959 resultados para Australasian and Oceanian regions
RESUMO: Enquadramento: O sono é cada vez mais reconhecido como um fator determinante na Saúde Infantil porque, quando desadequado, pode ter consequências na regulação emocional e do comportamento, nas funções cognitivas, no rendimento académico, na regulação do peso e no risco de lesões acidentais. Os hábitos e problemas do sono das crianças portuguesas não se encontram ainda bem caracterizados. Este conhecimento é importante para o desenvolvimento da investigação e para a promoção da saúde nesta área. Objetivos: Adaptar e validar o Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) para a cultura portuguesa; Caracterizar os hábitos de sono de uma amostra de crianças dos 2 aos 10 anos tendo em vista a obtenção de dados de referência; Estimar a prevalência dos problemas do sono na perspetiva dos pais; Avaliar se existem diferenças nos hábitos e problemas do sono entre as regiões de média-alta e baixa densidade populacional; Identificar potenciais consequências dos problemas do sono. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, descritivo e correlacional. A versão portuguesa do questionário (CSHQ-PT) foi desenvolvida de acordo com as orientações previamente publicadas e validada numa amostra de 315 crianças dos 2 aos 10 anos. Para o estudo dos hábitos e problemas do sono, o CSHQ-PT foi distribuído aos pais de 2257 crianças recrutadas em 17 zonas de agrupamentos escolares (15 escolhidos de forma aleatória) das áreas da Grande Lisboa, Península de Setúbal e Alentejo, compreendendo zonas litorais e do interior, e de alta, média e baixa densidade populacional. Foram obtidos 1450 (64%) questionários válidos. Resultados: O CSHQ-PT mostrou propriedades psicométricas semelhantes às das versões de outros países e adequadas para a investigação. A avaliação dos hábitos de sono nos dias de semana mostrou que as crianças se deitam, em média, pelas 21h 44m (DP 38 min.). A necessidade da companhia dos pais para adormecer diminui com a idade, ocorrendo em 49% das crianças aos 2-3 anos e 10% aos 9-10 anos. O hábito de adormecer a ver televisão foi descrito em 15,8% das crianças. O tempo total de sono diário diminui com a idade, com uma diferença mais marcada dos 2 para os 3 anos e dos 3 para os 4 anos, quando a sesta se torna menos frequente. No fim de semana, 25% das crianças dormia pelo menos mais uma hora. As diferenças nos hábitos de sono entre regiões de média-alta e de baixa densidade populacional foram reduzidas, sem reflexo na duração média do sono. Considerando valores de referência de outros países, verificou-se que 10% das crianças estudadas tinha uma duração do sono dois desvios-padrão abaixo da média esperada para a idade. A prevalência dos problemas do sono na perspetiva dos pais foi de 10,4%, sem diferenças significativas entre classes etárias, subgrupos de nível educacional dos pais, nem entre zonas de média-alta e baixa densidade populacional. Estes problemas do sono mostraram-se associados, sobretudo, à duração do sono insuficiente, resistência em ir para a cama, dificuldade em adormecer sozinho, despertares noturnos frequentes e ocorrência de parassónias. A baixa prevalência de problemas do sono identificados pelos pais contrasta com cotações elevadas no CSHQ-PT que traduzem comportamentos-problema mais frequentes, que são bem aceites por alguns pais. O Índice de Perturbação do Sono foi mais elevado nas famílias com menor nível educacional. Em análise multivariada mostraram valor preditivo para a sonolência diurna: o tempo total de sono diário, a diferença da duração do sono noturno durante a semana e no fim de semana, a frequência de algumas parassónias e o hábito de adormecer a ver televisão. O rendimento escolar mostrou associação com os problemas do sono, que são mais frequentes nas crianças com dificuldades escolares e hiperatividade/problemas de atenção. A relação entre estas variáveis é complexa. Conclusões: Este estudo mostrou que os problemas comportamentais do sono e a privação de sono são frequentes na população estudada. Estes problemas têm consequências, uma vez que correspondem a uma frequência mais elevada de sintomas de sonolência diurna, por comparação com outros países. Perante este cenário, é muito importante reforçar a promoção de hábitos de sono saudáveis e continuar a estudar as consequências do sono desadequado nas crianças portuguesas. -----------ABSTRACT:Framework: Sleep is increasingly being recognized as important to Child Health, for inadequate sleep may impact behavioral and emotional regulation, cognitive functions, academic performance, weight regulation and the risk of accidental injuries. The sleep habits and sleep problems of Portuguese children are not well characterized. This knowledge is important to support further studies and health promotion actions. Objectives: Develop and validate a Portuguese version of the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ-PT); Characterize the sleep habits and problems in a sample of Portuguese children from the ages of 2 to 10 for future reference; Estimate the prevalence of parent-defined sleep problems; Assess whether there are differences in sleep habits and problems between regions of medium-high and low population densities; Identify potential consequences of sleep problems. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study. The Portuguese version of the questionnaire (CSHQ-PT) was developed according to published guidelines and validated in a sample of 315 children from 2 to 10 years old (y.o.). In order to study sleep habits and problems we delivered the CSHQ-PT to 2257 children recruited from 17 school districts (15 were chosen randomly) in areas with low, medium and high population densities, including coastline and inland regions. 1450 (64%) valid questionnaires were obtained. Results: The CSHQ-PT demonstrated psychometric properties that were similar to the versions from other countries and adequate for research. The evaluation of sleep habits showed that on schooldays children go to bed, on average, at 21h 44m (SD 38 min.). The need of having the parent in the room at bedtime decreases with the age of the child, occurring in 49% of children with 2-3 y.o. and 10% of children between 9 and 10 y.o. The habit of going asleep while watching TV was reported in 15,8% of the children. Total sleep time diminishes with the age of the child, having a major decrease from 2 to 3 y.o. and from 3 to 4 y.o., along with less frequent naps. During the weekend, 25% of the children sleep at least one extra hour. Considering reference values from other series, we found that 10% of the children had a sleep duration two standard deviations below the mean for the age. The differences in sleep habits between regions of medium-high and low population densities are few, and there are no differences in average sleep durations. The prevalence of parent-defined sleep problems was 10.4%. There were no significant differences between age classes, parent education subgroups or between regions of medium-high and low population densities. These sleep problems were associated with insufficient sleep duration, bedtime resistance, difficulty in falling asleep alone, frequent night awakenings and the occurrence of parasomnias. The low prevalence of parent-defined sleep problems contrasts with high CSHQ scores meaning that problematic behaviors are more frequent, but acceptable to some parents. The Sleep Disturbance Score was higher in families with a lower educational level. In multivariate analysis, the following factors predicted the daytime somnolence score: total sleep time, the difference in night sleep duration between the weekend and school days, the frequency of some parasomnias and the habit of falling asleep while watching TV. School achievement showed a negative correlation with the sleep problems, which are more frequent in children with school difficulties and hyperactivity/attention problems. The relationship between these variables is complex. Conclusions: This study evidenced that behavioral sleep problems and sleep deprivation are common in our population. These sleep problems have consequences as they correspond to more symptoms of excessive daytime somnolence comparing to other countries. Therefore, we reinforce the importance of promoting healthy sleep habits and further study the consequences of inadequate sleep in Portuguese children.
Cryptococcus gattii causes meningoencephalitis in immunocompetent hosts, occurring endemically in some tropical and subtropical regions. Recently, this fungus was involved in an outbreak in Vancouver Island and British Columbia (Canada). In this temperate region, the VGII type is predominant. The paper describes an autochthonous case of meningoencephalitis by C. gattii VGII in a previously health child in Rio de Janeiro, considered nonendemic region of Brazil. The fungus was identified by biochemical tests and the molecular type was determined by URA5-RFLP. The present report highlights the need for clinical vigilance for primary cryptococcal meningitis in nonendemic areas.
World population is increasing at an alarming rate while food productivity is decreasing due to the effect of various abiotic stresses. Soil salinity is one of the most important abiotic stress and a limiting factor for worldwide plant production. In addition to its important effects on yield, salt stress affects numerous cellular activities, including cell wall composition, photosynthesis, protein synthesis, ions and organic solutes. Up to 20% of the irrigated arable land in arid and semiarid regions is already salt affected and is still expanding. Improving salt tolerant varieties is of major importance, and efforts should be focused on finding adaptive mechanisms which are involved in salinity tolerance. In this study, several spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum var. Spelta) genotypes and one cultivar of modern bread wheat were used to screen them for salt tolerance. Spelt is an old-European cereal crop currently attracting renewed interest as a food grain because it is said to be harder than wheat and requires less fertilizer. Spelt wheat is also becoming very attractive genetic source by plant breeders due to its wide adaptation ability to various stressful conditions such as soil salinity. In this study morphological parameters (e.g., leaf appearance; shoot elongation), dry matter production, mineral nutrients (especially Na and K), and activity of antioxidative enzymes were measured to select superior genotypes of spelt for salt tolerance. The results showed that Spelt genotype Sp41 is a salt sensitive genotype and genotypes Sp69, Sp96 and Sp912 are good candidates for salt tolerant genotypes.
