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Brazil is the world biggest producer of sugar cane with an area of 7x10(6) hectares. Mainly the system used for planting is the semi-mechanized one, which consists in opening the furrows with a machine, manually allocating the fractioned stalks and then covering the furrows done by the machines. The great amount of human labor used in the semi-mechanized system is becoming harder to find and also more expensive, indicating the need of a fully mechanized operation. Currently in Brazil these agriculture machines industries offers six different types of fully mechanized sugar cane planters (two types of whole stalks for planting and four using mechanized harvested stalks known as billets). All of them plant in two furrows simultaneously in 1.5 m row spacing. This study analyzed five different machines and the following variables: Working Speed (km h(-1)); Effective Capacity (ha h(-1)), Drawbar Force (kgf), Draw Bar Power (in HP), Fuel Consumption (L h(-1)) and Costs (US$ ha(-1)) comparing them with the semi-mechanized system. This research also characterized the stalks for planting as viable gems number (%), non viable gems number (%) and billet length (m). And lastly the mechanized planting system is cheaper than the conventional one and none of the machines has an adequate mechanism for placing the right amount of sugar cane seed.


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Robust and accurate regional estimates of C storage in soils are currently an important research topic because of ongoing debate about human-induced changes in the terrestrial C cycle. Widely available geoprocessing tools were applied to estimate native soil organic C (SOC) stocks of Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil to a depth of 30 cm from previously sampled soil pedons under undisturbed vegetation. The study used a statewide comprehensive soil survey comprising a small-scale soil map, a climate map, and a soil pedon database. Soil organic C stocks under native vegetation were calculated with two different approaches: the Tier 1 method of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a refined method based on actual field measurements derived from soil profile data. Highest SOC stocks occurred in Neossolos Quartzarenico hidromorfico (Aquents), Organossolos Tiomorficos (Hemists), Latossolos Brunos (Udox), and Vertissolos Ebanicos (Uderts) soil classes. Before human use of soils, most C was stored in the Latossolos Vermelhos (Udox) and Neossolos Regoliticos (Orthents), which occupy a large area of Rio Grande do Sul. Generally, IPCC default reference SOC stocks compared well with SOC stocks calculated from soil pedons. The total SOC stock of Rio Grande do Sul was estimated at 1510.3 Tg C (5.8 kg C m(-2)) by the IPPC method and 1597.5 +/- 363.9 Tg C (7.4 +/- 1.9 kg C m(-2)) calculated from soil pedons. The SOC digital map and SOC database developed in this study provide crucial background information for state-level contemporary assessment of C stocks and soil C sequestration programs and initiatives.


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The research was developed in Fortaleza, CE (latitude 3 degrees 43`S, longitude of 38 degrees 32`W and altitude of 19.5 m). It aimed to determine the Evapotranspiration and the crop coefficients for the different stadiums of seedless watermelon (Citrullus lanatus, Schrad), using the water balance method in drainage lysimeter. The experimental unit consisted of four located drainage lysimeter in an area of 600 m(2). The culture Evapotranspiration (ETc) was determined by the method of the water balance, in a volume of soil control with depth of 0.45 m, whose humidity was monitored by tensiometers. The reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) was estimated by the method of the class A pan. The crop coefficients were obtained from the rate between ETc and ETo in the different stages. The ETc presented growing values from the vegetative stage to the fruiting stage, dropping straight away in the mature stage. The maximum value of kc was observed in the fruiting stage.


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IBA application for rooting of Eucalyptus benthamii Maiden and Cambage x Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden minicuttings. Eucalyptus has great importance in the forestry sector and many advances in the area of improvement have been achieved with the advent of biotechnological techniques. However, some promising genotypes still do not have multiplication protocols with cloning techniques, such as minicutting. The study aimed to evaluate IBA concentrations for survival, rooting and vegetative vigor of E. benthamii x E. dunnii minicuttings, and determine the maximum technical efficiency dose. Ministumps H12, H19 and H20 clones were cultivated in a clonal minigarden under a semi-hydroponic system. For rooting, the rninicutting basal portion was plunged in hydro-alcoholic solutions, whose concentrations were: 0; 2,000; 4,000; 6,000 and 8,000 mg L(-1) of IBA. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, with the factors consisting of three clones and five IBA concentrations, with five replications, containing 10 minicuttings per replication. IBA positively influenced the minicutting rooting processes, with differentiated behavior between the clones, with 30.32 to 55.45% rooting variation. The positives increments occurred until the highest IBA concentration for H12 and H19 clones. However, the range between 4,000 and 6,000 mg L(-1) of IBA treatments promoted the best rooting results for the H20 clone.


