994 resultados para Bachelard, Gaston


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This study concerns the representation of space in Caribbean literature, both francophone and Anglophone and, in particular, but not only, in the martinican literature, in the works of the authors born in the island. The analysis focus on the second half of the last century, a period in which the martinican production of novels and romances increased considerably, and where the representation and the rule of space had a relevant place. So, the thesis explores the literary modalities of this representation. The work is constituted of 5 chapters and the critical and methodological approaches are both of an analytical and comparative type. The first chapter “The caribbean space: geography, history and society” presents the geographic context, through an analysis of the historical and political major events occurred in the Caribbean archipelago, in particular of the French Antilles, from the first colonization until the départementalisation. The first paragraph “The colonized space: historical-political excursus” the explores the history of the European colonization that marked forever the theatre of the relationship between Europe, Africa and the New World. This social situation take a long and complex process of “Re-appropriation and renegotiation of the space”, (second paragraph) always the space of the Other, that interest both the Antillean society and the writers’ universe. So, a series of questions take place in the third paragraph “Landscape and identity”: what is the function of space in the process of identity construction? What are the literary forms and representations of space in the Caribbean context? Could the writing be a tool of cultural identity definition, both individual and collective? The second chapter “The literary representation of the Antillean space” is a methodological analysis of the notions of literary space and descriptive gender. The first paragraph “The literary space of and in the novel” is an excursus of the theory of such critics like Blanchot, Bachelard, Genette and Greimas, and in particular the recent innovation of the 20th century; the second one “Space of the Antilles, space of the writing” is an attempt to apply this theory to the Antillean literary space. Finally the last paragraph “Signs on the page: the symbolic places of the antillean novel landscape” presents an inventory of the most recurrent antillean places (mornes, ravines, traces, cachots, En-ville,…), symbols of the history and the past, described in literary works, but according to new modalities of representation. The third chapter, the core of the thesis, “Re-drawing the map of the French Antilles” focused the study of space representation on francophone literature, in particular on a selected works of four martinican writers, like Roland Brival, Édouard Glissant, Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphaël Confiant. Through this section, a spatial evolution comes out step by step, from the first to the second paragraph, whose titles are linked together “The novel space evolution: from the forest of the morne… to the jungle of the ville”. The virgin and uncontaminated space of the Antilles, prior to the colonisation, where the Indios lived in harmony with the nature, find a representation in both works of Brival (Le sang du roucou, Le dernier des Aloukous) and of Glissant (Le Quatrième siècle, Ormerod). The arrival of the European colonizer brings a violent and sudden metamorphosis of the originary space and landscape, together with the traditions and culture of the Caraïbes population. These radical changes are visible in the works of Chamoiseau (Chronique des sept misères, Texaco, L’esclave vieil homme et le molosse, Livret des villes du deuxième monde, Un dimanche au cachot) and Confiant (Le Nègre et l’Amiral, Eau de Café, Ravines du devant-jour, Nègre marron) that explore the urban space of the creole En-ville. The fourth chapter represents the “2nd step: the Anglophone novel space” in the exploration of literary representation of space, through an analytical study of the works of three Anglophone writers, the 19th century Lafcadio Hearn (A Midsummer Trip To the West Indies, Two Years in the French West Indies, Youma) and the contemporary authors Derek Walcott (Omeros, Map of the New World, What the Twilight says) and Edward Kamau Brathwaite (The Arrivants: A New World Trilogy). The Anglophone voice of the Caribbean archipelago brings a very interesting contribution to the critical idea of a spatial evolution in the literary representation of space, started with francophone production: “The spatial evolution goes on: from the Martiniques Sketches of Hearn… to the modern bards of Caribbean archipelago” is the new linked title of the two paragraphs. The fifth chapter “Extended look, space shared: the Caribbean archipelago” is a comparative analysis of the results achieved in the prior sections, through a dialogue between all the texts in the first paragraph “Francophone and Anglophone representation of space compared: differences and analogies”. The last paragraph instead is an attempt of re-negotiate the conventional notions of space and place, from a geographical and physical meaning, to the new concept of “commonplace”, not synonym of prejudice, but “common place” of sharing and dialogue. The question sets in the last paragraph “The “commonplaces” of the physical and mental map of the Caribbean archipelago: toward a non-place?” contains the critical idea of the entire thesis.


