1000 resultados para sustentabilidade estratégica
This article covers the concepts about the knowledge management practices aligned with corporate governance in the organizations opened capital, highlighting the importance attached to these types of management assistance in the conduct of business organizations. Highlights the points that still have gaps existing in governance organizations models and proposes a discussion of what remains to be done by proposing the use of knowledge management models as a tool to aid the implementation of best governance practices. Through research conducted in a company with publicly traded and listed on Level 1 of corporate governance, it was possible to identify therelationship between knowledge management models aligned with corporate governance standards. A questionary that includes elements of corporate governancein line with the concepts and models of knowledge management was applied. After finding that there is strong alignment between knowledge management and corporate governance, we present the arguments about the contributions that this convergence can bring to the organization.
The content of this article addresses two complex issues that concern contemporary society: Science of Human Functioning and Environmental Sustainability. On the one hand, the Science of Human Functioning, meeting the principles of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) and Universal Design, aim the development of accessible projects, products and environments, used by everyone, at the greatest extent possible, free from adaptation or plans to remove architectural barriers. The Universal Design is a process for creating products that are accessible to everyone, regardless their personal characteristics, age, skills and needs. On the other hand, Environmental Sustainability, with principles already imbricated in the Science of Human Functioning, traverses towards the acquisition of realistic measures for the segments of human activities. Based on the emphasis of the sustainable development, it aims to meet current needs not compromising the possibility of future generations to meet their own needs. Thus, it seeks the balance in coexistence between men and the environment by taking care of environmental, social and economic aspects and seeking for alternatives to support life on Earth with no harm to the quality of the planet in the future. It is argued that the combination of the issues contains relevant potential for interdisciplinary action, bringing together professionals from several fields of knowledge that, by socializing their experiences aiming at improving the human functioning and quality of life of people and environment, will be able to innovate and reinvent the knowledge for benefiting welfare, thus contributing effectively to society.
The experiment evaluated the effects of strategic shearing on feeding behavior in Ile de France ewes in Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) grazing during breeding season. A total of 20 ewes, female, Ile de France breed, 4 years old, 71.10 kg of body weight, in grazing, in a completely randomized design with two treatments and ten repetitions, in which the treatments were composed by shorn and non-shorn animals. The length of the breeding season was 90 days, where the evaluations occurred in the 86th, 87th and 88th day of the experimental period. The grazing time (6.50 hours), rumination (1.59 hours) and idle (3.97 hours) have not changed (P> 0.05) by strategic shearing of the animals, as well as the frequency and the time by frequency grazing (18.33 grazing and 21.49 min/grazing), rumination (10.71 ruminations and 8.83 min/rumination) and idle (18.83 idles and 12.66 min/idle). In the same way, the number of bits per minute (26.37 bits) and the total daily bits (19.116 bits) of the animals were not affected. Thus, the strategic shearing in Ile de France ewes in Bermudagrass grazing during the breeding season does not alter animal feeding behavior.
The increase of the world population and their consumption power requires companies to increase their production capacity to meet demand. This production process is often performed without control and degrades the environment. In view of the stiffness of the legal requirements and the increasing of environmental concerns, companies need to act in a sustainable way to continue existing. The main objective of this study is to investigate how sustainability reports that follow the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) can bring benefits to companies in the continuous improvement of its processes and the competitiveness of the sector. The sector chosen for the study was the automotive industry, due to its importance in the national economy and the significant impacts caused to the population and to the environment. The methodology consists of reading the GRI sustainability reports of companies and then performing a comparison among them and the bibliography of the subject. The results confirm the importance of the GRI sustainability reporting for companies and show how the selected indicators can contribute to the corporate management and to the control of its processes
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Introdução: A utilização de diferentes intensidades em sessões de exercícios com pesos, para os músculos extensores do cotovelo, tem proporcionado diferenças na sustentabilidade das repetições e no volume total. Entretanto, devido às alterações do desempenho neuromuscular inter-membros, tais evidências não podem ser extrapoladas para membros inferiores. Objetivo: Comparar a resposta aguda de sessões de exercício com pesos, realizadas com diferentes intensidades, na sustentabilidade das repetições e no volume total, em idosas treinadas. Materiais e Métodos: Participaram do estudo 16 idosas (68,3 +-6,0 anos) treinadas com pesos. Os dados foram coletados em cinco sessões, separadas por no mínimo 48 horas de descanso. A intensidade, em quilogramas, do teste de repetições máximas (15 RM) foi determinada nas duas primeiras visitas e confirmada na terceira. Nas quarta e quinta visitas, foram realizadas as sessões com as diferentes intensidades (em uma sessão - três séries até a fadiga muscular concêntrica, com a intensidade de 100% de 15 RM; na outra sessão - duas séries de 15 repetições e na terceira série até a fadiga muscular concêntrica, com a intensidade de 90% de 15 RM). Em ambas as sessões, o intervalo de recuperação utilizado entre as séries foi de dois minutos. Todas as participantes realizaram ambos os protocolos e um delineamento crossover balanceado foi utilizado para determinar a ordem das sessões. Resultados: O teste t de Student para amostras dependentes demonstrou que o volume total da sessão de teste com 90% de 15 RM foi significativamente superior (22,5%; P < 0,01) ao da sessão com 100% de 15 RM. A ANOVA indicou efeitos principais de condição, momento ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Energy efficiency has gained significant importance in recent years, mainly due to cyclical climatic conditions and current supply of natural resources. The present work deals with the procedures and requirements necessary to evaluate a building to a level of efficiency corresponding to your project and the actual implemented. To perform this analysis, we adopted the technical regulation efficiency prepared by Procel along with other agencies of the sector. The Regulation aims to create a model for the technical evaluation of the efficiency of buildings, popularize and expand the theme specification of conditions drawn up today. The building analyzed in this study was the library of UNESP, Guaratinguetá. Still, after the completion of the final efficiency analysis, are presented proposals for intervention that can improve and enhance the present situation of the building. The interventions are based on many technical factors and local conditions of climate and supply of resource. The issue of sustainability was explained in order to serve as a tool to expand the options available to upgrade a building in front of their impact on the environment
