971 resultados para the scanning reference electrode technique


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La tecnología LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), basada en el escaneado del territorio por un telémetro láser aerotransportado, permite la construcción de Modelos Digitales de Superficie (DSM) mediante una simple interpolación, así como de Modelos Digitales del Terreno (DTM) mediante la identificación y eliminación de los objetos existentes en el terreno (edificios, puentes o árboles). El Laboratorio de Geomática del Politécnico de Milán – Campus de Como- desarrolló un algoritmo de filtrado de datos LiDAR basado en la interpolación con splines bilineares y bicúbicas con una regularización de Tychonov en una aproximación de mínimos cuadrados. Sin embargo, en muchos casos son todavía necesarios modelos más refinados y complejos en los cuales se hace obligatorio la diferenciación entre edificios y vegetación. Este puede ser el caso de algunos modelos de prevención de riesgos hidrológicos, donde la vegetación no es necesaria; o la modelización tridimensional de centros urbanos, donde la vegetación es factor problemático. (...)


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A través del tiempo las técnicas anestésicas basadas en opioides y especialmente en fentanyl han sido las más frecuentemente utilizadas en cirugía cardiaca pediátrica con circulación extracorpórea (CEC). La población pediátrica y en especial los niños menores de 10 kilos de peso tienen mayor susceptibilidad a las complicaciones postoperatorias, una de las razones para esta especial susceptibilidad es la respuesta al estrés y la reacción inflamatoria sistémica que desencadena la CEC en estos pacientes. La utilización de nuevos opioides (Remifentanil) más potentes, puede tener un impacto importante en la disminución del estrés metabólico desencadenado por la cirugía cardiaca. Mediante un estudio de cohortes realizado con los pacientes menores de 10 kilogramos de peso llevados a cirugía cardiaca con CEC se expusieron a dos diferentes técnicas anestésicas: la técnica “tradicional” basada en Fentanyl y otra basada en Remifentanil, se midieron las covariables que pudieran provocar altos niveles de estrés metabólico y se tomaron niveles basales y postoperatorios de tres metabolitos relacionados con el estrés (Lactato, Glucosa y Cortisol). Los resultados del estudio muestran grupos comparables en las mediciones basales de metabolitos de estrés y características clínicas, además de una relación, estadísticamente significativa, entre una menor producción de glucosa durante la CEC en los pacientes que son anestesiados con infusiones de remifentanil, los demás metabolitos no tuvieron relación con la técnica anestésica. Estos resultados abren caminos para la realización de estudios clínicos con el objetivo de establecer terapéuticas que permitan la disminución de la morbi-mortalidad asociada a cirugía cardiaca.


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We aimed to characterize the HIV-1 epidemic of the Belgian and Colombian cohorts using an integrated approach that includes socio-demographic information, clinical data, and viral sequences, analyzed with statistical and phylogenetic approaches.


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Street-level mean flow and turbulence govern the dispersion of gases away from their sources in urban areas. A suitable reference measurement in the driving flow above the urban canopy is needed to both understand and model complex street-level flow for pollutant dispersion or emergency response purposes. In vegetation canopies, a reference at mean canopy height is often used, but it is unclear whether this is suitable for urban canopies. This paper presents an evaluation of the quality of reference measurements at both roof-top (height = H) and at height z = 9H = 190 m, and their ability to explain mean and turbulent variations of street-level flow. Fast response wind data were measured at street canyon and reference sites during the six-week long DAPPLE project field campaign in spring 2004, in central London, UK, and an averaging time of 10 min was used to distinguish recirculation-type mean flow patterns from turbulence. Flow distortion at each reference site was assessed by considering turbulence intensity and streamline deflection. Then each reference was used as the dependent variable in the model of Dobre et al. (2005) which decomposes street-level flow into channelling and recirculating components. The high reference explained more of the variability of the mean flow. Coupling of turbulent kinetic energy was also stronger between street-level and the high reference flow rather than the roof-top. This coupling was weaker when overnight flow was stratified, and turbulence was suppressed at the high reference site. However, such events were rare (<1% of data) over the six-week long period. The potential usefulness of a centralised, high reference site in London was thus demonstrated with application to emergency response and air quality modelling.