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This study aimed at characterizing the potential for natural regeneration of native vegetation in the under-story of an earlier Eucalyptus saligna Smith production stand. The study was carried out at the Parque das Neblinas, Bertioga municipality, SP, in a 45 ha third rotation stand; which had been abandoned 15 years ago for natural regeneration to occur. The sampling was done in 24 plots of 20 x 40 m. The sampled area was of 19,200 m(2), with inventory made of 100% of the eucalyptus trees. All regeneration trees with a height >= 1.30 m and DBH >= 5.0 cm were measured, as well as adult individuals with DBH >= 5.0 cm; surveyed in two size classes. 1,417 individuals of E. saligna were measured, with a density of 738,02 individuals/ha and a basal area of 22.69 m(2)/ha. Among 2,763 natural regeneration individuals, 111 species belonged to 66 genera and 34 botanical families. The species represented 43.7% of the tree richness of neighboring native forest fragments. The total estimated density and the basal area were respectively 1,052.6 individuals/ha and 6.4 m(2)/ha of autochthonous trees with DBH >= 5.0 cm (Class 1); while for regeneration there were 3,864.58 individuals/ha, and 2.76 m(2)/ha of individuals with a height >= 1.30 m and DBH <5.0 cm (Class 2). Shannon diversity (H`) was 2.83 and 3.68, respectively, for Classes 1 and 2, and the corrected species richness for a 1000-individual sample (R(1000)) were 75.6 and 87.29 (Fisher`s a index) for the same classes. The majority of the species (34.84%) was typical from the understory of wet tropical forest and had zoochoric fruit dispersal (67.57%). The results indicate that, under these conditions, a eucalyptus forest is able to provide adequate regeneration niches for native vegetation, and may represent a sink habitat for local populations.


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The 1990s in Brazil were a time of institutional advances in the areas of housing and urban rights following the signing of the new constitution in 1988 that incorporated the principles of the social function of cities and property, recognition of the right to ownership of informal urban squatters and the direct participation of citizens in urban policy decision processes. These propositions are the pillars of the urban reform agenda which, since the creation of the Ministry of Cities by the Lula government, has come under the federal executive branch. This article evaluates the limitations and opportunities involved in implementing this agenda on the basis of two policies proposed by the ministry - the National Cities Council and the campaign for Participatory Master Plans - focusing the analysis on government organization in the area of urban development in its relationship with the political system and the characteristics of Brazilian democracy. Resume Au Bresil, les annees 1990 ont ete marquees par des progres institutionnels en matiere de logement et de droits urbains, dans le sillage de la Constitution de 1988 qui integre les principes d`une fonction sociale de la ville et de la propriete urbaine, ainsi que la reconnaissance du droit a la propriete pour les squatters urbains et la participation directe des citoyens aux processus d`elaboration des politiques urbaines. Ce sont egalement les piliers du programme de reforme urbaine qui releve de l`executif federal depuis la creation d`un ministere des Villes par le gouvernement Lula. Pour evaluer les limites et potentiels lies a la mise en place de ce programme, cet article s`appuie sur deux politiques publiques proposees par le ministere, le Conseil national des villes et la campagne en faveur des Plans directeurs participatifs, en analysant plus particulierement l`organisation gouvernementale en matiere d`urbanisme par rapport au systeme politique et aux caracteristiques de la democratie bresilienne.


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This article reports on modified chitosan as an alternative substance for protecting loss of volatile compounds during freeze drying. Moisture sorption isotherms of freeze-dried D-limonene emulsions in modified chitosan were determined at 15, 25, and 35 degrees C. The data were adjusted to the GAB model. Maltodextrin was used in a parallel experiment. Flavor released from microcapsules was measured. The monolayer humidity, the sorption heat, the diffusivity coefficients, and the surface area of freeze-dried D-limonene emulsions were determined.


