963 resultados para Brain MRI analysis
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Serum protein S-100B determinations have been widely proposed in the past as markers of traumatic brain injury and used as a predictor of injury severity and outcome. The purpose of this prospective observational case series was therefore to determine S-100B serum levels in patients with isolated injuries to the back. METHODS: Between 1 February and 1 May 2008, serum samples for S-100B analysis were obtained within 1 hour of injury from 285 trauma patients. All patients with a head injury, polytrauma, and intoxicated patients were excluded to select isolated injuries to the spine. 19 patients with isolated injury of the back were included. Serum samples for S-100B analysis and CT spine were obtained within 1 hours of injury. RESULTS: CT scans showed vertebral fractures in 12 of the 19 patients (63%). All patients with fractures had elevated S-100B levels. Amongst the remaining 7 patients without a fracture, only one patient with a severe spinal contusion had an S-100B concentration above the reference limit. The mean S-100B value of the group with fractures was more than 4 times higher than in the group without fractures (0.385 vs 0.087 mug/L, p = 0.0097). CONCLUSION: Our data, although limited due to a very small sample size, suggest that S-100B serum levels might be useful for the diagnosis of acute vertebral body and spinal cord injury with a high negative predictive power. According to the literature, the highest levels of serum S-100B are found when large bones are fractured. If a large prospective study confirms our findings, determining the S-100B level may contribute to more selective use of CT and MRI in spinal trauma.
OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study were to use delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) to evaluate the zonal distribution of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in normal cartilage and repair tissue and to use 3-T MRI to monitor the GAG content in matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplants. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Fifteen patients who underwent matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation in the knee joint underwent MRI at baseline and 3-T follow-up MRI 1 year later. Total and zonal changes in longitudinal relaxivity (deltaR1) and relative deltaR1 were calculated for repair tissue and normal hyaline cartilage and compared by use of analysis of variance. RESULTS: There was a significant difference between the mean deltaR1 of repair tissue and that of reference cartilage at baseline and follow-up (p < 0.001). There was a significant increase in deltaR1 value and a decrease in GAG content from the deep layer to the superficial layer in the reference cartilage and almost no variation and significantly higher values for the repair tissue at both examinations. At 1-year follow-up imaging, there was a 22.7% decrease in deltaR1 value in the deep zone of the transplant. CONCLUSION: T1 mapping with dGEMRIC at 3 T shows the zonal structure of normal hyaline cartilage, highly reduced zonal variations in repair tissue, and a tendency toward an increase in global and zonal GAG content 1 year after transplantation.
The purpose was to evaluate the relative glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content of repair tissue in patients after microfracturing (MFX) and matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte transplantation (MACT) of the knee joint with a dGEMRIC technique based on a newly developed short 3D-GRE sequence with two flip angle excitation pulses. Twenty patients treated with MFX or MACT (ten in each group) were enrolled. For comparability, patients from each group were matched by age (MFX: 37.1 +/- 16.3 years; MACT: 37.4 +/- 8.2 years) and postoperative interval (MFX: 33.0 +/- 17.3 months; MACT: 32.0 +/- 17.2 months). The Delta relaxation rate (DeltaR1) for repair tissue and normal hyaline cartilage and the relative DeltaR1 were calculated, and mean values were compared between both groups using an analysis of variance. The mean DeltaR1 for MFX was 1.07 +/- 0.34 versus 0.32 +/- 0.20 at the intact control site, and for MACT, 1.90 +/- 0.49 compared to 0.87 +/- 0.44, which resulted in a relative DeltaR1 of 3.39 for MFX and 2.18 for MACT. The difference between the cartilage repair groups was statistically significant. The new dGEMRIC technique based on dual flip angle excitation pulses showed higher GAG content in patients after MACT compared to MFX at the same postoperative interval and allowed reducing the data acquisition time to 4 min.
Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) associated with thin corpus callosum is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by an abnormally thin corpus callosum, normal motor development, slowly progressive spastic paraparesis and cognitive deterioration. To investigate and localize abnormalities in the brains of two Chinese patients with HSP-TCC, with mutations in the spatacsin gene. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was used to determine the mean diffusion (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) in the brains of the patients in comparison to 20 healthy subjects. Voxel-based analysis (VBA) of both the diffusion and anisotropy values were performed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Significant changes with MD increase and FA reduction were found in the already known lesions including the corpus callosum, cerebellum and thalamus. In addition, changes were also found in regions that appear to be normal in conventional MRI, such as the brain stem, internal capsule, cingulum and subcortical white matter including superior longitudinal fascicle and inferior longitudinal fascicle. Neither increase in FA nor reduction in MD was detected in the brain. Our study provides clear in vivo MR imaging evidence of a more widespread brain involvement of HSP-TCC. MD is more sensitive than FA in detecting lesions in thalamus and subcortical white matter, suggesting that MD may be a better marker of the disease progression.
Several studies on hemineglect have reported that patients recover remarkably well when assessed with neuropsychological screening tests, however, they show deficits on novel or complex tasks. We investigated whether such deficits can be revealed with eye movement analysis, applying two basic oculomotor tasks as well as two exploratory tasks. Eye movements were recorded in eight hemineglect patients at least eleven months after right-hemisphere brain damage had occurred. Sixteen healthy volunteers participated in the control group. Regarding the basic oculomotor tasks, only the overlap task revealed residual deficits in patients, suggesting that a directional deficit in disengaging attention persisted during recovery. Further residual deficits were evident in the exploratory tasks. When everyday scenes were explored, patients showed a bias in early orienting towards the ipsilateral hemispace. In a search task, they demonstrated the same orienting bias as well as a non-directional deficit concerning search times. Moreover, patients preferentially fixated in the contralateral hemispace, but did not benefit from this asymmetry in terms of search times, i.e. they did not detect contralateral targets faster than ipsilateral ones. This suggests a dissociation between oculomotor processes and attentional ones. In conclusion, we have identified behavioural aspects that seem to recover slower than others. A disengagement deficit and biases in early orienting have been the most pronounced residual oculomotor deficits.
OBJECTIVE: Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) after transcranial magnetic brain stimulation (TMS) are smaller than CMAPs after peripheral nerve stimulation, because desynchronization of the TMS-induced motor neurone discharges occurs (i.e. MEP desynchronization). This desynchronization effect can be eliminated by use of the triple stimulation technique (TST; Brain 121 (1998) 437). The objective of this paper is to study the effect of discharge desynchronization on MEPs by comparing the size of MEP and TST responses. METHODS: MEP and TST responses were obtained in 10 healthy subjects during isometric contractions of the abductor digiti minimi, during voluntary background contractions between 0% and 20% of maximal force, and using 3 different stimulus intensities. Additional data from other normals and from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were obtained from previous studies. RESULTS: MEPs were smaller than TST responses in all subjects and under all stimulating conditions, confirming the marked influence of desynchronization on MEPs. There was a linear relation between the amplitudes of MEPs vs. TST responses, independent of the degree of voluntary contraction and stimulus intensity. The slope of the regression equation was 0.66 on average, indicating that desynchronization reduced the MEP amplitude on average by one third, with marked inter-individual variations. A similar average proportion was found in MS patients. CONCLUSIONS: The MEP size reduction induced by desynchronization is not influenced by the intensity of TMS and by the level of facilitatory voluntary background contractions. It is similar in healthy subjects and in MS patients, in whom increased desynchronization of central conduction was previously suggested to occur. Thus, the MEP size reduction observed may not parallel the actual amount of desynchronization.
