meet drivers with a sensible value proposition that is at least equivalent to that of internal combustion engine (ICE) cars. It suggests that this value proposition will be an end-2-end package provided by CISPs or OEMs that comprises mobility packages (incl. pay per mile plans, battery leasing, charging and battery swapping (BS) infrastructure) and FEVs equipped with an on-board unit (OBU) combined with additional services targeted at range anxiety reduction. From a theoretical point of view the thesis answers the question which business model framework is suitable for the development of a holistic, i.e. all stakeholder-comprising business model for connected FEVs and defines such a business model. In doing so the thesis provides the first comprehensive business model related research findings on connected FEVs, as prior works focused on the much less complex scenario featuring only “offline” FEVs.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado considera a transferência de calor combinando convecção e radiação térmica no escoamento de gases participantes em dutos de seção circular. Partindo de uma metodologia geral, o trabalho enfoca principalmente os casos típicos de aplicação em geradores de vapor fumotubulares de pequeno e médio porte, em que gases em alta temperatura escoam através de um tubo mantido em temperatura uniforme. O escoamento é turbulento e o perfil de velocidade é plenamente desenvolvido desde a entrada do duto. A temperatura do gás, contudo, é uniforme na entrada, considerando-se a região de desenvolvimento térmico. Duas misturas de gases são tratadas, ambas constituídas por dióxido de carbono, vapor d’água e nitrogênio, correspondendo a produtos típicos da combustão estequiométrica de óleo combustível e metano. As propriedades físicas dos gases são admitidas uniformes em todo o duto e calculadas na temperatura de mistura média, enquanto que as propriedades radiantes são modeladas pela soma-ponderada-de-gases-cinzas. O campo de temperatura do gás é obtido a partir da solução da equação bidimensional da conservação da energia, sendo os termos advectivos discretizados através do método de volumes de controle com a função de interpolação Flux-Spline; as trocas de energia radiantes são avaliadas por meio do método das zonas, onde cada zona de radiação corresponde a um volume de controle. Em um primeiro passo, a metodologia é verificada pela comparação com resultados apresentados na literatura para a transferência de calor envolvendo apenas convecção e combinando convecção com radiação. Em seguida, discutem-se alguns efeitos da inclusão da radiação térmica, por exemplo, no número de Nusselt convectivo e na temperatura de mistura do gás. Finalmente, são propostas correlações para o número de Nusselt total, que leva em conta tanto a radiação quanto a convecção. Essa etapa exige inicialmente uma análise dos grupos adimensionais que governam o processo radiante para redução do número elevado de parâmetros independentes. As correlações, aplicáveis a situações encontradas em geradores de vapor fumotubulares de pequeno e médio porte, são validadas estatisticamente pela comparação com os resultados obtidos pela solução numérica.


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Given the environmental concern over global warming that occurs mainly by emission of CO2 from the combustion of petroleum, coal and natural gas research focused on alternative and clean energy generation has been intensified. Among these, the highlight the solid oxide fuel cell intermediate temperature (IT-SOFC). For application as electrolyte of the devices doped based CeO2 with rare earth ions (TR+ 3) have been quite promising because they have good ionic conductivity and operate at relatively low temperatures (500-800 ° C). In this work, studied the Ce1-xEuxO2-δ (x = 0,1, 0,2 and 0,3), solid solutions synthesized by the polymeric precursor method to be used as solid electrolyte. It was also studied the processing steps of these powders (milling, compaction and two step sintering) in order to obtain dense sintered pellets with reduced grain size and homogeneous microstructure. For this, the powders were characterized by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, particle size distribution and scanning electrons microscopy, since the sintered samples were characterized by dilatometry, scanning electrons microscopy, density and grain size measurements. By x-ray diffraction, it was verified the formation of the solid solution for all compositions. Crystallites in the nanometric scale were found for both sintering routes but the two step sintering presented significant reduction in the average grain size


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The development and study of detectors sensitive to flammable combustible and toxic gases at low cost is a crucial technology challenge to enable marketable versions to the market in general. Solid state sensors are attractive for commercial purposes by the strength and lifetime, because it isn t consumed in the reaction with the gas. In parallel, the use of synthesis techniques more viable for the applicability on an industrial scale are more attractive to produce commercial products. In this context ceramics with spinel structure were obtained by microwave-assisted combustion for application to flammable fuel gas detectors. Additionally, alternatives organic-reducers were employed to study the influence of those in the synthesis process and the differences in performance and properties of the powders obtained. The organic- reducers were characterized by Thermogravimetry (TG) and Derivative Thermogravimetry (DTG). After synthesis, the samples were heat treated and characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), analysis by specific area by BET Method and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Quantification of phases and structural parameters were carried through Rietveld method. The methodology was effective to obtain Ni-Mn mixed oxides. The fuels influenced in obtaining spinel phase and morphology of the samples, however samples calcined at 950 °C there is just the spinel phase in the material regardless of the organic-reducer. Therefore, differences in performance are expected in technological applications when sample equal in phase but with different morphologies are tested


