958 resultados para Amplitude articulaire


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The g-jitter influence on thermocapillary convection and critical Marangoni number in a liquid bridge of half-floating rone was discussed in the low frequency range of 0.4 to 1.5 Hz in a previous paper. This paper extended the experiments to the intermediate frequency range of 2 to 18 Hz, which htrs often been recorded as vibration environment of spacecrafts. The experiment was completed on the deck of a vibration machine, which gave a periodical applied acceleration to simulate the effects of g-jitter. The experimental results in the intermediate frequency range are different from that in the low frequency range. The velocity field and the shape of the free surface have periodical fluctuations in response to g-jitter. The amplitude of the periodical varying part of the temperature response decreases obviously with increasing frequency of g-jitter and vanishes almost when the frequency of g-jitter is high enough. The critical Marangoni number is defined to describe the transition from a periodical convection in response to g-jitter to an oscillatory convection due to internal instability, and will increase with increasing g-jitter frequency. According to the spectral analysis, it can be found that the oscillatory part of temperature is a superposition of two harmonic waves if the Marangoni number is larger than a critical value.


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In this paper, we present an exact higher-order asymptotic analysis on the near-crack-tip fields in elastic-plastic materials under plane strain, Mode I. A four- or five-term asymptotic series of the solutions is derived. It is found that when 1.6 < n less-than-or-equal-to 2.8 (here, n is the hardening exponent), the elastic effect enters the third-order stress field; but when 2.8< n less-than-or-equal-to 3.7 this effect turns to enter the fourth-order field, with the fifth-order field independent. Moreover, if n>3.7, the elasticity only affects the fields whose order is higher than 4. In this case, the fourth-order field remains independent. Our investigation also shows that as long as n is larger than 1.6, the third-order field is always not independent, whose amplitude coefficient K3 depends either on K1 or on both K1 and K2 (K1 and K2 arc the amplitude coefficients of the first- and second-order fields, respectively). Firmly, good agreement is found between our results and O'Dowd and Shih's numerical ones[8] by comparison.


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We present a direct and dynamical method to distinguish low-dimensional deterministic chaos from noise. We define a series of time-dependent curves which are closely related to the largest Lyapunov exponent. For a chaotic time series, there exists an envelope to the time-dependent curves, while for a white noise or a noise with the same power spectrum as that of a chaotic time series, the envelope cannot be defined. When a noise is added to a chaotic time series, the envelope is eventually destroyed with the increasing of the amplitude of the noise.


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In this paper the symmetries of coupled map lattices (CMLs) and their attractors are investigated by group and dynamical system theory, as well as numerical simulation, by means of which the kink-antikink patterns of CMLs in space-amplitude plots are discussed.


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A series of experiments have been conducted on cruciform specimens to investigate fatigue crack growth from circular notches under high levels of biaxial stress. Two stress levels (Δσ1= 380 and 560 MPa) and five stress biaxialities (λ=+1.0, +0.5, 0, −0.5 and −1.0; where λ=σ21 were adopted in the fatigue tests in type 316 stainless steel having a monotonic yield strength of 243 MPa. The results reveal that fatigue crack growth rates are markedly influenced by both the stress amplitude and the stress biaxiality. A modified model has been developed to describe fatigue crack growth under high levels of biaxial stress.


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Free surface deformations of thermocapillary convection in a small liquid bridge of half floating-zone are studied in the present paper. The relative displacement and phase difference of free surface oscillation are experimentally studied, and the features of free surface oscillation for various applied temperature differences are obtained. It is discovered that there is a sort of surface waves having the character of small perturbation, and having a wave mode of unusually large amplitude in one corner region of the liquid bridge.


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EXPERIMENTS carried out using a split Hopkinson torsional bar have shown that only one shear band develops in specimens of hot rolled steel which break during testing. We observed, however, that in specimens which were not deformed to failure, several fine shear bands appeared. We believe that these formed during the loading cycle before the appearance of the final shear band and were not due to the effect of unloading. So we developed a numerical model to study the evolution of shear banding from several finite amplitude disturbances (FADs) in both temperature and strain rate. This numerical model reveals the detailed processes by which the FADs evolve into a fully developed shear band and suggests that beyond instability, the so-called shear banding process consists of two stages: inhomogeneous shearing and true shear-banding. The latter is characterized by the collapse of the stress and an abrupt increase of the local shear strain rate.


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The effect of variable currents on internal solitary waves is described within the context of a variable coefficient Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation, and the approximate slowly varying, solitary-wave solution of this equation. The general theory which leads to the variable coefficient KdV equation is described; a derivation for the special case when the solitary wave and the current are aligned in the same direction is given in the Appendix. Using further simplifications and approximations, a number of analytical expressions are obtained for the variation in the solitary wave amplitude resulting from variable shear in the basic current or from when the basic current is a depth-independent flow which is a simple representation of a geostrophic current, tidal flow or inertial wave.


