979 resultados para BROKEN SYMMETRY
In the presence of 2-hydroxybiphenyl, the enhancer binding protein, HbpR, activates the sigma54-dependent P(hbpC) promoter and controls the initial steps of 2-hydroxybiphenyl degradation in Pseudomonas azelaica. In the activation process, an oligomeric HbpR complex of unknown subunit composition binds to an operator region containing two imperfect palindromic sequences. Here, the HbpR-DNA binding interactions were investigated by site-directed mutagenesis of the operator region and by DNA-binding assays using purified HbpR. Mutations that disrupted the twofold symmetry in the palindromes did not affect the binding affinity of HbpR, but various mutations along a 60 bp region, and also outside the direct palindromic sequences, decreased the binding affinity. Footprints of HbpR on mutant operator fragments showed that a partial loss of binding contacts occurs, suggesting that the binding of one HbpR 'protomer' in the oligomeric complex is impaired whilst leaving the other contacts intact. An HbpR variant, devoid of its N-terminal sensing A-domain, was unable to activate transcription from the hbpC promoter while maintaining protection of the operator DNA in footprints. Wild-type HbpR was unable to activate transcription from the hbpC promoter when delta A-HbpR was expressed in the same cell, suggesting the formation of (repressing) hetero-oligomers. This model implies that HbpR can self-associate on its operator DNA without effector recognition or ATP binding. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the N-terminal sensing domain of HbpR is needed to activate the central ATPase domain rather than to repress a constitutively active C domain, as is the case for the related regulatory protein XylR.
Background: The first AO comprehensive pediatric long bone fracture classification system has been established following a structured path of development and validation with experienced pediatric surgeons. Methods: A follow-up series of agreement studies was applied to specify and evaluate a grading system for displacement of pediatric supracondylar fractures. An iterative process comprising an international group of 5 experienced pediatric surgeons (Phase 1) followed by a pragmatic multicenter agreement study involving 26 raters (Phase 2) was used. The last evaluations were conducted on a consecutive collection of 154 supracondylar fractures documented by standard anteroposterior and lateral radiographs. Results: Fractures were classified according to 1 of 4 grades: I = incomplete fracture with no or minimal displacement; II = Incomplete fracture with continuity of the posterior (extension fracture) or anterior cortex (flexion fracture); III = lack of bone continuity (broken cortex), but still some contact between the fracture planes; IV = complete fracture with no bone continuity (broken cortex), and no contact between the fracture planes. A diagnostic algorithm to support the practical application of the grading system in a clinical setting, as well as an aid using a circle placed over the capitellum was proposed. The overall kappa coefficients were 0.68 and 0.61 in the Phase 1 and Phase 2 studies, respectively. In the Phase 1 study, fracture grades I, II, III, and IV were classified with median accuracies of 91%, 82%, 83%, and 99.5%, respectively. Similar median accuracies of 86% (Grade I), 73% (Grade II), 83%(Grade III), and 92% were reported for the Phase 2 study. Reliability was high in distinguishing complete, unstable fractures from stable injuries [ie, kappa coefficients of 0.84 (Phase 1) and 0.83 (Phase 2) were calculated]; in Phase 2, surgeons' accuracies in classifying complete fractures were all above 85%. Conclusions: With clear and unambiguous definition, this new grading system for supracondylar fracture displacement has proved to be sufficiently reliable and accurate when applied by pediatric surgeons in the framework of clinical routine as well as research.
