934 resultados para Artistic actions


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We study proper actions of groups $G \cong \Z/2\Z \ast \Z/2\Z \ast \Z/2\Z$ on affine space of three real dimensions. Since $G$ is nonsolvable, work of Fried and Goldman implies that it preserves a Lorentzian metric. A subgroup $\Gamma < G$ of index two acts freely, and $\R^3/\Gamma$ is a Margulis spacetime associated to a hyperbolic surface $\Sigma$. When $\Sigma$ is convex cocompact, work of Danciger, Gu{\'e}ritaud, and Kassel shows that the action of $\Gamma$ admits a polyhedral fundamental domain bounded by crooked planes. We consider under what circumstances the action of $G$ also admits a crooked fundamental domain. We show that it is possible to construct actions of $G$ that fail to admit crooked fundamental domains exactly when the extended mapping class group of $\Sigma$ fails to act transitively on the top-dimensional simplices of the arc complex of $\Sigma$. We also provide explicit descriptions of the moduli space of $G$ actions that admit crooked fundamental domains.


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What does this thesis do? This thesis uses Actor-Network Theory (ANT) to examine how a UK retailer’s organization and strategy, and, in turn, its form of management accounting was shaped by its supply chain. The thesis does this by reporting on four related themes in the form of four inter-connected essays. The first essay undertakes a state-of-the-art review of the literature. It examines how accounting issues within supply chains permeate ‘matters of concern’. In accordance with this idea of ANT, the essay illustrates how issues emerged, controversies developed, and matters evolved through an actor-network of accounting researchers within the supply chain domain. This leads on to the second essay, which exemplifies the nature of the UK’s retailing industry within which the supply chain case organization emerged and developed. The purposes of the essay are twofold: to introduce the contextual ramifications of the case organization; and to illustrate the emergence of a new market logic, which led to the creation of a global supply chain and a new form of management accounting therein. The third essay reports on a qualitative case study. It analyses the dualistic relation between ostensive and performative aspects of supply chain strategy, reveals how accounting numbers act as an obligatory passage point within this dualism, and makes a contribution to the ANT debate around the issue of whether and how a dualism between ostensive and performative aspects exists. The final essay reports on another case analysis of institutionalizing a heterarchical form of management accounting: a distributed form of intelligence that penetrates through lateral accountable relations. The analysis reveals a new form of management accounting characterised by ambiguity; it emphasizes the possibilities of compromises and negotiations, and it thus contributes to knowledge by combining an aspect of ANT with heterarchical tendencies in the world of contemporary organizations. Finally, the thesis concludes that it is the supply chain that organises today’s neoliberal capitalism; and it is management accounting that unites both human and non-human actors within such supply chains, despite that form of management accounting being ambiguous. The thesis comprises the introduction, these four essays, and the conclusion.


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Le contrôle de surveillance 2014 pour la DCE appliquée dans les eaux littorales de Loire Bretagne a porté sur les 25 masses d’eau côtières (sur 39 au total) et les 16 masses d’eau de transition (sur 30 au total) retenues au titre du contrôle de surveillance. L’ensemble des résultats acquis, aussi bien sur les paramètres biologiques que chimiques, a permis de mettre à jour l’évaluation de l’état des masses d’eau affiché sur l’atlas DCE accessible sur la page web d’Envlit correspondante.


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O projeto "Minas e Memórias da Urgeiriça" focaliza-se nos contributos da arte enquanto vetor de sensibilização ambiental, entendida como um veículo privilegiado para promover comportamentos e atitudes mais sustentáveis, responsáveis e cívicas, apelando para a mudança ou para o reforço de boas práticas ambientais. O projeto foi implementado no Concelho de Nelas, distrito de Viseu, baseando-se na história socioambiental das Minas da Urgeiriça, localizadas na freguesia de Canas de Senhorim. Abarcou um conjunto de atividades de índoles pedagógico e artístico, que se interligaram coerentemente, iniciando-se com o seminário “Urgeiriça: Antes, Agora e Depois?”, seguindo-se a performance “Escuridão” complementada pelos cantares de hinos dos ex-trabalhadores das Minas da Urgeiriça, culminando na visita à instalação artística “Escavações”. Os resultados estão ancorados em duas premissas fundamentais: por um lado, os testemunhos reais dos ex-trabalhadores mineiros expressaram a influência da ação do homem sobre a natureza de forma descomedida e irresponsável, que continua a acarretar consequências nefastas para o ser humano, e por outro, demonstraram as intervenções a que o local se sujeitou (da exploração desenfreada de recursos até à progressiva requalificação). Para tal, conseguiu-se revitalizar e reforçar as memórias do espaço (físico e mental) e materializá-las através da arte como forma de sensibilizar a comunidade local acerca das ações resultantes da interação do homem versus ambiente, sendo encaradas como meio privilegiado de desenvolvimento comunitário, gerador de competências e de mudanças.


