943 resultados para Ópio
The objective of this study was to examine the growth of Gracilaria cervicornis cultured in a shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) pond and to determine the absorption efficiency and the kinetics parameters (Vmax, Ks e Vmax:Ks) of this macroalgae for the nutrients N-NO3-, N-NH4+ and P-PO4-3, aiming at its use as bioremediatory of eutrophicated environments. For this study, two experiments (field and laboratory) were developed. In the field study, the seaweed was examined in relation to the growth and the biomass. In the laboratory experiment, the absorption efficiency of G. cervicornis was measured through the monitoring of the concentration of the three nutrients (N-NO3-, N-NH4+ e P-PO4-3) during 5 hours and the kinetic parameters were determined through the formula of Michaelis-Menten. The results obtained in this study demonstrated that G. cervicornis benefited from the available nutrients in the pond, increasing 52.4% of its biomass value after 30 days of culture. It was evidenced that the variability of the biomass could be explained through the salinity, availability of light (transparency and solid particle in suspension) and concentration of N-NO3- in the environment. In the laboratory experiment, the highest absorption efficiency was found in the treatments with low concentration (5 µmol.L-1), being evidenced a reduction of up to 85,3%, 97,5% and 81,2% of N-NH4+, N-NO3- and P-PO43-, respectively. Regarding the kinetic parameters, G. cervicornis presented better ability in absorbing N-NH4+ in high concentrations (Vmax = 158,5 µmol g-1 dry wt h-1) and P-PO43- in low concentrations (Ks = 5 µmol.L-1 e Vmax:Ks = 10,3). The results of this study show that G. cervicornis could be cultivated in shrimp ponds, presents a good capacity of absorption for the tested nutrients and is a promising candidate for biorremediation in shrimp pond effluent
Abstract: Schizophrenia is a complex chronic disease that turns the affected person into a dependent and disorganized patient. This pathology is responsible for a major burden on the family members who are in charge of taking care of that person. Analyze to what extant can socio-demographic, clinical and environmental variables interfere with the burden felt by family members who live with someone suffering from schizophrenia; to analyze the relationship between a depressive mood state and the burden on the family members who live with a person suffering from schizophrenia were our objectives. As a methodology, quantitative and non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study. The data collection was done through socio-demographic questionnaires; Vaz Serra and Pio Abreu’s Portuguese version of Beck Depression Inventory (1973); Zarit Burden Interview adapted by Sequeira (2007). 95 informal caregivers taking care of schizophrenic patients were assessed. Participants are mainly female (66%), aged 40 or over (79%) and 36 % are the patients’ mothers. Gender, age and existing family ties variables interfered significantly with the impact caused on the caregiver’s burden. There was a statistically significant correlation between the depressive symptomatology and the burden experienced by the family caregivers. Family/ informal caregiver experience several difficulties when they have to go through a daily process of taking care of a family member suffering from schizophrenia. This situation may cause exhaustion, conflicts, emotional suffering and even depressive symptomatology. This burden of care grows stronger as the patients are older, when they are male and when there are no families ties binding patient and caregiver. These variables must be taken into account in these caregivers’ service plans.
The isoprene degradation mechanism included in version 3 of the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM v3) has been evaluated and refined, using the Statewide Air Pollution Research Center (SAPRC) environmental chamber datasets on the photo-oxidation of isoprene and its degradation products, methacrolein (MACR) and methylvinyl ketone (MVK). Prior to this, the MCM v3 butane degradation chemistry was also evaluated using chamber data on the photo-oxidation of butane, and its degradation products, methylethyl ketone (MEK), acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) and formaldehyde (HCHO), in conjunction with an initial evaluation of the chamber-dependent auxiliary mechanisms for the series of relevant chambers. The MCM v3 mechanisms for both isoprene and butane generally performed well and were found to provide an acceptable reaction framework for describing the NOx-photo-oxidation experiments on the above systems, although a number of parameter modifications and refinements were identified which resulted in an improved performance. All these relate to the magnitude of sources of free radicals from organic chemical process, such as carbonyl photolysis rates and the yields of radicals from the reactions of O3 with unsaturated oxygenates, and specific recommendations are made for refinements. In addition to this, it was necessary to include a representation of the reactions of O(3P) with isoprene, MACR and MVK (which were not previously treated in MCM v3), and conclusions are drawn concerning the required extent of free radical formation from these reactions. Throughout the study, the performance of MCM v3 was also compared with that of the SAPRC-99 mechanism, which was developed and optimized in conjunction with the chamber datasets.
