947 resultados para ANEMIA POR DEFICIT DE HIERRO


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A number of research studies have reported abnormal plasma fatty acid profiles in children with ADHD along with some benefit of n−3 to symptoms of ADHD. However, it is currently unclear whether (lower) long chain-polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) are related to ADHD pathology or to associated behaviours. The aim of this study was to test whether (1) ADHD children have abnormal plasma LC-PUFA levels and (2) ADHD symptoms and associated behaviours are correlated with LC-PUFA levels. Seventy-two, male children with (n=29) and without a clinical diagnosis of ADHD (n=43) were compared in their plasma levels of LC-PUFA. Plasma DHA was higher in the control group prior to statistical correction. Callous–unemotional (CU) traits were found to be significantly negatively related to both eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and total omega-3 in the ADHD group. The findings unveil for the first time that CU and anti-social traits in ADHD are associated with lower omega-3 levels.


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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder correlated with a decrease in brain dopamine and an increase in behavioral symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. This experiment explored how tartrazine (Yellow #5) impacts these symptoms. After tartrazine administration to Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR), dopamine concentrations in regions of brain tissue were measured using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay analysis. Behavioral testing with a T-maze and open field test measured impulsivity and hyperactivity, respectively. Results indicate that dietary tartrazine increases hyperactive behaviors in the SHR. However, results do not indicate a relationship between dietary tartrazine and brain dopamine. No conclusions regarding the relationship between dietary tartrazine and impulsivity were drawn.


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Con el objetivo de elaborar un plan sanitario que prevenga el síndrome anémico en el hato ovino de la Facultad de Ciencia Animal - UNA. Se determinó la prevalencia de esta patología en los ovinos en desarrollo, Analizando los niveles de infestación ( NI ) de las especies parasitarias y evaluando los valores de hematocrito en relación con la carga gastro - parasitaria. Se tomaron 18 muestras biológicas de heces fecales y sangre, antes de la desparasitación y 20 días después, en el periodo de Junio – Julio 2014, se utilizó la técnica de Sheather, se determinó Hematocrito y Hemoglobina , Los datos s e analizaron a través del estudio epidemiológico descriptivo y analítico utilizando diferentes técnicas de laboratorio y método estadístico de correlación de variables cuantitativas de Pearson . En el primer y segundo muestreo se identificaron los parásitos Haemonchus sp, Cooperia sp, Strongylus sp, Coccidia sp, Bunostomum sp y Moniezia sp . Al primer muestreo la variable prevalencia de síndrome anémico del hato ovino es del 50% y el 100% de los animales analizados presentaron Strongylus sp, Haemonchus sp, Co ccidia sp, Bunostomum sp y Moniezia sp, y el 72,2% presentaron Cooperia sp , presentaron NI Alto 77.7% afectados con Haemonchus sp, 16.6% Strongylus sp, y un 11.1% para las especies de Cooperia sp, Coccidia sp y Moniezia sp. , NI Moderado, Moniezia sp y C occidia sp , un 88.8%, Strongylus sp 83.3%, Bunostomum sp y Haemonchus sp 22.2% y Cooperia sp 11.1%, NI Leve, el 77.7% con Bunostomum sp y el 50% presentaron Cooperia sp. Al segundo muestreo 20 días después del tratamiento, el valor de hematocrito, e staban en los rangos de 22 - 38%. Los niveles de infestación variaron, presentando NI Alta , para Moniezia sp con 22.2%, aumentado su carga parasitaria en relación con el primer muestreo . Se observó la disminución de las cargas parasitarias de las especies Ha emonchus sp con 16.6%, Strongylus sp y Coccidia sp 5.5%.En el NI Moderada , Coccidia sp , mantuvo el 88.8%. Strongylus sp aumentó con 88.8%, Haemonchus sp 83.3%. Las cargas de Moniezia sp , prevalecieron con el 77.7%. Cooperia sp , se presentó con el 50%, B onostomus sp , 27.7%. NI Leve , encontramos el 44.4% de la población con Bunostomum sp y un 5.5% con Cooperia sp y Coccidia sp. De la relación existente entre la presencia de los parásitos y los valores de hematocrito, las combinaciones parasitarias siguient es fueron significativos con P= 0.67, <0.0022 para Cooperia sp y Haemonchus sp , P= 0.65, <0.0036 Cooperia sp con Bunostomum sp , P= 0.62, <0.0060 Cooperia sp con Strongylus sp , P= 0.50, <0.0353 Strongylus sp con Moniezia sp y P= 0.64 <0.0043 para Haemon chus sp con Bunostomum sp. Las parasitosis gastrointestinales son un factor importante de las causas del síndrome anémico, ya que la relación de los valores de hematocritos con la combinación de diferentes especies de parásitos fue significativa y que con la utilización de fármacos antihelmínticos de uso continuo se encontraron cargas parasitarias, con niveles de infestación de alto a moderado .