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We describe a remote sensing method for measuring the internal interface height field in a rotating, two-layer annulus laboratory experiment. The method is non-invasive, avoiding the possibility of an interaction between the flow and the measurement device. The height fields retrieved are accurate and highly resolved in both space and time. The technique is based on a flow visualization method developed by previous workers, and relies upon the optical rotation properties of the working liquids. The previous methods returned only qualitative interface maps, however. In the present study, a technique is developed for deriving quantitative maps by calibrating height against the colour fields registered by a camera which views the flow from above. We use a layer-wise torque balance analysis to determine the equilibrium interface height field analytically, in order to derive the calibration curves. With the current system, viewing an annulus of outer radius 125 mm and depth 250 mm from a distance of 2 m, the inferred height fields have horizontal, vertical and temporal resolutions of up to 0.2 mm, 1 mm and 0.04 s, respectively.


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As part of its Data User Element programme, the European Space Agency funded the GlobMODEL project which aimed at investigating the scientific, technical, and organizational issues associated with the use and exploitation of remotely-sensed observations, particularly from new sounders. A pilot study was performed as a "demonstrator" of the GlobMODEL idea, based on the use of new data, with a strong European heritage, not yet assimilated operationally. Two parallel assimilation experiments were performed, using either total column ozone or ozone profiles retrieved at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). In both cases, the impact of assimilating OMI data in addition to the total ozone columns from the SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) on the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ozone analyses was assessed by means of independent measurements. We found that the impact of OMI total columns is mainly limited to the region between 20 and 80 hPa, and is particularly important at high latitudes in the Southern hemisphere where the stratospheric ozone transport and chemical depletion are generally difficult to model with accuracy. Furthermore, the assimilation experiments carried out in this work suggest that OMI DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) total ozone columns are on average larger than SCIAMACHY total columns by up to 3 DU, while OMI total columns derived from OMI ozone profiles are on average about 8 DU larger than SCIAMACHY total columns. At the same time, the demonstrator brought to light a number of issues related to the assimilation of atmospheric composition profiles, such as the shortcomings arising when the vertical resolution of the instrument is not properly accounted for in the assimilation. The GlobMODEL demonstrator accelerated scientific and operational utilization of new observations and its results - prompted ECMWF to start the operational assimilation of OMI total column ozone data.


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The Fazzan Basin of south-west Libya is at present arid with less than 20 mm of rainfall per annum. However, regionally extensive limestones, lacustrine sands and coquina (fossiliferous carbonate rock) deposits show that the Fazzan Basin previously contained a large palaeolake, indicating that the climate in the past was more humid. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating techniques have been applied to key lacustrine deposits within the basin in an attempt to provide an internally consistent chronology for this humidity record. Results indicate that palaeolake sediments within the Fazzan Basin record a very long history of palacohydrological change, ranging from present day and conditions to humidity capable of sustaining a lake with an approximate area of 76,250 km(2). The existence of humid periods in mid oxygen isotope stage 5 and the early Holocene is confirmed. An older lacustrine event, tentatively correlated to oxygen isotope stage 11, is also recognized. In addition, evidence is presented for at least two humid phases beyond the age range over which the conventional OSL dating technique is applicable. This study demonstrates that OSL dating of palaeolake sediments within the Fazzan Basin offers the potential to provide a detailed record of North African humidity spanning several glacial-interglacial cycles. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Immature and mature calcretes from an alluvial terrace sequence in the Sorbas basin, southeast Spain, were dated by the U-series isochron technique. The immature horizons consistently produced statistically reliable ages of high precision. The mature horizons typically produced statistically unreliable ages but, because of linear trends in the dataset and low errors associated with each data point, it was still possible to place a best-fit isochron through the dataset to produce an age with low associated uncertainties. It is, however, only possible to prove that these statistically unreliable ages have geochronological significance if multiple isochron ages are produced for a single site, and if these multiple ages are stratigraphically consistent. The geochronological significance of such ages can be further proven if at least one of the multiple ages is statistically reliable. By using this technique to date calcretes that have formed during terrace aggradation and at the terrace surface after terrace abandonment it is possible not only to date the timing of terrace aggradation but also to constrain the age at which the river switched from aggradation to incision. This approach, therefore, constrains the timing of changes in fluvial processes more reliably than any currently used geochronological procedure and is appropriate for dating terrace sequences in dryland regions worldwide, wherever calcrete horizons are present. (c) 2005 University of Washington. All rights reserved.


