968 resultados para Charge-transfer salts


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The electronic structure and spectrum of several models of the binuclear metal site in soluble CuA domains of cytochrome-c oxidase have been calculated by the use of an extended version of the complete neglect of differential overlap/spectroscopic method. The experimental spectra have two strong transitions of nearly equal intensity around 500 nm and a near-IR transition close to 800 nm. The model that best reproduces these features consists of a dimer of two blue (type 1) copper centers, in which each Cu atom replaces the missing imidazole on the other Cu atom. Thus, both Cu atoms have one cysteine sulfur atom and one imidazole nitrogen atom as ligands, and there are no bridging ligands but a direct Cu-Cu bond. According to the calculations, the two strong bands in the visible region originate from exciton coupling of the dipoles of the two copper monomers, and the near-IR band is a charge-transfer transition between the two Cu atoms. The known amino acid sequence has been used to construct a molecular model of the CuA site by the use of a template and energy minimization. In this model, the two ligand cysteine residues are in one turn of an alpha-helix, whereas one ligand histidine is in a loop following this helix and the other one is in a beta-strand.


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O material Y2O3:Eu3+ vem sendo usado comercialmente como luminóforo vermelho desde da década de 1960, em uma grande variedade de aplicações devido ao seu elevado rendimento quântico (próximo de 100 %), elevada pureza de cor e boa estabilidade. Portanto, este trabalho propõe um novo método de síntese baseado nos complexos benzenotricarboxilatos (BTC) de terras raras trivalentes (RE3+) dopados com íons Eu3+. O objetivo principal é produzir materiais luminescente RE2O3:Eu3+ a temperatura mais baixa (500 °C) e em escala nanométrica. Os complexos precursores [RE(BTC):Eu3+] e [RE(TLA)·n(H2O):Eu3+], onde RE3+: Y, Gd e Lu; BTC: ácido trimésico (TMA) e ácido trimelítico (TLA) foram calcinados em diferentes temperaturas de 500 a 1000 °C, a fim de obter os materiais luminescentes RE2O3:Eu3+. Os complexos foram caracterizados por análise elementar de carbono e hidrogênio, analise térmica (TG), espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho (FTIR), difração de raios-X - método do pó (XPD) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM). Todos os complexos são cristalinos e termo estáveis até 460 °C. Dados de fosforescência dos complexos de Y, Gd e Lu mostram que o nível T1 do aníon BTC3- tem energia acima do nível emissor 5D0 do íon Eu3+, indicando que os ligantes podem atuar como sensibilizadores de energia intramolecular. O estudo das propriedades fotoluminescentes dos complexos dopados foi baseado nos espectros de excitação e emissão e curvas de decaimento de luminescência. Ademais, foram determinados os parâmetros de intensidades experimentais (Ωλ), tempos de vida (τ), taxas de decaimentos radiativo (Arad) e não-radiativo (Anrad). Os materiais luminescentes RE2O3:Eu3+ foram sintetizados de forma bem sucedida por meio do método benzenotricarboxilatos calcinados a 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 e 1000 °C, apresentando alta homogeneidade química e controle de tamanho de cristalito. Os nanomateriais foram caracterizados pelas técnicas de FTIR, XPD SEM e TEM revelando a obtenção dos materiais C-RE2O3:Eu3+ mesmo a 500 °C. Os dados de XPD dos materiais confirmaram um aumento do tamanho dos cristalitos de 5 até 52 nm (equação de Scherrer) de em função da temperatura de calcinação de 500 a 1000 °C, respectivamente, corroborados pelas técnicas de SEM e TEM. Os espectros de emissão de RE2O3:Eu3+ mostram uma banda larga atribuída a transição interconfiguracional de transferência de carga ligante-metal (LMCT) em 260 nm, i.e. O2-(2p)→Eu3+(4f6). Além disso, foram observadas linhas finas de absorção devido as transições intraconfiguracionais 4f do íon európio (7F0,1𔾹LJ; J: 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4), como esperado. As propriedades fotoluminescentes dos luminóforos foram baseadas nos espectros (excitação e emissão) e curvas de decaimento luminescente. Os parâmetros de intensidade experimental, tempos de vida, assim como as taxas de decaimentos radiativos e não radiativos foram calculados. As propriedades fotônicas dos nanomateriais são consistentes com o sítio de baixa simetria C2 ocupado pelo íon Eu3+ no C-RE2O3:Eu3+, produzindo emissão vermelha dominada pela transição hipersensível 5D0𔾻F2 do íon Eu3+ no sitio C2, ao invés do sítio centrossimétrico S6. Além disso, os nanomateriais Y2O3:Eu3+ exibem características espectroscópicas semelhantes e elevados valores de eficiência quântica (η~91 %), compatível com os luminóforos comerciais disponíveis no mercado. Este novo método pode ser utilizado para o desenvolvimento de novos nanomateriais contendo íons terras raras, assim como outros íons metálicos.