OBJECTIVES: To establish an adequate definition of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) in adults, based on our clinical observations of a case-series. METHODS: Over a period of three years 10 adult patients with a para- or postinfectious disseminated (diffuse or multifocal) syndrome of the CNS fulfilling predefined strict criteria for the diagnosis of ADEM were encountered and systematically followed. RESULTS: The age ranged from 21 to 62 years, two were men. MRI was normal in 5 patients and only mildly abnormal in the remaining patients. CSF was normal in 5 patients and mildly abnormal in the remainder, EEG was abnormal in 7/8 patients. All patients survived and were followed over a period of 30 months (range: 8 to 48 months). Nine patients were left with some residual defects, consisting most often of a mild cognitive impairment. CONCLUSIONS: The EEG as an investigation of brain function can be crucial in establishing the organic nature of disease. MRI is important to exclude other diffuse or multifocal encephalopathies. However, in contrast to previous reports in the literature abnormal MRI should not be considered mandatory in adult ADEM. Difficulties in the diagnosis of ADEM are discussed and the importance of clinical and paraclinical findings for establishing the diagnosis is outlined.
Cerebral vasculitis is a rare disease with a potentially harmful or even fatal outcome that often affects young adults. Primary autoimmune mediated disease can be distinguished from secondary vasculitis associated to infectious disorders, connective tissue diseases, malignancies or toxic drug effects. Pathomechanisms lead to destruction of the vessel wall and consecutive hemorrhagic or ischemic brain lesions. Beyond these mechanisms direct autoimmune mediated neurotoxicity is postulated. Clinical presentation is highly variable with potentially fluctuating signs and symptoms. Besides multifocal deficits from disseminated CNS involvement, diffuse encephalopathy or psychosis may result from diffuse CNS affection. For systemic vasculitis with CNS involvement, affection of joints, skin and organs may facilitate the diagnostic evaluation. CNS affection in systemic diseases is highly variable and may even precede systemic manifestation. The diagnostic work-up includes clinical evaluation, analysis of autoantibodies, MRI, digital subtraction angiography and biopsy of the affected tissue in doubtful cases. Standard therapy are corticosteroids often combined with immunosuppressants such as azathioprine, methotrexate or mycophenolate mofetil in chronic disease or cyclophosphamid in acute disorder. When therapy can be initiated timely, prognosis of cerebral vasculitis is usually favourable.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) is associated with a mortality rate of up to 18%, therefore requiring prompt diagnosis and treatment. Our aim was to evaluate the diagnostic value of perfusion CT (PCT) in the differential diagnosis of NCSE versus postictal states in patients presenting with persistent altered mental states after a preceding epileptic seizure. We hypothesized that regional cortical hyperperfusion can be measured by PCT in patients with NCSE, whereas it is not present in postictal states. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen patients with persistent altered mental status after a preceding epileptic seizure underwent PCT and electroencephalography (EEG). Patients were stratified as presenting with NCSE (n = 9) or a postictal state (n = 10) on the basis of clinical history and EEG data. Quantitative and visual analysis of the perfusion maps was performed. RESULTS: Patients during NCSE had significantly increased regional cerebral blood flow (P > .0001), increased regional cerebral blood volume (P > .001), and decreased (P > .001) mean transit time compared with the postictal state. Regional cortical hyperperfusion was depicted in 7/9 of patients with NCSE by ad hoc analysis of parametric perfusion maps during emergency conditions but was not a feature of postictal states. The areas of hyperperfusion were concordant with transient clinical symptoms and EEG topography in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: Visual analysis of perfusion maps detected regional hyperperfusion in NCSE with a sensitivity of 78%. The broad availability and short processing time of PCT in an emergency situation is a benefit compared with EEG. Consequently, the use of PCT in epilepsy may accelerate the diagnosis of NCSE. PCT may qualify as a complementary diagnostic tool to EEG in patients with persistent altered mental state after a preceding seizure.
