938 resultados para AALISABETH domotica assistenza anziano patologie prevenzione automatico alimentazione lifestyle


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Apesar de ser percebida como uma entidade supra-humana, a instituição Igreja é o resultado de um trabalho desenvolvido cotidianamente por indivíduos dedicados a tal empreendimento. Na Igreja Assembleia de Deus da vila Provetá, Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, RJ, esse trabalho contínuo vem sendo realizado com bastante êxito. O crescimento da vila foi concomitante ao crescimento da Igreja e seu corpo ministerial. Vinculado à sua história houve o processo de evangelização de grande parte dos moradores. Assim, a Igreja Assembleia de Deus Provetá detém uma clara hegemonia sobre o modo de vida local há pelo menos três gerações. Seu território é designado e percebido, tanto pelas pessoas dali, quanto pelas pessoas de fora, como um lugar regido por preceitos religiosos, cuja moral é predominantemente pentecostal. Este trabalho concentra-se na investigação acerca dos conjuntos da Assembleia de Deus, suas festas religiosas e desdobramentos. As festas e principalmente a organização e preparação das mesmas são veículos através do qual um cotidiano e/ou uma maneira de viver se manifesta. Tais práticas formam um complexo empreendimento que mobiliza grande parte da população local e revela dimensões sociais específicas. Ao delinear a forma com que a Igreja se inscreve na vida cotidiana dos fiéis, pode-se compreender de forma mais clara a interface entre religião e comunidade presente neste estudo de caso.


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A incontinência urinária além de ser multifatorial com enorme complexidade terapêutica é um problema de ordem de saúde pública e que merece maior atenção, pois causa um imenso impacto negativo sobre a qualidade de vida das pessoas. São diversas as opções de tratamento da incontinência urinária, como os exercícios dos músculos do assoalho pélvico, tratamento com fármacos, injeção transuretral, e o esfíncter urinário artificial. A Sociedade Internacional de Continência recomenda como tratamento inicial os exercícios dos músculos do assoalho pélvico supervisionado, orientações de estilo de vida adequado, regimes urinários regulares, terapias comportamentais e medicação. A Revisão Sistemática desta Dissertação mostrou a necessidade de mais estudos com melhor qualidade metodológica para evidenciar o uso da eletroestimulação como intervenção eficaz no tratamento da incontinência urinária; O Estudo Transversal Retrospectivo, após a análise de 128 prontuários do Ambulatório de Fisioterapia Pélvica do Hospital Federal dos Servidores do Rio de Janeiro mostrou resultados significativos da Fisioterapia Pélvica para a redução da incontinência urinária e do impacto da incontinência urinária na vida diária destes pacientes. Por fim, o Experimento Controlado Randomizado, duplo cego, mostrou resultados significativos do uso da eletroestimulação associada aos exercícios dos músculos do assoalho pélvico como uma opção de tratamento conservador capaz de potencializar a continência urinária após a prostatectomia radical.


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Sabe-se que um estilo de vida sedentário e uma condição aeróbica baixa são associados com uma maior chance de desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares e um maior risco de mortalidade por todas as causas. Contudo, é possível que outros indicadores de aptidão física possam ter significado clínico prognóstico. Originalmente proposto em 1999, o teste de sentar-levantar (TSL) é, simples de executar e possui comprovada reprodutibilidade inter e intra-avaliador. O avaliado inicia o teste com o escore máximo de 5 pontos para cada uma das ações de sentar e levantar, sendo subtraído do mesmo, um ponto para cada apoio extra utilizado (mão, braço e joelho) e meio ponto para cada desequilíbrio corporal perceptível. A pontuação do TSL escore, variando de 0 a 10, é realizada pela soma das ações de sentar e levantar. Considerando o potencial papel da flexibilidade para uma execução mais eficiente de gestos motores, não é surpreendente que o desempenho sobre TSL possa ser influenciado por essa valência. O objetivo desta dissertação foi analisar a relação entre o resultado do TSL e a mortalidade por todas as causas e a flexibilidade. No primeiro estudo, 2002 indivíduos entre 51 e 80 anos (68% homens), realizaram o TSL e os resultados foram estratificados em quatro faixas: 0/3; 3,5/5,5, 6/7,5 and 8/10. Baixos resultados no TSL escore foram associados com um maior risco de mortalidade (p<0,001). Uma tendência contínua de maior sobrevivência se refletiu no ajuste multivariado idade, sexo, índice de massa corporal em um razão de risco de 5,44 [95%IC=3,19,5], 3,44 [95%IC=2,05,9] e 1,84 [95%IC=1,13,0] (p<0,001) dos menores para as maiores faixas de resultados do TSL. Cada aumento de um ponto no escore do TSL significou uma melhora de 21% na sobrevivência. Já o segundo estudo, contou com 3927 indivíduos (67,4% homens) que realizaram o TSL e o Flexiteste. O Flexiteste avalia a amplitude máxima passiva de 20 movimentos corporais. Para cada um dos movimentos, existem cinco escores possíveis, 0 a 4 em uma ordem de mobilidade crescente. A soma dos resultados dos 20 movimentos fornece uma pontuação de flexibilidade global denominada de Flexíndice (FLX). Os resultados do FLX foram estratificados em quartis (626, 2735, 3644 and 4577). Os valores do TSL em cada quartil diferiram entre si (p<0,001). Além disso, o escore do TSL e o FLX foram diretamente associados (r=0,296; p<0,001). Os indivíduos com um TSL escore zero são menos flexíveis para todos os 20 movimentos do Flexiteste do que aqueles com escore 10. Portanto, os dados da presente dissertação, indicam que: o resultado do TSL se mostrou um importante preditor de mortalidade por todas as causas para indivíduos entre 51-80 anos de idade e que indivíduos mais flexíveis tendem a ter maiores escores no TSL.