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Entre os inibidores de corrosão clássicos que já são utilizados na indústria do petróleo, foram estudadas a imidazolina oleica e a quaternária através de técnicas eletroquímicas, gravimétrica e analíticas, para avaliar a eficiência de inibição e como esses inibidores atuam em meio ácido. O meio agressivo foi uma solução de NaCl 3,5% em massa acidificada com ácido clorídrico até atingir um pH=2 com o objetivo de simular o ambiente de extração petrolífera. O substrato empregado foi o aço carbono 1020. As técnicas eletroquímicas utilizadas foram: monitoramento do potencial de circuito aberto, medidas de resistência de polarização linear, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIE ) e curvas de polarização. Os valores das componentes real e imaginária de impedância indicam uma resistência maior aos processos de transferência de carga com o aumento da concentração dos inibidores e os Diagramas de Bode de ângulo de fase, revelaram a presença de uma camada de inibidor adsorvida sobre o metal com uma constante de tempo em altas frequências observada para a imidazolina oleica e quaternária. Para a imidazolina quaternária, verificou-se que só para tempos maiores de imersão é que o filme se adsorve de forma eficiente demonstrando uma cinética mais lenta de adsorção. Nos ensaios gravimétricos, os resultados de taxa de corrosão em m/ano foram decrescentes com o tempo após período de imersão de 30 dias, para ambas as imidazolinas. O uso das técnicas analíticas foi necessário a fim de se compreender melhor o comportamento das imidazolinas sobre o aço no meio estudado. Os resultados da análise de íons férricos em solução, por emissão atômica, foram obtidos durante várias amostragens durante o período do ensaio de perda de massa, e foi possível verificar um processo de inibição da corrosão até doze dias de imersão do metal, depois disto ocorre um disparo na quantidade de ferro liberado em solução, sugerindo que pode estar ocorrendo uma degradação do inibidor após 12 dias de imersão. Para esclarecer esse ponto, análises por espectroscopia Raman dos produtos de fundo formados durante os ensaios de perda de massa indicaramm que a degradação pode realmente estar ocorrendo. Foi confirmado, também por espectroscopia Raman sobre a superfície do aço após imersão prévia em solução contendo a imidazolina oleica, que há uma película adsorvida que protege o metal do meio agressivo. Técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi utilizada para caracterizar os corpos de prova na ausência e presença do inibidor, depois dos ensaios eletroquímicos e foi possível caracterizar, através dessa técnica a maior eficiência inibidora do filme de imidazolina quaternária. Dois tipos de nanoconatiners foram avaliados para o encapsulamento das duas imidazolinas estudadas: nanocontainers a base do argilomineral haloiista e sílica mesoporosa tipo SBA 15. Resultados de impedância eletroquímica mostraram a liberação dos inibidores de corrosão encapsulados com o tempo de imersão. Análise na região do infravermelho por sonda de fibra ótica foi utilizada para comprovar química e qualitativamente a liberação do inibidor a partir dos nanorreservatórios, no meio agressivo.


