962 resultados para students-as-researchers
This resource provides links to a wide range of resources which are specifically focussed on the requirements of students registered for Masters in Business Administration programmes delivered online. The resource has been developed by OnlineMBAPrograms.org and is dated 2011.
International students on Pre-Sessional programmes receive an IT account for the duration of their Pre-Sessional programme. When they have passed this programme and are about to start their substantive programme of study they must cease using the Pre-Sessional IT account and Subscribe again to create a new account which will be used in their new studies. This video explains outlines what they need to do as they transition from their old account to their new account. For best viewing Download the video.
This short video is a demonstration of the University of Southampton's Post Graduate Research (PGR) Tracker software that PGR students use for recording and tracking their post graduate progression milestones and training. Click on the 'Download' link to watch the video with a clearer image.
These materials, which include a powerpoint, list of references and group activities were developed by Alison Dickens and Jill Doubleday (Modern Languages, University of Southampton) and have been used to deliver workshops for academics working with international students at the University and externally. We would like to acknowledge the contribution to the workshop of Dave Burnapp who developed some of the activities used in the workshop.
The University’s strategy aims to increase the numbers of International Students studying here, and this brings particular challenges for the teaching staff. Do you sometimes wonder if your international students are able to fully engage with their studies? Have you been in a situation where the international students in your class seem very quiet and reluctant to engage in group discussion? Have you found a higher proportion of international students seemed to struggle with their assignments? This guide highlights some of the issues facing international students studying in the UK and it provides tips for teaching staff to use in order to maximise the internal students engagement in their studies. In addition the guide provides references to further reading and resources both within the University and externally. You can find this guide on your blackboard site: TTLLP-GPG: Good practice guide for supporting international students. The production of the guide was funded by the Transition to Living & Learning Project.
El proyecto de investigación del plan estratégico TIC tuvo un fin exacto el cual buscaba nuevos aportes e ideas por parte de los investigadores para garantizar el posicionamiento de la universidad en los diferentes medios tecnológicos existentes. Por un lado se realizaron diferentes proyectos en pro del posicionamiento en redes sociales y diferentes proyectos para incentivar a toda la comunidad Rosarista a vincularse con el Plan TIC; de esta forma se crearon diferentes propuestas en las que se incluía un ambiente interno y externo; es decir el interno se refiere a todas las personas que hacen parte de la comunidad Rosarista y el externo se refiere al entorno que esto rodea. El plan TIC siempre fue enfocado en el beneficio tanto de la universidad como de las personas que hacen parte de la misma; así mismo incentivar a los estudiantes, profesores y personal de la universidad a utilizar todos los beneficios que el plan incluye garantizando un éxito para el plan. Otro valor agregado del Plan TIC es la utilización de los recursos que la universidad brinda para un mejor manejo de portales para todas las facultades; vincular todas las facultades es el éxito del plan puesto que se crearon propuestas como seminarios y clases para que todas las facultades hicieran uso de las herramientas que se brindan, ya que, las facultades son las encargadas de crear la cultura a cada estudiante y a cada profesor dependiendo del programa al que pertenezcan para que estos recursos se optimicen al máximo.