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A presente pesquisa tem como principal objetivo investigar as características do casal heterossexual moderno praticante de swing. Em especial, busca-se compreender quais fatores influenciam as negociações dos adeptos acerca da prevenção de DSTs/Aids. O swing, também conhecido como troca de casais, é considerado uma das experiências possíveis de não exclusividade sexual dentro da relação conjugal, o que significa dizer que os parceiros que o praticam, em comum acordo, permitem a ocorrência de intercursos sexuais envolvendo terceiros e preferencialmente em ambientes compartilhados. O estabelecimento do swing enquanto estilo de vida é a principal premissa dos praticantes. A partir das observações etnográficas de festas swingers realizadas em uma boate na Zona Oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, da análise dos discursos de casais informantes e do levantamento das pesquisas sobre swing realizadas no Brasil, Europa e Estados Unidos, foi possível refletir a respeito das particularidades socioculturais deste grupo, bem como apreender o conjunto de valores que o orientam. As trajetórias dos sujeitos, desde o descobrimento do swing até o envolvimento real com o universo em questão, também são abordados neste trabalho. Finalmente, procura-se descrever e analisar os principais aspectos em torno das condutas sexuais dos swingers e a relação destas com o uso ou desuso de estratégias preventivas a fim de suscitar reflexões contributivas às discussões sobre prevenção de DSTs/Aids entre swingers.


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Rhodopsin, encoded by the gene Rhodopsin (RH1), is extremely sensitive to light, and is responsible for dim-light vision. Bats are nocturnal mammals that inhabit poor light environments. Megabats (Old-World fruit bats) generally have well-developed eyes, while microbats (insectivorous bats) have developed echolocation and in general their eyes were degraded, however, dramatic differences in the eyes, and their reliance on vision, exist in this group. In this study, we examined the rod opsin gene (RH1), and compared its evolution to that of two cone opsin genes (SWS1 and M/LWS). While phylogenetic reconstruction with the cone opsin genes SWS1 and M/LWS generated a species tree in accord with expectations, the RH1 gene tree united Pteropodidae (Old-World fruit bats) and Yangochiroptera, with very high bootstrap values, suggesting the possibility of convergent evolution. The hypothesis of convergent evolution was further supported when nonsynonymous sites or amino acid sequences were used to construct phylogenies. Reconstructed RH1 sequences at internal nodes of the bat species phylogeny showed that: (1) Old-World fruit bats share an amino acid change (S270G) with the tomb bat; (2) Miniopterus share two amino acid changes (V104I, M183L) with Rhinolophoidea; (3) the amino acid replacement I123V occurred independently on four branches, and the replacements L99M, L266V and I286V occurred each on two branches. The multiple parallel amino acid replacements that occurred in the evolution of bat RH1 suggest the possibility of multiple convergences of their ecological specialization (i.e., various photic environments) during adaptation for the nocturnal lifestyle, and suggest that further attention is needed on the study of the ecology and behavior of bats.