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A systematic study on the influence of carbon on the signal of a large number of hard-to-ionize elements (i.e. B, Be, P, S, Zn, As, Se, Pd, Cd, Sb, I, Te, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, and Hg) in inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry has been carried out. To this end, carbon matrix effects have been evaluated considering different plasma parameters (i.e. nebulizer gas flow rate, r.f. power and sample uptake rate), sample introduction systems, concentration and type of carbon matrix (i.e. glycerol, citric acid, potassium citrate and ammonium carbonate) and type of mass spectrometer (i.e. quadrupole filter vs. double-focusing sector field mass spectrometer). Experimental results show that P, As, Se, Sb, Te, I, Au and Hg sensitivities are always higher for carbon-containing solutions than those obtained without carbon. The other hard-to-ionize elements (Be, B, S, Zn, Pd, Cd, Os, Ir and Pt) show no matrix effect, signal enhancement or signal suppression depending on the experimental conditions selected. The matrix effects caused by the presence of carbon are explained by changes in the plasma characteristics and the corresponding changes in ion distribution in the plasma (as reflected in the signal behavior plot, i.e. the signal intensity as a function of the nebulizer gas flow rate). However, the matrix effects for P, As, Se, Sb, Te, I, Au and Hg are also related to an increase in analyte ion population caused as a result of charge transfer reactions involving carbon-containing charged species in the plasma. The predominant specie is C+, but other species such as CO+, CO2+, C2+ and ArC+ could also play a role. Theoretical data suggest that B, Be, S, Pd, Cd, Os, Ir and Pt could also be involved in carbon based charge transfer reactions, but no experimental evidence substantiating this view has been found.


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The hybrid structure of Fe2O3 nanoparticles/TiO2 nanofibers (NFs), combines the merits of large surface areas of TiO2 NFs and absorption in ultraviolet light–visible light range. This structure can be used for many applications such as photoelectrochemical water splitting and photo-catalysis. Here, a sol-flame method is used for depositing Fe2O3 on TiO2 NFs that were prepared by hydrothermal on Ti sheets. The obtained materials were characterized by XRD, SEM, UV/Vis diffuse reflectance, Raman, and XPS. The results revealed the formation of rutile and anatase crystalline phases together with Fe2O3. This process moves the absorption threshold of TiO2 NFs support into visible spectrum range and enhances the photocurrent in comparison to bare TiO2 NFs, although no hole scavenger was used. The impedance measurement at low and high frequencies revealed an increase in series resistance and a decrease in resistance of charge transfer with sol-flame treatment time. A mechanism for explaining the charge transfer in these TiO2 NFs decorated with Fe2O3 nanoparticles was proposed.


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Results of a systematic study concerning non-spectral interferences from sulfuric acid containing matrices on a large number of elements in inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are presented in this work. The signals obtained with sulfuric acid solutions of different concentrations (up to 5% w w− 1) have been compared with the corresponding signals for a 1% w w− 1− nitric acid solution at different experimental conditions (i.e., sample uptake rates, nebulizer gas flows and r.f. powers). The signals observed for 128Te+, 78Se+ and 75As+ were significantly higher when using sulfuric acid matrices (up to 2.2-fold for 128Te+ and 78Se+ and 1.8-fold for 75As+ in the presence of 5 w w-1 sulfuric acid) for the whole range of experimental conditions tested. This is in agreement with previously reported observations. The signal for 31P+ is also higher (1.1-fold) in the presence of sulfuric acid. The signal enhancements for 128Te+, 78Se+, 75As+ and 31P+ are explained in relation to an increase in the analyte ion population as a result of charge transfer reactions involving S+ species in the plasma. Theoretical data suggest that Os, Sb, Pt, Ir, Zn and Hg could also be involved in sulfur-based charge transfer reactions, but no experimental evidence has been found. The presence of sulfuric acid gives rise to lower ion signals (about 10–20% lower) for the other nuclides tested, thus indicating the negative matrix effect caused by changes in the amount of analyte loading of the plasma. The elemental composition of a certified low-density polyethylene sample (ERM-EC681K) was determined by ICP-MS after two different sample digestion procedures, one of them including sulfuric acid. Element concentrations were in agreement with the certified values, irrespective of the acids used for the digestion. These results demonstrate that the use of matrix-matched standards allows the accurate determination of the tested elements in a sulfuric acid matrix.


