991 resultados para post-incisional pain


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Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas are frequently diagnosed at an advanced stage. Their treatment remains controversial, and has to be multidisciplinary. External beam radiotherapy is a recognized treatment option after radical curative surgery in order to improve local control. Different adjuvant treatment options have been studied in order to improve the outcome of these patients. We review in this paper the different prognostic factors indicating an adjuvant treatment and the interest of treatment intensification in bad prognostic patients.


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Objective: To test the efficacy of teaching motivational interviewing (MI) to medical students. Methods: Thirteen 4th year medical students volunteered to participate. Seven days before and 7 days after an 8-hour interactive training MI workshop, each student performed a videorecorded interview with two standardized patients: a 60 year old alcohol dependent woman and a 50 year old cigarette smoking man. Students' counseling skills were coded by two blinded clinicians using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity 3.0 (MITI). Inter-rater reliability was calculated for all interviews and a test-retest was completed in a sub-sample of 10 consecutive interviews three days apart. Difference between MITI scores before and after training were calculated and tested using non-parametric tests. Effect size was approximated by calculating the probability that posttest scores are greater than pretest scores (P*=P(Pre<Post)+1/2P(Pre=Post)), P*>1/2 indicating greater scores in posttest, P*=1/2 no effect, and P*<1/2 smaller scores in posttest. Results: Median differences between MITI scores before and after MI training indicated a general progression in MI skills: MI spirit global score (median difference=1.5, Inter quartile range=1.5, p<0.001, P*=0.90); Empathy global score (med diff=1, IQR=0.5, p<0.001, P*=0.85); Percentage of MI adherent skills (med diff=36.6, IQR=50.5, p<0.001, P*=0.85); Percentage of open questions (med diff=18.6, IQR=21.6, p<0.001, P*=0.96); reflections/ questions ratio (med diff=0.2, IQR=0.4, p<0.001, P*=0.81). Only Direction global score and the percentage of complex reflections were not significantly improved (med diff=0, IQR=1, p=0.53, P*=0.44, and med diff=4.3, IQR=24.8, p=0.48, P*=0.62, respectively). Inter-rater reliability indicated weighted kappa ranged between 0.14 for Direction to 0.51 for Collaboration and ICC ranged between 0.28 for Simple reflection to 0.95 for Closed question. Test-retests indicated weighted kappa ranged between 0.27 for Direction to 0.80 for Empathy and ICC ranged between 0.87 for Complex reflection to 0.98 for Closed question. Conclusion: This pilot study indicated that an 8-hour training in MI for voluntary 4th year medical students resulted in significant improvement of MI skills. Larger sample of unselected medical students should be studied to generalize the benefit of MI training to medical students. Interrater reliability and test-retests suggested that coders' training should be intensified.


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Changes in expression and function of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC) in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons may play a major role in the genesis of peripheral hyperexcitability that occurs in neuropathic pain. We present here the first description of changes induced by spared nerve injury (SNI) to Na(v)1 mRNA levels and tetrodotoxin-sensitive and -resistant (TTX-S/TTX-R) Na(+) currents in injured and adjacent non-injured small DRG neurons. VGSC transcripts were down-regulated in injured neurons except for Na(v)1.3, which increased, while they were either unchanged or increased in non-injured neurons. TTX-R current densities were reduced in injured neurons and the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation for TTX-R was positively shifted in injured and non-injured neurons. TTX-S current densities were not affected by SNI, while the rate of recovery from inactivation was accelerated in injured neurons. Our results describe altered neuronal electrogenesis following SNI that is likely induced by a complex regulation of VGSCs.


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Die Vorteile radiologischer Untersuchungen in der Rechtsmedizin sind wohl bekannt, insbesondere dass Beweise dank diseser nicht invasiven Untersuchungstechnik erhalten werden können. Die Speicherung der radiologischen Bilder des gesamten Leichnams erlaubt, jederzeit eine Neuuntersuchung durchzuführen, sollten neue Fragestellungen auftauchen. Dank der Möglichkeit radiologische Bilder dreidimensional zu rekonstruiren, können einzelne Befunde auch für medizinische Laien leicht verständlich dargestellt werden.