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Pancreatic RNase genes implicated in the adaptation of the colobine monkeys to leaf eating have long intrigued evolutionary biologists since the identification of a duplicated RNASE1 gene with enhanced digestive efficiencies in Pygathrix nemaeus. The recent emergence of two contrasting hypotheses, that is, independent duplication and one-duplication event hypotheses, make it into focus again. Current understanding of Colobine RNASE1 gene evolution of colobine monkeys largely depends on the analyses of few colobine species. The present study with more intensive taxonomic and character sampling not only provides a clearer picture of Colobine RNASE1 gene evolution but also allows to have a more thorough understanding about the molecular basis underlying the adaptation of Colobinae to the unique leaf-feeding lifestyle. The present broader and detailed phylogenetic analyses yielded two important findings: 1) All trees based on the analyses of coding, noncoding, and both regions provided consistent evidence, indicating RNASE1 duplication occurred after Asian and African colobines speciation, that is, independent duplication hypothesis; 2) No obvious evidence of gene conversion in RNASE1 gene was found, favoring independent evolution of Colobine RNASE1 gene duplicates. The conclusion drawn from previous studies that gene conversion has played a significant role in the evolution of Colobine RNASE1 was not supported. Our selective constraint analyses also provided interesting insights, with significant evidence of positive selection detected on ancestor lineages leading to duplicated gene copies. The identification of a handful of new adaptive sites and amino acid changes that have not been characterized previously also provide a necessary foundation for further experimental investigations of RNASE1 functional evolution in Colobinae.


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Established firms tend to pursue incremental innovation by modifying and refining their existing products and processes rather than developing radical innovations. In the face of resistance to change and incumbent inertia, which prevent the generation of novelty, established firms have turned towards corporate entrepreneurship as a means of exploiting knowledge accumulated within its own boundaries and exploring external markets. This paper focuses on one mode of corporate entrepreneurship, corporate incubation, informed by a study of a Technology Incubator at Philips. An account of the history of the incubator traces its progress from its inception in 2002-2006 when further incubators were formed, building on this experience and focusing on lifestyle and healthcare technologies. We identify ways in which the Philips incubator represents an alternative selection environment that effectively simulated the venture capitalist model of entrepreneurial innovation. © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Background: Giardia are a group of widespread intestinal protozoan parasites in a number of vertebrates. Much evidence from G. lamblia indicated they might be the most primitive extant eukaryotes. When and how such a group of the earliest branching unicellular eukaryotes developed the ability to successfully parasitize the latest branching higher eukaryotes (vertebrates) is an intriguing question. Gene duplication has long been thought to be the most common mechanism in the production of primary resources for the origin of evolutionary novelties. In order to parse the evolutionary trajectory of Giardia parasitic lifestyle, here we carried out a genome-wide analysis about gene duplication patterns in G. lamblia. Results: Although genomic comparison showed that in G. lamblia the contents of many fundamental biologic pathways are simplified and the whole genome is very compact, in our study 40% of its genes were identified as duplicated genes. Evolutionary distance analyses of these duplicated genes indicated two rounds of large scale duplication events had occurred in G. lamblia genome. Functional annotation of them further showed that the majority of recent duplicated genes are VSPs (Variant-specific Surface Proteins), which are essential for the successful parasitic life of Giardia in hosts. Based on evolutionary comparison with their hosts, it was found that the rapid expansion of VSPs in G. lamblia is consistent with the evolutionary radiation of placental mammals. Conclusions: Based on the genome-wide analysis of duplicated genes in G. lamblia, we found that gene duplication was essential for the origin and evolution of Giardia parasitic lifestyle. The recent expansion of VSPs uniquely occurring in G. lamblia is consistent with the increment of its hosts. Therefore we proposed a hypothesis that the increment of Giradia hosts might be the driving force for the rapid expansion of VSPs.


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Brand image is the attributes set and the related associations of a brand in consumers mind, and it is the subjective reflections of brands. The paper explored the factors of brand image system and their weight. As the traditional means to evaluate weight coefficients are not perfect, a new method, conjoint analysis, was attempted. The factors of brand image were explored through questionnaire. Sports sneaker, toothpaste, and personal stereo were chosen as product sample, and four hundred and twenty university students from Tangshan city and Beijing as subjects(each person evaluated two kinds of products). The first two kinds of products were requisites of students, and sports sneaker belonged to High conspicuous products and toothpaste was low conspicuous product. On the other hand, personal stereo was the sample of development and entertainment products. Several factors of three products brand were taken out with factor analysis. In order to explore the weight of the brand image factors, a contrast of factor contribution ratio method, holistic quartation method and conjoint analysis is made here. Twenty university students evaluated the weight of the image factors of three kinds of brand with holistic quartation method, then they gave the weight of personal stereo with conjoint analysis method. Product function, advertising and propaganda, symbolic meaning, market orientation, brand appetency, consuming experience are the factors of sports sneaker brand image. Product function, advertising and propaganda, market orientation, product grade, corporation image are the factors of toothpaste brand image. Corporation image and product function, advertising and propaganda, consuming experience, symbolic meaning, price and function ratio are the factors of personal stereo brand image. So the hypothesis was proved that brand image is an ordinal and organical system, "ordinal" means the weight of factors are different, "organical" means that brand image can be deposed into several factors and the factors belonged to function components and meaning components (function components are the factors about physical characteristics and function, which are called "hard factors"); meaning factors are those that can show the personality、value and lifestyle of consumers, which are called "soft factors". The research also gave evidence of the hypothesis below: the factor structures of brand image of different product category have commonness and individuality; the function components of low conspicuous products are more important than the high conspicuous products. The exploration of conjoint analysis is what the paper seeks to be some creative in some degree.