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This book is a synthesizing reflection on the Holocaust commemoration, in which space becomes a starting point for discussion. The author understands space primarily as an amalgam of physical and social components, where various commemorative processes may occur. The first part of the book draws attention to the material aspect of space, which determines its character and function. Material culture has been a long ignored and depreciated dimension of human culture in the humanities and social sciences, because it was perceived as passive and fully controlled by human will, and therefore insignificant in the course of social and historical processes. An example of the Nazi system perfectly illustrates how important were the restrictions and prohibitions on the usage of mundane objects, and in general, the whole material culture in relation to macro and micro space management — the state, cities, neighborhoods and houses, but also parks and swimming pools, factories and offices or shops and theaters. The importance of things and space was also clearly visible in exploitative policies present in overcrowded ghettos and concentration and death camps. For this very reason, when we study spatial forms of Holocaust commemoration, it should be acknowledged that the first traces, proofs and mementoes of the murdered were their things. The first "monuments" showing the enormity of the destruction are thus primarily gigantic piles of objects — shoes, glasses, toys, clothes, suitcases, toothbrushes, etc., which together with the extensive camps’ space try to recall the scale of a crime impossible to understand or imagine. The first chapter shows the importance of introducing the material dimension in thinking about space and commemoration, and it ends with a question about one of the key concepts for the book, a monument, which can be understood as both object (singular or plural) and architecture (sculptures, buildings, highways). However, the term monument tends to be used rather in a later and traditional sense, as an architectural, figurative form commemorating the heroic deeds, carved in stone or cast in bronze. Therefore, the next chapter reconstructs this narrower line of thinking, together with a discussion about what form a monument commemorating a subject as delicate and sensitive as the Holocaust should take on. This leads to an idea of the counter-monument, the concept which was supposed to be the answer to the mentioned representational dilemma on the one hand, and which would disassociate it from the Nazi’s traditional monuments on the other hand. This chapter clarifies the counter-monument definition and explains the misunderstandings and confusions generated on the basis of this concept by following the dynamics of the new commemorative form and by investigating monuments from the ‘80s and ‘90s erected in Germany. In the next chapter, I examine various forms of the Holocaust commemoration in Berlin, a city famous for its bold, monumental, and even controversial projects. We find among them the entire spectrum of memorials – big, monumental, and abstract forms, like Peter Eisenman’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe or Daniel Liebeskind’s Jewish Museum Berlin; flat, invisible, and employing the idea of emptiness, like Christian Boltanski’s Missing House or Micha Ullman’s Book Burning Memorial; the dispersed and decentralized, like Renata Stih and Frieder Schnock’s Memory Places or Gunter Demnig’s Stumbling Blocks. I enrich descriptions of the monuments by signaling at this point their second, extended life, which manifests itself in the alternative modes of (mis)use, consisting of various social activities or artistic performances. The formal wealth of the outlined projects creates a wide panorama of possible solutions to the Holocaust commemoration problems. However, the discussions accompanying the building of monuments and their "future life" after realization emphasize the importance of the social component that permeates the biography of the monument, and therefore significantly influences its foreseen design. The book also addresses the relationship of space, place and memory in a specific situation, when commemoration is performed secretly or remains as unrealized potential. Although place is the most common space associated with memory, today the nature of this relationship changes, and is what indicates popularity and employment of such terms as Marc Augé’s non-places or Pierre Nora’s site of memory. I include and develop these concepts about space and memory in my reflections to describe qualitatively different phenomena occurring in Central and Eastern European countries. These are unsettling places in rural areas like glades or parking lots, markets and playgrounds in urban settings. I link them to the post-war time and modernization processes and call them sites of non-memory and non-sites of memory. Another part of the book deals with a completely different form of commemoration called Mystery of memory. Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre in Lublin initiated it in 2000 and as a form it situates itself closer to the art of theater than architecture. Real spaces and places of everyday interactions become a stage for these performances, such as the “Jewish town” in Lublin or the Majdanek concentration camp. The minimalist scenography modifies space and reveals its previously unseen dimensions, while the actors — residents and people especially related to places like survivors and Righteous Among the Nations — are involved in the course of the show thanks to various rituals and symbolic gestures. The performance should be distinguished from social actions, because it incorporates tools known from religious rituals and art, which together saturate the mystery of memory with an aura of uniqueness. The last discussed commemoration mode takes the form of exposition space. I examine an exhibition concerning the fate of the incarcerated children presented in one of the barracks of the Majdanek State Museum in Lublin. The Primer – Children in Majdanek Camp is unique for several reasons. First, because even though it is exhibited in the camp barrack, it uses a completely different filter to tell the story of the camp in comparison to the exhibitions in the rest of the barracks. For this reason, one experiences immersing oneself in all subsequent levels of space and narrative accompanying them – at first, in a general narrative about the camp, and later in a specifically arranged space marked by children’s experiences, their language and thinking, and hence formed in a way more accessible for younger visitors. Second, the exhibition resigns from didacticism and distancing descriptions, and takes an advantage of eyewitnesses and survivors’ testimonies instead. Third, the exhibition space evokes an aura of strangeness similar to a fairy tale or a dream. It is accomplished thanks to the arrangement of various, usually highly symbolic material objects, and by favoring the fragrance and phonic sensations, movement, while belittling visual stimulations. The exhibition creates an impression of a place open to thinking and experiencing, and functions as an asylum, a radically different form to its camp surrounding characterized by a more overwhelming and austere space.