The representation of alkene degradation in version 3 of the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM v3) has been evaluated, using environmental chamber data on the photo-oxidation of ethene, propene, 1-butene and 1-hexene in the presence of NOx, from up to five chambers at the Statewide Air Pollution Research Center (SAPRC) at the University of California. As part of this evaluation, it was necessary to include a representation of the reactions of the alkenes with O(3P), which are significant under chamber conditions but generally insignificant under atmospheric conditions. The simulations for the ethene and propene systems, in particular, were found to be sensitive to the branching ratios assigned to molecular and free radical forming pathways of the O(3P) reactions, with the extent of radical formation required for proper fitting of the model to the chamber data being substantially lower than the reported consensus. With this constraint, the MCM v3 mechanisms for ethene and propene generally performed well. The sensitivity of the simulations to the parameters applied to a series of other radical sources and sink reactions (radical formation from the alkene ozonolysis reactions and product carbonyl photolysis; radical removal from the reaction of OH with NO2 and β-hydroxynitrate formation) were also considered, and the implications of these results are discussed. Evaluation of the MCM v3 1-butene and 1-hexene degradation mechanisms, using a more limited dataset from only one chamber, was found to be inconclusive. The results of sensitivity studies demonstrate that it is impossible to reconcile the simulated and observed formation of ozone in these systems for ranges of parameter values which can currently be justified on the basis of the literature. As a result of this work, gaps and uncertainties in the kinetic, mechanistic and chamber database are identified and discussed, in relation to both tropospheric chemistry and chemistry important under chamber conditions which may compromise the evaluation procedure, and recommendations are made for future experimental studies. Throughout the study, the performance of the MCM v3 chemistry was also simultaneously compared with that of the corresponding chemistry in the SAPRC-99 mechanism, which was developed and optimized in conjunction with the chamber datasets.
“La Unidad de Víctimas de la Fiscalía de la CPI envió en agosto de 2015 a la Clínica Jurídica Internacional de la Universidad del Rosario la siguiente pregunta: “En cuanto al rechazo de la cámara de la solicitud de autorización para apelar presentada por la Defensa en el caso Ntaganda contra la “Solicitud de Defensa de autorización para apelar la decisión sobre la confirmación de los cargos de fecha 09 de junio 2014” de la Sala de cuestiones preliminares I, No ICC-01/04-02/06-322, 7 de Julio de 2014), el artículo 8(2)(e)(viii) del Estatuto de Roma requiere que la Fiscalía demuestre que una orden específica fue dada por el autor para ejecutar el desplazamiento ilegal de la población civil? ¿Y cuál es la relación (semejanzas y diferencias) entre el delito de desplazamiento ilegal en virtud del artículo 8 (2) (e) (viii) del Estatuto de Roma, y el crimen de persecución en virtud del artículo 7 (1) (h)? En términos más generales, ¿cuál es el ámbito de aplicación del crimen de guerra de desplazar a la población civil en virtud del artículo 8 (2) (e) (viii) del Estatuto de Roma? Por favor, incluya en su respuesta un análisis de la historia de la redacción de la disposición pertinente (s) del Estatuto de Roma y los Elementos de los crímenes, así como de la jurisprudencia pertinente de otros tribunales penales internacionales sobre el crimen de guerra de desplazar a la población civil…”
Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar os ganhos genéticos preditos por meio de diferentes índices de seleção pela metodologia REML/BLUP, em cinco caracteres de interesse ao programa de melhoramento do café conilon do Incaper. Foram avaliadas 8 progênies de meios-irmãos, de ciclo de maturação precoce, média de duas safras, com três repetições, o que totalizou 1368 observações, utilizados os índices de seleção clássico, multiplicativo e com base na soma de postos. Avaliaramse, na época de colheita, as características tamanho dos grãos (TG), produtividade (PRO), porte (PT), vigor vegetativo (VIG) e grau de inclinação (GI). A população foi avaliada na Fazenda Experimental de Marilândia, região Noroeste do estado do Espírito Santo. As análises genético-estatísticas foram realizadas pelo programa Selegen - REM/BLUP. Verificou-se, a partir da análise dos parâmetros genéticos, um excelente potencial seletivo entre famílias, para todas as características avaliadas. O índice Mulamba e Mock foi o que mostrou maior eficiência de seleção entre famílias de meios-irmãos de café conilon.