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The present work had as purpose to evaluate some characteristics of papaya trees (Carica papaya L.), Golden cultivar, obtained trough plant mass selection, regarding plant and fruit quality in the first months of production. The samples were evaluated in a commercial crop at: 0, 20, 40, 70, 130, 180, 230, 260, 280, 310 and 340 days after the planting (DAP) and the first fruits were harvested at 230 DAP. The results showed the low height (199cm in 340 DAP) and low first flowering`s heigth (71cm), which is important to facilitate the harvest process. The plants presented good yield with high number of leafs (allowing a great area of fruit cover) and about 60 fruits per plant. The fruits kept similar features to cv. Golden. The fruit`s fresh weight ranged from 302.4 to 467.5g, which is in the range of the Brazilian market. The pulp thickness was 2.35cm, which is a feature of great economic interest. The pulp thickness showed close relation with climatic factors, and great variations of temperature and precipitation accelerated the pulp loss of thickness.


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Sigatoka disease (SD) of bananas is caused by the pathogenic fungus Mycosphaerella musicola Leach. This disease provokes necrotic lesions on leaves and serious infestations can lead to a substantial reduction in the leaf area of infected plants and thus to yield losses. In addition to these effects on yield, SO was found to have an impact on fruit quality, especially because exported bananas ripen prematurely. In the present work, a plantation survey and experiments have been conducted in Guadeloupe (FWI) to assess the effect of this disease on the greenlife of bananas harvested at a constant physiological age, as measured in degree-days (dd). Our results revealed that bananas harvested at 900 dd from plants with high Sigatoka disease severity had normal diameter growth, but a shorter greenlife (GL) than bananas harvested from uninfected plants. These results indicate that SD is directly responsible for the reduction of banana greenlife since the reduction of GL could not be attributed to the harvest of fruits at a more advanced physiological age (dd). Furthermore, a correlation was noted between SO severity and GL The potential physiological mechanisms involved are also discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim of the study: In a previous study, our group described the gastric protective effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of Brazilian green propolis. The main compounds found in Brazilian green propolis include phenolic acids, such as: caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids. This study was therefore carried out to evaluate the antiulcerogenic property of the main phenolic acids found in Brazilian Green Propolis. Material and methods: The anti-ulcer assays were performed using the following protocols: nonsteroidal-antinflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced ulcer, ethanol-induced ulcer, and stress-induced ulcer. The effects of the phenolic acids on gastric content volume, pH and total acidity, using the pylorus ligated model, were also evaluated. Results: It was observed that treatment using doses of 50 and 250 mg/kg of caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids and positive controls (omeprazol or cimetidine) significantly diminished the lesion index, the total area of the lesion and the percentage of lesion in comparison with the negative control groups. In addition, the percentage of ulcer inhibition was significantly higher in the groups treated with the different phenolic acids, cimetidine or omeprazol, in all the protocols used, compared with the negative control groups. In the model to determine gastric secretion, using ligated pylorus, treatment with phenolic acids and cimetidine reduced the volume of gastricjuice and total acidity and significantly increased the gastric pH (p < 0.05), compared with the control group, with the exception of the group treated with 50 mg/kg of p-coumaric acid, in which no significant difference was observed, compared with the control. In relation to the acute toxicity, none sign of toxicity was observed when phenolic acids, used in this study, were administered for rats in dose of 2000 mg/kg. Conclusions: In conclusion, the results of this study show that caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids display antiulcer activity. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The skin is a large and accessible area of the body, offering the possibility to be used as an alternative route for drug delivery. In the last few years strong progress has been made on the developing of nanoparticulate systems for specific applications. The interaction of such small particles with human skin and their possible penetration attracted some interest from toxicological as well as from drug delivery perspectives. As size is assumed to play a key role, the aim of the present work was to investigate the penetration profile of very small model particles (similar to 4 nm) into excised human skin under conditions chosen to mimic the in vivo situation. Possible application procedures such as massaging the formulation (5 to 10 minutes) were analyzed by non-invasive multiphoton- and confocal laser scanning microscopy (MPM, CLSM). Furthermore, the application on damaged skin was taken into account by deliberately removing parts of the stratum corneum. Although it was clearly observed that the mechanical actions affected the distribution pattern of the QDs on the skin surface, there was no evidence of penetration into the skin in all cases tested. QDs could be found in deeper layers only after massaging of damaged skin for 10 min. Taking these data into account, obtained on the gold standard human skin, the potential applications of nanoparticulate systems to act as carrier delivering drugs into intact skin might be limited and are only of interest for partly damaged skin.