La simetria entre espatlles i l’alçada de les dues crestes ilíaques es perd quan es pateix escoliosi. Aquest empitjorament de la bona postura té conseqüències negatives per a la salut, especialment en el sistema musculoesquelètic. L’objecte principal d’aquest treball és avaluar l’impacte d’un programa d’activitat física basat en la combinació dels mètodes “Klapp” i l’“Stretching Global Actiu” sobre la postura en bipedestació de persones adultes que pateixen escoliosi idiopàtica. L’aplicació d’ambdós mètodes de forma individual no obtenen millores en aquests paràmetres en persones adultes, però en canvi en nens i nenes sí. El treball és un estudi experimental en el qual es va assignar un subjecte al grup intervenció i un subjecte al grup control. El subjecte del grup intervenció va realitzar un programa de 20 sessions de 45 – 60 minuts de treball amb aquests dos mètodes de treball físic. El subjecte del grup control va seguir la seva activitat habitual. Abans i després de la intervenció, es varen mesurar les variables dependents principals i secundaries respectivament. Els resultats obtinguts han revelat una petita millora en la simetria de les espatlles (+0,2 cms.) en el grup intervenció però no en la simetria de l’altura de les crestes ilíaques. El grup control no ha presentat canvis. Per tant, podem dir que és útil utilitzar la combinació dels dos mètodes físics per a millorar la postura en persones adultes que pateixen escoliosi idiopàtica.
Aquest Treball Final de Grau aporta els resultats d’un estudi sobre els efectes i condicionats que suposa pel rendiment acadèmic dels alumnes de cicle superior de primària el divorci o la separació dels seus progenitors. Ens trobem davant l’augment del nombre de trencaments familiars, que ha esdevingut un fenomen clarament observable en la societat, es tracta d’un fenomen complex, en el qual entren en joc nombroses variables. I el trencament també suposa conseqüències socials, en primer lloc, pels fills/es. En una primera part ens endinsem en les aportacions i teories que han defensat diversos experts al llarg del temps sobre aquest fet. En una segona part es presenten les conclusions i els acords extrets de diverses entrevistes amb mestres d’una escola local en relació a la possible vinculació entre trencament familiar i rendiment acadèmic. I, per últim, s’acaben comparat les visions dels autors teòrics amb les aportacions i visions dels educadors professionals; per arribar a les principals conclusions que, no es pot generalitzar els efectes negatius de la ruptura, cal veure també les possibilitats positives del moment i, per últim, destacar que la manera amb la qual la família s'afronta a la ruptura té una importància crucial a l'hora de determinar l'impacte d'aquesta la ruptura en els fills.
A fundamental problem in cell biology is how cells define one or several discrete sites of polarity. Through mechanisms involving positive and negative feedback, the small Rho-family guanosine triphosphatase Cdc42 breaks symmetry in round budding yeast cells to define a single site of polarized cell growth. However, it is not clear how cells can define multiple sites of polarization concurrently. We discuss a study in which rod-shaped fission yeast cells, which naturally polarize growth at their two cell ends, exhibited oscillations of Cdc42 activity between these sites. We compare these findings with similar oscillatory behavior of Cdc42 detected in budding yeast cells and discuss the possible mechanism and functional outputs of these oscillations.
We study the families of periodic orbits of the spatial isosceles 3-body problem (for small enough values of the mass lying on the symmetry axis) coming via the analytic continuation method from periodic orbits of the circular Sitnikov problem. Using the first integral of the angular momentum, we reduce the dimension of the phase space of the problem by two units. Since periodic orbits of the reduced isosceles problem generate invariant two-dimensional tori of the nonreduced problem, the analytic continuation of periodic orbits of the (reduced) circular Sitnikov problem at this level becomes the continuation of invariant two-dimensional tori from the circular Sitnikov problem to the nonreduced isosceles problem, each one filled with periodic or quasi-periodic orbits. These tori are not KAM tori but just isotropic, since we are dealing with a three-degrees-of-freedom system. The continuation of periodic orbits is done in two different ways, the first going directly from the reduced circular Sitnikov problem to the reduced isosceles problem, and the second one using two steps: first we continue the periodic orbits from the reduced circular Sitnikov problem to the reduced elliptic Sitnikov problem, and then we continue those periodic orbits of the reduced elliptic Sitnikov problem to the reduced isosceles problem. The continuation in one or two steps produces different results. This work is merely analytic and uses the variational equations in order to apply Poincar´e’s continuation method.