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Depuis mon arrivée en Italie j’ai été frappée par les grandes différences qui existent entre les expressions figées et idiomatiques dans les deux langues que sont le français et l’Italien. Etant d’expression francophone, et inscrite à la faculté de langue et de traduction, il m’a été donné de constater que j’avais de grandes difficultés à traduire les expressions figées d’une langue à une autre. Et plus encore il était très difficile de leur trouver des définitions et expressions équivalentes. Fort de ce constat, je me suis intéressée à la possibilité d’analyse des expressions figées du français à l’Italien à travers l’ouvrage de Gaston Gross paru aux éditions OPHRYS, 1996, sous le titre : Les expressions figées en français. Noms composés et autres locutions. Cet ouvrage constitue une avancée importante dans les études et les recherches sur la médiation linguistique et rejoint donc notre domaine de compétence. A travers cette analyse il s’agira de se poser la question fondamentale : Qu’est-ce qu’une expression figée ? Quelles sont ses représentations et ses évolutions dans cet ouvrage et comment s’effectuent son passage et ses transformations d’une langue à une autre ? Pour être plus précis, dans notre cas, comment pouvons-nous établir le passage des expressions figés du français à l’Italien dans cet ouvrage de Gaston Gross ? En répondant à ces questions, nous partons sur la base de l’hypothèse que les expressions figées constituent une richesse dans une langue et sont difficilement traductibles dans une autre langue sans en perdre la richesse et la teneur, lors de ce processus. Notre travail consistera donc à vérifier cette hypothèse.


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We present a geospatial model to predict the radiofrequency electromagnetic field from fixed site transmitters for use in epidemiological exposure assessment. The proposed model extends an existing model toward the prediction of indoor exposure, that is, at the homes of potential study participants. The model is based on accurate operation parameters of all stationary transmitters of mobile communication base stations, and radio broadcast and television transmitters for an extended urban and suburban region in the Basel area (Switzerland). The model was evaluated by calculating Spearman rank correlations and weighted Cohen's kappa (kappa) statistics between the model predictions and measurements obtained at street level, in the homes of volunteers, and in front of the windows of these homes. The correlation coefficients of the numerical predictions with street level measurements were 0.64, with indoor measurements 0.66, and with window measurements 0.67. The kappa coefficients were 0.48 (95%-confidence interval: 0.35-0.61) for street level measurements, 0.44 (95%-CI: 0.32-0.57) for indoor measurements, and 0.53 (95%-CI: 0.42-0.65) for window measurements. Although the modeling of shielding effects by walls and roofs requires considerable simplifications of a complex environment, we found a comparable accuracy of the model for indoor and outdoor points.


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The examination of telomere dynamics is a recent technique in ecology for assessing physiological state and age-related traits from individuals of unknown age. Telomeres shorten with age in most species and are expected to reflect physiological state, reproductive investment, and chronological age. Loss of telomere length is used as an indicator of biological aging, as this detrimental deterioration is associated with lowered survival. Lifespan dimorphism and more rapid senescence in the larger, shorter-lived sex are predicted in species with sexual size dimorphism, however, little is known about the effects of behavioral dimorphism on senescence and life history traits in species with sexual monomorphism. Here we compare telomere dynamics of thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia), a species with male-biased parental care, in two ways: 1) cross-sectionally in birds of known-age (0-28 years) from one colony and 2) longitudinally in birds from four colonies. Telomere dynamics are compared using three measures: the telomere restriction fragment (TRF), a lower window of TRF (TOE), and qPCR. All showed age-related shortening of telomeres, but the TRF measure also indicated that adult female murres have shorter telomere length than adult males, consistent with sex-specific patterns of ageing. Adult males had longer telomeres than adult females on all colonies examined, but chick telomere length did not differ by sex. Additionally, inter-annual telomere changes may be related to environmental conditions; birds from a potentially low quality colony lost telomeres, while those at more hospitable colonies maintained telomere length. We conclude that sex-specific patterns of telomere loss exist in the sexually monomorphic thick-billed murre but are likely to occur between fledging and recruitment. Longer telomeres in males may be related to their homogamous sex chromosomes (ZZ) or to selection for longer life in the care-giving sex. Environmental conditions appeared to be the primary drivers of annual changes in adult birds.


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La traditionnelle scission binaire entre races ou cultures aujourd’hui se voit porter en faux, à travers ces auteurs de la post-colonie, comme notamment Léonora MIANO, auteur du corpus qui a fait l’objet de notre analyse sous l’angle de l’hybridité. Il en ressort que aussi bien les personnages convoqués dans le roman, la manière d’écrire, l’expérience du temps et de l’espace, et enfin l’intrigue représentent chacun une instance de l’hybridité. Le personnage principal nous balade dans les méandres de la nuit : réalités souvent désolantes et désavouées de l’Afrique avec un peu d’exagération certes, mais surtout dans le but d’affirmer avec Madhu Krishnan « l’hybridation comme moyen judicieux et équilibré d’imaginer le continent africain et ses nations. » Très souvent victime d’un rejet mutuel des deux cotés des frontières entre lesquels ils/elles se retrouvent, le héros hybride fait des dégâts dans l’ordre établi des deux cotés en brisant toutes les barrières ou canons sociaux le plus souvent dans la quête d’une vraie identité ; inexistante à moins de l’imposer. L’auteur célèbre l’impureté et lui attribue un pouvoir qui déplace les montagnes pour se faire une place, au mépris de la tradition et ses principes jugés désuètes dans ce nouveau monde globalisé. /// Léonore Miano (1973 -); Cameroun; Postcolonialisme


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Carrying out this research on the difficulties encountered by Bafoussam-Bamileke's native speakers learning English as their L2 helps to unveil many syntactic and phonological problems that require a great interest no only to teachers but also to learners in order to reach an acceptable level of accuracy and fluency. We have also provided some ways to solve those problems efficiently.


