960 resultados para 3T MRI


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合成了阿拉伯半乳聚糖修饰的 DTPA钆配合物 ,用红外光谱、元素分析、 ICP-AES等手段进行了表征 ,用竞争性方法研究了其在水溶液中的稳定性 ,测试了其在水中及 BSA溶液中的弛豫性能 ,并进行了体内成像实验 .结果表明 ,其弛豫效率是目前临床所用造影剂 Gd-DTPA的 1 .5~ 2 .0倍 ,对肝脏和肾脏 MRI信号具有良好的增强效果 ,是比较好的潜在磁共振成像造影剂


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Two rare earth heteropolymetalates K9GdW10O36 and K-11[Gd(PW11O39)(2)] have been synthesized and characterized by IR and elemental analysis. Their stability has been studied by TG - DTA. The TG - DTA analysis show that both complexes are of good thermal stability. Their relaxivity in D2O is 6.89 and 5.27 mmol(-1).s(-1) respectively. Interaction with BSA has also been investigated. The results indicate that the two rare earth heteropolymetalate may be potential contrast agent for MRI.


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The luminescent properties of Gd3PO7:Eu were investigated in W and VUV regions. This phosphor has such strong emissions around 618.5 nn under UV excitation, especially around 209nn, that it has a better colour saturation than that of Y2O3:Eu. It could be a new potential red phosphor for lamp and other applications with W-excitation source or even for displaying devices. In the VUV excitation spectrum of Eu3+ emissions, energy absorptions by Gd3+, Gd-O and PO43- have been observed, on which it can be inferred that there are three kinds of energy transferring processes to Eu-3(+) ions. The energy absorptions of Gd3+, Gd-O and PO43- are induced by 4f --> 4f transitions, a bandgap transition of Gd3PO7 and intramolecular (2t(2) --> 2a, 3t(2)) transition, respectively. The energy transfer efficiency of the PO43- intramolecular transition is lower compared with that of the bandgap transition (Gd-O).


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Stable gadolinium complexes, such as Gd(DTPA) and Gd(DOTA), are usually used as the contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). Reported here are the enhanced relaxation properties of a novel gadolinium complex, diethylene-triaminopentaacetate Lis (isoniazid) [Gd(DTPA-BIN)], in aqueous and in human serum albumin(HSA) solution, which indicates that (1) two Gd(DTPA-BIN) can integrate non-covalently with one HSA with an equilibrium constant of 0. 02 mmol(-2) . L-2 ; (2) the relaxivities are 3. 28 and 4. 92 mmol(-1) . L . s(-1) for the free Gd(DTPA-BIN) and the [Gd(DTPA-BIN)](2), HSA conjugator, respectively; (3) the rotational correlation time of protein conjugator is notably higher than that of the free complex, The above results may imply that Gd(DTPA-BIN) has a higher tissue selectivity than that of its parent Gd(DTPA).


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Polyaminopolycarboxylate gadolinium (III) complexes have been studied intensively in recent years because of their potential uses as contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MHI)([1]). The research interests are mainly focussed on Gd3+ complexes of DTPA, DOTA and their various derivatives. Four kinds of Gd3+ complexes can be used presently in clinical MRI, which are GD(DTPA)([2]), Gd(DOTA)([3]), Gd(DTPA-BMA)([4]) and Gd(HP-DO3A)([5]). Here report two new DTPA bis (amide) derivatives-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-N, N ''-bis (dimethylamide) (DTPA-BDMA) and -bis (diethylamide) (DTPA-BDEA).


