993 resultados para planet


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Colombia es uno de los países denominados megadiversos biológica y culturalmente. Presenta a su interior la mayor extensión de páramos del mundo, los cuales son considerados fábricas de agua del planeta y hábitats de rica diversidad biológica. Por otro lado, la ocupación humana de los páramos colombianos ha generado conflictos entre las normativas ambientales vigentes y los usos productivos del suelo. El presente artículo analiza las alternativas aplicadas ante el conflicto entre autoridades ambientales de áreas protegidas y habitantes de los páramos en Colombia. Se encontraron dos tipos de alternativas: la primera plantea la concesión de servicios ecoturísticos en los parques naturales y la compra de tierras por parte de sociedades de economía mixta. La segunda plantea el abandono de las actividades productivas de los agricultores, mediado por procesos educativos o de cumplimiento de las normas ambientales vigentes, so pena de enfrentar acciones punitivas por parte del Estado. Este trabajo presenta una tercera alternativa, que parte de la crítica a las dos anteriores e incluye diferentes estrategias: planes de manejo comunitario con tiempo y financiación institucional pertinente, aplicación de modelos agroecológicos y rescate de la memoria biocultural y cambios en la estructura agraria.


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This paper presents the components of the radiation balance and the balance itself, which are measured from "Meteor" during ATEX from January 1 to March 2, 1969 in the Atlantic Ocean. For "Planet", also engaged in ATEX, measurements of the global radiation are shown for the period of February 4 to February 28, 1969. From the results obtained by "Meteor" the albedo of the sea surface has been calculated and is presented for two exemplary days.


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The Astoria submarine fan, located off the coast of Washington and Oregon, has grown throughout the Pleistocene from continental input delivered by the Columbia River drainage system. Enormous floods from the sudden release of glacial lake water occurred periodically during the Pleistocene, carrying vast amounts of sediment to the Pacific Ocean. DSDP site 174, located on the southern distal edge of the Astoria Fan, is composed of 879 m of terrigenous sediments. The section is divided into two major units separated by a distinct seismic discontinuity: an upper, turbidite fan unit (Unit I), and an underlying finer-grained unit (Unit II). Both units have overlapping ranges of Nd and Hf isotope compositions, with the majority of samples having e-Nd values of -7.1 to -15.2 and eHf values -6.2 to -20.0; the most notable exception is the uppermost sample in the section, which is identical to modern Columbia River sediment. Nd depleted mantle model ages for the site range from 2.0 to 1.2 Ga and are consistent with derivation from cratonic Proterozoic source regions, rather than Cenozoic and Mesozoic terranes proximal to the Washington-Oregon coast. The Astoria Fan sediments have significantly less radiogenic Nd (and Hf) isotopic compositions than present day Columbia River sediment (e-Nd=-3 to -4; [Goldstein, S.J., Jacobsen, S.B., 1987. Nd and Sr isotopic systematics of river water suspended material: implications for crustal evolution. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. 87, 249-265; doi:10.1016/0012-821X(88)90013-1]), and suggest that outburst flooding, tapping Proterozoic source regions, was the dominant sediment transport mechanism in the genesis and construction of the Astoria Fan. Pb isotopes form a highly linear 207Pb/204Pb - 206Pb/204Pb array, and indicate the sediments are a binary mixture of two disparate sources with isotopic compositions similar to Proterozoic Belt Supergroup metasediments and Columbia River Basalts. The combined major, trace and isotopic data argue that outburst flooding was responsible for depositing the majority (top 630 m) of the sediment in the Astoria Fan.


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The West Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming regions on the planet. Faster glacier retreat and related calving events lead to more frequent iceberg scouring, fresh water input and higher sediment loads which may affect benthic marine communities. On the other hand, the appearance of newly formed ice-free areas provides new substrates for colonization. Here we investigated the effect of these conditions on four benthic size classes (microbenthos, meiofauna and macrofauna) using Potter Cove (King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula) as a case study. We identified three sites within the cove experiencing different levels of glacier retreat-related disturbance. Our results showed the existence of different communities at the same depth over a relatively small distance (about 1 km**2). This suggests glacial activity structures biotic communities over a relatively small spatial scale. In areas with frequent ice scouring and higher sediment accumulation rates, a patchy community, mainly dominated by macrobenthic scavengers (such as Barrukia cristata), vagile organisms, and younger individuals of sessile species (such as Yoldia eigthsi) was found. Meiofauna organisms such as cumaceans are found to be resistant to re-suspension and high sedimentation loads. The nematode genus Microlaimus was found to be successful in the newly exposed ice-free site, confirming its ability as a pioneering colonizer. In general, the different biological size classes appear to respond in different ways to the ongoing disturbances, suggesting that adaptation processes may be size related. Our results suggest that with continued deglaciation, more diverse but less patchy macrobenthic assemblages can become established due to less frequent ice scouring events.


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