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Contexte: Impression clinique que l'Etat de Stress Post-traumatique (ESPT) est sous-diagnostiqué dans la prise en charge des patients qui sont évalués dans le cadre d'une urgence psychiatrique. Objectifs: (i) identifier la prévalence de l'ESPT dans une unité d'urgence psychiatrique au moyen d'un instrument diagnostic et la comparer avec le diagnostic clinique retenu dans un échantillon historique (ii) évaluer la perception des cliniciens quant à l'utilisation systématique d'un instrument diagnostic Méthodes: la prévalence de l'ESPT a été évaluée chez des patients consécutifs (N = 403) qui ont bénéficié d'une consultation par des psychiatres de l'Unité urgence-crise du Service de Psychiatrie de Liaison (PLI) du CHUV, en utilisant le module J du Mini Mental Neuropsychologic Interview (MINI 5.0.0, version CIM-10). Ce résultat a été comparé avec la prévalence de l'ESPT mentionné comme diagnostic dans les dossiers (N = 350) d'un échantillon historique. La perception des médecins-assistants de psychiatrie quant au dépistage systématique de l'ESPT avec un instrument a été étudiée en se basant sur la conduite d'un focus group d'assistants travaillant dans l'Unité urgence-crise du PLI. Résultats: Parmi les patients (N = 316) évalués à l'aide de l'instrument diagnostic, 20,3% (n = 64) réunissaient les critères de l'ESPT. Cela constitue un taux de prévalence significativement plus élevé que la prévalence d'ESPT documentée dans les dossiers de l'échantillon historique (0,57%). Par ailleurs, la prévalence de l'ESPT est significativement plus élevée parmi les groupes socio- économiques précarisés, tels que réfugiés et sans papiers (50%), patients venant d'un pays à histoire de guerre récente (47,1%), patients avec quatre (44,4%) ou trois comorbidités psychiatriques (35,3%), migrants (29,8%) et patients sans revenus professionnels (25%). Le focus groupe composé de 8 médecins-assistants a révélé que l'utilisation systématique d'un outil- diagnostic ne convenait pas dans le setting d'urgence psychiatrique, notamment parce que l'instrument a été considéré comme non adapté à une première consultation ou jugé avoir un impact négatif sur l'entretien clinique. Toutefois, après la fin de l'étude, les médecins-assistants estimaient qu'il était important de rechercher activement l'ESPT et continuaient à intégrer les éléments principaux du questionnaire dans leur travail clinique. Conclusion et perspectives: cette étude confirme que l'ESPT est largement sous-diagnostiqué dans le contexte des urgences psychiatriques, mais que l'usage systématique d'un outil diagnostic dans ce cadre ne satisfait pas les praticiens concernés. Pour améliorer la situation et au vu du fait qu'un instrument diagnostic est considéré comme non-adapté dans ce setting, il serait peut-être bénéfique d'envisager un dépistage ciblé et/ou de mettre en place une stratégie de formation institutionnelle.