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Tesis (Licenciado en Lenguas Castellana, Inglés y Francés).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias de La Educación. Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés, 2014


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Cześć człowieka jako dobro szczególnie często naruszane bez wątpienia zasługuje na ochronę w świetle prawa karnego. Z drugiej strony, każdemu człowiekowi przysługuje wolność swobody wypowiedzi, w tym artystycznej, która może się przejawić w formie satyry i karykatury. Rodzi się zatem pytanie, gdzie należałoby postawić granicę, ażeby wolność ta mogła być realizowana bez uszczerbku dla czci człowieka. W niemieckim kodeksie karnym tę kwestię reguluje § 193 StGB, który stanowi o ,,zachowaniu uprawnionych interesów”. Przepis ten jest swoistym rodzajem kontratypu, który pozwala przy spełnieniu szeregu warunków, na nieponiesienie odpowiedzialności karnej przez osobę która wygłasza wypowiedzi, mogące naruszyć cześć człowieka. Do warunków tych doktryna niemiecka zalicza także działanie w ramach wolności artystycznej.


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Une préoccupation importante pour le patrimoine culturel universitaire vient de se développer en Europe depuis les années 1980. Dans ce riche patrimoine sont inclus les biens mobiliers de valeur historique, scientifico-technique, académique, documentaire, artistique, architecturale et urbaine. Le continent européen a développé durant ces dernières années des actions significatives qui comprennent la création d’organisations, de comités à caractère international, ainsi que la rédaction de recommandations et règlements au niveau européen et institutionnel. Plusieurs universités ont pris des initiatives dans le domaine de la conservation et de la valorisation. À Cuba, il existe un grand intérêt pour le patrimoine culturel de la nation. Malgré la situation économique difficile depuis plusieurs années, Cuba a réussi des bons résultats dans la gestion des centres historiques et des biens patrimoniaux de la nation. Cependant, la thématique liée au patrimoine universitaire est encore peu discutée sur le territoire national, malgré depuis 2010, des actions pour étudier ce patrimoine sont mis en oeuvre grâce aux initiatives des universités de la capitale cubaine. Notre étude de cas, l’Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, appartenant au campus CUJAE1, fondé en 1964, a produit un patrimoine culturel universitaire de valeur scientifique, artistique et documentaire qui le distingue des autres universités. Malheureusement, ils existent plusieurs problèmes qui affectent les biens culturels mobiliers de l’ISPJAE et son campus. À partir de la situation actuelle, nous proposons une méthodologie en faveur de la conservation et la valorisation de ses biens, basée sur l’étude des tendances actuelles dans les universités européennes et cubaines étudiées. Les actions proposées favoriseront aussi les biens immobiliers, en tenant compte qu’ils ont un fort lien avec ceux mobiliers; ABSTRACT: An important concern for the university cultural heritage has just developed in Europe since the 1980s. The real asses of historic, scientific-technical, academic, documentary, artistic, architectural values are included in these rich heritages. The European continent developed during the last years significant actions which include the creation of organizations, committees with international character, as well as the writing of recommendations and regulations at the European and institutional level. Several universities took initiatives in the fields of the preservation and the valuation. In Cuba, there is a big interest for the cultural heritage of the nation. In spite of the difficult economic situation for several years, Cuba made a success of good results in the management of the historic centers and the patrimonial asses of the nation. However, the subject related to the university heritage is again little discussed in the national territory in spite of since 2010, several actions to study this heritage are implemented, thanks to the initiatives of the universities of the Cuban capital. Our case of study, Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, belonging to the campus CUJAE, established in 1964, produced a university cultural heritage of the scientific, artistic and documentary value, which distinguishes it from other universities. Unfortunately, there are several problems, which affect the real cultural asses of the ISPJAE and its campus. From the current situation, we propose a methodology in favor of the preservation and the valuation of its properties, based on the study of the current trends in the studied European and Cuban universities. The proposed actions will also favor the real property, taking