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对河流地球化学特征的研究可以获得有关流域化学风化以及化学元素在地球表生系统生物地球化学循环的相关信息。同时,流域风化作用是全球长期碳旋回及与其有关的环境效应的一个重要组成部分。我国学者对大流域的碳酸盐岩地区进行了大量研究,但硅酸盐地区的研究相对薄弱,研究指出:中国河流水的离子组成主要受碳酸盐风化作用和蒸发岩溶蚀作用的影响,受铝硅酸盐风化作用的影响不如前两者明显。硅酸盐岩的风化产物在一定程度上控制着地表水系的地球化学组成,因而对硅酸盐岩区河流的地球化学组成变化的研究,有助于我们了解硅酸盐岩地区的化学风化作用与水文地球化学特征的关系,以及控制河流水体地球化学组成变化的多种因素。赣江是长江的主要支流,在江西省国民经济、生态环境保护和社会生活中占有重要的地位。尤为重要的是,赣江流域广泛分布有硅酸岩岩石和土壤,是世界上硅酸岩连片分布的典型地区之一。由赣江水体和悬浮物携带输送的各类物质组分经鄱阳湖输入长江是全球元素地球化学循环的重要组成部分,对全球环境变化研究有重要意义。 本论文利用赣江流域物理化学参数、化学质量平衡和同位素地球化学研究手段,重点讨论赣江流域的水化学特征、主要离子来源,并探讨主要的化学风化反应。定量计算了流域化学风化侵蚀速率及其对大气CO2消耗的影响,探讨了河流水化学特征与人为活动、气候、地形、岩性等因素之间的关系。得出如下主要结论和几点新认识。 赣江流域河流受控于中亚热带湿润季风气候条件下,碳酸盐硅酸盐化学风化和人为活动的共同影响,以快速的碳酸盐和典型硅酸盐的化学风化共同侵蚀作用区别于其他地区河流。枯水期和丰水期样品中,阳离子中Na+和Ca+含量最高,其次是Mg2+,K+含量最低;阴离子中,Cl-,HCO3-占主导地位,SO42-次之,NO3-含量最低;溶解性硅的含量变化范围不大。赣江流域河水的化学组成反映了硅酸盐岩化学风化作用对河水化学组成控制的典型特征。 受赣江流域气候、岩性、地形和人为活动的影响,枯水期丰水期离子成分主要来源于岩石/土壤的化学风化。碳酸盐岩矿物风化与硅酸盐岩矿物相比是普遍而快速的,所以赣江流域风化很大程度上会受碳酸盐所支配。此外,人为输入影响与赣江流域发达的农业、工业生产产生污染相一致。 赣江流域HCO3-与Ca2+、HCO3-与Mg2+、SO42-与Mg2+、Na+与Cl-均存在明显的相关关系。Na+与SO42-、HCO3-与Si、Na+与Si、K+与Si不存在相关性或相关性不明显。赣江流域样品Si/(Na*+K)比值范围低,表明风化作用在表生环境中进行,风化作用中主要是富含阳离子的次生矿物。Si浓度受生物影响很小,主要是岩性的作用。 除了岩石风化溶解作用,赣江流域盆地区域降水量将直接影响地表径流和河流流量。河流流量对各主要离子浓度的影响顺序为HCO3->Ca2+>Mg2+>SO42- >Na+>Cl-,起到稀释作用。所以赣江流域河水特征受岩性和气候条件的共同作用。 赣江流域高的锶同位素比值(87Sr/86Sr)表明了赣江流域Sr来源的硅酸岩风化典型特征,丰水期河流溶解态Sr浓度有所下降。锶同位素为大气降水和岩石风化的混合型,并且辨别出两个碳酸盐硅酸盐是最主要的岩石风化溶解端元组分。 利用SPSS统计软件,对9个离子组分作为变量进行主成分分析(PCA)和因子分析,解析出主要影响因素。分析统计结果表明两类岩石和人为输入对河水溶解质的贡献率分别是:碳酸盐最大,其次是硅酸盐,人为活动输入最小。并定量的计算出碳酸盐、硅酸盐、大气CO2和人类活动对于赣江溶质组成的相对贡献率。根据径流量和流域面积,计算得到每年赣江流域岩石风化作用的大气CO2消耗分别为枯水期520.2×103mol/km2和丰水期383.4×103mol/km2,较强烈的碳酸盐风化溶解和明显的硅酸盐风化特征导致了赣江流域岩石风化作用的CO2消耗率高于世界平均水平。扣除大气CO2和人类活动输入的贡献后,估算得到赣江流域的年均化学风化率为30.3t/km2•a,在影响河流化学风化的众多因素中,地质和气候因素起着主导作用。赣江流域对于全球的大气CO2源汇效应是明显的汇项。


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Behavioral and functional imaging studies consistently show that heroin abuse leads to various cognitive impairments, while brain structural changes associated with heroin use remain poorly understood. In the current study, we used voxel-based morphology (VBM), a method sensitive to structural changes of the brain, to investigate the gray concentration in MRI structure images of heroin addicts. Results show that the concentration of the temporal cortex and frontal cortex of heroin users significantly decreased as compared to age/education matched normal controls. Further analysis revealed that this brain structure change was detectable only in the users who had used heroin more than 5 year, but not in the remaining users. These results converge to the abnormality of the brain structure in heroin users and this abnormality is clearly associated with duration of drug use. We then analyzed the large-scale brain structure network in the heroin addicts. As compared to the normal controls, there was significant difference in interregional correlation between the temporal cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, and frontal cortex. Importantly, two major indices of the small-world properties, Clustering coefficient(Cp) and shortest path length (Lp), which are thought to reflect the local specialty and global integrity, were marginal-significantly larger than the normal controls, especially for Lp. These results suggest that chronic use of heroin results in the reorganization of the brain system. Taken together, this thesis has provided compelling evidence for brain structure impairments in chronic heroin users and further characterized the large-scale brain structure network in the same population.


