927 resultados para Bahadur-Savage
O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a contribuição do curso de Administração na formação de uma visão sistêmica das relações sociais, econômicas e ambientais dos seus egressos na visão dos mesmos. A tomada de decisões no ambiente corporativo requer que se considerem os interesses sociais e ambientais, além do econômico; devido, em particular, à atual crise civilizatória em que vivemos. A metodologia utilizada é a qualitativa, por meio da pesquisa exploratória, bibliográfica e de campo. O trabalho buscou aliar o suporte teórico, por meio das contribuições de Elkington (1994), Sachs (2006), Porrit (2007), Aligleri (2009), Barbierri (2010), Fazenda (2001,2008) Freire (1981,1987,1996), Leff (2009), Leonard (1997), Kleiton (2012), Tilbury e Wortman (2004), Freeman (1984), Savage (1991), Mitchell (1997), Katz (1990), Martinelli (1997), ao campo empírico, tendo sido aplicadas entrevistas em profundidade com egressos do curso bacharelado em Administração que cursaram a disciplina de sustentabilidade. De acordo com a pesquisa realizada, identificou-se que os egressos não consideram que a disciplina de sustentabilidade tenha contribuído para o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais significativas para um administrador com uma visão sistêmica, entretanto quando o tema foi abordado de forma interdisciplinar houve maior aproveitamento por parte dos egressos.
A presente tese investiga as manifestações de misticismo no Protestantismo brasileiro, especialmente em seus primórdios, tendo como campo de observação a atividade missionária. Este trabalho registra-se em meio aos estudos que abordam as relações entre cultura, religião e modernidade, principalmente quanto ao campo simbólico. Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória fundamentada no método fenomenológico. Para tanto, utiliza-se a redução fenomenológica e a redução eidética conforme as orientações de Edmund Husserl. Esta tese procura trazer contribuições para esclarecer elementos presentes na construção, transformação e difusão do Protestantismo, considerando a mística protestante como fenômeno religioso. A experiência mística é analisada do ponto de vista individual e coletivo, uma vez que este trabalho privilegia uma perspectiva sociológica em interface com a Psicologia, a Antropologia e, menos centralmente, a Filosofia e a História. Como pesquisa qualitativa e delimitada por seu objeto de estudo, o misticismo pode ser inicialmente apontado como relação direta entre o sagrado e o fiel, reconhecida desta forma individualmente e pelo grupo a que pertence.Tomou-se como referência teórica, entre outros autores, as idéias do sociólogo Roger Bastide, procurando confirmar ou refutar sua hipótese que um dos significados do misticismo pudesse representar a emergência do sagrado selvagem. Esta expressão designa a presença de elementos simbólicos que se manifestam de modo espontâneo ou explosivo nos rituais religiosos. Processos como a secularização e a laicização, decorrentes da institucionalização e modernidade da religião, fazem manifestar o sagrado selvagem, revelando os resíduos das produções sócio -culturais aparentemente ocultas ou mesmo latentes.Os instrumentos utilizados para a realização da pesquisa são trechos de obras literárias características do Protestantismo como A Peregrina e O Peregrino de autoria de John Bunyan, bem como jornais e periódicos evangélicos brasileiros referentes à segunda metade do século XIX: O Estandarte, Puritano e Expositor Cristão, que transmitiam concepções do Puritanismo e do Pietismo. Trechos de diários dos missionários e textos autobiográficos de pastores complementam a análise. O trabalho situa-se historicamente no período antecedente ao da Reforma, seu desenvolvimento e desdobramentos. Priorizaram-se especialmente os movimentos de reavivamento inglês e americano. em suas respectivas influências no imaginário e nas práticas religiosas brasileiras. Após cuidadosa leitura, seleção e organização por unidade de sentido dos dados analisados, firmou-se a hipótese de que a mística protestante é um elemento constitutivo do Protestantismo, representando modalidades de significação social, entre as quais destacam-se as mediações culturais entre: razão/emoção; ingularização/institucionalização; fragmentação/unidade; tradição/inovação; e padronização/automia, expressando relações com as formas de poder, mudança social e divergência de interesses sócio-econômicos.Verificou-se a existência, principalmente nas camadas socialmente menos privilegiadas da população, de indícios relevantes de aproximação cultural entre alguns elementos de práticas religiosas do Pentecostalismo vinculadas ao campo simbólico africano e indígena. Sugere-se que novas pesquisas sejam realizadas, revelando os significados das formas de expressão místicas no Protestantismo brasileiro e suas relações com o Pentecostalismo. Essas investigações podem clarificar os processos de justaposição de elementos culturais distintos nas práticas religiosas brasileiras, como afirmados por Roger Bastide, e corroborados por esta pesquisa.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an escalating global health problem and improved vaccines against TB are urgently needed. HLA-E restricted responses may be of interest for vaccine development since HLA-E displays very limited polymorphism (only 2 coding variants exist), and is not down-regulated by HIV-infection. The peptides from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) potentially presented by HLA-E molecules, however, are unknown. Here we describe human T-cell responses to Mtb-derived peptides containing predicted HLA-E binding motifs and binding-affinity for HLA-E. We observed CD8(+) T-cell proliferation to the majority of the 69 peptides tested in Mtb responsive adults as well as in BCG-vaccinated infants. CD8(+) T-cells were cytotoxic against target-cells transfected with HLA-E only in the presence of specific peptide. These T cells were also able to lyse M. bovis BCG infected, but not control monocytes, suggesting recognition of antigens during mycobacterial infection. In addition, peptide induced CD8(+) T-cells also displayed regulatory activity, since they inhibited T-cell proliferation. This regulatory activity was cell contact-dependent, and at least partly dependent on membrane-bound TGF-beta. Our results significantly increase our understanding of the human immune response to Mtb by identification of CD8(+) T-cell responses to novel HLA-E binding peptides of Mtb, which have cytotoxic as well as immunoregulatory activity.
