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This study contributes to the mutual fund literature by looking at performance persistence on a fund family level, allowing for individual equity, bond and balanced funds to be included under single family umbrellas. The study is conducted on the emerging Finnish mutual fund market, an environment in which the importance of superior fund family teams is likely to be accentuated. Using both non–parametric and parametric tests we find robust evidence of performance persistence for the fund families. Persistence is particularly strong in the first half of the investigation period, which highlights the importance of fund families at early stages of market development.
The effect of viscosity stratification on the different mechanism of transition to turbulence is not well understood. In this paper, a viscosity variation normal to the flow in a channel is investigated. The primary and secondary instability are computed, and the transient growth is analysed. It is found that viscosity stratification can have different effects in each case.
This paper discusses a method for scaling SVM with Gaussian kernel function to handle large data sets by using a selective sampling strategy for the training set. It employs a scalable hierarchical clustering algorithm to construct cluster indexing structures of the training data in the kernel induced feature space. These are then used for selective sampling of the training data for SVM to impart scalability to the training process. Empirical studies made on real world data sets show that the proposed strategy performs well on large data sets.
The imaging performance of hololenses formed with four different geometries were studied through an analysis of their third-order aberration coefficients. It is found that the geometry proposed by Brandt (1969) gives the least residual aberration with minimum variation of this aberration with the reconstruction angle. When the ideal position of one of the construction beams is changed in order to generate a hololens array, the residual aberration is found to increase sharply, which in turn affects the image resolution among the multiplied images in the output. A hololens array was generated using Brandt's geometry with the help of a one-dimensional sinusoidal grating. The results of multiple imaging with the hololens array are presented. The image resolution is reasonably high and can be further improved by reducing the f-number of the hololenses.
The modes of binding of alpha- and beta-anomers of D-galactose, D-fucose and D-glucose to L-arabinose-binding protein (ABP) have been studied by energy minimization using the low resolution (2.4 A) X-ray data of the protein. These studies suggest that these sugars preferentially bind in the alpha-form to ABP, unlike L-arabinose where both alpha- and beta-anomers bind almost equally. The best modes of binding of alpha- and beta-anomers of D-galactose and D-fucose differ slightly in the nature of the possible hydrogen bonds with the protein. The residues Arg 151 and Asn 232 of ABP from bidentate hydrogen bonds with both L-arabinose and D-galactose, but not with D-fucose or D-glucose. However in the case of L-arabinose, Arg 151 forms hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl group at the C-4 atom and the ring oxygen, whereas in case of D-galactose it forms bonds with the hydroxyl groups at the C-4 and C-6 atoms of the pyranose ring. The calculated conformational energies also predict that D-galactose is a better inhibitor than D-fucose and D-glucose, in agreement with kinetic studies. The weak inhibitor D-glucose binds preferentially to one domain of ABP leading to the formation of a weaker complex. Thus these studies provide information about the most probable binding modes of these sugars and also provide a theoretical explanation for the observed differences in their binding affinities.
We applied our previous theory of high temperature superconductivity to Bi and Tl compounds in this paper. The theory involves the role of electron pairs in the spin singlet of species Xequal-or-greater, slanted (Bi3+ (6S2), Tl(6S2) etc.) and their virtual excited state X0 (Bi5+ (6s0), Tl3+ (6s0), etc.) in the pairing interaction of quasiholes. Bi and Tl species provide additional channels of kind (Xequal-or-greater, slanted left angle bracket X0) owing to the charge fluctuations. We treated the two states of these species like a two-level Bose system. We used the pseudospin formalism to calculate the expression for the critical temperature in this paper. We also calculated numerically the value of Tc for Bi and Tl compounds and found a good agreement between theory and experiment.
Administration of 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) to rats results in a striking increase in the transcription of cytochrome P-450 (c+d) messenger RNA with isolated nuclei, which is blocked by the simultaneous administration of cobalt chloride, an inhibitor of heme biosynthesis. Transcription of cytochrome P-450 (c+d) mRNAs with nuclei isolated from MC treated rats shows a linear increase with time of incubation, whereas it shows a progressive decrease with incubation time in the case of nuclei isolated from MC+CoCl2 treated rats. Addition of heme in vitro (10−6M) to the latter nuclei results in a significant counteraction of the decreased cytochrome P-450 (c+d) mRNA transcription. The inhibition in transcription rates observed in MC+CoCl2 treated rat liver nuclei is more pronounced with the seventh exon probe than with the second exon probe. Once again, in vitro heme addition can counteract the inhibition observed with both the probes. Since run off transcription with isolated nuclei represents essentially elongation of the initiated transcripts, the data obtained can be interpreted on the basis that heme regulates cytochrome P-450 gene transcription elongation.