INTRODUCTION: Maintaining arterial blood glucose within tight limits is beneficial in critically ill patients. Upper and lower limits of detrimental blood glucose levels must be determined. METHODS: In 69 patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), cerebral metabolism was monitored by assessing changes in arterial and jugular venous blood at normocarbia (partial arterial pressure of carbon dioxide (paCO2) 4.4 to 5.6 kPa), normoxia (partial arterial pressure of oxygen (paO2) 9 to 20 kPa), stable haematocrit (27 to 36%), brain temperature 35 to 38 degrees C, and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) 70 to 90 mmHg. This resulted in a total of 43,896 values for glucose uptake, lactate release, oxygen extraction ratio (OER), carbon dioxide (CO2) and bicarbonate (HCO3) production, jugular venous oxygen saturation (SjvO2), oxygen-glucose index (OGI), lactate-glucose index (LGI) and lactate-oxygen index (LOI). Arterial blood glucose concentration-dependent influence was determined retrospectively by assessing changes in these parameters within pre-defined blood glucose clusters, ranging from less than 4 to more than 9 mmol/l. RESULTS: Arterial blood glucose significantly influenced signs of cerebral metabolism reflected by increased cerebral glucose uptake, decreased cerebral lactate production, reduced oxygen consumption, negative LGI and decreased cerebral CO2/HCO3 production at arterial blood glucose levels above 6 to 7 mmol/l compared with lower arterial blood glucose concentrations. At blood glucose levels more than 8 mmol/l signs of increased anaerobic glycolysis (OGI less than 6) supervened. CONCLUSIONS: Maintaining arterial blood glucose levels between 6 and 8 mmol/l appears superior compared with lower and higher blood glucose concentrations in terms of stabilised cerebral metabolism. It appears that arterial blood glucose values below 6 and above 8 mmol/l should be avoided. Prospective analysis is required to determine the optimal arterial blood glucose target in patients suffering from severe TBI.
PURPOSE: To evaluate multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in hanging and manual strangulation cases and compare them with forensic autopsy results. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Postmortem MSCT and MRI of nine persons who died from hanging or manual strangulation were performed. The neck findings were compared with those discovered during forensic autopsy. In addition, two living patients underwent imaging and clinical examination following severe manual strangulation and near-hanging, respectively. For evaluation, the findings were divided into "primary" (strangulation mark and subcutaneous desiccation (i.e., soft-tissue thinning as a result of tissue fluids being driven out by mechanical compression) in hanging, and subcutaneous and intramuscular hemorrhage in manual strangulation) and "collateral" signs. The Wilcoxon two-tailed test was used for statistical analysis of the lymph node and salivary gland findings. RESULTS: In hanging, the primary and most frequent collateral signs were revealed by imaging. In manual strangulation, the primary findings were accurately depicted, with the exception of one slight hemorrhage. Apart from a vocal cord hemorrhage, all frequent collateral signs could be diagnosed radiologically. Traumatic lymph node hemorrhage (P = 0.031) was found in all of the manual strangulation cases. CONCLUSION: MSCT and MRI revealed strangulation signs concordantly with forensic pathology findings. Imaging offers a great potential for the forensic examination of lesions due to strangulation in both clinical and postmortem settings.
CONTEXT: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combined with magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) emerged as a promising test in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and showed encouraging results. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this systematic review is to meta-analyse the diagnostic accuracy of combined MRI/MRSI in prostate cancer and to explore risk profiles with highest benefit. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: The authors searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases and the Cochrane Library, and the authors screened reference lists and contacted experts. There were no language restrictions. The last search was performed in August 2008. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: We identified 31 test-accuracy studies (1765 patients); 16 studies (17 populations) with a total of 581 patients were suitable for meta-analysis. Nine combined MRI/MRSI studies (10 populations) examining men with pathologically confirmed prostate cancer (297 patients; 1518 specimens) had a pooled sensitivity and specificity on prostate subpart level of 68% (95% CI, 56-78%) and 85% (95% CI, 78-90%), respectively. Compared with patients at high risk for clinically relevant cancer (six studies), sensitivity was lower in low-risk patients (four studies) (58% [46-69%] vs 74% [58-85%]; p>0.05) but higher for specificity (91% [86-94%] vs 78% [70-84%]; p<0.01). Seven studies examining patients with suspected prostate cancer at combined MRI/MRSI (284 patients) had an overall pooled sensitivity and specificity on patients level of 82% (59-94%) and 88% (80-95%). In the low-risk group (five studies) these values were 75% (39-93%) and 91% (77-97%), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A limited number of small studies suggest that MRI combined with MRSI could be a rule-in test for low-risk patients. This finding needs further confirmation in larger studies and cost-effectiveness needs to be established.