Ligand-directed signal bias offers opportunities for sculpting molecular events, with the promise of better, safer therapeutics. Critical to the exploitation of signal bias is an understanding of the molecular events coupling ligand binding to intracellular signaling. Activation of class B G protein-coupled receptors is driven by interaction of the peptide N terminus with the receptor core. To understand how this drives signaling, we have used advanced analytical methods that enable separation of effects on pathway-specific signaling from those that modify agonist affinity and mapped the functional consequence of receptor modification onto three-dimensional models of a receptor-ligand complex. This yields molecular insights into the initiation of receptor activation and the mechanistic basis for biased agonism. Our data reveal that peptide agonists can engage different elements of the receptor extracellular face to achieve effector coupling and biased signaling providing a foundation for rational design of biased agonists.
This dissertation explores the political exclusion and reintegration of families and individuals in Córdoba, Argentina during the early nineteenth-century. Part one is an examination of how Federals in Córdoba managed the process of political identification and purge. Federals set up ad hoc institutions that were responsible for targeting political subversives within provincial communities. From 1831 to 1852, Federals managed to target, or “classify,” over 400 individuals and families in various towns and villages as “savage Unitarians,” a political label that meant the certain loss of rights, property, exile, and worse. Federals also sought active participation among “citizens” from all levels of society. Thus, I argue that the process of correctly identifying a “savage Unitarian” in Córdoba was constantly subject to modification at the local level. I also reconstruct the stories of accused families as they struggled to survive the political purges. Many of the families were large landowners and wealthy merchants, confirming that early republican Argentine political struggles were often intra-elite affairs. However, the “classified” individuals and families also represented a variety of socio-economic, ethnic, and racial groups. ^ The second part of this study focuses on families who petitioned Federal authorities for the restitution of rights and property. They proclaimed their loyalty to the “Federal cause,” and often, they had friends and family who could vouch for their claims. These petitions forced Federal authorities to doubt the precision of political identification and re-think how the ideology of Federalism was defined. Authorities granted most requests for repatriation, thereby creating a process of reintegration that included amnesty and restitution. Yet, this system failed to repair the psychological, emotional, materials, and political effects of political purge. Conflicts between society and state led to numerous misunderstandings about what restitution, justice, and reconciliation meant. The new regime's leaders more often denied restitution claims to formerly accused families and individuals, demonstrating that the journey from “savage” to citizen left an indelible imprint on family life in mid-nineteenth century Argentina. ^
A number of factors influence the information processing needs of organizations, particularly with respect to the coordination and control mechanisms within a hotel. The authors use a theoretical framework to illustrate alternative mechanisms that can be used to coordinate and control hotel operations.
The present study comparatively examined the socio-political and economic transformation of the indigenous Sámi in Sweden and the Indian American in the United States of America occurring first as a consequence of colonization and later as a product of interaction with the modern territorial and industrial state, from approximately 1500 to 1900. The first colonial encounters of the Europeans with these autochthonous populations ultimately created an imagery of the exotic Other and of the noble savage. Despite these disparaging representations, the cross-cultural settings in which these interactions took place also produced the hybrid communities and syncretic life that allowed levels of cultural accommodation, autonomous space, and indigenous agency to emerge. By the nineteenth century, however, the modern territorial and industrial state rearranges the dynamics and reaches of power across a redefined territorial sovereign space, consequently, remapping belongingness and identity. In this context, the status of indigenous peoples, as in the case of Sámi and of Indian Americans, began to change at par with industrialization and with modernity. At this point in time, indigenous populations became a hindrance to be dealt with the legal re-codification of Indigenousness into a vacuumed limbo of disenfranchisement. It is, thus, the modern territorial and industrial state that re-creates the exotic into an indigenous Other. The present research showed how the initial interaction between indigenous and Europeans changed with the emergence of the modern state, demonstrating that the nineteenth century, with its fundamental impulses of industrialism and modernity, not only excluded and marginalized indigenous populations because they were considered unfit to join modern society, it also re-conceptualized indigenous identity into a constructed authenticity.