INTRODUCTION: Entomological surveillance of Chagas disease in the Federal District of Brazil (DF), has recorded the following triatomine species: Panstrongylus megistus, P. geniculatus, P. diasi, Rhodnius neglectus, Triatoma pseudomaculata, and T. sordida. We aimed to analyze the spatial and temporal occurrence of triatomine species collected in DF, and their indices of natural infection with trypanosomes. METHODS: The Health State Secretariat of DF recorded triatomines between 2002 and 2010 in 20 administrative regions. This retrospective analysis considered the number of adults and nymphs of each species collected and infected in both intradomicile and peridomicile. RESULTS: A total of 754 triatomines were collected in 252 reported domiciles. Panstrongylus megistus was the most frequent species (65%), followed by T. pseudomaculata (14%). Of the 309 examined insects, only 3 (1%) specimens of P. megistus were infected with flagellates morphologically similar to Trypanosoma cruzi. The spatial occurrence indicated a higher diversity of triatomines and frequency of T. sordida in rural areas. Moreover, there was a predominance of P. megistus in urban areas. The number of records of P. megistus in the rainy season was two times higher than that during the dry season. The largest number of triatomines was collected in November. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of P. megistus specimens infected with trypanosomes in domiciles, shows the potential risk of human infection in DF. Thus, it is essential to continue entomological surveillance, intensifying it in the rainy season and in regions of greater occurrence.
INTRODUCTION: Dengue is a serious public health problem worldwide, with cases reported annually in tropical and subtropical regions. Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762), the main vector of dengue, is a domiciliary species with high dispersal and survival capacities and can use various artificial containers as breeding sites. We assessed potential container breeding sites of A. aegypti in the municipality of Caxias, Maranhão, Brazil. METHODS: In the initial phase, we analyzed 900 properties in 3 neighborhoods during the dry and rainy seasons (August-October 2005 and February-April 2006, respectively). During the second sampling period, September 2006-August 2007, we used 5 assessment cycles for 300 properties in a single neighborhood. RESULTS: During the dry and rainy seasons, water-storage containers comprised 55.7% (n = 1,970) and 48.5% (n = 1,836) of the total containers inspected, and showed the highest productivity of immature A. aegypti; we found 23.7 and 106.1 individuals/container, respectively, in peridomicile sites. In intradomicile sites, water-storage containers were also the most important breeding sites with 86.4% (n = 973) and 85.6% (n = 900) of all containers and a mean of 7.9 and 108.3 individuals/container in the dry and rainy seaso-October 2006 (1,342). The highest number of positives (70) was recorded in May, mostly (94%) in storage containers. CONCLUSIONS: Storage containers are the principal and most productive A. aegypti breeding sites and are a major contributing factor to the maintenance of this vector in Caxias.
In 2014, the wind energy sector achieved a maturity status within the Portuguese power system. While it still experienced some additional capacity deployment (222 MW), after 15 years of intense deployment Portugal reached 4, 953 MW of installed wind power capacity by the end of 2014. Wind power represents 25% (considering only mainland Portugal) of the total operational capacity and 42% of renewable energy capacity in the country. In 2014, Portuguese wind parks produced 12.1 TWh maintaining a wind energy contribution of 24% of the annually electricity consumption. This high wind penetration was influenced by the favorable wind conditions observed in the first three months of the year over central and northern regions of mainland Portugal that also correspond to the largest concentration of installed wind capacity.
Strongyloides stercoralis is an endemic nematode to tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. The parasite is capable of autoinfection, which is limited by an intact immune response. In immunocompromised hosts, hyperinfection and dissemination can occur and have a high index of mortality. A hyperinfection syndrome with dissemination is frequently associated with corticosteroid administration and other conditions (malignancies and organ transplantation). Interestingly, although strongyloidiasis is common among AIDS patients in endemic areas, the hyperinfection syndrome is rarely noted. We report here on a rare manifestation of fulminant gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to hyperinfection of strongyloidiasis in a female drug-abusing, alcoholic HIV/AIDS patient.
IntroductionThe year 2009 marked the beginning of a pandemic caused by a new variant of influenza A (H1N1). After spreading through North America, the pandemic influenza virus (H1N1) 2009 spread rapidly throughout the world. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cases of pandemic influenza in a tropical/semi-arid region of Brazil.MethodsA retrospective study analyzed all suspected cases of pandemic influenza (H1N1) 2009 reported in the Ceará State through the National Information System for Notifiable Diseases during the pandemic period between 28 April, 2009 and November 25, 2010.ResultsA total of 616 suspected cases were notified, 58 (9.4%) in the containment phase and 558 (90.6%) in the mitigation phase. Most cases were of affected young people resident in the City of Fortaleza, the largest urban center in the State of Ceará. The most frequent symptoms presented by the cases with confirmed infection were fever, cough, myalgia, arthralgia, and nasal congestion. Mortality rate was 0.0009/1,000 inhabitants and lethality was 5.6%. Deaths were observed only in the mitigation phase. Mortality rates were similar for both sexes but were higher in the age group under 5 years.ConclusionsThe study suggests that the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic in this tropical/semi-arid region had a lower magnitude when compared to states in the Southern and Southeastern regions of Brazil.