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a volumetria, biomassa e qualidade da madeira de Bertholetia excelsa Bonpl. de diferentes idades em plantios localizados na Amazônia Central.
Internet of Things systems are pervasive systems evolved from cyber-physical to large-scale systems. Due to the number of technologies involved, software development involves several integration challenges. Among them, the ones preventing proper integration are those related to the system heterogeneity, and thus addressing interoperability issues. From a software engineering perspective, developers mostly experience the lack of interoperability in the two phases of software development: programming and deployment. On the one hand, modern software tends to be distributed in several components, each adopting its most-appropriate technology stack, pushing programmers to code in a protocol- and data-agnostic way. On the other hand, each software component should run in the most appropriate execution environment and, as a result, system architects strive to automate the deployment in distributed infrastructures. This dissertation aims to improve the development process by introducing proper tools to handle certain aspects of the system heterogeneity. Our effort focuses on three of these aspects and, for each one of those, we propose a tool addressing the underlying challenge. The first tool aims to handle heterogeneity at the transport and application protocol level, the second to manage different data formats, while the third to obtain optimal deployment. To realize the tools, we adopted a linguistic approach, i.e.\ we provided specific linguistic abstractions that help developers to increase the expressive power of the programming language they use, writing better solutions in more straightforward ways. To validate the approach, we implemented use cases to show that the tools can be used in practice and that they help to achieve the expected level of interoperability. In conclusion, to move a step towards the realization of an integrated Internet of Things ecosystem, we target programmers and architects and propose them to use the presented tools to ease the software development process.
The innovation in several industrial sectors has been recently characterized by the need for reducing the operative temperature either for economic or environmental related aspects. Promising technological solutions require the acquisition of fundamental-based knowledge to produce safe and robust systems. In this sense, reactive systems often represent the bottleneck. For these reasons, this work was focused on the integration of chemical (i.e., detailed kinetic mechanism) and physical (i.e., computational fluid dynamics) models. A theoretical-based kinetic mechanism mimicking the behaviour of oxygenated fuels and their intermediates under oxidative conditions in a wide range of temperature and pressure was developed. Its validity was tested against experimental data collected in this work by using the heat flux burner, as well as measurements retrieved from the current literature. Besides, estimations deriving from existing models considered as the benchmark in the combustion field were compared with the newly generated mechanism. The latter was found to be the most accurate for the investigated conditions and fuels. Most influential species and reactions on the combustion of butyl acetate were identified. The corresponding thermodynamic parameter and rate coefficients were quantified through ab initio calculations. A reduced detailed kinetic mechanism was produced and implemented in an open-source computational fluid dynamics model to characterize pool fires caused by the accidental release of aviation fuel and liquefied natural gas, at first. Eventually, partial oxidation processes involving light alkenes were optimized following the quick, fair, and smoot (QFS) paradigm. The proposed procedure represents a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach for the construction and validation of accurate models, allowing for the characterization of developing industrial sectors and techniques.