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Field populations of earthworms have shown a varied response in mortality to the fungicide carbendazim, the toxic reference substance used in agrochemical field trials. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of soil conditions as a potential cause of this variation. Laboratory acute toxicity tests were conducted using a range of artificial soils with varying soil components (organic matter, clay, pH and moisture). Batch adsorption/desorption studies were run to determine the influence of the soil properties on carbendazim behaviour. Adsorption was shown to be correlated with organic matter content and pH and this in turn could be linked to Eisenia fetida mortality, with lower mortality occurring with increased adsorption. Overall while E.fetida mortality did vary significantly between several of the soils the calculated LC50 values in the different soils did not cover a wide range (6.04-16.00 mg kg(-1)), showing that under these laboratory conditions soil components did not greatly influence carbendazim toxicity to E.fietida. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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A recent phylogenetic study based on multiple datasets is used as the framework for a more detailed examination of one of the ten molecularly circumscribed groups identified, the Ophrys fuciflora aggregate. The group is highly morphologically variable, prone to phenotypic convergence, shows low levels of sequence divergence and contains an unusually large proportion of threatened taxa, including the rarest Ophrys species in the UK. The aims of this study were to (a) circumscribe minimum resolvable genetically distinct entities within the O. fuciflora aggregate, and (b) assess the likelihood of gene flow between genetically and geographically distinct entities at the species and population levels. Fifty-five accessions sampled in Europe and Asia Minor from the O. fuciflora aggregate were studied using the AFLP genetic fingerprinting technique to evaluate levels of infraspecific and interspecific genetic variation and to assess genetic relationships between UK populations of O. fuciflora s.s. in Kent and in their continental European and Mediterranean counterparts. The two genetically and geographically distinct groups recovered, one located in England and central Europe and one in south-eastern Europe, are incongruent with current species delimitation within the aggregate as a whole and also within O. fuciflora s.s. Genetic diversity is higher in Kent than in the rest of western and central Europe. Gene flow is more likely to occur between populations in closer geographical proximity than those that are morphologically more similar. Little if any gene flow occurs between populations located in the south-eastern Mediterranean and those dispersed throughout the remainder of the distribution, revealing a genetic discontinuity that runs north-south through the Adriatic. This discontinuity is also evident in other clades of Ophrys and is tentatively attributed to the long-term influence of prevailing winds on the long-distance distribution of pollinia and especially seeds. A cline of gene flow connects populations from Kent and central and southern Europe; these individuals should therefore be considered part of an extensive meta-population. Gene flow is also evident among populations from Kent, which appear to constitute a single metapopulation. They show some evidence of hybridization, and possibly also introgression, with O. apifera.


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About 5.5% of all UK hemophilia B patients have the base substitution IVS 5+13 A-->G as the only change in their factor (F)IX gene (F9). This generates a novel donor splice site which fits the consensus better than the normal intron 5 donor splice. Use of the novel splice site should result in a missense mutation followed by the abnormal addition of four amino acids to the patients' FIX. In order to explain the prevalence of this mutation, its genealogical history is examined. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism in the 21 reference UK individuals (from different families) with the above mutation showed identical haplotypes in 19 while two differed from the rest and from each other. In order to investigate the history of the mutation and to verify that it had occurred independently more than once, the sequence variation in 1.5-kb segments scattered over a 13-Mb region including F9 was examined in 18 patients and 15 controls. This variation was then analyzed with a recently developed Bayesian approach that reconstructs the genealogy of the gene investigated while providing evidence of independent mutations that contribute disconnected branches to the genealogical tree. The method also provides minimum estimates of the age of the mutation inherited by the members of coherent trees. This revealed that 17 or 18 mutant genes descend from a founder who probably lived 450 years ago, while one patient carries an independent mutation. The independent recurrence of the IVS5+13 A-->G mutation strongly supports the conclusion that it is the cause of these patients' mild hemophilia.


