999 resultados para Bulgaria - musiikki
Il progetto di tesi consiste in una proposta di traduzione di tre racconti brevi dello scrittore bulgaro Dejan Enev, introdotti da un excursus sulla short story nel panorama letterario in Bulgaria. Le proposte di traduzione sono accompagnate dal relativo commento, che si incentra soprattutto sulla difficoltà del traduttore nel decidere tra i vari approcci da adottare. Si fa un costante riferimento al concetto di perdita delle sfumature di significato delle parole e alla scelta di quale aspetto di esse preservare a discapito di altri.
The Balkan Vegetation Database (BVD; GIVD ID: EU-00-019; http://www.givd.info/ID/EU-00- 019) is a regional database that consists of phytosociological relevés from different vegetation types from six countries on the Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia). Currently, it contains 9,580 relevés, and most of them (78%) are geo-referenced. The database includes digitized relevés from the literature (79%) and unpublished data (21%). Herein we present descriptive statistics about attributive relevé information. We developed rules that regulate governance of the database, data provision, types of data availability regimes, data requests and terms of use, authorships and relationships with other databases. The database offers an extensive overview about studies on the local, regional and SE European levels including information about flora, vegetation and habitats.
Mode of access: Internet.
Consists of separtate handbooks for 21 countries, issued in sections.
Description based on: '93.
Cover has added titles in German or French.
Mode of access: Internet.
Contains the 4th section of: Brakorazvodi meždu pravoslavnoto Bălgarsko naselenie (pri︠e︡z 1901 godina) = Divorces entre la population orthodoxe Bulgare (pendant l'année 1901).
Each issue divided into two parts: Ofitsialen otdi︠e︡l and Neofitsialen otdel, 19 -34.
Bulgarian or French with translations into Bulgarian.
"This work concerns the non-liberated Bulgarian lands actually the object of competition between Bulgaria and the other Balkan states."-Pref., p. [iii]
v. 1. Historical notice of the English power in Acquitaine. The battle of Poitiers. Historical notice of Peter the Cruel. The Black prince in Spain.--v. 2. Biographical notice of Froissart. The court of Gaston de Foix. Historical notice of the Companions. Aymergot Marcel. Historical notice of the border-feuds between England and Scotland. The battle of Otterbourne.--v. 3. Historical notice of the reign of Bajazet I. The seige of Nicopolis. Historical notice of the (second) house of Burgundy. The last days of Charles the Bold.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on World War I.
[Cigarette trading card, Bulgaria Sport - Photos Bild Nr. 30]
Includes bibliographical references.