Per Maria-Mercè Marçal, la poeta no es pot trobar, no es pot veure, en el «mirall del bell», que sempre han fomentat els discursos dominants. El seu és una altra mena de mirall trencat que reflecteix un ésser complex, híbrid i contaminat que lluita «entre un jo que es vol fer i els múltiples personatges que, des del mirall, li retornen una imatge múltiple». En aquest article, per explorar el tema de l’imaginari femení i el llenguatge poètic, hem escollit dialogar amb Maria- Mercè Marçal i examinar tres dels múltiples bocins que conformen la seva imatge en el mirall. Conversem amb dues mares i un pare simbòlics de l’altre cantó del seu espill, tots tres proveïdors de material ideològic i eixos vertebradors dels assaigs marçalians. Es tracta d’intel·lectuals ben diversos: l’escriptora anglesa Virginia Woolf, el filòsof francès Jacques Derrida i la poeta catalana Maria-Antònia Salvà. En definitiva, dividim la investigació en tres apartats, que volen coincidir amb el diàleg que Marçal suposem que hi mantingué. De primer, amb Virginia Woolf, explorem la necessitat de la poeta de descobrir el sentiment de «fúria» que porta a dins per tal d’assumir la irracionalitat del seu llenguatge. Després, ens endinsem en les teories derridianes sobre la dona i l’escriptura, en un intent de demostrar que ambdues són espècies híbrides que viuen en el llindar, en un espai d’entremig. A l’últim, amb Maria-Antònia Salvà, revisem la imatge de la dona-monstre amb la certesa que «el salvatge» i «l’incert » són el motor del llenguatge poètic femení.
In this paper we will find a continuous of periodic orbits passing near infinity for a class of polynomial vector fields in R3. We consider polynomial vector fields that are invariant under a symmetry with respect to a plane and that possess a “generalized heteroclinic loop” formed by two singular points e+ and e− at infinity and their invariant manifolds � and . � is an invariant manifold of dimension 1 formed by an orbit going from e− to e+, � is contained in R3 and is transversal to . is an invariant manifold of dimension 2 at infinity. In fact, is the 2–dimensional sphere at infinity in the Poincar´e compactification minus the singular points e+ and e−. The main tool for proving the existence of such periodic orbits is the construction of a Poincar´e map along the generalized heteroclinic loop together with the symmetry with respect to .
For polynomial vector fields in R3, in general, it is very difficult to detect the existence of an open set of periodic orbits in their phase portraits. Here, we characterize a class of polynomial vector fields of arbitrary even degree having an open set of periodic orbits. The main two tools for proving this result are, first, the existence in the phase portrait of a symmetry with respect to a plane and, second, the existence of two symmetric heteroclinic loops.
In this paper we consider C1 vector fields X in R3 having a “generalized heteroclinic loop” L which is topologically homeomorphic to the union of a 2–dimensional sphere S2 and a diameter connecting the north with the south pole. The north pole is an attractor on S2 and a repeller on . The equator of the sphere is a periodic orbit unstable in the north hemisphere and stable in the south one. The full space is topologically homeomorphic to the closed ball having as boundary the sphere S2. We also assume that the flow of X is invariant under a topological straight line symmetry on the equator plane of the ball. For each n ∈ N, by means of a convenient Poincar´e map, we prove the existence of infinitely many symmetric periodic orbits of X near L that gives n turns around L in a period. We also exhibit a class of polynomial vector fields of degree 4 in R3 satisfying this dynamics.
In this paper we consider vector fields in R3 that are invariant under a suitable symmetry and that posses a “generalized heteroclinic loop” L formed by two singular points (e+ and e −) and their invariant manifolds: one of dimension 2 (a sphere minus the points e+ and e −) and one of dimension 1 (the open diameter of the sphere having endpoints e+ and e −). In particular, we analyze the dynamics of the vector field near the heteroclinic loop L by means of a convenient Poincar´e map, and we prove the existence of infinitely many symmetric periodic orbits near L. We also study two families of vector fields satisfying this dynamics. The first one is a class of quadratic polynomial vector fields in R3, and the second one is the charged rhomboidal four body problem.