Il catalizzatore studiato per questa reazione è principalmente l’ossido di titanio (TiO2) per la sua disponibilità. Le modifiche principali riguardano l’inserimento nella struttura della TiO2 di altri elementi, principalmente N, e la deposizione di particelle di metalli nobili come co-catalizzatori. In questo elaborato vengono studiate una serie di sintesi per via microemulsione (ME). L’introduzione di una base (NaOH o NH4OH) è stata utilizzata per produrre delle modifiche nella morfologia dei catalizzatori. Alcuni parametri operativi delle sintesi, quali: tempo di agitazione del precursore, agente neutralizzante e trattamenti a riflusso sono stati studiati. Ottimizzando le sintesi in ME è stato possibile ottenere polveri di TiO2 con densità inferiore al campione di riferimento prodotto per ME, con valori inferiori a 1 g/mL. Le dimensioni delle particelle sono state osservate e risultano anch’esse inferiori, solitamente sotto 10 nm. L’area superficiale delle polveri è di solito superiore a 100 m2/g. Ulteriori modifiche introdotte riguardano la presenza di N nella struttura della TiO2, che ha permesso un miglioramento nell’assorbimento di luce nello spettro visibile. Inoltre, sfruttando la versatilità delle ME è stato possibile mettere a punto delle sintesi che permettono la precipitazione di specie di Ag sotto forma di nanoparticelle, della dimensione di 1 nm. I catalizzatori sono poi stati testati in fotocatalisi eterogenea, usando condizioni pressione atmosferica, temperatura di 30°C e utilizzando come solvente acqua. L’attività catalitica dei campioni è risultata promettente e si pensa che ulteriori studi di ottimizzazione dei parametri delle sintesi possano portare a successivi miglioramenti. I catalizzatori prodotti per neutralizzazione hanno mostrato una maggiore reattività e tra questi, quello trattato con NaOH, per effetto sinergico della densità e delle dimensioni dei cristalliti, ha esibito un’attività superiore agli altri.
In this work we analyze five events of intense precipitation that affected Central Italy between 2011 and 2015. These events caused important flood phenomena, with a significant impact on both the economy and people. This study mainly uses data from ERA5, the latest reanalysis produced by the ECMWF (European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecast), in addition to data from the meteorological network managed by Centro Funzionale of Protezione Civile d’Abruzzo. In the first part is reported an overview of the general issues that characterize the study of intense precipitation events, with a deepening of some recently analyzed cases. Subsequently the data and tools used are reported, with a description of the events studied and the method of investigation. We then go to analyze the synoptic framework in which the event developed and to investigate the causes that generated it. Finally, the precipitation pattern was studied and the degree of reproducibility by the ERA5 reanalysis was tested through a comparison with the meteorological network.
Il Museo Monumento al Deportato politico e razziale nel Castello dei Pio a Carpi (MO), a pochi passi dal Campo nazionale della deportazione razziale e politica di Fossoli, è il risultato di un concorso pubblico nazionale bandito nel 1963, frutto dell’impegno civile tra istituzioni, associazioni e intellettuali. Tra questi il gruppo BBPR il quale, in collaborazione con l’artista Renato Guttuso, si aggiudicheranno la vittoria del concorso. Il progetto vincitore, pur apportando alcune modifiche in fase di realizzazione, manterrà la sua impostazione antiretorica, utilizzando un linguaggio rigoroso e astratto. Partendo dalle caratteristiche che rendono quest’opera una struttura unica nel suo genere, obiettivo principale di questa ricerca di Dottorato è quello di restituire una genealogia del Museo Monumento al Deportato politico e razziale dei BBPR, ricostruendo il quadro culturale e politico italiano nel lasso di tempo che intercorre dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale (1945) e l’anno della sua inaugurazione (1973). Tale approccio metodologico scelto costituisce l’aspetto di novità della ricerca: un punto di vista ancora inedito con cui guardare il Museo-Monumento, differenziandosi, così, dalle più recenti pubblicazioni sullo stesso, le quali si concentrano soprattutto sulle logiche progettuali del Museo. In conclusione, lo scopo di questa tesi è quella di dare una nuova chiave interpretativa al Museo, che sia non solo un arricchimento alla sua conoscenza ma che, altresì, attesti l’esistenza di un’identità, altrettanto unica e irripetibile, della memoria della deportazione nella cultura architettonica italiana presa in esame, frutto di una “cultura condivisa” tra architetti, artisti, scrittori, politici e intellettuali, accumunati dalle tragiche vicende che in quest’opera si vogliono narrare.