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PURPOSE: To conduct a cross-cultural adaptation of the Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI) into French according to established guidelines. METHODS: Seventy outpatients with chronic low back pain were recruited from six spine centres in Switzerland and France. They completed the newly translated COMI, and the Roland Morris disability (RMQ), Dallas Pain (DPQ), adjectival pain rating scale, WHO Quality of Life, and EuroQoL-5D questionnaires. After ~14 days RMQ and COMI were completed again to assess reproducibility; a transition question (7-point Likert scale; "very much worse" through "no change" to "very much better") indicated any change in status since the first questionnaire. RESULTS: COMI whole scores displayed no floor effects and just 1.5% ceiling effects. The scores for the individual COMI items correlated with their corresponding full-length reference questionnaire with varying strengths of correlation (0.33-0.84, P < 0.05). COMI whole scores showed a very good correlation with the "multidimensional" DPQ global score (Rho = 0.71). 55 patients (79%) returned a second questionnaire with no/minimal change in their back status. The reproducibility of individual COMI 5-point items was good, with test-retest differences within one grade ranging from 89% for 'social/work disability' to 98% for 'symptom-specific well-being'. The intraclass correlation coefficient for the COMI whole score was 0.85 (95% CI 0.76-0.91). CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the French version of this short, multidimensional questionnaire showed good psychometric properties, comparable to those reported for German and Spanish versions. The French COMI represents a valuable tool for future multicentre clinical studies and surgical registries (e.g. SSE Spine Tango) in French-speaking countries.


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Genetic background, prenatal and post-natal early-life conditions influence the development of interconnected physiological systems and thereby shape the phenotype. Certain combinations of genotypes and pre- and post-natal conditions may provide higher fitness in a specific environmental context. Here, we investigated how grey partridges Perdix perdix of two strains (wild and domesticated) cope physiologically with pre- and post-natal predictable vs. unpredictable food supply. Food unpredictability occurs frequently in wild environments and requires physiological and behavioural adjustments. Well-orchestrated and efficient physiological systems are presumably more vital in a wild environment as compared to captivity. We thus predicted that wild-strain grey partridges have a stronger immunity, glucocorticoid (GC) stress response and oxidative stress resistance (OSR) than domesticated birds, which have undergone adaptations to captivity. We also predicted that wild-strain birds react more strongly to environmental stimuli and, when faced with harsh prenatal conditions, are better able to prepare their offspring for similarly poor post-natal conditions than birds of domesticated origin. We found that wild-strain offspring were physiologically better prepared for stressful situations as compared to the domesticated strain. They had a high GC stress response and a high OSR when kept under predictable food supply. Wild-strain parents reacted to prenatal unpredictable food supply by lowering their offspring's GC stress response, which potentially lowered GC-induced oxidative pressure. No such pattern was evident in the domesticated birds. Irrespective of strain and prenatal feeding scheme, post-natal unpredictable food supply boosted immune indices, and GC stress response was negatively related to antibody response in females and to mitochondrial superoxide production. Wild-strain grey partridge showed fitness-relevant physiological advantages and appeared to prepare their offspring for the prospective environment. Negative relationships between GC stress response, immunity and oxidative indices imply a pivotal role of an organism's oxidative balance and support the importance of considering multiple physiological systems simultaneously.


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BACKGROUND: Closures of atrial septal defects or a patent foramen ovale (PFO) are increasingly performed percutaneously. The experience of late migration of a new bio-absorbable device is presented here, followed by conceptual discussion. METHODS: Six months post PFO closure with a BioSTAR® device a patient presented with chest pain. Echocardiography showed a hyperechogenic structure perforating the aortic wall. RESULTS: Surgical exploration showed a perforation of the ascending aorta by one metallic, non absorbable arm. This is the second case of late (>6 months) dislocation of the residual framework of the occluder. CONCLUSIONS: The overall incidence of perforation of cardiac structures due to secondary dislocation is low. However this complication exists and should kept in mind in symptomatic patients with new onset of chest pain, after percutaneous procedures. The concept of biodegradation, with residual, non absorbable metal braiding, should be reviewed, analyzing in particular long term results and incidence of secondary dislocation.


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El rastreo corporal total (RCT) luego de la primera radioablación con 131I en pacientes diagnosticados de carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) permite una re-estadificación de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, su información anatómica es escasa y la elevada actividad de los restos tiroideos puede interferir con la detección de adenopatías cervicales. En este estudio se determinó el valor diagnóstico de la SPECT-TC respecto al RCT, concluyendo que la misma aporta información relevante para determinar el compromiso ganglionar, resolviendo los patrones indeterminados observados en los estudios planares y permitiendo una mejor estadificación de los pacientes al final de su periodo de tratamiento.


