1000 resultados para período de latência


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Understanding the behavioral activities of freshwater shrimp in captivity is of paramount importance for the appropriate management of the species. In Brazil, the shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii is currently the most widely used species in the freshwater shrimp culture due to its high potential for cultivation and good market acceptance. Thus, the present study aimed to describe and characterize the behavioral activities of M. rosenbergii in monosex and in mixed (male and female) (manuscript 1, 2 and 3) populations and the growth performance of this species in restrictive feeding conditions and in different feeding management (manuscript 4 and 5, respectively) . Juvenile and adult shrimps were collected from ponds of the Aquaculture Station - Unidade Especializada em Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Macaíba/RN and then transferred to the Laboratório de Estudos do Comportamento do Camarão LECC (Laboratory for Shrimp Behavioral Studies) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). For each treatment , eight aquaria of 250 L (50 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm) were used in a closed recirculating water system with artificial lighting, constant aeration , continuous filtration through a biochemical and biological filter (canister filter), and fine sand as substrate . The water quality was monitored daily. The lab consisted of two rooms with artificial lighting system , controlled by a timer with dark / light cycle of 12:12 h . In manuscript 1, the behavioral categories of the species were presented through an ethogram, which described 31 behaviors, subdivided into general and agonistic behaviors. Manuscript 2 compared the behavioral profile of shrimps in male and in female monosex and mixed populations over 24 hours in laboratory. In three types (mixed, male monosex and female monosex) of populations during the light and dark phases of the 24 hour cycle, the shrimps showed higher occurrence of cleaning behavior. Manuscript 3 examined the influence of the color of the shelter on the frequency of its use and behavioral activities of shrimp in mixed, in male monosex and in female monosex populations over 24 hours. We observed that the shrimp M. rosenbergii burrow more frequently during the light phase in male monosex and mixed populations; they also tend to choose the black shelters. Female monosex populations tend to use red and orange shelters. In manuscript 4, we evaluated in laboratory the behavioral activities and growth performance of juvenile shrimps under food restriction. We observed that a mild food restriction may be used since there is no loss concerning the growth of the animals; feeding management on alternate days , compared to daily management can be financially productive both reducing labor costs and reducing the amount of feed used . Manuscript 5 evaluated the behavior of shrimps in monosex and in mixed populations, as well as the latency of reach the food according to feed offer (tray or food dispersal) . Our results indicate that animals adjust to both types of feed offer food dispersal as much as tray, but they spend more time to reach the feed when it is offered in trays (feeders). Comparing culture types (mixed, male monosex and female monosex), the latency to reach the food was lower for female monosex population. The data obtained in this study demonstrate the importance of identifying different pressures and environmental stimuli on the behavioral responses of this species. This knowledge would support management improvement to optimize the levels of animals‟ welfare, resulting in a better zootecnical performance


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Foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando-se 520 pintos machos de um dia para avaliar o efeito da proteína bruta (PB) e do balanço eletrolítico (Na + K- Cl) sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte no período inicial. O Experimento I (1 a 7 dias de idade das aves) foi realizado em baterias, utilizando-se 160 pintos machos Cobb, no Experimento II (1 a 21 dias) foram utilizados 360 pintos machos Aviam Farms que foram alojados em um galpão experimental dividido em box. Nos dois experimentos as aves foram aquecidas com lâmpadas infravermelhas e receberam água e ração à vontade. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, em um esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (PB x balanço eletrolítico - BE), com 5 repetições e 8 aves por unidade experimental no Experimento I e fatorial 2 x 3 (PB x BE), com 3 repetições e 20 aves por unidade experimental no Experimento II. Os níveis de K foram mantidos constantes, oscilando-se o Na e o Cl para obter os balanços eletrolíticos desejados. Os parâmetro de desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar) foram analisados no final de cada fase experimental. em ambos os experimentos não houve interação entre PB e BE. Os níveis de 21,0 e 23,5% de PB não afetaram o desempenho das aves. em dietas pré-iniciais e iniciais o melhor desempenho foi atingido com 260 mEq/kg.