Sustainability has been moving up on the business agenda in recent decades, and many methods to assess corporate sustainability have already been created. One of the most used and reliable methods is the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Given the importance of sustainability for society and organizations, this study examined sustainability reports published by mining companies – Alcoa, Vale and Samarco – since 2006. The objective was to verify the indicators that contribute most to the minimization of environmental impacts and the improvement of environmental performance. The methodology consisted of collecting and analyzing data from the GRI sustainability reports. It was discovered that the sustainability reports helped the companies to identify improvement opportunities and it is essential companies provide in their reports an economic, environmental and social context of their activities. Furthermore, it was found out that the indicators related to atmospheric emissions, solid waste generation, environmental protection expenditure, and the consumption of raw materials, energy and water are the ones more attached to the production process, which means they are the main contributors for the environmental performance improvement
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The paper describes the ways of reporting business management, employing the model of sustainability report called the Global Reporting Initiative - GRI. This makes use of indicators based on the concept called Triple Bottom Line, which takes into account the economic, social and environmental. The study points out theoretical positions and concepts that have demonstrated an understanding of this issue and especially emphasizes the presence and experience of Public Relations in the environment of organizational communication, especially in the sphere of quality management activities, coupled with the operational processes and sustainable principles. The discussion is exemplified by a case study of quality management activities, coupled with the operational processes and sustainable principles. The discussion is exemplified by a case study of the Health Cooperative Medical Unimed Bauru that involves the process of preparing the report in GRI model of sustainability, held earlier in the year 2011
This paper aims to present the importance of public relations professional in the sustainability context at the organizations. For this, we discussed the sustainability issue, and the concepts that comprise the function of the professional of public relations and the importance of communication to make the sustainable practices a management tool of the company's image and improve the relationship with stakeholders. Were presented and discussed four cases of companies to discuss the pathway of sustainability practices in Brazil
One of the greatest problems nowadays is the correct management of solid waste produce in every human activity. On 2010, the “Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos” was approved, this law brings directives and instruments to deal with the solid waste issue. The objective of this work is to make a Strategic Assessment on a Solid Waste Management Plan applied to a medium size city. Based on general data about the situation of the solid wastes in Brazil, a first scenario was described. After that, likely scenarios were proposed, taking segregation, treatment and final disposal on account. Finally, those scenarios were compared, mainly in the final volume disposed and costs involved
Tendo como foco o estudo da área interna do edifício da Prefeitura Municipal de Bauru, o trabalho em questão visa o desenvolvimento de um projeto de interiores utilizando requisitos da arquitetura corporativa, e critérios de sustentabilidade para a escolha de materiais. Será considerada ainda a eficiência energética na utilização de condicionamento de ar e iluminação, assim como a otimização dos espaços de permanência e fluxo de pessoas
O século passado foi marcado por grandes avanços tecnológicos na agricultura que culminaram com a chamada “Revolução Verde”, a qual é hoje, comprovadamente, considerada como um modelo insustentável. Tal fato tem motivado instituições científicas e agricultores a buscarem por novos paradigmas para a produção. A agroecologia tem se destacado por abordar o manejo de agroecossistemas dentro de uma visão holística, sistêmica e participativa, subsidiando a recuperação das suas funções e a autonomia durante a transição agroecológica. Nesse contexto, a utilização de ferramentas para avaliação e monitoramento do processo, como a análise de indicadores de sustentabilidade, é fundamental. O presente estudo teve como objetivo monitorar participativamente o grau de sustentabilidade de duas unidades de produção orgânica em Jaguariúna-SP, após cinco anos de uma primeira avaliação. Foram analisados 81 indicadores, abordando quatro dimensões da sustentabilidade: ambiental, social, econômica e política. Os resultados foram obtidos de forma consensual e participativa entre pesquisadores e agricultores, enriquecendo o estudo. Do ponto de vista global, houve um leve avanço no grau de sustentabilidade das duas propriedades. No entanto, ambas continuam no mesmo nível de transição agroecológica apresentado em pesquisa realizada em 2005.
This research has the purpose of highlighting one of the acting areas of the public relations' professional, ensuring that he has enough competence to develop his work within an organization, implementing actions and programs in pursuit of a sustainable growth. The study starts with an analysis of the organizations and their communication process to further expand the understanding of the concept of sustainable development and finally addressing the role of public relations and the scenario organizational that it is envolved. In the globalized world we live in, our relationships are mediated by the capitalism: economic system that is concerned with the higher production seeking only profits. Thus, some organizations - acting in accordance with this model, end up don't caring about the environment around them, using it only like an instrument for achieving their goals. However, because this type of action, the contemporary society is facing serious environmental problems, fact that arouses the attention of civil society members and international organs, concerned to combine progress with sustainable development. The public relations' professional, concerned about the concretization of a concept and favorable institutional identities, besides the obvious envolvement with environment, can act in defense of this, implementing policies and campaigns ecologically correct for sustainability