979 resultados para Chemistry, Analytic Quantitative


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Analytic propagation expressions of pulsed Gaussian beam are deduced by using complex amplitude envelope representation and complex analytic signal representation. Numerical calculations are given to illustrate the differences between them. The results show that the major difference between them is that there exists singularity in the beam obtained by using complex amplitude envelope representation. It is also found that singularity presents near propagation axis in the case of broadband and locates far from propagation axis in the case of narrowband. The critical condition to determine what representation should be adopted in studying pulsed Gaussian beam is also given. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Apesar dos impactos ambientais ocasionados pela poluição e acidentes químicos, constata-se que algumas organizações ainda investem pouco na prevenção, redução ou eliminação de seus resíduos. Em algumas Instituições de Ensino e Pesquisa (IES) do Brasil, não é incomum o manejo inadequado dos resíduos perigosos gerados em laboratórios de ensino e pesquisa, aumentando tais riscos. Para minimizar ou eliminar tais riscos, há que se realizarem investimentos em processos tecnológicos de tratamento e na seleção de métodos adequados ao gerenciamento. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi modelar um Sistema de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Perigosos e validá-lo através de sua aplicação em estudo piloto nos laboratórios dos Institutos de Química e Biologia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa empírica e exploratória foi realizada através de revisão bibliográfica e coleta de dados sobre o estado da arte no gerenciamento de resíduos em algumas IES nacionais e internacionais, seguido da seleção do sistema adequado a ser modelado e aplicado nestes contextos. O trabalho de campo consistiu na coleta de dados através de observação direta e aplicação de questionário junto aos responsáveis pelos laboratórios. As etapas do estudo foram: levantamento das instalações dos laboratórios; observação do manejo e geração dos resíduos; elaboração do banco de dados; análise qualitativa e quantitativa dos dados; modelagem do Sistema de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Perigosos SIGIRPE; implantação do modelo; apresentação e avaliação dos resultados; elaboração do manual para uso do sistema. O monitoramento quantitativo de resíduos foi feito através de ferramentas do sistema para a sua análise temporal. Os resultados da pesquisa permitiram conhecer a dinâmica e os problemas existentes nos laboratórios, bem como verificar a potencialidade do modelo. Conclui-se que o SIGIRPE pode ser aplicado a outros contextos desde que seja adequado para tal fim. É imprescindível ter uma estrutura institucional que elabore o Plano de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos e viabilize sua implementação. A universidade, enquanto formadora dos futuros profissionais, é um lócus privilegiado na construção e disseminação do conhecimento, tendo o dever de realizar boas práticas no trato das questões ambientais, em particular, com relação aos resíduos. Assim, elas devem estabelecer entre suas estratégias de ação, a inclusão de políticas ambientais em seus campi, onde a Educação Ambiental deve ser permanente. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua com o planejamento e o gerenciamento dos resíduos perigosos gerados em laboratórios e com as mudanças necessárias rumo à sustentabilidade ambiental. O SIGIRPE foi elaborado e testado, mas não foi possível verificar sua aplicação por outros usuários. É o que se espera com a continuidade desta pesquisa e no desenvolvimento de futuros trabalhos, tais como: teste do sistema em hospitais, laboratórios, clínicas; estudar outras aplicações na área de segurança química de laboratórios através da inclusão de roteiro de transporte interno de resíduos, rotas de fuga, mapas de risco, localização de equipamentos de proteção individual e coletiva; demonstrar a potencialidade de uso do sistema e sensibilizar os segmentos envolvidos através de palestras, mini-cursos e outras estratégias de informação em revistas científicas especializadas.


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A wind-driven upwelling occurs on the continental shelf of Ivory Coast during the northern summer months; by studying the average conditions in the wind field, it has been found that in steady state the vertical speed upwards does not exceed 70 cm per day. The vertical flow per km super(2) is estimated in 46 m super(3)/s for a channel 50 m depth and in 92m super(3)/s for a channel 300 m depth. This study does not include the inclination of isopycnes in geostrophic adjustment with the variations of the Guinea current.