The aim of this study was to explore symptom burden and its relationship to functional performance in patients with COPD. A descriptive, cross-sectional, correlational survey design was used and a sample of 214 patients with COPD. The sample was recruited from patients attending one of the major teaching hospitals in Dublin. Symptom burden was measured using the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS), and the functional performance was measured using the Functional Performance Inventory-Short Form (FPISF). Findings revealed that participants experienced a median of 13 symptoms. The most burdensome symptoms were shortness of breath, lack of energy, difficulty sleeping, worrying, dry mouth, feeling nervous, feeling irritable, and feeling sad. Participants with very severe COPD had the greatest symptom burden, followed by those with severe COPD, moderate COPD, and mild COPD. Symptom burden was higher for the psychological symptoms compared to the physical symptoms. Participants with mild COPD had the highest functional performance, followed by those with moderate COPD, very severe COPD, and severe COPD. Twenty symptoms were negatively correlated with overall functional performance, indicating that high symptom burden for those symptoms was associated with low overall functional performance. Moderate, negative, statistically significant correlations were found between the total symptom burden and overall functional performance, physical symptom burden and overall functional performance and psychological symptom burden and overall functional performance. A negative linear relationship was found between total symptom burden and overall functional performance among all stages of COPD except the mild group. No relationship was found between total symptom burden and overall functional performance for the moderate group. Healthcare professionals need to broaden the clinical and research assessment of physical and psychological symptoms in COPD; alleviating the burden of these symptoms may promote improved functional performance.
The work described in this thesis focuses on the development of an innovative bioimpedance device for the detection of breast cancer using electrical impedance as the detection method. The ability for clinicians to detect and treat cancerous lesions as early as possible results in improved patient outcomes and can reduce the severity of the treatment the patient has to undergo. Therefore, new technology and devices are continually required to improve the specificity and sensitivity of the accepted detection methods. The gold standard for breast cancer detection is digital x-ray mammography but it has some significant downsides associated with it. The development of an adjunct technology to aid in the detection of breast cancers could represent a significant patient and economic benefit. In this project silicon substrates were pattern with two gold microelectrodes that allowed electrical impedance measurements to be recorded from intact tissue structures. These probes were tested and characterised using a range of in vitro and ex vivo experiments. The end application of this novel sensor device was in a first-in-human clinical trial. The initial results of this study showed that the silicon impedance device was capable of differentiating between normal and abnormal (benign and cancerous) breast tissue. The mean separation between the two tissue types 4,340 Ω with p < 0.001. The cancer type and grade at the site of the probe recordings was confirmed histologically and correlated with the electrical impedance measurements to determine if the different subtypes of cancer could each be differentiated. The results presented in this thesis showed that the novel impedance device demonstrated excellent electrochemical recording potential; was biocompatible with the growth of cultured cell lines and was capable of differentiating between intact biological tissues. The results outlined in this thesis demonstrate the potential feasibility of using electrical impedance for the differentiation of biological tissue samples. The novelty of this thesis is in the development of a new method of tissue determination with an application in breast cancer detection.
The Early Miocene Napak XV locality (ca 20.5 Ma), Uganda, has yielded an interesting assemblage of fossils, including the very well represented amphicyonid Hecubides euryodon. The remarkable find of a nearly complete mandible, unfortunately with poorly preserved dentition, together with new dental remains allow us to obtain a better idea about the morphology and variability of this species. Additionally, we describe a newly discovered mandible of Hecubides euryodon from the Grillental-VI locality (Sperrgebiet, Namibia), which is the most complete and diagnostic Amphicyonidae material found in this area. Comparisons with Cynelos lemanensis from Saint Gérand le Pouy (France), the type locality, and with an updated sample of the species of amphicyonids described in Africa leads us to validate the genus Hecubides. Hecubides would be phylogenetically related to the medium and large size species of Amphicyonidae from Africa, most of them now grouped into the genera Afrocyon and Myacyon, both endemic to this continent.
This text is a first that the author would develop later. It is illustrated with case studies and original terminology. It begins with a brief conceptual contribution on the difference in approach between the German and French geographical schools, and continues with a reflection on the historical and geographical relativity of the boundary. Subsequently, at its greatest extent, the article provides a taxonomy of states: amorphous states, in three cases, that of the "savage peoples" without boundaries, of black Africa; that of semi-civilized peoples of northwest Africa, and the particular case of European civilized nomads, called ―terranovas‖. Framed states, with borders undergoing processes of emergence or extension, especially the case of Yugoslavia. And, in addition, some references to stable boundaries of Albania and the Netherlands