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Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) has been used in anti-aging formulations but few scientifically based data address its efficacy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of DMAE-based formulations on hairless mice and human skin. Formulations containing with or without DMAE were applied to the dorsum of hairless mice. Histopathological and histometric evaluations were carried out after seven days. Formulations were also applied to the ventral forearm and the lateral periocular area of human volunteers. Stratum corneum water content and skin mechanical properties were analyzed using Corneometer and Cutometer, before and after a single and repeated application. Histometric evaluations showed that formulations with or without DMAE increased the viable epidermis thickness, but only the DMAE-supplemented formulation led to increased dermal thickness. DMAE also induced increase in collagen fiber thickness, which was observed in the histopathological study. After the single and the 8-week period application on human skin, formulations with and without DMAE enhanced the stratum corneum water content in the forearm skin. Mechanical properties were not significantly modified. So, we can suggest that DMAE action is related to its effects on the dermis as observed in the histopathological and histometric studies and showed hydration effects on skin.


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Initially, the seeds of Baccharis dracunculifolia were collected from populations of 10 different regions, and the cultivation experiment was carried out in an experimental area of 1,800 m(2) by cultivating 100 individuals of each population. The essential oil analyses were performed on both GC-FID and GUMS, which allowed the identification of 14 compounds. The oil yield varied from 0.31% to 0.70% among populations and season. The major oxygenated sesquiterpenes in the cultivated experiment were (E)-nerolidol (32%) and spathulenol (17%). The mean concentration in the plant of (E)-nerolidol was five times higher in March (136.53 mg/100 g of plant) than it was in July (25.03 mg/100 g of plant). The mean concentration of spathulenol increased about three fold from July (16.25 mg/100 g of plant) to April (47.50 mg/100 g of plant).


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This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of using simple techniques - pollen abortion rates, passive diffusive tubes (NO(2)) and trace element accumulation in tree barks - when determining the area of influence of pollution emissions produced in a traffic corridor. Measurements were performed at 0, 60 and 120 meters from a major road with high vehicular traffic, taking advantage of a sharp gradient that exists between the road and a cemetery. NO(2) values and trace elements measured at 0 meters were significantly higher than those measured at more distant points. Al, S. Cl, V. Fe, Cu, and Zn exhibited a higher concentration in tree barks at the vicinity of the traffic corridor. The same pattern was observed for the pollen abortion rates measured at the three different sites. Our data suggests that simple techniques may be applied either to validate dispersion land-based models in an urban settings or, alternatively, to provide better spatial resolution to air pollution exposure when high-resolution pollution monitoring data are not available. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Significant changes have marked Brazilian education in the period focused on by this research. Aiming to understand the configurations of the teaching profession in that period, this work focuses on the issue of the school success in the area of literacy by means of an analysis of the practices of literacy teachers who were at work between the 1950s and 1980s. The research is based on life-history accounts. The study aimed at describing the various experiences of these teachers identifying the knowledges and practices that sustained their successful literacy work as well as the various factors of a social, religious, political, familiar or other nature that, in the history of each of these teachers, favoured the development of a pedagogical style of literacy particular to each one of them. Despite the peculiarities and originality of each history, the success in the literacy process, as the defining feature of the profile of the four teachers, results from two main aspects: first, the autonomy that each one managed to keep in the development of his/her teaching work, particularly in the organisation of the teaching practices that indicated greater chances of a pupil`s learning to read and write; second, their trust in the capacity of every child for learning, independently of his/her social, economic and cultural conditions. Based on this evidence it is argued that the success of the pedagogical work, particularly during the early years of schooling, lies in an ethics of the teaching work with a double implication: first, it requires the teachers` dedication to their pupils, and second, it requires respect for the work of the teacher, so that she/he can maintain her/his autonomy and inventiveness. These aspects indicate the need for reflection on teaching work and a review of current teacher education policies, particularly the policies targeted at teachers working with literacy practices.