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A number of functional neuroimaging studies with skilled readers consistently showed activation to visual words in the left mid-fusiform cortex in occipitotemporal sulcus (LMFC-OTS). Neuropsychological studies also showed that lesions at left ventral occipitotemporal areas result in impairment in visual word processing. Based on these empirical observations and some theoretical speculations, a few researchers postulated that the LMFC-OTS is responsible for instant parallel and holistic extraction of the abstract representation of letter strings, and labeled this piece of cortex as “visual word form area” (VWFA). Nonetheless, functional neuroimaging studies alone is basically a correlative rather than causal approach, and lesions in the previous studies were typically not constrained within LMFC-OTS but also involving other brain regions beyond this area. Given these limitations, it remains unanswered for three fundamental questions: is LMFC-OTS necessary for visual word processing? is this functionally selective for visual word processing while unnecessary for processing of non-visual word stimuli? what are its function properties in visual word processing? This thesis aimed to address these questions through a series of neuropsychological, anatomical and functional MRI experiments in four patients with different degrees of impairments in the left fusiform gyrus. Necessity: Detailed analysis of anatomical brain images revealed that the four patients had differential foci of brain infarction. Specifically, the LMFC-OTS was damaged in one patient, while it remained intact in the other three. Neuropsychological experiments showed that the patient with lesions in the LMFC-OTS had severe impairments in reading aloud and recognizing Chinese characters, i.e., pure alexia. The patient with intact LMFC-OTS but information from the left visual field (LVF) was blocked due to lesions in the splenium of corpus callosum, showed impairment in Chinese characters recognition when the stimuli were presented in the LVF but not in the RVF, i.e. left hemialexia. In contrast, the other two patients with intact LMFC-OTS had normal function in processing Chinese characters. The fMRI experiments demonstrated that there was no significant activation to Chinese characters in the LMFC-OTS of the pure alexic patient and of the patient with left hemialexia when the stimuli were presented in the LVF. On the other hand, this patient, when Chinese characters were presented in right visual field, and the other two with intact LMFC-OTS had activation in the LMFC-OTS. These results together point to the necessity of the LMFC-OTS for Chinese character processing. Selectivity: We tested selectivity of the LMFC-OTS for visual word processing through systematically examining the patients’ ability for processing visual vs. auditory words, and word vs. non-word visual stimuli, such as faces, objects and colors. Results showed that the pure alexic patients could normally process auditory words (expression, understanding and repetition of orally presented words) and non-word visual stimuli (faces, objects, colors and numbers). Although the patient showed some impairments in naming faces, objects and colors, his performance scores were only slightly lower or not significantly different relative to those of the patients with intact LMFC-OTS. These data provide compelling evidence that the LMFC-OTS is not requisite for processing non-visual word stimuli, thus has selectivity for visual word processing. Functional properties: With tasks involving multiple levels and aspects of word processing, including Chinese character reading, phonological judgment, semantic judgment, identity judgment of abstract visual word representation, lexical decision, perceptual judgment of visual word appearance, and dictation, copying, voluntary writing, etc., we attempted to reveal the most critical dysfunction caused by damage in the LMFC-OTS, thus to clarify the most essential function of this region. Results showed that in addition to dysfunctions in Chinese character reading, phonological and semantic judgment, the patient with lesions at LMFC-OTS failed to judge correctly whether two characters (including compound and simple characters) with different surface features (e.g., different fonts, printed vs. handwritten vs. calligraphy styles, simplified characters vs. traditional characters, different orientations of strokes or whole characters) had the same abstract representation. The patient initially showed severe impairments in processing both simple characters and compound characters. He could only copy a compound character in a stroke-by-stroke manner, but not by character-by-character or even by radical-by-radical manners. During the recovery process, namely five months later, the patient could complete the abstract representation tasks of simple characters, but showed no improvement for compound characters. However, he then could copy compound characters in a radical-by-radical manner. Furthermore, it seems that the recovery of copying paralleled to that of judgment of abstract representation. These observations indicate that lesions of the LMFC-OTS in the pure alexic patients caused several damage in the ability of extracting the abstract representation from lower level units to higher level units, and the patient had especial difficulty to extract the abstract representation of whole character from its secondary units (e.g., radicals or single characters) and this ability was resistant to recover from impairment. Therefore, the LMFC-OTS appears to be responsible for the multilevel (particularly higher levels) abstract representations of visual word form. Successful extraction seems independent on access to phonological and semantic information, given the alexic patient showed severe impairments in reading aloud and semantic processing on simple characters while maintenance of intact judgment on their abstract representation. However, it is also possible that the interaction between the abstract representation and its related information e.g. phonological and semantic information was damaged as well in this patient. Taken together, we conclude that: 1) the LMFC-OTS is necessary for Chinese character processing, 2) it is selective for Chinese character processing, and 3) its critical function is to extract multiple levels of abstract representation of visual word and possibly to transmit it to phonological and semantic systems.


