964 resultados para prison camps
The holographic dual of a finite-temperature gauge theory with a small number of flavors typically contains D-brane probes in a black hole background. At low temperature, the branes sit outside the black hole and the meson spectrum is discrete and possesses a mass gap. As the temperature increases, the branes approach a critical solution. Eventually, they fall into the horizon and a phase transition occurs. In the new phase, the meson spectrum is continuous and gapless. At large Nc and large't Hooft coupling, we show that this phase transition is always first order. In confining theories with heavy quarks, it occurs above the deconfinement transition for the glue.
The paper by Woodward [Phys. Rev. A 62, 052105 (2000)] claimed to have proved that Lagrangian theories with a nonlocality of finite extent are necessarily unstable. In this Comment we propose that this conclusion is false.
Using an interpolant form for the gradient of a function of position, we write an integral version of the conservation equations for a fluid. In the appropriate limit, these become the usual conservation laws of mass, momentum, and energy. We also discuss the special cases of the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous flow and the Fourier law for thermal conduction in the presence of hydrodynamic fluctuations. By means of a discretization procedure, we show how the integral equations can give rise to the so-called particle dynamics of smoothed particle hydrodynamics and dissipative particle dynamics.
A quarterly newsletter produced by Iowa Prison Industries
This report begins with the prevalence and projected growth of offenders convicted of sex crimes within Iowa’s community-based corrections and prison populations, then describes how the Iowa Department of Corrections is addressing sex offenders’ issues through the provision of treatment and management strategies. Except where noted, information was obtained from the Iowa Corrections Offender Network (ICON) with many of the reports obtained via the Iowa Justice Data Warehouse.
This presentation covers the rise in prison and cbc populations while at the same time seeing a decrease in appropriations. Staffing has not kept up with growth of the corrections population either.
An update of the following: Status of capital projects from prior year appropriations, appropriation from RIIF, and other other projects, current prison population, expected growth and over population, overview of revised classification system and how it affects bed planning, timeline for construction, 2009 funding, plan for the governor recommended $500,000 for project management and other infrastructure priorities.
Last month DOC released a study entitled Iowa Recidivism Report: Prison Return Rates. The study documents that Iowa’s three-year return rate to prison for offenders released during FY 2007 decreased from 33.9% for the previous three-years period studied to 31.8% (and below our goal of 33.3%). More dramatic is the decrease in the percent of offenders with mental illness returning to prison.
In a national study released in 2007 by The Sentencing Project, Iowa tops the nation for imprisoning African Americans at a rate of 13.6 times that of whites. In addition, African Americans in Iowa are much more likely to be unemployed, lacking a high school diploma, and earning less than white Iowans. And African American offenders’ return-to-prison rates are higher than for white offenders.
Iowa’s Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) recently completed an evaluation of the 2nd Judicial District’s Rural Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI), which provided reentry services to offenders both while in prison and after release.
In June 2011, Lettie Prell released a report entitled Iowa Recidivism Report: Prison Return Rates (FY2007 Releases Tracked for 3 Years), in which she finds that those prison inmates who are paroled are less likely to return to prison due to a new conviction than are inmates who leave prison due to expiration ofsentence.
Iowa offenders paroled from prison are significantly less likely to return to prison for a new conviction than are those offenders who expire their sentence. Put another way, for every 100 offenders who are paroled rather than discharge by way of expiration of sentence, we can prevent 9 new convictions involving prison incarceration.
The recent observation of steps at regular intervals of magnetic field in the hysteresis loops of oriented crystals of the spin-10 molecular magnet Mn12O12(CH3COO)16(H2O)4 has been attributed to resonant tunneling between spin states. Here, we investigate the effect on the relaxation rate of applying the magnetic field at an angle with respect to the easy axis of magnetization. We find that the position of the resonances is independent of the transverse component of the field, and is determined solely by the longitudinal component. On the other hand, a transverse field significantly increases the relaxation rate, both on and off resonance. We discuss classical and quantum mechanical interpretations of this effect