Introduction A sero-epidemiological survey was undertaken to detect the circulation of arboviruses in free-living non-human primates. Methods Blood samples were obtained from 16 non-human primates (13 Sapajus spp. and three Alouatta caraya) that were captured using terrestrial traps and anesthetic darts in woodland regions in the municipalities of Campo Grande, Aquidauana, Jardim, Miranda and Corumbá in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The samples were sent to the Instituto Evandro Chagas (IEC) in Ananindeua, Pará, Brazil, to detect antibodies against 19 species of arboviruses using a hemagglutination inhibition test (HI). Results Of the 16 primates investigated in the present study, five (31.2%) were serologically positive for an arbovirus. Of these five, two (12.5%) exhibited antibodies to the Flavivirus genus, one (6.2%) exhibited a monotypic reaction to Cacipacoré virus, one (6.2%) was associated with Mayaro virus, and one (6.2%) was positive for Oropouche virus. Conclusions Based on the positive serology observed in the present study, it was possible to conclude that arboviruses circulate among free-living primates. The viruses in the areas studied might have been introduced by infected humans or by primates from endemic or enzootic areas. Studies of this nature, as well as efficient and continuous surveillance programs, are needed to monitor viral activities in endemic and enzootic regions.
Considering that vernacular architecture may bear important lessons on hazard mitigation, this chapter focuses on the European Mediterranean countries and studies traditional seismic-resistant architectural elements and techniques that local populations developed to prevent or repair earthquake damage. This area was selected as a case study because, as a highly seismic region, it has suffered the effect of many earthquakes along the history and, thus, regions within this area are prone to have developed a Local Seismic Culture. After reviewing seismic resistant construction concepts, a wide range of traditional construction solutions that, in many cases, have shown to improve the seismic performance of vernacular constructions of these regions is presented, as a contribution to the general overview of retrofitting building systems provided in this book. The main motivation is that most of these techniques can be successfully applied to preserve and to retrofit surviving examples without prejudice for their identity.
A generic search for anomalous production of events with at least three charged leptons is presented. The data sample consists of pp collisions at s√=8 TeV collected in 2012 by the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1. Events are required to have at least three selected lepton candidates, at least two of which must be electrons or muons, while the third may be a hadronically decaying tau. Selected events are categorized based on their lepton flavour content and signal regions are constructed using several kinematic variables of interest. No significant deviations from Standard Model predictions are observed. Model-independent upper limits on contributions from beyond the Standard Model phenomena are provided for each signal region, along with prescription to re-interpret the limits for any model. Constraints are also placed on models predicting doubly charged Higgs bosons and excited leptons. For doubly charged Higgs bosons decaying to eτ or μτ, lower limits on the mass are set at 400 GeV at 95% confidence level. For excited leptons, constraints are provided as functions of both the mass of the excited state and the compositeness scale Λ, with the strongest mass constraints arising in regions where the mass equals Λ. In such scenarios, lower mass limits are set at 3.0 TeV for excited electrons and muons, 2.5 TeV for excited taus, and 1.6 TeV for every excited-neutrino flavour.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Industrial e de Sistemas
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil (área de especialização em Estruturas e Geotecnia)
Dissertação de mestrado em Arqueologia
Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases in the Elderly: Comparative Analysis of Two Five-year Periods
Background:Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Brazil. The better understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the Brazilian elderly population is essential to support more appropriate health actions for each region of the country.Objective:To describe and to compare geospatially the rates of mortality from cardiovascular disease in elderly individuals living in Brazil by gender in two 5-year periods: 1996 to 2000 and 2006 to 2010.Methods:This is an ecological study, for which rates of mortality were obtained from DATASUS and the population rates from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística). An average mortality rate for cardiovascular disease in elderly by gender was calculated for each period. The spatial autocorrelation was evaluated by TerraView 4.2.0 through global Moran index and the formation of clusters by the index of local Moran-LISA.Results:There was an increase, in the second 5-year period, in the mortality rates in the Northeast and North regions, parallel to a decrease in the South, South-East and Midwest regions. Moreover, there was the formation of clusters with high mortality rates in the second period in Roraima among females, and in Ceará, Pernambuco and Roraima among males.Conclusion:The increase in mortality rates in the North and Northeast regions is probably related to the changing profile of mortality and improvement in the quality of information, a result of the increase in surveillance and health care measures in these regions.