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Although neck pain (NP) and headache (HA) are often concomitant in adolescents, few data exist on the association of NP with HA in this age group. The aim of the study was to examine the association of concomitant NP with adolescent HA and with the outcome of HA. The associations of self-reported NP, physical findings of the neck and disc degeneration of the cervical spine with adolescent HA were studied. This study is part of a population-based follow-up study of 12-year-old children (N 1135/1409) with and without HA. A sample of adolescents (N = 304) was followed to the age of 16 years. At the age of 17 years, 69 of them participated in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study of the cervical spine. During the follow-up from 13 to 16 years of age, changes in both HA type and frequency were common. A poor outcome of HA was associated with NP interfering with daily activities at the age of 13 years. The changes in HA type were not predictable by NP. At the age of 16 years, local and referred palpation pain of the neck muscles, self-reported NP and NP intensity were associated with HA, and especially with disturbing HA unresponsive to analgesics. The association of NP with HA was not determined by HA type. Mild degenerative changes of the cervical spine were common but did not contribute to headache. HA in adolescence is often episodic, and prevention and treatment of NP could be important in the prevention of future chronic adult HA.


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Background: Chronic post-lobectomy empyema is rare but may require space obliteration for infection control. We report our experience by using a tailored thoracomyoplasty for this specific indication with respect to infection control and functional outcome. Patients and Methods: We retrospectively analysed 17 patients (11 men, 6 women) with chronic post-lobectomy empyema and treated by thoracomyoplasty in our institution between 2000 and 2011. All patients underwent an initial treatment attempt by use of chest tube drainage and antibiotics except those with suspicion of pleural aspergillosis (n=6). In 5 patients, bronchus stump insufficiency was identified at preoperative bronchoscopy. A tailored thoracoplasty was combined with a serratus anterior - rhomboid myoplasty which also served to close a broncho-pleural fistula, if present. The first rib was resected in 11/17 patients. Results: The 90-day mortality was 11.7%. Thoracomyoplasty was successful in all surviving patients with respect to infection control, space obliteration and definitive closure of broncho-pleural fistula, irrespective of the type of infection, the presence of a broncho-pleural fistula and whether a 1st rib resection was performed . Post-lobectomy pulmonary function testing before and after thoracoplasty revealed a mean predicted FEV1 of 63.0±8.5% and 51.5±4.2% (p=0.01), and a mean predicted DLCO of 59.8±11.6% and 54.5±12.5%, respectively. Postoperative shoulder girdle dysfunction and scoliosis were prevented in patients willing to undergo intense physiotherapy. Conclusions: Tailored thoracomyoplasty represents a valid option for patients with chronic post-lobectomy empyema without requiring a preceding open window thoracostomy. Space obliteration and infection control was equally obtained with and without first rib resection.


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Ophthalmoscopy performed for the early diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is painful for preterm infants, thus necessitating interventions for minimizing pain. The present study aimed to establish the effectiveness of human milk, compared with sucrose, for pain relief in premature infants subjected to ophthalmoscopy for the early diagnosis of ROP. This investigation was a pilot, quasi-experimental study conducted with 14 premature infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of a university hospital. Comparison between the groups did not yield a statistically significant difference relative to the crying time, salivary cortisol, or heart rate (HR). Human milk appears to be as effective as sucrose in relieving acute pain associated with ophthalmoscopy. The study’s limitations included its small sample size and lack of randomization. Experimental investigations with greater sample power should be performed to reinforce the evidence found in the present study.


