984 resultados para propagation models
To study different temporal components on cancer mortality (age, period and cohort) methods of graphic representation were applied to Swiss mortality data from 1950 to 1984. Maps using continuous slopes ("contour maps") and based on eight tones of grey according to the absolute distribution of rates were used to represent the surfaces defined by the matrix of various age-specific rates. Further, progressively more complex regression surface equations were defined, on the basis of two independent variables (age/cohort) and a dependent one (each age-specific mortality rate). General patterns of trends in cancer mortality were thus identified, permitting definition of important cohort (e.g., upwards for lung and other tobacco-related neoplasms, or downwards for stomach) or period (e.g., downwards for intestines or thyroid cancers) effects, besides the major underlying age component. For most cancer sites, even the lower order (1st to 3rd) models utilised provided excellent fitting, allowing immediate identification of the residuals (e.g., high or low mortality points) as well as estimates of first-order interactions between the three factors, although the parameters of the main effects remained still undetermined. Thus, the method should be essentially used as summary guide to illustrate and understand the general patterns of age, period and cohort effects in (cancer) mortality, although they cannot conceptually solve the inherent problem of identifiability of the three components.
We present a novel numerical approach for the comprehensive, flexible, and accurate simulation of poro-elastic wave propagation in cylindrical coordinates. An important application of this method is the modeling of complex seismic wave phenomena in fluid-filled boreholes, which represents a major, and as of yet largely unresolved, computational problem in exploration geophysics. In view of this, we consider a numerical mesh consisting of three concentric domains representing the borehole fluid in the center, the borehole casing and the surrounding porous formation. The spatial discretization is based on a Chebyshev expansion in the radial direction, Fourier expansions in the other directions, and a Runge-Kutta integration scheme for the time evolution. A domain decomposition method based on the method of characteristics is used to match the boundary conditions at the fluid/porous-solid and porous-solid/porous-solid interfaces. The viability and accuracy of the proposed method has been tested and verified in 2D polar coordinates through comparisons with analytical solutions as well as with the results obtained with a corresponding, previously published, and independently benchmarked solution for 2D Cartesian coordinates. The proposed numerical solution also satisfies the reciprocity theorem, which indicates that the inherent singularity associated with the origin of the polar coordinate system is handled adequately.
Study of the publication models and the means of accessing scientific literature in the current environment of digital communication and the web. The text introduces the concept of journal article as a well-defined and stable unit within the publishing world, and as a nucleus on which professional and scholarly communication has been based since its beginnings in the 17th century. The transformation of scientific communication that the digital world has enabled is analysed. Descriptions are provided of some of the practices undertaken by authors, research organisations, publishers and library-related institutions as a response to the new possibilities being unveiled for articles, both as products as well as for their creation and distribution processes. These transformations affect the very nature of articles as a minimal unit -both unique and stable- of scientific communication. The article concludes by noting that under varying documentary forms of publisher aggregation and bibliographic control -sometimes simultaneously and, even, apparently contradictory- there flourishes a more pluralistic type of scientific communication. This pluralism offers: more possibilities for communication among authors; fewer levels of intermediaries such as agents that intervene and provide added value to the products; greater availability for users both economically speaking and from the point of view of access; and greater interaction and wealth of contents, thanks to the new hypertext and multimedia possibilities.
BACKGROUND: The criteria for choosing relevant cell lines among a vast panel of available intestinal-derived lines exhibiting a wide range of functional properties are still ill-defined. The objective of this study was, therefore, to establish objective criteria for choosing relevant cell lines to assess their appropriateness as tumor models as well as for drug absorption studies. RESULTS: We made use of publicly available expression signatures and cell based functional assays to delineate differences between various intestinal colon carcinoma cell lines and normal intestinal epithelium. We have compared a panel of intestinal cell lines with patient-derived normal and tumor epithelium and classified them according to traits relating to oncogenic pathway activity, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and stemness, migratory properties, proliferative activity, transporter expression profiles and chemosensitivity. For example, SW480 represent an EMT-high, migratory phenotype and scored highest in terms of signatures associated to worse overall survival and higher risk of recurrence based on patient derived databases. On the other hand, differentiated HT29 and T84 cells showed gene expression patterns closest to tumor bulk derived cells. Regarding drug absorption, we confirmed that differentiated Caco-2 cells are the model of choice for active uptake studies in the small intestine. Regarding chemosensitivity we were unable to confirm a recently proposed association of chemo-resistance with EMT traits. However, a novel signature was identified through mining of NCI60 GI50 values that allowed to rank the panel of intestinal cell lines according to their drug responsiveness to commonly used chemotherapeutics. CONCLUSIONS: This study presents a straightforward strategy to exploit publicly available gene expression data to guide the choice of cell-based models. While this approach does not overcome the major limitations of such models, introducing a rank order of selected features may allow selecting model cell lines that are more adapted and pertinent to the addressed biological question.