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A novel possibility to determine the temperature, density and velocity simultaneously in gas flows by measuring the average value, amplitude of modulation and phase shift of the photoluminescence excited by a temporally or spatially modulated light source is investigated. Time-dependent equations taking the flow, diffusion, excitation and decay into account are solved analytically. Different experimental arrangements are proposed. Measurements of velocity with two components, and temporal and spatial resolutions in the measurements are investigated. Numerical examples are given for N z with biacetyl as the seed gas. Practical considerations for the measurements and the relation between this method and some existing methods of lifetime measurement are discussed.


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Based on the authors' previous work, in this paper the systematical analyses on the motion and the inner solutions of a geostrophic vortex have been presented by means of thematched asymptotic expansion method with multiple time scales (S/gh001/2 and α S/gh001/2) and space scales. It has been shown that the leading inner solutions to the core structure in two-time scales analyses are identified with the results in normal one-time scale analyses. The time averages of the first-order solutions on short time variable τ are the same as the first-order solutions obtained in one normal time scale analyses. The geostrophic vortex induces an oscillatory motion in addition to moving with the background flow. The period, amplitude andthe deviation from the mean trajectory depend on the core structure and the initial conditions. The velocity of the motion of vortex center varies periodically and the time average of the velocity on short time variable τ is equal to the value of the local mean velocity.


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The LY12-cz aluminium alloy sheet specimens with a central hole were tested under constant amplitude loading, Rayleigh narrow band random loading and a typical fighter broad band random loading. The fatigue life was estimated by means of the nominal stress and the Miner's rule. The stress cycles were distinguished by the rainflow count, range count and peak value count, respectively. The comparison between the estimated results and the test results was made. The effects of random loading sequence and small load cycles on fatigue life were also studied.


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In this paper, the governing equations and the analytical method of the secondorder asymptotic field for the plane-straln crack problems of mode I have been presented. The numerical calculation has been carried out. The amplitude coefficients k2 of the second term of the asymptotic field have been determined after comparing the present results with some fine results of the finite element calculation. The variation of coefficients k2 with changes of specimen geometry and developments of plastic zone have been analysed. It is shown that the second term of the asymptotic field has significant influence on the near-crack-tip field. Therefore, we may reasonably argue that both the J-integral and the coefficient k2 can beeome two characterizing parameters for crack initiation.


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The short-surface waves generated by a 3-D arbitrarily oscillating body floating onwater are discussed. In the far-field off the body, the phase and the amplitude functions ofthe radiated waves are determined by the ray method. An undetermined constant is includ-ed in the amplitude function. From the result of Ref. [1], the near-field boundary layersolution near the body waterline is obtained. The amplitude of this solution depends on thewhole wall shape of the body and the slope at the body waterline on the cross-sections per-pendicular to the waterline. By matching the far-field solution with the near-field bound-ary layer solution, the undetermined constant in the amplitude function of the far-fieldradiated waves is determined. For the special case of a half-submerged sphere which per-forms vertical oscillating motion, the result obtained in this paper is in agreement withthat of Ref. [ 2 ].


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Aborda o Parlamento Jovem, importante programa para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura propícia à democracia e para a formação do jovem estudante. Avalia o impacto deste programa nos jovens, buscando identificar o grau de desenvolvimento de uma cultura política considerada importante para a qualidade da democracia. Compara o programa da Câmara dos Deputados com outros programas similares, como o desenvolvido pela Escola do Legislativo de Minas Gerais. Identifica limitações percebidas nos programas e sugere alternativas para que possa alcançar maior amplitude.


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Prefeitos e governadores reivindicam na nova Constituição uma reforma tributária ampla, que redistribua a renda nacional. Paulo Silas, Presidente da União dos Vereadores do Brasil, explica as propostas dos vereadores. Jorge Khoury, Presidente da Confederação Nacional dos Municípios, defende a garantia de um terço da renda tributária nacional para os municípios e espera que as reivindicações serão aceitas. Raul Belém (PMDB-MG) opina que da forma como está sendo tratado o município, ele não terá autonomia para legislar com a amplitude que precisa para ter os recursos de que necessita. A implantação gradual da reforma tributária em três anos e a extinção do Imposto Sobre Serviços (ISS) desagradam os municipalistas. Gerson Camata (PMDB-ES) explica que o ISS extinto, tomado das prefeituras, será transformado em Imposto Sobre Circulação de Mercadorias (ICM) em benefício da administração estadual, sendo que 25% do total arrecadado será redistribuído entre os municípios. Ele defende 50 % deste tributo para os municípios, de acordo com emenda que apresentou, mas foi vencida. Leur Lomanto (PFL-BA) defende a implantação de uma reforma tributária logo após a promulgação da Constituição. Virgildásio de Senna (PMDB-BA) diz que o projeto da nova Carta atenderá Estados e Municípios, desde que não prejudique a União. Na sessão O Povo Pergunta, cidadão quer saber o que será feito pelo esporte no Brasil . Márcio Braga (PMDB-RJ) responde que é necessário aguardar os resultados do trabalho da Comissão de Sistematização da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), mas que na Subcomissão da Educação, Cultura e Esportes foram aprovadas várias medidas que beneficiam o esporte brasileiro.