European War pamphlets

Autoria(s): Desconhecido

A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets on World War I.

Bonn, M J. ... German war finance ... 1916. -- European relief council. Report on the nationa1 collection by the Control committee to the European relief council ... [1921] -- Fehr, J. C. American claims against Germany ... 1924. -- Germany. Report of tha agent general for reparation payments ... 1925. -- Guynemer, avant-propos de P. Deschanel ... [1918?] -- Hobson, J. A. The world safe for democracy ... [1918?] -- Hoover, H. C. America's obligations in Belgian relief. Address of Herbert C. Hoover ... before the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York, February 1, 1917 ... [1917] -- Martin, A. ... Sous les obus et dans les caves. Notes d'une bombardee de Reims ... 1914. -- Morgan, J. H. A diahonoured army. German atrocities in France ... [1915?] -- The New German empire, a study of German war aims from German sources ... 1917. -- Paris. Peace conference, 1919. Bulgaria. The accusations against Bulgaria. Official documents presented to the Peace conference by the Bulgarian delegation ... [1919] -- Paris. Universite. Reception du President Wilson a l'universite de Paris le 21 Decembre 1918 ... [1919?] -- Passelescq, F. Belgian unity and the Flemish movement ... [l9l6?] -- Renouvin, P. ... Les historiens Americains et les responsabilities de la guerre ... 1931. -- Schnee, H. The German colonies under the mandates ... 1922. -- Sprigg, W. S. ... The British blockade, wbat it means, how it works ... [1917?] -- U. S. Naval consulting board. The enemy submarine ... [1918] -- The War in Europe ... 1914. -- Wheeler, H. F. B. ... The life of Sir John Jellicoe ... [n.d.]

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