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Objectives. To determine the prevalence of asthma symptoms among schoolchildren living on two different Brazilian Amazon islands and to identify the risk factors related to this condition. Methods. A cross-sectional study of 400 schoolchildren (5-8 years old) using written questionnaires produced by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, a skin prick test (allergic sensitization), and a stool examination (for helminthic infection). Nonparametric tests were carried out, and the risk factors were identified by logistic regression. Results. the prevalence of active asthma symptoms was markedly higher in children living on Outeiro Island (OI) than those living on Comb Island (CBI) (30.5% and 16.5%, respectively). the logistic regression identified several risk factors of asthma symptoms on CBI: parental history of asthma, night coughing in the past year, and currently have a cat. On OI, the major risk factors were parental history of asthma, personal history of eczema, having two or more older siblings, and night coughing in the past year. the risk factors in common on both the islands were night coughing in the past year and parental history of asthma. Conclusions. the prevalence of asthma symptoms was higher in those with a lifestyle closer to that observed in urban areas (i.e., better sanitation and hygiene), reinforcing the protective effect of a rural environment. Different risk factors were associated with asthma symptoms in schoolchildren living on OI and on CBI. This fact may reflect the environmental individuality and particularities of each island.


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Musculoskeletal ageing is associated with profound morphological and functional changes that increase fall risk and disease incidence and is characterised by age-related reductions in motor unit number and atrophy of muscle fibres, particularly type II fibres. Decrements in functional strength and power are relatively modest until the 6th decade, after which the rate of loss exponentially accelerates, particularly beyond the 8th decade of life. Physical activity is a therapeutic modality that can significantly attenuate age-related decline. The underlying signature of ageing, as manifested by perturbed redox homeostasis, leads to a blunting of acute and chronic redox regulated exercise adaptations. Impaired redox regulated exercise adaptations are mechanistically related to altered exercise-induced reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation and a resultant failure to properly activate redox regulated signaling cascades. Despite the aforementioned specific impairment in redox signaling, exercise induces a plethora of beneficial effects, irrespective of age. There is, therefore, strong evidence for promoting regular physical exercise, especially progressive resistance training as a lifelong habitual practice.


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Increasing proportions of the global population are being diagnosed with diabetes. It is anticipated that by 2030, 10% of the adult population worldwide will be living with this condition. Lifestyle factors can impact on the development, management and progression of diabetes. Obesity and sedentary living are contributory factors to the increased volume of diabetes. Physical activity offers those living with diabetes the opportunities to keep well and attain potentially more stable blood glucose control reducing the level of medical intervention required and delaying or preventing some of the life-changing complications that can derive from a diabetes diagnosis. Exercise interventions are effective in preventing and treating type-II diabetes. However, maintaining regular exercise routines, especially home-based exercises may provide a key for sustaining the health benefits.


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Sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity are causes of major health risks including cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and cancer. Workplace is an ideal setting to understand both the prevalence of these risks and for devising and implementing effective intervention strategies. It is now possible to perform direct workplace assessments to identify the sedentary prevalence and assess the sedentary related health risks, which can include assessing the risks of atherosclerosis, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglyaemia and reduced cardiorespiratory capacity. Based on evaluating the workplace health risks, it is possible to identify individuals who may be at higher CVD risk so they can be targeted with a risk-reduction intervention that can also be tailored towards improving healthy behaviours, especially towards physical activity activity and exercise. This chapter explains workplace sedentary risks, and provides examples of CVD risk prevalence, particularly within the university campus workplace, and presents examples of an exercise based targeted interventions aimed at reducing CVD risks amongst high risk sedentary employees.