Objectives: This qualitative study aims at understanding the consequences of body deconstruction through mastectomy on corporality and identity in women with breast cancer. Design: Nineteen women were contacted through the hospital. All had to undergo mastectomy. Some were offered immediate breast reconstruction, others, because of cancer treatments, had no planned reconstruction. A qualitative reflexive methodological background was chosen. Method: Women were invited to participate in three semi-structured interviews, one shortly before or after mastectomy, and the other interviews later in their illness courses, after surgery. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed. The analysis of the first interview of each woman is presented in this article. Results: Mastectomy provokes a painful experience of body deconstruction. Even when immediate reconstruction is proposed, contrasted feelings and dissonance are expressed when comparing the former healthy body to the present challenged body entity. Body transformations are accompanied with experiences of mutilation, strangeness, and modify the physical, emotional social, symbolic and relational dimensions of the woman's gendered identity. Although the opportunity of breast reconstruction is seen as a possible recovery of a lost physical symmetry and body integrity, grieving the past body and integrating a new corporality leads to a painful identity crisis. Conclusion: With mastectomy, the roots of the woman's identity are challenged, leading to a re-evaluation of her existential values. The consequences of mastectomy transform the woman's corporality and embodiment, and question her identity. Psychological support is discussed in the perspective of our results.
Infertility is a growing issue that affects thousands of Spanish couples; increasingly there are more and more people who cannot raise a family by themselves. Instead they have to resort to ART, adoption -local or international- or surrogacy abroad, a practice that many couples consider but that isn’t legalized in Spain. In this paper we have broken down each option in detail by analysing the market, differentiating its variants and specific steps, calculating its “price” and suggesting possible improvements that could be made from an economic perspective. We end our paper with the “SWOT” analysis of a hypothetical surrogacy market in Spain by calculating an estimated price, using the US as a reference, and the degree of acceptance it would have, based on the results of random surveys.
Effective winter maintenance makes use of freezing-point-depressant chemicals (also known as ice-control products) to prevent the formation of the bond between snow and ice and the highway pavement. In performing such winter maintenance, the selection of appropriate ice-control products for the bond prevention task involves consideration of a number of factors, as indicated in Nixon and Williams (2001). The factors are in essence performance measurements of the ice-control products, and as such can be easily incorporated into a specification document to allow for selection of the best ice-control products for a given agency to use in its winter maintenance activities. Once performance measures for de-icing or anti-icing chemicals have been specified, this allows the creation of a quality control program for the acceptance of those chemicals. This study presents a series of performance measurement tests for ice-control products, and discusses the role that they can play in such a quality control program. Some tests are simple and rapid enough that they can be performed on every load of icecontrol products received, while for others, a sampling technique must be used. An appropriate sampling technique is presented. Further, each test is categorized as to whether it should be applied to every load of ice-control products or on a sampling basis. The study includes a detailed literature review that considers the performance of ice-control products in three areas: temperature related performance, product consistency, and negative side effects. The negative side effects are further broken down into three areas, namely operational side effects (such as chemical slipperiness), environmental side effects, and infrastructural side effects (such as corrosion of vehicles and damage to concrete). The review indicated that in the area of side effects the field performance of ice-control products is currently so difficult to model in the laboratory that no particular specification tests can be recommended at this time. A study of the impact of ice-control products on concrete was performed by Professor Wang of Iowa State University as a sub-contract to this study, and has been presented to the Iowa Highway Research Board prior to this report.
Most plant species are hermaphrodites, with both male and female functions performed by the same individuals. However, separate sexes (dioecy) have evolved on numerous independent occasions, probably either in response to selection for inbreeding avoidance, or because it pays individuals to specialize in one gender or the other. Although the evolution of dioecy from hermaphroditism tends to be thought of as a one-way path, dioecy has broken down to yield hermaphroditic populations on several occasions. One such case is found in the mainly dioecious genus Mercurialis (Euphorbiaceae). In the species complex M. annua, diploids are dioecious, but polyploid populations are variously monoecious or androdioecious (where males co-exist with functional hermaphrodites). This species complex offers rich material for addressing questions concerning the evolution and ecology of combined versus separate sexes, the evolution of secondary sexual dimorphism, which likely contributes to the stability of dioecy in the genus, and the evolution and genetics of sex determination and sex chromosomes. The species also offers itself as a valuable teaching tool for addressing topics ranging from sex-ratio selection to inter-sexual competition.