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The increase in population and vehicles has placed significant pressures on Northern Ireland’s transportation networks coupled with fiscal constraints and the need to reduce our environmental impacts. The revised Strategy concentrates on moving people rather than vehicles, creating space on the networks for people and also for freight and on maintaining what is in place and using it in a smarter way. At its core is a move towards greater sustainability which will contribute positively to growing the economy, improving the quality of life for all and reducing the transport impacts on the environment.
Tackling inequalities in social, cognitive and personal development in the early years is recognised as a priority action to reduce health inequalities. IPH welcomed the development of a strategic approach to the early years in Northern Ireland and drew evidence from the recent Health Impacts of Education – a review (IPH, 2008) in response to the Department of Education (NI) Early Years (0-6) Strategy
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) aims to improve health on the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. IPH promotes cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in public health research, training and policy advice. Its key focus is on efforts to improve health equity. The work of IPH (www.publichealth.ie) includes health impact assessment, building and sharing evidence for public health development, developing Ireland and Northern Ireland’s population health observatory (INISPHO www.inispho.org ), and providing public health policy advice in areas such as health inequalities, obesity, fuel poverty and food poverty. Health is influenced by a wide range of social determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors. IPH has a key interest and significant experience in raising awareness and developing work to influence these wider social and environmental determinants in ways which improve health. Sustainable development and public health are inextricably linked, in ways which are described in section 3. Sustainable development is essentially at the heart of healthy communities and individuals as well as a healthy environment and sustainable economic development - all factors at the heart of public health.
The Department of Environment (NI) recently held a consultation on preparing a new road safety strategy for Northern Ireland which will cover the years 2010 to 2020. The consultation ran from 16 March 2010 to 15 June 2010. The consultation paper outlined key challenges to be addressed over the lifetime of the strategy and proposed a number of action measures which have been agreed by the statutory road safety partners. Views were invited on preparing a new road safety strategy for Northern Ireland that will shape the way ahead for safety on roads over the next decade.
Palliative care and end of life care is the active, holistic care of patients with advanced and progressive illness. It is an integral part of the care delivered by all health and social care professionals, and indeed by families and carers, to those living with, and dying from any advanced, progressive and incurable conditions. The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (NI) issued a consultation document on a 5 year Strategy in December 2009.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) aims to improve health on the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. IPH promotes cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in public health research, training and policy advice. Its key focus is on efforts to improve health equity. The work of IPH (www.publichealth.ie) includes health impact assessment, building and sharing evidence for public health development, developing Ireland and Northern Ireland’s population health observatory (INISPHO www.inispho.org ), and providing public health policy advice in areas such as health inequalities, obesity, fuel poverty and food poverty. Health is influenced by a wide range of social determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors. IPH has a key interest and significant experience in raising awareness and developing work to influence these wider social and environmental determinants in ways which improve health. Sustainable development and public health are inextricably linked, in ways which are described in section 3. Sustainable development is essentially at the heart of healthy communities and individuals as well as a healthy environment and sustainable economic development - all factors at the heart of public health.
Travel behaviour can make a significant contribution to physical activity levels and subsequent risk of poor health including conditions such as obesity. DRD can play a key role in tackling obesity in Northern Ireland through the Regional Transportation Strategy. This is the IPH's response. The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) aims to improve health on the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in public health research, training and policy advice. IPH acknowledges that health is influenced by a wide range of social determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors. Transport is one of the key determinants of health and IPH welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Department for Regional Development (DRD), Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) Review.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) promotes co-operation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It aims to improve health by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. IPH promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. IPH welcomes the Food Standards Agency Strategy for 2010 to 2015 and the opportunity to comment on the publication. We restrict our comments to the “Healthy Eating for All” aspect of FSA’s purpose with particular reference to local development in Northern Ireland.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes North-South co-operation in research, training, information and policy. The Institute commends the Department of Health and Children for producing the Discussion Paper on Proposed Health Information Bill (June 2008) and welcomes the opportunity to comment on it. The first objective of the Health Information: A National Strategy (2004) is to support the implementation of Quality and Fairness: A Health System for You (2001).The National Health Goals - such as ‘Better health for everyone’, ‘Fair access’ and ‘Responsive and appropriate care delivery’ - are expressed in terms of the health of the public as well as patients. The Discussion Paper focuses on personal information, and the data flows within the health system, that are needed to enhance medical care and maximise patient safety. The Institute believes that the Health Information Bill should also aim to more fully support the achievement of the National Health Goals and the public health function. This requires the development of more integrated information systems that link the healthcare sector and other sectors. Assessment of health services performance - in terms of the public’s health, health inequalities and achievement of the National Health Goals - require such information systems. They will enable the construction of public health key performance indicators for the healthcare services.
The Department of Health and Children Statement of Strategy will map out in broad terms the Department’s key areas of strategic action in the coming three years and act as the backdrop against which the Business Plans of each division of the Department will be prepared. The Institute’s recent submission on the Department’s Strategy Statement proposes that tackling inequalities in health form a key area of strategic action across all divisions within the Department in the coming three years. The Institute called for the Department to make additional commitments to tackle health inequalities at their root causes, in addition to developing services to meet the needs of poor and vulnerable members of society. The submission states that the full implementation of the National Health Information Strategy is now a matter of urgency and also strongly recommends that the Department makes the achievement of the recommendations of the recent A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland a priority in the coming years within its enhanced policy evaluation and analysis role. A stronger leadership role to advance the vision set out in the Primary Care Strategy is encouraged. The submission also recommends the development of a new set of high-level long-term targets relating to the reduction of inequalities to provide an overarching policy context against which related policies and the HSE operations could be structured.