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A novel and selective electrochemical functionalization of a highly reactive superporous zeolite templated carbon (ZTC) with two different aminobenzene acids (2-aminobenzoic and 4-aminobenzoic acid) was achieved. The functionalization was done through potentiodynamic treatment in acid media under oxidative conditions, which were optimized to preserve the unique ZTC structure. Interestingly, it was possible to avoid the electrochemical oxidation of the highly reactive ZTC structure by controlling the potential limit of the potentiodynamic experiment in presence of aminobenzene acids. The electrochemical characterization demonstrated the formation of polymer chains along with covalently bonded functionalities to the ZTC surface. The functionalized ZTCs showed several redox processes, producing a capacitance increase in both basic and acid media. The rate performance showed that the capacitance increase is retained at scan rates as high as 100 mV s−1, indicating that there is a fast charge transfer between the polymer chains formed inside the ZTC porosity or the new surface functionalities and the ZTC itself. The success of the proposed approach was also confirmed by using other characterization techniques, which confirmed the presence of different nitrogen groups in the ZTC surface. This promising method could be used to achieve highly selective functionalization of highly porous carbon materials.


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Natural anthocyanin pigments/dyes and phenolic copigments/co-dyes form noncovalent complexes, which stabilize and modulate (in particular blue, violet, and red) colors in flowers, berries, and food products derived from them (including wines, jams, purees, and syrups). This noncovalent association and their electronic and optical implications constitute the copigmentation phenomenon. Over the past decade, experimental and theoretical studies have enabled a molecular understanding of copigmentation. This review revisits this phenomenon to provide a comprehensive description of the nature of binding (the dispersion and electrostatic components of π–π stacking, the hydrophobic effect, and possible hydrogen-bonding between pigment and copigment) and of spectral modifications occurring in copigmentation complexes, in which charge transfer plays an important role. Particular attention is paid to applications of copigmentation in food chemistry.


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We address in this paper a voltammetric study of the charge transfer processes characteristic of Pt(1 0 0) and vicinal surfaces in alkaline media. The electrochemical behavior of a series of stepped surfaces of the type Pt(S)[n(1 0 0) × (1 1 1)] has been characterized using cyclic voltammetry at different pHs, charge displacement measurements and FTIR experiments for adsorbed CO. The results from these techniques allow assigning the different peaks appearing in the voltammogram to hydrogen and/or OH adsorption on the different sites of these surfaces, namely, terrace and step sites. Additionally, the potential of zero total charge (pztc) of the electrodes was determined. The resulting pztc values shift to more negative values when the step density increases on the surface up to n = 5. FTIR spectroscopy experiments have been used to monitor the adsorption of CO on the different surfaces as well as the consequent CO oxidation, accompanying a positive potential sweep. The oxidation of adsorbed CO on (1 0 0) terraces is catalyzed by the presence of the (1 1 1) steps. The FTIR spectra revealed that CO is mostly bonded in bridge configuration at low potentials interconverting to on-top when the electrode potential is increased.


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Currently, one of the most attractive and desirable ways to solve the energy challenge is harvesting energy directly from the sunlight through the so-called artificial photosynthesis. Among the ternary oxides based on earth–abundant metals, bismuth vanadate has recently emerged as a promising photoanode. Herein, BiVO4 thin film photoanodes have been successfully synthesized by a modified metal-organic precursor decomposition method, followed by an annealing treatment. In an attempt to improve the photocatalytic properties of this semiconductor material for photoelectrochemical water oxidation, the electrodes have been modified (i) by doping with La and Ce (by modifying the composition of the BiVO4 precursor solution with the desired concentration of the doping element), and (ii) by surface modification with Au nanoparticles potentiostatically electrodeposited. La and Ce doping at concentrations of 1 and 2 at% in the BiVO4 precursor solution, respectively, enhances significantly the photoelectrocatalytic performance of BiVO4 without introducing important changes in either the material structure or the electrode morphology, according to XRD and SEM characterization. In addition, surface modification of the electrodes with Au nanoparticles further enhances the photocurrent as such metallic nanoparticles act as co-catalysts, promoting charge transfer at the semiconductor/solution interface. The combination of these two complementary ways of modifying the electrodes has resulted in a significant increase in the photoresponse, facilitating their potential application in artificial photosynthesis devices.