into account that they have a strong link with those movable cultural asses; RIASSUNTO: Una preoccupazione importante per il patrimonio culturale universitario inizia a svilupparsi in Europa dagli anni 1980. In questo ricco patrimonio sono inclusi i beni mobili di valore storico, scientifico-tenico, accademico, documentario, artistico, architettonico e urbano. Il continente europeo ha sviluppato durante questi ultimi anni delle azioni significative che comprendono la creazione di organizazioni, di comitati internazionali, così come la redazione di raccomandazioni e regolamenti a livello europeo e istituzionale. Molte università hanno intrapreso delle iniziative nella conservazione e nella valorizzazione. A Cuba esiste un grande interesse per il patrimonio culturale della nazione. Malgrado la difficile situazione economica da molti anni Cuba ha ottenuto dei buoni risultati nella gestione di centri storici e di beni patrimoniali del Paese. Comunque, la tematica relativa al patrimonio universitario è ancora poco discussa anche se dal 2010 siano messe in opera delle azioni per studiare questo patrimonio, grazie alle iniziative di alcune università della capitale cubana. Il nostro caso di studio, l’Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría –ISPJAE-, appartenente al campus CUJAE fondato nel 1964, ha prodotto un patrimonio culturale universitario di valore scientifico, artistico e documentale che la distinguono delle altre università. Purtroppo, esistono molti problemi che influenzano i beni culturali mobili dell’ISPJAE e del suo campus. A partire della situazione attuale e facendo parte di questa ricerca, si propone una metodologia a favore della conservazione e della valorizzazione dei loro beni fondata sullo studio delle tendenze attuali in università europee e cubane. Alcune delle azioni proposte sono finalizzate e destinate anche ai beni immobili, tenendo conto che questi hanno un forte rapporto con i beni mobili.


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Aim: To investigate the knowledge and actions of dentists for treatment of individuals with Down syndrome. Methods: A questionnaire was applied to all the dentists (n=90) working at the FHS (Family Health Strategy) modules in the urban limits of Parnaíba, PI, Brazil. Four of the questions in the questionnaire were written according to the Theory of Planned Behavior Table and Likert scale (questions 6,7,9 and 15), in order to analyze the professionals’ intentions. Sixteen objective questions were elaborated with the purpose of collecting information about the degree of the dentists’ knowledge as regards the intention of attending courses in the patients with special needs area including DS, and interaction with other professionals and families. The option was to use a questionnaire applied to the dentists of the region, from August to November 2014. Results: It was found that most professionals were women and they considered themselves able to identify these patients. Among the professionals, 70% showed they had no difficulty in identifying the patient with DS, and 5.2% had no opinion about the subject. Only 6.6% of the professionals showed to be certain about their aptitude to attend to these patients; 70% were partially apt, that is, they were not absolutely sure about their aptness. There was a statistical relationship between the variables understanding and difficulty in the treatment. There was no statistical relationship between the variable capacity to identify, understanding of the needs and fitness variable in attendance. Conclusions: Patients with Down syndrome need more attention and care of dentists, they must also be involved in a multidisciplinary approach. Most of the professionals do not follow the procedures laid down by the Ministry of Health, but showed interest in attending a course in this area and there is a low number of SD patients being cared in Parnaíba, PI.


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Operativamente entenderemos la legitimación artística como el proceso por medio del cual una producción simbólico-cultural es reconocida en alguno de los ámbitos de lo artístico como obra de arte. Partimos de la idea de que las obras de arte son reconocidas como tales debido a procesos de validación que se dan en un campo institucional en el que operan muy diversas fuerzas y agentes que interactúan de manera compleja. Lo cual nos hace pensar que esta “institución artística” (Dickie, 2005) no se comporta de manera homogénea, ni es monolítica, sino que existen diversas fuerzas, unas con más intensidad que otras, que operan y que establecen valores que no todos aceptan, pero que dependiendo de qué agente de las institución establezca el valor, y del peso que éste tenga en la institución, será el grado de reconocimiento que obtenga la obra.


