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Zeigarnik effect refers to the enhanced memory performance for unfinished tasks and studies on insight using hemi-visual field presentation technology also find that after failing to solve an problem, hints to the problem are more effective received and lead to insight experience when presented to the left-visual field (Right hemisphere) than presented to the right-visual field, especial when the hints appeared with a delay. Thus, it seems that right hemisphere may play an important role in preserving information of unsolved problems and processing related cues. To further examine the finding above, we introduce an Chinese character chunking task to investigate the brain activities during the stage of failure to resolve problems and of hint presentation using Event-Related Potentials (ERP) and functional MRI technology. Our FMRI results found that bilateral BA10 showed more activation when seeing hints for unsolved problems and we proposed that it may reflect the processes of information to failure problems, howerver, there was no hemispheric difference. The ERP results after the effort to the problems showed that unsolved problems elicited a more positive P150 over the right frontal cortex while solved problems demonstrated a left hemispheric advantage of P150. When hints present, P2 amplitudes of hints were modulated by the status of problem only in the right hemisphere but not in the left hemisphere. Our results confirmed the hypothesis that failure to solve problems would trigger the perseverance processes in right hemisphere, which would make right hemisphere more sensitive to related information of failure problems. 蔡格尼克效应的存在说明人们对于那些未能完成的任务的记忆保持会更好,而利用单侧视野呈现技术对顿悟的研究也表明:人们在问题求解失败后,如提示信息出现较晚,则先输入右脑的提示信息会比先输入左脑的提示信息更能促成顿悟,这提示右脑在未解决问题的保持以及对相关提示信息的处理中发挥重要作用。为了进一步验证上述结果,本研究利用汉字组块破解任务和事件相关诱发电位(ERP)技术和功能核磁共振(fMRI)技术,研究和比较了大脑左右两半球在顿悟解决过程中半球的差异情况。FMRI的实验结果发现两侧BA10区对与问题解决相关的信息时表现出更强的激活,我们推测其有可能反映了对失败问题的提示加工,但是并没有半球活动的差异。ERP的实验结果发现失败的问题求解在右半球激发了更正的P150成分,而成功的问题解决却表现出相反的趋势;在提示信息呈现阶段对于P2成分波幅在问题类型(是否成功解决)和偏侧化的交互作用的分析表明,左半球不受问题类型的影响,而右半球的活动则是由不同的问题类型来调控的。ERP结果验证了先前的推测,提示问题求解失败会引起右半球对相关问题信息的保持增强,并最终导致右半球对相关提示信息更加敏感。 |
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中文 |
Fonte |
顿悟中的蔡格尼克效应:左右脑在解题失败与提示信息加工时的活动差异.唐晓晨[d].中国科学院心理研究所,2009.20-25 |
Palavras-Chave | #蔡格尼克效应 #顿悟 #半球差异 #汉字组块破解 #事件相关电位 |
Tipo |
学位论文 |