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BACKGROUND: Complex foot and ankle fractures, such as calcaneum fractures or Lisfranc dislocations, are often associated with a poor outcome, especially in terms of gait capacity. Indeed, degenerative changes often lead to chronic pain and chronic functional limitations. Prescription footwear represents an important therapeutic tool during the rehabilitation process. Local Dynamic Stability (LDS) is the ability of locomotor system to maintain continuous walking by accommodating small perturbations that occur naturally during walking. Because it reflects the degree of control over the gait, LDS has been advocated as a relevant indicator for evaluating different conditions and pathologies. The aim of this study was to analyze changes in LDS induced by orthopaedic shoes in patients with persistent foot and ankle injuries. We hypothesised that footwear adaptation might help patients to improve gait control, which could lead to higher LDS: METHODS: Twenty-five middle-aged inpatients (5 females, 20 males) participated in the study. They were treated for chronic post-traumatic disabilities following ankle and/or foot fractures in a Swiss rehabilitation clinic. During their stay, included inpatients received orthopaedic shoes with custom-made orthoses (insoles). They performed two 30s walking trials with standard shoes and two 30s trials with orthopaedic shoes. A triaxial motion sensor recorded 3D accelerations at the lower back level. LDS was assessed by computing divergence exponents in the acceleration signals (maximal Lyapunov exponents). Pain was evaluated with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). LDS and pain differences between the trials with standard shoes and the trials with orthopaedic shoes were assessed. RESULTS: Orthopaedic shoes significantly improved LDS in the three axes (medio-lateral: 10% relative change, paired t-test p < 0.001; vertical: 9%, p = 0.03; antero-posterior: 7%, p = 0.04). A significant decrease in pain level (VAS score -29%) was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Footwear adaptation led to pain relief and to improved foot & ankle proprioception. It is likely that that enhancement allows patients to better control foot placement. As a result, higher dynamic stability has been observed. LDS seems therefore a valuable index that could be used in early evaluation of footwear outcome in clinical settings.


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This was a methodological study conducted to describe the process and results of the development of an International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) Catalogue for Cancer Pain. According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), this catalogue contains a subset of nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions to document the implementation of the nursing process in cancer patients. This catalogue was developed in several steps according to the guidelines recommended by the ICN. As a result, 68 statements on nursing diagnoses/outcomes were obtained, which were classified according to the theoretical model for nursing care related to cancer pain into physical (28), psychological (29), and sociocultural and spiritual (11) aspects. A total of 116 corresponding nursing interventions were obtained. The proposed ICNP® Catalogue for Cancer Pain aims to provide safe and systematic orientation to nurses who work in this field, thus improving the quality of patient care and facilitating the performance of the nursing process.


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Lifting is said to be on of the major risk factors for the onset of low back pain, several different measures has been developed to study this. Several programs are available in order to measure these components, or to determine the ability of an individual to perform a certain job or to discover if the job creates dangerous positions for the worker. In these different fields reliable and valid instruments exist but they are costly and time spending. We present a simplified functional capacity measuring that we use daily in practise. Method: 280 patients have been evaluated on this base. The majority was referred to multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatment. The patients had recurrent back problems for months or years. Inclusion criteria were between 18 and 64 years, currently of work, no work compensation. Exclusion criteria were chronic low back pain with a specific cause. They followed a one-hour evaluation test as a functional capacity evaluation at the end of the multidisciplinary treatment period, it was compared to the PILE-test done at the beginning and at the end. Results: We included 280 subjects: 160 men and 120 women. Mean age 43.6 by the women and 44 years by the men. We studied the caring foot-hip, hip-shoulder, 5 m carrying, pushing and tiring and the global weight carried during the test. We found this global value to be 696 kg by men and 422 kg by women suffering from chronic lumbar pain. The increase in this value had a clear incidence on a greater work ability, as had a decrease. Conclusions: We were able to develop a lifting capacity program that is easy to reproduce and not expensive, giving us the possibility to have an idea on how to reorient the patients according to their work place and their capacities. We could also have an information of work performance and power consumption. It should be more tested and compared to standard capacity in the healthy population.