Electrodeposited nanocrystalline Ni films were processed with different levels of S, to evaluate the role of S on superplasticity. All the materials exhibited high strain rate superplasticity at a relatively low temperature of 777 K. Microstructural characterization revealed that the S was converted to a Ni3S2 phase which melts at 908 K; no S could be detected at grain boundaries. There was no consistent variation in ductility with S content. Superplasticity was associated with a strain rate sensitivity of similar to 0.8 and an inverse grain size exponent of similar to 1 both of which are unusual observations in superplastic flow of metals. Based on the detailed experiments and analysis, it is concluded that superplasticity in nano-Ni is related to an interface controlled diffusion creep process, and it is not related to the presence of S at grain boundaries or a liquid phase at grain boundaries. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasma gondii on kokkideihin kuuluva alkueläinloinen. Sen pääisäntiä ovat kissaeläimet, joissa tapahtuvan suvullisen lisääntymisen tuloksena tuotetaan ympäristöön ookystia. Väli-isäntiä voivat olla kaikki tasalämpöiset eläimet. Toksoplasma muodostaa isäntien kudoksiin infektiivisiä kudoskystia. Ihminen voi saada tartunnan syömällä kudoskystia tai ookystia, tai sikiö voi infektoitua jo kohdussa istukan kautta. Toxoplasma gondii voi aiheuttaa isäntänsä vakavan sairastumisen ja on siksi maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävä zoonoottinen loinen. Toksoplasman torjunnassa on oleellista tuntea alueen kissojen toksoplasmaseroprevalenssi ja arvioida ympäristön ookystakuormitusta: seropositiivisten kissojen voidaan olettaa joskus erittäneen ookystia. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin toksoplasman esiintymistä suomalaisissa kissoissa: suoralla agglutinaatiotestillä (ToxoScreen-DA) määritettiin IgG-vasta-aineiden esiintymistä seerumissa sekä vasta-ainetasoja (tiitteri). Flotac® - flotaatiomenetelmällä tutkittiin ookystien esiintymistä ulostenäytteissä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kissojen toksoplasma-vasta-aineiden esiintymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä: serologisessa tutkimuksessa oli mukana sekä löytöettä rotukissoja, ja lisäksi tutkittiin kissojen sukupuolen, iän, sekä rotukissoilla lihansyönnin vaikutusta vastaaineiden esiintymiseen seerumissa. Serologisessa tutkimuksessa 398 kissan aineistossa seroprevalenssiksi saatiin 48,2 %. Tutkituista 369 rotukissasta 49,9 % oli seropositiivisia, kun taas 27 tutkitusta löytökissasta seropositiivisia oli 25,9 % (P<0,05). Sukupuolella ei todettu olevan merkitystä kissan seropositiivisuuteen. Aikuiset kissat olivat nuoria kissoja useammin seropositiivisia (53,7 % vs. 23,5 %) (P<0,001), koska kerran tartunnan saaneen kissan seerumista voidaan todeta vasta-aineita, ja vanhemmat kissat ovat nuoria todennäköisemmin ehtineet törmätä loiseen elämänsä aikana ja saada tartunnan. Ruokavalio oli tiedossa 347 rotukissalta, ja näistä 270 (77,8 %) oli joskus saanut raakaa lihaa. Raakaa lihaa saaneista kissoista 151 (55,9 %) oli seropositiivisia; 77 kissasta, jotka eivät olleet saaneet raakaa lihaa sitä vastoin ainoastaan 26 (33,8 %) oli seropositiivisia (P<0,001). Ulostenäytteistä 131 kissan aineistosta 1,5 % eritti toksoplasman kaltaisia ookystia ulosteessaan tutkimushetkellä. Suomessa kissojen ravinnon ja toksoplasmaseropositiivisuuden välistä yhteyttä ei ole aikaisemmin tutkittu. Näiden uusien tulosten valossa olisi toksoplasman torjunnassa erityisen tärkeää kiinnittää huomiota loisen tartuntareitteihin kissan osalta. Kissoja ei tulisi ruokkia raa’alla lihalla: kissalle annettava liha olisi hyvä kuumentaa yli 67ºC:een tai pakastaa alle -12ºC:n lämpötilassa toksoplasmatartunnan ehkäisemiseksi.
The terminal solid solubilities of the periclase (MgO-rich) and zincite (ZnO-rich) solid solutions in the MgO---ZnO system have been determined by measuring the activity of MgO using a solid-state galvanic cell of the type 02(g), Pt/MgO, MgF2//MgF2//{χMgO+(1-χ)ZnO}(s, sln), MgF2/Pt, O2(g) in the temperature range 900–1050°C. The ZnO activity was calculated by graphical Gibbs-Duhem integration. The activity-composition plots of both components exhibit a strong positive deviation from ideality and are characterised by a miscibility gap. The terminal solid solubilities of the periclase and zincite solid solutions obtained from the activity-composition plots are found to be in reasonable agreement with those reported in the literature.
X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy have been employed to investigate the high temperature metal-insulator transitions in V2O3 and (V0.99Cr0.01)2O3. The high temperature transitions are associated with more gradual changes in the 3d bands compared to the low-temperature transitions
1. Mevalonate pyrophosphate decarboxylase of rat liver is inhibited by various phenyl and phenolic acids. 2. Some of the phenyl and phenolic acids also inhibited mevalonate phosphate kinase. 3. Compounds with the phenyl-vinyl structure were more effective. 4. Kinetic studies showed that some of the phenolic acids compete with the substrates, mevalonate 5-phosphate and mevalonate 5-pyrophosphate, whereas others inhibit umcompetitively. 5. Dihydroxyphenyl and trihydroxyphenyl compounds and p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate, a hypocholesterolaemic drug, had no effect on these enzymes. 6. Of the three mevalonate-metabolizing enzymes, mevalonate pyrophosphate decarboxylase has the lowest specific activity and is probably the rate-determining step in this part of the pathway.