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Se aborda el estudio de la estación rupestre a partir del análisis de la información que contiene, tanto desde un punto de vista morfotécnico como de su contexto mediombiental y arqueológico. Se plantea una clasificación de los grabados en 4 categorías, y se señala cómo se asocian entre sí y qué tipo de recurrencias se observan. Por último se describe la relación que existe entre Los Saltos y otras estaciones de El Hierro, así como con otras del Archipiélago Canario y África.


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As with any cognitive ability, attention is vulnerable to dysfunction. The most common attentional problem is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This brief overview will highlight the symptoms and deficits associated with ADHD, its prevalence in today’s society, the association between executive function impairment and ADHD using Barkley’s (1997) work, and the personal and societal effects of the disorder.


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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Detectar os principais achados fundoscópicos em crianças portadoras de hemoglobinopatias falciformes. Métodos: Foram estudados 26 pacientes com hemoglobinopatias falciformes, no Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes, Natal, RN, que foram submetidos a protocolo de pesquisa pré-estabelecido. Os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente pelo teste qui-quadrado. Resultados: A idade média foi de 10,6 anos, com acuidade visual igual ou melhor que 20/25 na maioria, excetuando-se 3 olhos, que apresentavam outras doenças associadas. O tipo mais freqüente foi o SS com 57,7% (15/26) dos casos, seguido pelos SC e SA com 15,4% (4/26) cada, e pelo S-Thal com 11,5% (3/26). A freqüência da retinopatia por células falciformes foi maior após os 10 anos de idade, sendo mais freqüente, em valores relativos, no tipo S-Thal (100% dos casos) e, em valores absolutos, no tipo SS (9 casos). Os dois achados mais comuns foram tortuosidade venosa (12/26) e “black sunburst” (7/26). Conclusões: Observamos que a incidência de retinopatia por células falciformes aumentou após os 10 anos de idade e não evidenciamos achados da doença proliferativa. Portanto, enfatizamos a necessidade do exame oftalmológico precoce nos portadores de anemia falciforme, como forma de prevenir futuras complicações oculares


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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is an important vegetable crop and often cultivated in regions exposed to salinity and high temperatures (HT) which change plant architecture, decrease canopy light interception and disturb physiological functions. However, the long-term effects of salinity and HT combination (S+HT) on plant growth are still unclear. A dynamic functional-structural plant model (FSPM) of tomato was parameterized and evaluated for different levels of S+HT combinations. The evaluated model was used to quantify the contributions of morphological changes (architectural effects) and physiological disturbances (non-architectural effects) on the reduction of shoot dry mass under S+HT. The model predicted architectural variables with high accuracy (>85%), which ensured the reliability of the model analyses. HT enhanced architectural effects but reduced non-architectural effects of salinity on dry mass production. The stronger architectural effects of salinity under HT could not be counterbalanced by the smaller non-architectural effects. Therefore, long-term influences of HT on shoot dry mass under salinity were negative at the whole plant level. Our model analysis highlights the importance of plant architecture at canopy level in studying the plant responses to the environments and shows the merits of dynamic FSPMs as heuristic tools.


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Little is known about the functional and neural architecture of social reasoning, one major obstacle being that we crucially lack the relevant tools to test potentially different social reasoning components. In the case of belief reasoning, previous studies tried to separate the processes involved in belief reasoning per se from those involved in the processing of the high incidental demands such as the working memory demands of typical belief tasks (e.g., Stone et al., 1998; Samson et al., 2004). In this study, we developed new belief tasks in order to disentangle, for the first time, two perspective taking components involved in belief reasoning: (1) the ability to inhibit one’s own perspective (self-perspective inhibition) and (2) the ability to infer someone else’s perspective as such (other-perspective taking). The two tasks had similar demands in other-perspective taking as they both required the participant to infer that a character has a false belief about an object’s location. However, the tasks varied in the self-perspective inhibition demands. In the task with the lowest self-perspective inhibition demands, at the time the participant had to infer the character’s false belief, he or she had no idea what the new object’s location was. In contrast, in the task with the highest self-perspective inhibition demands, at the time the participant had to infer the character’s false belief, he or she knew where the object was actually located (and this knowledge had thus to be inhibited). The two tasks were presented to a stroke patient, WBA, with right prefrontal and temporal damage. WBA performed well in the low-inhibition false belief task but showed striking difficulty in the task placing high self-perspective inhibition demands, showing a selective deficit in inhibiting self-perspective. WBA also made egocentric errors in other social and visual perspective taking tasks, indicating a difficulty with belief attribution extending to the attribution of emotions, desires and visual experiences to other people. The case of WBA, together with the recent report of three patients impaired in belief reasoning even when self-perspective inhibition demands were reduced (Samson et al., 2004), provide the first neuropsychological evidence that (a) the inhibition of one’s own point of view and (b) the ability to infer someone else’ s point of view, rely on distinct neural and functional processes.


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Bogotá (Colombia) : Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Programa de Ingeniería Ambiental y Sanitaria