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Zeigarnik effect refers to the enhanced memory performance for unfinished tasks and studies on insight using hemi-visual field presentation technology also find that after failing to solve an problem, hints to the problem are more effective received and lead to insight experience when presented to the left-visual field (Right hemisphere) than presented to the right-visual field, especial when the hints appeared with a delay. Thus, it seems that right hemisphere may play an important role in preserving information of unsolved problems and processing related cues. To further examine the finding above, we introduce an Chinese character chunking task to investigate the brain activities during the stage of failure to resolve problems and of hint presentation using Event-Related Potentials (ERP) and functional MRI technology. Our FMRI results found that bilateral BA10 showed more activation when seeing hints for unsolved problems and we proposed that it may reflect the processes of information to failure problems, howerver, there was no hemispheric difference. The ERP results after the effort to the problems showed that unsolved problems elicited a more positive P150 over the right frontal cortex while solved problems demonstrated a left hemispheric advantage of P150. When hints present, P2 amplitudes of hints were modulated by the status of problem only in the right hemisphere but not in the left hemisphere. Our results confirmed the hypothesis that failure to solve problems would trigger the perseverance processes in right hemisphere, which would make right hemisphere more sensitive to related information of failure problems.


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Mechanisms underlying cognitive psychology and cerebral physiological of mental arithmetic with increasing are were studied by using behavioral methods and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). I. Studies on mechanism underlying cognitive psychology of mental arithmetic with increasing age These studies were accomplished in 172 normal subjects ranging from 20 to 79 years of age with above 12 years of education (Mean = 1.51, SD = 1.5). Five mental arithmetic tasks, "1000-1", "1000-3", "1000-7", "1000-13", "1000-17", were designed with a serial calculation in which subjects sequentially subtracted the same prime number (1, 3, 7, 13, 17) from another number 1000. The variables studied were mental arithmetic, age, working memory, and sensory-motor speed, and four studies were conducted: (1) Aging process of mental arithmetic with different difficulties, (2) mechanism of aging of mental arithmetic processing. (3) effects of working memory and sensory-motor speed on aging process of mental arithmetic, (4) model of cognitive aging of mental arithmetic, with statistical methods such as MANOVA, hierarchical multiple regression, stepwise regression analysis, structural equation modelling (SEM). The results were indicated as following: Study 1: There was an obvious interaction between age and mental arithmetic, in which reaction time (RT) increased with advancing age and more difficult mental arithmetic, and mental arithmetic efficiency (the ratio of accuracy to RT) deceased with advancing age and more difficult mental arithmetic; Mental arithmetic efficiency with different difficulties decreased in power function: Study 2: There were two mediators (latent variables) in aging process of mental arithmetic, and age had an effect on mental arithmetic with different difficulties through the two mediators; Study 3: There were obvious interactions between age and working memory, working memory and mental arithmetic; Working memory and sensory-motor speed had effects on aging process of mental arithmetic, in which the effect of working memory on aging process of mental arithmetic was about 30-50%, and the effect of sensory-motor speed on aging process of mental arithmetic was above 35%. Study 4: Age, working memory, and sensory-motor speed had effects on two latent variables (factor 1 and factor 2), then had effects on mental arithmetic with different difficulties through factor 1 which was relative to memory component, and factor 2 which relative to speed component and had an effect on factor 1 significantly. II. Functional magnetic resonance imaging study on metal arithmetic with increasing age This study was accomplished in 14 normal right-handed subjects ranging from 20 to 29 (7 subjects) and 60 to 69 (7 subjects) years of age by using functional magnetic resonance imaging apparatus, a superconductive Signa Horizon 1.5T MRI system. Two mental arithmetic tasks, "1000-3" and "1000-17", were designed with a serial calculation in which subjects sequentially subtracted the same prime number (3 or 17) from another number 1000 silently, and controlling task, "1000-0", in which subjects continually rehearsed number 1000 silently, was regarded as baseline, based on current "baseline-task" OFF-ON subtraction pattern. Original data collected by fMRI apparatus, were analyzed off-line in SUN SPARC working station by using current STIMULATE software. The analytical steps were composed of within-subject analysis, in which brain activated images about mental arithmetic with two difficulties were obtained by using t-test, and between-subject analysis, in which features of brain activation about mental arithmetic with two difficulties, the relationship between left and right hemisphere during mental arithmetic, and age differences of brain activation in young and elderly adults were examined by using non-parameter Wilcoxon test. The results were as following:


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X. Wang, J. Yang, R. Jensen and X. Liu, 'Rough Set Feature Selection and Rule Induction for Prediction of Malignancy Degree in Brain Glioma,' Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 147-156, 2006.


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A recent meta-analysis by Iskandar et al. (1) nicely showed that endurance athletes have larger left atrial (LA) diameters compared with control subjects. Yet only 9 of 54 studies included in their analysis reported LA volume values corrected for body surface area (BSA). In fact, few studies have determined LA volume in young athletes, and, to the best of our knowledge, no study has reported this variable in older athletes. This is an important question given the growing debate about the potential deleterious effects of long-term strenuous endurance exercise on the human heart, notably the higher risk of atrial fibrillation (AF), a condition for which both atrial dilation and the normal aging process are thought to be potential causative mechanisms (2). Thus, we aimed to assess the long-term consequences of endurance exercise on LA volume in athletes who were highly competitive at younger ages and are still active. To this end, we compared BSA-corrected LA volumes determined with late gadolinium enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (LGE-MRI) in former elite endurance athletes and sedentary control subjects.


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Recent measurement based studies reveal that most of the Internet connections are short in terms of the amount of traffic they carry (mice), while a small fraction of the connections are carrying a large portion of the traffic (elephants). A careful study of the TCP protocol shows that without help from an Active Queue Management (AQM) policy, short connections tend to lose to long connections in their competition for bandwidth. This is because short connections do not gain detailed knowledge of the network state, and therefore they are doomed to be less competitive due to the conservative nature of the TCP congestion control algorithm. Inspired by the Differentiated Services (Diffserv) architecture, we propose to give preferential treatment to short connections inside the bottleneck queue, so that short connections experience less packet drop rate than long connections. This is done by employing the RIO (RED with In and Out) queue management policy which uses different drop functions for different classes of traffic. Our simulation results show that: (1) in a highly loaded network, preferential treatment is necessary to provide short TCP connections with better response time and fairness without hurting the performance of long TCP connections; (2) the proposed scheme still delivers packets in FIFO manner at each link, thus it maintains statistical multiplexing gain and does not misorder packets; (3) choosing a smaller default initial timeout value for TCP can help enhance the performance of short TCP flows, however not as effectively as our scheme and at the risk of congestion collapse; (4) in the worst case, our proposal works as well as a regular RED scheme, in terms of response time and goodput.


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The congestion control mechanisms of TCP make it vulnerable in an environment where flows with different congestion-sensitivity compete for scarce resources. With the increasing amount of unresponsive UDP traffic in today's Internet, new mechanisms are needed to enforce fairness in the core of the network. We propose a scalable Diffserv-like architecture, where flows with different characteristics are classified into separate service queues at the routers. Such class-based isolation provides protection so that flows with different characteristics do not negatively impact one another. In this study, we examine different aspects of UDP and TCP interaction and possible gains from segregating UDP and TCP into different classes. We also investigate the utility of further segregating TCP flows into two classes, which are class of short and class of long flows. Results are obtained analytically for both Tail-drop and Random Early Drop (RED) routers. Class-based isolation have the following salient features: (1) better fairness, (2) improved predictability for all kinds of flows, (3) lower transmission delay for delay-sensitive flows, and (4) better control over Quality of Service (QoS) of a particular traffic type.