OBJECTIVE: To analyse decompressive hemicraniectomy (DHC) in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) with regard to infarction, haemorrhage or brain swelling. METHODS: DHC was performed in 43 of 787 patients with SAH. Patients were stratified according to (1) primary brain swelling without and (2) with additional intracerebral haematoma, (3) secondary brain swelling without rebleeding or infarcts and (4) with infarcts or (5) with rebleeding. Outcome was assessed according to the modified Rankin scale at 6 months RESULTS: Overall, 36 of 43 patients (83.7%) with DHC and 241 of 744 patients (32.4%) without DHC have been of a poor grade on admission (World Federation of Neurological Societies grading 4-5; p<0.0001). Favourable outcome was achieved in 11 of 43 (25.6%) patients with DHC. There was no difference in favourable outcome after primary (25%) versus secondary (26.1%) DHC (p = 1.0). Subgroup analysis (brain swelling vs bleeding vs infarcts) revealed no difference in the rate of favourable outcome. In a multivariate analysis, acute hydrocephalus (p = 0.02) and clinical herniation (p = 0.03) were significantly associated with unfavourable outcome. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that primary and secondary hemicraniectomy may be warranted, irrespective of the underlying aetiology-infarction, haemorrhage or brain swelling. The time from onset of intractable ICP to DHC seems to be crucial, rather than the time from SAH to DHC.
The anatomy of the human brain is organized as a complex arrangement of interrelated structures in three dimensional space. To facilitate the understanding of both structure and function, we have created a volume rendered brain atlas (VRBA) with an intuitive interface that allows real-time stereoscopic rendering of brain anatomy. The VRBA incorporates 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional texture mapping to display segmented brain anatomy co-registered with a T1 MRI. The interface allows the user to remove and add any of the 62 brain structures, as well as control the display of the MRI dataset. The atlas also contains brief verbal and written descriptions of the different anatomical regions to correlate structure with function. A variety of stereoscopic projection methods are supported by the VRBA and provide an abstract, yet simple, way of visualizing brain anatomy and 3-dimensional relationships between different nuclei.
Long term quality of life data of adult patients harboring intracranial ependymomas have not been reported. The role of adjuvant radiation therapy in Grade II ependymomas is unclear and differs from study to study. We therefore sought to retrospectively analyze outcome and quality of life of adult patients that were operated on intracranial ependymomas at four different surgical centers in two countries. All patients were attempted to be contacted via telephone to assess quality of life (QoL) at the time of the telephone interview. The standard EORTC QoL Questionnaire C30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) and the EORTC QLQ-Brain Cancer Module (QLQ-BN20) were used. 64 adult patients with intracranial ependymomas were included in the study. The only factor that was associated with increased survival was age <55 years (p < 0.001). Supratentorial location was correlated with shorter progression free survival than infratentorial location (PFS; p = 0.048). In WHO Grade II tumors local irradiation did not lead to increased PFS (p = 0.888) or overall survival (p = 0.801). Even for incompletely resected Grade II tumors local irradiation did not lead to a benefit in PFS (p = 0.911). In a multivariate analysis of QoL, irradiated patients had significantly worse scores in the item "fatigue" (p = 0.037) than non-irradiated patients. Here we present QoL data of adult patients with intracranial ependymomas. Our data show that local radiation therapy may have long-term effects on patients' QoL. Since in the incompletely resected Grade II tumors local irradiation did not lead to a benefit in PFS in this retrospective study, prospective randomized studies are necessary. In addition to age, supratentorial tumor location is associated with a worse prognosis in adult ependymoma patients.