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13C-2H correlation NMR spectroscopy (13C-2H COSY) permits the identification of 13C and 2H nuclei which are connected to one another by a single chemical bond via the sizeable 1JCD coupling constant. The practical development of this technique is described using a 13C-2H COSY pulse sequence which is derived from the classical 13C-1H correlation experiment. An example is given of the application of 13C-2H COSY to the study of the biogenesis of natural products from the anti-malarial plant Artemisia annua, using a doubly-labelled precursor molecule. Although the biogenesis of artemisinin, the anti-malarial principle from this species, has been extensively studied over the past twenty years there is still no consensus as to the true biosynthetic route to this important natural product – indeed, some published experimental results are directly contradictory. One possible reason for this confusion may be the ease with which some of the metabolites from A. annua undergo spontaneous autoxidation, as exemplified by our recent in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid, and the application of 13C-2H COSY to this biosynthetic problem has been important in helping to mitigate against such processes. In this in vivo application of 13C-2H COSY, [15-13C2H3]-dihydroartemisinic acid (the doubly-labelled analogue of the natural product from this species which was obtained through synthesis) was fed to A. annua plants and was shown to be converted into several natural products which have been described previously, including artemisinin. It is proposed that all of these transformations occurred via a tertiary hydroperoxide intermediate, which is derived from dihyroartemisinic acid. This intermediate was observed directly in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique; its observation by more traditional procedures (e.g., chromatographic separation, followed by spectroscopic analysis of the purified product) would have been difficult owing to the instability of the hydroperoxide group (as had been established previously by our in vitro studies of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid). This same hydroperoxide has been reported as the initial product of the spontaneous autoxidation of dihydroartemisinic acid in our previous in vitro studies. Its observation in this feeding experiment by the 13C-2H COSY technique, a procedure which requires the minimum of sample manipulation in order to achieve a reliable identification of metabolites (based on both 13C and 2H chemical shifts at the 15-position), provides the best possible evidence for its status as a genuine biosynthetic intermediate, rather than merely as an artifact of the experimental procedure.


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We have described here the self-assembling properties of the synthetic tripeptides Boc-Ala(1)-Aib(2) -Val (3)-OMe 1, BocAla(l)-Aib(2)-Ile(3)-OMe 2 and Boc-Ala(l)-Gly(2)-Val(3)-OMe 3 (Aib=alpha-arnino isobutyric acid, beta-Ala=beta-alanine) which have distorted beta-turn conformations in their respective crystals. These turn-forming tripeptides self-assemble to form supramolecular beta-sheet structures through intermolecular hydrogen bonding and other noncovalent interactions. The scanning electron micrographs of these peptides revealed that these compounds form amyloid-like fibrils, the causative factor for many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease and Prion-related encephalopathies. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A number of Au/TiO2 catalysts have been prepared by a variety of methods in order to assess the affect of catalysts preparation methods on performance, catalyst contamination and the interplay between them. Their activity was studied in a pulse flow microreactor and it was found that preparation methods designed to eliminate impurities lead to more active samples. The effect of chlorine is often cited to be detrimental in the literature, but we have quantified it using XPS. It was found that the activity decreased in a nearly linear fashion with an increasing amount of this element at the surface. It is generally considered that catalysts prepared by the incipient wetness (IW) technique are ineffective for CO oxidation, but we show here that, by appropriate preparation methods, high activity IW catalysts can be made.


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The 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene has been sequenced in strains of the fish pathogens Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae (ATCC 33539) and subsp. piscicida (ATCC 29690), showing that 3 nucleotide positions are clearly different between subspecies. In addition, the 5S rRNA gene plus the intergenic spacer region between the 23S and 5S rRNA genes (ITS-2) were amplified, cloned and sequenced for the 2 reference strains as well as the field isolates RG91 (subsp. damselae) and DI21 (subsp. piscicida). A 100% similarity was found for the consensus 5S rRNA gene sequence in the 2 subspecies, although some microheterogeneity was detected as inter-cistronic variability within the same chromosome. Sequence analysis of the spacer region between the 23S and 5S rRNA genes revealed 2 conserved and 3 variable nucleotide sequence blocks, and 4 different modular organizations were found. The ITS-2 spacer region exhibited both inter-subspecies and inter-cistronic polymorphism, with a mosaic-like structure. The EMBL accession numbers for the 23S, 5S and ITS-2 sequences are: P. damselae subsp. piscicida 5S gene (AJ274379), P. damselae subsp. damselae 23S gene (Y18520), subsp. piscicida 23S gene (Y17901), R damselae subsp. piscicida ITS-2 (AJ250695, AJ250696), P. damselae subsp. damselae ITS-2 (AJ250697, AJ250698).