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La scene politique camerounaise est l'objet de nombre de contradictions, d'absurdites qui font que le motif ''irregularite'' ou celui de ''fraude'' sont toujours presents à l'issue d'echeance electorale. Parmi les causes de ces irregularites figure lecaractere deloyal des scrutins au Cameroun. Qui s'observe dans l'organisation le deroulement et le depouillement des voix. Cependant, dans ce travail, il est plus question de l'occupation spatiale des differents partis à travers les affiches de campagnes et la representation de ces partis dans l'imaginaire collectif des Camerounais. Que ce soit au niveau du dimensionnement des affiches, du temps d'antennes dans les medas chauds aloué à chaque parti, tout se dispose en sorte que le parti au pouvoir demeure.


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Hip Hip camerounais cesse d'etre une tribune où se guillotine vainement un gouvernement insensible depuis des ans. L'introduction de ''hein pere'' au travers le MIC de Stanley Enow vient rendre hommage à la jeunesse camerounaise et au Cameroun. Finis les portraits sombres d'une jeunesse oubliée par les pouvoirs publics. Ils sont fiers et et le chantent. Ils sont high malgré tout et compte bien y rester. Ce single exhibite la grandeur du Cameroun, des acteurs de la culture et de la jeunesse infatigable, qui avec ce concept ''onesthighpere'' se hisse au plus haut point.


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he aim of this study is to lay down pavement for the issuing of a specific status for part-time teachers who constitute today the bigges part of the teaching staff operating all over the national triangle.


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We developed a geospatial model that calculates ambient high-frequency electromagnetic field (HF-EMF) strengths of stationary transmission installations such as mobile phone base stations and broadcast transmitters with high spatial resolution in the order of 1 m. The model considers the location and transmission patterns of the transmitters, the three-dimensional topography, and shielding effects by buildings. The aim of the present study was to assess the suitability of the model for exposure monitoring and for epidemiological research. We modeled time-averaged HF-EMF strengths for an urban area in the city of Basel as well as for a rural area (Bubendorf). To compare modeling with measurements, we selected 20 outdoor measurement sites in Basel and 18 sites in Bubendorf. We calculated Pearson's correlation coefficients between modeling and measurements. Chance-corrected agreement was evaluated by weighted Cohen's kappa statistics for three exposure categories. Correlation between measurements and modeling of the total HF-EMF strength was 0.67 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.33-0.86) in the city of Basel and 0.77 (95% CI: 0.46-0.91) in the rural area. In both regions, kappa coefficients between measurements and modeling were 0.63 and 0.77 for the total HF-EMF strengths and for all mobile phone frequency bands. First evaluation of our geospatial model yielded substantial agreement between modeling and measurements. However, before the model can be applied for future epidemiologic research, additional validation studies focusing on indoor values are needed to improve model validity.Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (2008) 18, 183-191; doi:10.1038/sj.jes.7500575; published online 4 April 2007.


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Exposimeters are increasingly applied in bioelectromagnetic research to determine personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure. The main advantages of exposimeter measurements are their convenient handling for study participants and the large amount of personal exposure data, which can be obtained for several RF-EMF sources. However, the large proportion of measurements below the detection limit is a challenge for data analysis. With the robust ROS (regression on order statistics) method, summary statistics can be calculated by fitting an assumed distribution to the observed data. We used a preliminary sample of 109 weekly exposimeter measurements from the QUALIFEX study to compare summary statistics computed by robust ROS with a naïve approach, where values below the detection limit were replaced by the value of the detection limit. For the total RF-EMF exposure, differences between the naïve approach and the robust ROS were moderate for the 90th percentile and the arithmetic mean. However, exposure contributions from minor RF-EMF sources were considerably overestimated with the naïve approach. This results in an underestimation of the exposure range in the population, which may bias the evaluation of potential exposure-response associations. We conclude from our analyses that summary statistics of exposimeter data calculated by robust ROS are more reliable and more informative than estimates based on a naïve approach. Nevertheless, estimates of source-specific medians or even lower percentiles depend on the assumed data distribution and should be considered with caution.