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El presente estudio refleja los argumentos teóricos y propuestas en el campo de la investigación artística, que resultaron de la autoreflexión en torno a la tesis Art Realities y el proyecto artístico visual The Cloudwalkers, que el autor realizó para la obtención del grado MFA in New Media en la Danube Universität (Austria), en colaboración con el Transart Institute (E.U.A.). Es un análisis autocrítico de caso que abarca tanto la parte escrita como práctica del proyecto de titulación, del que se deriva un estudio teórico que expone posibles instrumentos y estrategias de investigación para las artes visuales.


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O interesse pela análise de espaços urbanos através de dispositivos comunicacionais móveis (de meios digitais) – perspetivando a sua transformação contando com a participação colaborativa da população – traduz o enquadramento geral da investigação. As práticas artísticas, complementadas por métodos de estudo de cidades (capazes de abordarem a respetiva complexidade de modo multioperativo e flexível), foram integradas na pesquisa tendo em linha de conta o acentuado desenvolvimento que as mesmas têm conhecido para a compreensão da atual condição urbana. O resultado foca a hibridização de processos que permitem acrescentar conhecimento coletivo sobre estruturas urbanas, expresso em mapeamentos dinâmicos que promovem leituras aumentadas de realidades urbanas. Assente no enquadramento teórico e respetiva revisão da literatura (abrangendo áreas disciplinares da média-arte locativa, da análise urbana e dos mapeamentos dinâmicos), procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento de dois artefactos complementares, cuja elaboração implicou três fases: i) pré-produção; ii) produção; iii) pós-produção. Na primeira, conceptualizaram-se os artefactos, definindo-se critérios e especificando parâmetros de análise. Complementarmente, consideraram-se softwares a utilizar bem como a seleção de atores urbanos que participaram em experiências associadas à investigação. No que se refere à produção, encetaram-se diversas ações de apropriação e apreensão de espaços urbanos selecionados na Vila de Caminha, recorrendo à técnica do caminhar mediado pela tecnologia. Na terceira fase, a informação resultante foi analisada, comparada e sistematizada através de uma reflexão final. Registaram-se marcas e apropriações na Vila de Caminha, integrando abordagens da média-arte locativa, da morfologia urbana e tecnologias digitais. A partir desta metodologia, a resposta aos objetivos da investigação contribui para a colmatação da lacuna identificada no estado arte, dado demonstrar-se a relevância da convergência operativa entre a apreensão urbana e os fluxos informacionais e comunicacionais para o revelar de vivências espaciais urbanas quotidianas (passadas e presentes) que ocorrem sobre a estrutura física das cidades. Em síntese, as práticas artísticas, provindas da média-arte locativa, expressam – em mapeamentos dinâmicos e através de realidade aumentada – o devir coletivo de experiências individuais nos espaços das cidades, acrescentando histórias à sua memória e história urbana.


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Recorrer la caricatura editorial en el periodo presidencial de Rafael Correa (15 de enero de 2007 hasta la fecha) no supone solamente concentrar la mirada en la prensa ecuatoriana con el objetivo de encontrar al presidente y a otros políticos de este país caracterizados humorísticamente en una serie de dibujos por artistas gráficos que hemos construido imaginarios y desarrollado nuestro quehacer durante este periodo de gobierno. Más allá de acciones y reacciones generadas por las caricaturas, nuestra mirada es artística, analítica, interpretativa, e incluso participativa. Exploraremos la narrativa gráfica de la caricatura editorial ecuatoriana considerando dos pilares claves: humor y tolerancia, observados a través del filtro del periodismo de opinión. Puntualizamos que la caricatura de prensa de cariz político realizada durante el periodo presidencial de Rafael Correa, a pesar de su impacto y controversia (y quizá también por su vigencia) no ha sido todavía convenientemente estudiada. Este trabajo de aproximación busca constituir un aporte interdisciplinario profesional (arte y periodismo), de manera significativa a lo acaecido en el mundo del dibujo de caricatura de prensa durante esta fracción de la historia del país, fomentando al mismo tiempo la comprensión del humor y la tolerancia, con la mayor objetividad posible. Culmina el proceso de este trabajo en una exposición de arte denominada “CuencaricaturaS”. Se realizó en la Galería de la Alcaldía de la ciudad en abril de 2016. La muestra consistió en 50 caricaturas publicadas en la página editorial de diario El Tiempo de la ciudad de Cuenca