Recently, rapid and transient cardiac pacing was shown to induce preconditioning in animal models. Whether the electrical stimulation per se or the concomitant myocardial ischemia affords such a protection remains unknown. We tested the hypothesis that chronic pacing of a cardiac preparation maintained in a normoxic condition can induce protection. Hearts of 4-day-old chick embryos were electrically paced in ovo over a 12-h period using asynchronous and intermittent ventricular stimulation (5 min on-10 min off) at 110% of the intrinsic rate. Sham (n = 6) and paced hearts (n = 6) were then excised, mounted in vitro, and subjected successively to 30 min of normoxia (20% O(2)), 30 min of anoxia (0% O(2)), and 60 min of reoxygenation (20% O(2)). Electrocardiogram and atrial and ventricular contractions were simultaneously recorded throughout the experiment. Reoxygenation-induced chrono-, dromo-, and inotropic disturbances, incidence of arrhythmias, and changes in electromechanical delay (EMD) in atria and ventricle were systematically investigated in sham and paced hearts. Under normoxia, the isolated heart beat spontaneously and regularly, and all baseline functional parameters were similar in sham and paced groups (means +/- SD): heart rate (190 +/- 36 beats/min), P-R interval (104 +/- 25 ms), mechanical atrioventricular propagation (20 +/- 4 mm/s), ventricular shortening velocity (1.7 +/- 1 mm/s), atrial EMD (17 +/- 4 ms), and ventricular EMD (16 +/- 2 ms). Under anoxia, cardiac function progressively collapsed, and sinoatrial activity finally stopped after approximately 9 min in both groups. During reoxygenation, paced hearts showed 1) a lower incidence of arrhythmias than sham hearts, 2) an increased rate of recovery of ventricular contractility compared with sham hearts, and 3) a faster return of ventricular EMD to basal value than sham hearts. However, recovery of heart rate, atrioventricular conduction, and atrial EMD was not improved by pacing. Activity of all hearts was fully restored at the end of reoxygenation. These findings suggest that chronic electrical stimulation of the ventricle at a near-physiological rate selectively alters some cellular functions within the heart and constitutes a nonischemic means to increase myocardial tolerance to a subsequent hypoxia-reoxygenation.
First, we examine the context of creation of special collection units in libraries, and the reasons why libraries compile archive materials and collections. Second, we focus on the techniques used in library environments to describe archive materials and collections and to guarantee their accessibility. We examine the models used in the United States and the United Kingdom to describe and access these materials, and the cooperative projects launched in these two countries in the past few years. Finally, we offer a preliminary analysis of how these types of materials are currently dealt with in Catalan libraries, and issue some recommendations to improve their archiving and access.
The integrity and function of neurons depend on their continuous interactions with glial cells. In the peripheral nervous system glial functions are exerted by Schwann cells (SCs). SCs sense synaptic and extrasynaptic manifestations of action potential propagation and adapt their physiology to support neuronal activity. We review here existing literature data on extrasynaptic bidirectional axon-SC communication, focusing particularly on neuronal activity implications. To shed light on underlying mechanisms, we conduct a thorough analysis of microarray data from SC-rich mouse sciatic nerve at different developmental stages and in neuropathic models. We identify molecules that are potentially involved in SC detection of neuronal activity signals inducing subsequent glial responses. We further suggest that alterations in the activity-dependent axon-SC crosstalk impact on peripheral neuropathies. Together with previously reported data, these observations open new perspectives for deciphering glial mechanisms of neuronal function support.
Selostus: Lannoituksen pitkäaikaiset kenttäkokeet: kolmen matemaattisen mallin vertailu
In this work we analyze how patchy distributions of CO2 and brine within sand reservoirs may lead to significant attenuation and velocity dispersion effects, which in turn may have a profound impact on surface seismic data. The ultimate goal of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of these processes within the framework of the seismic monitoring of CO2 sequestration, a key strategy to mitigate global warming. We first carry out a Monte Carlo analysis to study the statistical behavior of attenuation and velocity dispersion of compressional waves traveling through rocks with properties similar to those at the Utsira Sand, Sleipner field, containing quasi-fractal patchy distributions of CO2 and brine. These results show that the mean patch size and CO2 saturation play key roles in the observed wave-induced fluid flow effects. The latter can be remarkably important when CO2 concentrations are low and mean patch sizes are relatively large. To analyze these effects on the corresponding surface seismic data, we perform numerical simulations of wave propagation considering reservoir models and CO2 accumulation patterns similar to the CO2 injection site in the Sleipner field. These numerical experiments suggest that wave-induced fluid flow effects may produce changes in the reservoir's seismic response, modifying significantly the main seismic attributes usually employed in the characterization of these environments. Consequently, the determination of the nature of the fluid distributions as well as the proper modeling of the seismic data constitute important aspects that should not be ignored in the seismic monitoring of CO2 sequestration problems.
The method of stochastic dynamic programming is widely used in ecology of behavior, but has some imperfections because of use of temporal limits. The authors presented an alternative approach based on the methods of the theory of restoration. Suggested method uses cumulative energy reserves per time unit as a criterium, that leads to stationary cycles in the area of states. This approach allows to study the optimal feeding by analytic methods.
Aquest treball de recerca, realizat amb mestres especialistes de música de l'etapa primària, exposa diversos models d'interpretació de la cançó, prèvia exposició dels diversos elements que en configuren el caràcter.