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Oxide type spinel AB2O4 presents structure adjusted for application in the automobile industry. The spinel of cobalt has many practical applications had its excellent physical and chemical properties such as catalyst in hydrocarbon oxidation reaction. The CeO2 has been used in many of these processes because it assigns to a material with excellent thermal resistance and mechanics, high capacity of oxygen stockage (OSC) among others properties. This work deals with the synthesis, characterization and catalytic application of spinel of cobalt and CeO2 with fluorita structure, obtained for method of Pechini and method of Gel-Combustion. The process of Pechini, the puff was obtained at 300 ºC for 2 h in air. In the process of Gel-Combustion the approximately at 350 ºC material was prepared and burnt for Pyrolysis, both had been calcined at 500 ºC, 700 ºC, 900 ºC and 1050 ºC for 2 h in air. The materials of the calcinations had been characterized by TG/DTA, electronic microscopy of sweepings (MEV), spectroscopy of absorption in the infra-red ray (FTIR) and diffraction of X-rays (DRX). The obtained material reaches the phase oxide at 450 oC for Pechini method and 500 °C for combustion method. The samples were submitted catalytic reaction of n-hexane on superficies of materials. The reactor function in molar ration of 0, 85 mol.h-1.g-1 and temperature of system was 450 °C. The sample obtained for Pechini and support in alumine of superficial area of 178,63 m2.g-1 calcined at 700 ºC, give results of catalytic conversions of 39 % and the sample obtained for method of gel-combustion and support in alumina of 150 mesh calcined at 500 ºC result 13 % of conversion. Both method were selective specie C1


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The cerium oxide has a high potential for use in removing pollutants after combustion, removal of organic matter in waste water and the fuel-cell technology. The nickel oxide is an attractive material due to its excellent chemical stability and their optical properties, electrical and magnetic. In this work, CeO2-NiO- systems on molars reasons 1:1(I), 1:2(II) e 1:3(III) metal-citric acid were synthesized using the Pechini method. We used techniques of TG / DTG and ATD to monitor the degradation process of organic matter to the formation of the oxide. By thermogravimetric analysis and applying the dynamic method proposed by Coats-Redfern, it was possible to study the reactions of thermal decomposition in order to propose the possible mechanism by which the reaction takes place, as well as the determination of kinetic parameters as activation energy, Ea, pre-exponential factor and parameters of activation. It was observed that both variables exert a significant influence on the formation of complex polymeric precursor. The model that best fitted the experimental data in the dynamic mode was R3, which consists of nuclear growth, which formed the nuclei grow to a continuous reaction interface, it proposes a spherical symmetry (order 2 / 3). The values of enthalpy of activation of the system showed that the reaction in the state of transition is exothermic. The variables of composition, together with the variable temperature of calcination were studied by different techniques such as XRD, IV and SEM. Also a study was conducted microstructure by the Rietveld method, the calculation routine was developed to run the package program FullProf Suite, and analyzed by pseudo-Voigt function. It was found that the molar ratio of variable metal-citric acid in the system CeO2-NiO (I), (II), (III) has strong influence on the microstructural properties, size of crystallites and microstrain network, and can be used to control these properties


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In this work, mixed oxides were synthesized by two methods: polymeric precursor and gel-combustion. The oxides, Niquelate of Lanthanum, Cobaltate of Lanthanum and Cuprate of Lanthanum were synthesized by the polymeric precursor method, and treated at 300 º C for 2 hours, calcined at 800 º C for 6h in air atmosphere. In gel-combustion method were produced and oxides using urea and citric acid as fuel, forming for each fuel the following oxides Ferrate of Lanthanum, Cobaltato of Lanthanum and Ferrato of Cobalt and Lanthanum, which were submitted to the combustion process assisted by microwave power maximum of 10min. The samples were characterized by: thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction; fisisorção of N2 (BET method) and scanning electron microscopy. The reactions catalytic of depolymerization of poly (methyl methacrylate), were performed in a reactor of silica, with catalytic and heating system equipped with a data acquisition system and the gas chromatograph. For the catalysts synthesized using the polymeric precursor method, the cuprate of lanthanum was best for the depolymerization of the recycled polymer, obtaining 100% conversion in less time 554 (min), and the pure polymer, was the Niquelate of Lanthanum, with 100% conversion in less time 314 (min). By gel-combustion method using urea as fuel which was the best result obtained Ferrate of Lanthanum for the pure polymer with 100% conversion in less time 657 (min), and the recycled polymer was Cobaltate of Lanthanum with 100 % conversion in less time 779 (min). And using citric acid to obtain the best result for the pure polymer, was Ferrate of Lanthanum with 100% conversion in less time 821 (min and) for the recycled polymer, was Ferrate of Lanthanum with 98.28% conversion in less time 635 (min)