We investigated the use of in situ implant formation that incorporates superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) as a form of minimally invasive treatment of cancer lesions by magnetically induced local hyperthermia. We developed injectable formulations that form gels entrapping magnetic particles into a tumor. We used SPIONs embedded in silica microparticles to favor syringeability and incorporated the highest proportion possible to allow large heating capacities. Hydrogel, single-solvent organogel and cosolvent (low-toxicity hydrophilic solvent) organogel formulations were injected into human cancer tumors xenografted in mice. The thermoreversible hydrogels (poloxamer, chitosan), which accommodated 20% w/v of the magnetic microparticles, proved to be inadequate. Alginate hydrogels, however, incorporated 10% w/v of the magnetic microparticles, and the external gelation led to strong implants localizing to the tumor periphery, whereas internal gelation failed in situ. The organogel formulations, which consisted of precipitating polymers dissolved in single organic solvents, displayed various microstructures. A 8% poly(ethylene-vinyl alcohol) in DMSO containing 40% w/v of magnetic microparticles formed the most suitable implants in terms of tumor casting and heat delivery. Importantly, it is of great clinical interest to develop cosolvent formulations with up to 20% w/v of magnetic microparticles that show reduced toxicity and centered tumor implantation.
The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Giving every child the best start in life is recognised by governments worldwide as the most effective way to improve life chances and health outcomes. This is one of IPH’s key strategic action areas in our Business Plan and we endorse the need for early intervention, particularly in tackling health inequalities and improving the health and wellbeing of children in the most disadvantaged communities. International evidence is increasingly pointing towards investment in the early years as a critical component of any sensible approach to improving population health and tackling health inequalities across the life course (WHO, 2008 and Marmot, 2010). It is also apparent that Northern Ireland public policy is now reorienting towards achieving better and fairer outcomes in the early years, as demonstrated through the recent draft public health strategy (DHSSPS, 2012a) and the draft early years strategy (Department of Education, 2012).
La trachée et les bronches proximales sont de fins conduits subtils, ingénieusement structurés par une partie cartilagineuse antérieure résistante aux variations de pression et une partie membraneuse postérieure souple. Par leurs faibles volumes (espace mort) ils délivrent un grand pourcentage de l'air inspiré aux voies distales, puis au parenchyme pulmonaire, permettant les échanges de gaz. Cette belle harmonie respiratoire peut être rapidement mise à mal dès qu'un processus atteint ces voies respiratoires proximales, soit en les comprimant, processus sténosant, soit en affaiblissant leur structure, trachéo-bronchomalacie, soit en ouvrant leur paroi sur les structures médiastinales, fistule trachéo/broncho-médiastinales, pleurales ou autres. Le pronostic vital est alors rapidement engagé au vu de l'absolue nécessité du bon fonctionnement de ces fins conduits, une petite diminution du calibre de leurs fines lumières provoquant une baisse importante de leurs surfaces. Dans ces situations à haut potentiel de complication majeure les interventions endoscopiques pour restaurer l'intégrité de ces conduits sont alors fort risquées, et il est primordial de pouvoir les effectuer dans un cadre sécurisé au maximum. La réalisation de ces gestes par la technique décrite dans notre article « Use of combined suspension laryngoscopy, flexible bronchoscopy and high frequency jet ventilation forY-shaped airway stents delivery" permet la sécurité nécessaire à ces situations instable, en effet -la laryngoscopie en suspension expose les voies proximales en offrant un accès le plus large possible à l'arbre trachéobronchique ce qui permet l insertion de multiples instruments parfois volumineux, -la Jet ventilation assure une oxygénation et une ventilation adéquate par un fin cathéter placé soit dans le poumon sain, soit en distalité de la lésion -la bronchoscopie souple, passant au travers d'endroits exigus et courbes permet le déploiement sous vision direct, au millimètre près, de divers dispositifs. Cette association remplace avantageusement la technique traditionnelle qui insère les stents à l'aveugle, et en apnée, ce qui représente de haut risque de mauvais positionnement des stents avec des conséquences immédiates sur l'oxygénation et la ventilation souvent déjà bien altérées. Perspective et conclusion : cette technique est utile pour l'insertion des stents en Y, centraux, comme décrit dans notre article, et les indications peuvent être étendues aux stents distaux pour lesquels l'accès n'est parfois pas aisé avec le bronchoscope rigide, et pour d'autres interventions endoscopiques, laser, cryothérapie, radiofréquence ou l'insertion de nouveaux dispositifs.
This summary report follows on from the publication of the Northern Ireland physical activity strategy in 1996 and the subsequent publication of the strategy action plan in 1998. Within this strategy action plan a recommendation was made for the health sector, that research should be carried out to evaluate and compare the cost of investing in physical activity programmes against the cost of treating preventable illness. To help in the development of this key area, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety's Economics Branch agreed to develop a model that would seek to establish the extent of avoidable deaths from physical inactivity and, as a consequence, the avoidable economic and healthcare costs for Northern Ireland.