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Les réactions de transfert de proton se retrouvent abondamment dans la nature et sont des processus cruciaux dans plusieurs réactions chimiques et biologiques, qui se produisent souvent en milieu aqueux. Les mécanismes régissant ces échanges de protons sont complexes et encore mal compris, suscitant un intérêt des chercheurs en vue d’une meilleure compréhension fondamentale du processus de transfert. Le présent manuscrit présente une étude mécanistique portant sur une réaction de transfert de proton entre un acide (phénol fonctionnalisé) et une base (ion carboxylate) en phase aqueuse. Les résultats obtenus sont basés sur un grand nombre de simulations de dynamique moléculaire ab-initio réalisées pour des systèmes de type « donneur-pont-accepteur », où le pont se trouve à être une unique molécule d’eau, permettant ainsi l’élaboration d’un modèle cinétique détaillé pour le système étudié. La voie de transfert principalement observée est un processus ultra-rapide (moins d’une picoseconde) passant par la formation d’une structure de type « Eigen » (H9O4+) pour la molécule d’eau pontante, menant directement à la formation des produits. Une seconde structure de la molécule d’eau pontante est également observée, soit une configuration de type « Zündel » (H5O2+) impliquant l’accepteur de proton (l’ion carboxylate) qui semble agir comme un cul-de-sac pour la réaction de transfert de proton.


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Les réactions de transfert de proton se retrouvent abondamment dans la nature et sont des processus cruciaux dans plusieurs réactions chimiques et biologiques, qui se produisent souvent en milieu aqueux. Les mécanismes régissant ces échanges de protons sont complexes et encore mal compris, suscitant un intérêt des chercheurs en vue d’une meilleure compréhension fondamentale du processus de transfert. Le présent manuscrit présente une étude mécanistique portant sur une réaction de transfert de proton entre un acide (phénol fonctionnalisé) et une base (ion carboxylate) en phase aqueuse. Les résultats obtenus sont basés sur un grand nombre de simulations de dynamique moléculaire ab-initio réalisées pour des systèmes de type « donneur-pont-accepteur », où le pont se trouve à être une unique molécule d’eau, permettant ainsi l’élaboration d’un modèle cinétique détaillé pour le système étudié. La voie de transfert principalement observée est un processus ultra-rapide (moins d’une picoseconde) passant par la formation d’une structure de type « Eigen » (H9O4+) pour la molécule d’eau pontante, menant directement à la formation des produits. Une seconde structure de la molécule d’eau pontante est également observée, soit une configuration de type « Zündel » (H5O2+) impliquant l’accepteur de proton (l’ion carboxylate) qui semble agir comme un cul-de-sac pour la réaction de transfert de proton.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Cyano-bridged mixed-valence compounds have been known for a long time, i.e., Prussian Blue polymeric solids. Nevertheless, the interest in discrete complexes having a well-defined molecular nuclearity has emerged more recently. There are numerous examples of cyano-bridged mixed-valence complexes in the recent literature, as they show promising and useful applications in electrochromism, molecular magnetism and molecular electronics. In this paper, the reactivity, synthetic and structural chemistry, as well as some physical and chemical properties, of a series of discrete dinuclear mixed-valence cyano-bridged complexes of general formulae [LnCoIII(mu NC)Fe-II(CN)(5)](-) (L = pentadentate macrocyclic ligand) are reviewed. Special emphasis is given to the synthetic strategy, redox properties and metal-to-metal-charge-transfer (MMCT) band energy. Tuning the MMCT transition energy has been possible by changing the redox potential of the metal centers, both through structural and outer-sphere changes. The redox processes that involve the appearance and disappearance of these MMCT bands in the visible region have been dealt with in relation to the possible uses of the complexes. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.