The first main conclusion drawn from this dissertation concerns the amount of Pt deposited on the asymmetric layer of membrane produced by tape casting porosity shaping method. Three different amounts were investigated (0.15, 1.5 and 4.5 mg cm-2 ). The most optimal performance, based on H2 permeation performances, was attained when 1.5 mg cm-2 of Pt was deposited on the porous layer, resulting in a 0.642 mL min-1 cm-2 permeated H2 when 80% H2 in He was employed as the feed. Pt deposition method is influenced by the concentration of the Pt precursor, which results in different morphology of the catalyst. The second development focused on further optimization on tape casting membranes concerning the solvent employed for the Pt catalyst deposition. The same concentration of Pt was employed, depositing 1.5 mg cm-2 on the porous side of the membrane, but a mixture of acetone and water was employed as solvent. This mixture allowed the suppression of effects leading to poorly dispersed particles. As a result, it was possible to achieve 0.74 mL min-1 cm-2 at 750°C with 50% H2 in He. Lastly, first-ever permeation performance measurements into an innovative ceramic membrane type for hydrogen separation was investigated. In-depth research was done on a group of hierarchically-structured BaCe0.65Zr0.20Y0.15O3-δ(BCZY) - Gd0.2Ce0.8O2-δ(GDC) membranes produced by freeze casting porosity shaping method. Membranes were investigated observing the effect of deposition solvent and the effect of porous layer thickness. Employing a mixture of Acetone and water resulted in better hydrogen permeation at temperatures (T > 650°C), reaching 0.26 mL min-1 cm-2 at 750°C with 50% H2 in He. The reduction of porous layer thickness led to a hydrogen flow of 0.33 mL min-1 cm-2 , at 750°C with 50% H2 in He.
Gestione della disponibilità nella catena di distribuzione del sangue con Smart Contract in Ethereum
All’inizio di questa tesi viene discusso il funzionamento delle tecnologie visionate, Bitcoin ed Ethereum, cercando di identificarne i punti principali e salienti: la gestione delle transazioni, le tipologie di Blockchain adottate oggi e l’introduzione degli Smart Contract per sviluppare applicazioni decentralizzate. Successivamente viene considerato il caso di studio, il quale sottolinea la distribuzione delle sacche di sangue tra un centro trasfusionale e un’azienda sanitaria, con lo scopo di mettere in evidenza le interazioni tra queste, concentrandosi sulla disponibilità. Infine, dopo un’analisi del linguaggio Solidity e dopo la descrizione della modalità di sviluppo adottata accompagnata da una fase di testing, viene esposta l’implementazione realizzata concentrandosi sui dettagli delle funzionalità proposte.
La crisi energetica che sta investendo l’Italia e l’Europa e la contestuale necessità di raggiungere gli obiettivi che la comunità internazionale si è preposta per uno sviluppo sostenibile stanno spingendo sempre di più verso l’utilizzo di fonti energetiche alternative. In questo contesto il gas naturale liquefatto (LNG) può assumere un ruolo chiave per il trasporto a lunghe distanze.Il gas naturale liquefatto fa parte della classe dei liquidi criogenici. Uno dei problemi principali dei liquidi criogenici riguarda gli aspetti di sicurezza come, ad esempio, il comportamento del liquido criogenico in seguito ad un rilascio accidentale.Questo lavoro di tesi si è focalizzato sulla caratterizzazione sperimentale del flusso l’evaporazione di liquidi criogenici.Per condurre lo studio, per motivi di sicurezza, è stato utilizzato l’azoto liquido (LN2), liquido con caratteristiche criogeniche simili all’LNG, ma non reattivo. Analisi preliminari hanno evidenziato come il contributo legato allo scambio termico per conduzione sia quello preponderante per la determinazione del flusso evaporante. Per questo motivo, lo sversamento è stato eseguito su diverse tipologie di substrato, rappresentative dei materiali più comuni e che plausibilmente possano andare a contatto con liquidi criogenici. Nello specifico sono stati valutati i seguenti substrati: ghiaia, sabbia, terreno secco, terreno umido e cemento. In seguito, è stato valutato il profilo di massa, velocità di evaporazione e temperatura rispetto al tempo per comprendere la durata della fase evaporativa e i principali fenomeni coinvolti. La velocità media e massima di evaporazione è risultata fortemente influenzata dalle proprietà fisiche del substrato e dalla presenza di acqua al suo interno.I dati raccolti rappresentano un passo in avanti fondamentale per la caratterizzazione del comportamento dei liquidi criogenici in atmosfera, favorendo la progettazione di tecnologie e procedure opportune per il loro utilizzo in sicurezza.