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The food of Ethmalosa fimbriata in the central part of the Ebrié lagoon, where the salinity is low, consists on limnic phytoplankton. In the region near Abidjan, which is more strongly influenced by coastal water, it consists of marine phyto- and zooplankton. The daily ration of a 12.5 cm fork-length fish is estimated to be between 2 and 3 % of its body weight.


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(1) A total of 45 sites was sampled, each being fished using the semi-quantitative and quantitative techniques. (2) A significant relationship existed between the semi-quantitative and Quantitative results for all age groups of salmonids (R2 83.4% to 96.1%, p < 0.0001). (3) The results from each site were categorised according to an existing classification system for quantitative and semi-quantitative data. The semi-quantitative component of this system was modified using the results of this investigation. The degree of error associated with sites classified semi-quantitatively was found to be slightly less when using the modified system for 0+ salmon, > 0+ salmon and 0+ trout, ranging from 10.5% to 30%. (4) Insufficient data points were available for the analysis of coarse fish data.


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Quantifying scientific uncertainty when setting total allowable catch limits for fish stocks is a major challenge, but it is a requirement in the United States since changes to national fisheries legislation. Multiple sources of error are readily identifiable, including estimation error, model specification error, forecast error, and errors associated with the definition and estimation of reference points. Our focus here, however, is to quantify the influence of estimation error and model specification error on assessment outcomes. These are fundamental sources of uncertainty in developing scientific advice concerning appropriate catch levels and although a study of these two factors may not be inclusive, it is feasible with available information. For data-rich stock assessments conducted on the U.S. west coast we report approximate coefficients of variation in terminal biomass estimates from assessments based on inversion of the assessment of the model’s Hessian matrix (i.e., the asymptotic standard error). To summarize variation “among” stock assessments, as a proxy for model specification error, we characterize variation among multiple historical assessments of the same stock. Results indicate that for 17 groundfish and coastal pelagic species, the mean coefficient of variation of terminal biomass is 18%. In contrast, the coefficient of variation ascribable to model specification error (i.e., pooled among-assessment variation) is 37%. We show that if a precautionary probability of overfishing equal to 0.40 is adopted by managers, and only model specification error is considered, a 9% reduction in the overfishing catch level is indicated.


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The elemental composition of otoliths may provide valuable information for establishing connectivity between fish nursery grounds and adult fish populations. Concentrations of Rb, Mg, Ca, Mn, Sr, Na, K, Sr, Pb, and Ba were determined by using solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in otoliths of young-of-the year tautog (Tautoga onitis) captured in nursery areas along the Rhode Island coast during two consecutive years. Stable oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotopic ratios in young-of-the year otoliths were also analyzed with isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Chemical signatures differed significantly among the distinct nurseries within Narragansett Bay and the coastal ponds across years. Significant differences were also observed within nurseries from year to year. Classification accuracy to each of the five tautog nursery areas ranged from 85% to 92% across years. Because accurate classification of juvenile tautog nursery sites was achieved, otolith chemistry can potentially be used as a natural habitat tag.


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We examined the potential for water chemistry to affect the width of daily increments in reef fish otoliths using both mensurative and manipulative methods. We found significant differences in the widths of increments in otoliths of the neon damselfish (Pomacentrus coelestis) collected in different habitats at One Tree Island on the Great Barrier Reef. We then used manipulative experiments to determine if natural water masses (ocean water vs. lagoon plume) could produce different incremental widths in otoliths in the absence of potentially confounding factors. Fish exposed to ocean water had significantly wider otolith increments for two of the three experiments. Elemental analyses indicated that Ba/Ca ratios were significantly correlated with increment widths for two of the three experiments and Sr/Ca ratios did not correlate with increment width for any experimental period. Variation in crystal-lattice orientation did not explain differences in increment width between treatments. Differences in water chemistry can affect increment widths in otoliths of reef fishes, potentially confounding patterns previously attributed to growth rate or condition alone.