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Neste trabalho, ajustou-se um modelo matemático para quantificar o efeito da variação do rendimento da bomba hidráulica na variação dos custos de um sistema de bombeamento, na estrutura tarifária horossazonal verde (subgrupo A4) e o tempo de recuperação do capital investido no equipamento de maior rendimento. em seguida, o mesmo foi aplicado a um sistema de bombeamento para suprimento de um sistema de irrigação do tipo pivô central. As opções de rendimento da bomba hidráulica foram: 69,5% (bomba 1), 73% (bomba 2) e 78% (bomba 3), cujos custos de aquisição foram, respectivamente, R$ 6.176,00, R$ 8.479,00 e R$ 15.509,00. Os resultados da aplicação do modelo mostraram que: i) a substituição da bomba 1 pela bomba 2 foi viável, sendo o período de recuperação de capital 3,4 anos; ii) a substituição da bomba 1 pela bomba 3 foi viável, sendo o período de recuperação de capital 9,2 anos; iii) a substituição da bomba 2 pela bomba 3 foi inviável, sendo o período de recuperação de capital 21,1 anos superior ao período de amortização do investimento na avaliação econômica, considerado 15 anos.


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The high quality of seed trading for producers is very important to obtain high productivity. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of different periods of artificial seed aging on contents of sugars, proteins, amino acids and ions, on imbibition solution of electrical conductivity test, as well as its relationships with standard germination and vigor in bean seeds at the Perola cultivar. The research was carried out at the Laboratory of Seed Analysis - Faculdade de Engenharia - Unesp - Campus de Ilha Solteira. The experimental design was in completely randomized blocks. The seeds were submitted to eight accelerated aging conditions (zero, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 and 168 hours). The seed germination, seed vigor and leakage contents in exudates of bulk conductivity were Influenced by the increase in the time of seed exposition to accelerated aging. After seventy-two hours of exposition to the aging, a considerable decline in seed germination and vigor was observed. There was also an increase of leakage contents, such as amino acids, sugars, potassium and phosphorus ions. The increase of leakage contents is inversely related to seeds germination and vigor.


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This paper concerns a study on the University Extension, by reference to the research extension activities under the theme human rights and justice, developed in the period 2008 to 2010 in UFRN. To do so, it tried to learn the concepts of extension in Brazil from the 1970s until the 2000s in contemporary times. This study considered the neoliberal social context of the University, dominated by educational policies focusing on the hegemony of liberal ideas about society, reflecting the great advances of capital on the organization of workers in the last decades and intensified in the 1990s. This research was guided by two great motivations: the opportunity to apprehend a way to enforce the commitment of public institutions of higher education to the disadvantaged sections of society and what role the university extension space plays as a socially committed public university. The general aim of this study is to identify inside the university extension education what does it mean for practitioners and extension activities and what results it produces to society and to the academic training of future professional citizens in the current neoliberal context. The research has been developed from an analytical and critical approach based on quantitative and qualitative data, using observation techniques and semi-structured interviews. We sought to investigate and understand the social reality, the main object of this work, with an interest in identifying the need for a new teaching/learning process and for a new university practice, in order to effectively improve an advanced academic formation. For this, some interviews have been conducted with teachers, students and the external community involved in extension actions in the period defined by the work, i.e., from 2008 to 2010. In this stage, it was observed that the academic work of university extension is essential to civic education. It was recognized too as a privileged space where university fulfills its social commitment towards society, as long as it joins scientific and popular knowledge having in view a new science and a new social order


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Durante o governo FHC buscou-se substituir a agenda reativa da política externa brasileira, dominada pela lógica da autonomia pela distância, por uma nova agenda internacional proativa, determinada pela lógica da autonomia pela integração. Segundo essa agenda, o país deveria ampliar o poder de controle sobre o seu destino e resolver seus problemas com uma adesão ativa à elaboração das normas e das pautas de conduta da gestão da ordem mundial. No entanto, essa política de integração, adesão e participação não foi plenamente acompanhada de tomadas de posições que implicassem responsabilidades práticas, em virtude de debilidades estruturais. As responsabilidades teriam como função preparar tanto o governo como a sociedade civil para uma inserção internacional de perfil mais elevado no pós-Guerra Fria. Os ganhos ocorridos nos governos FHC não foram suficientes para alterar significativamente o peso brasileiro no contexto mundial.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A separação de gêmeos unidos causa grande interesse devido à complexidade da anestesia e cirurgia, à raridade da patologia e às poucas chances de sobrevida. O objetivo desta descrição é o de contribuir para a literatura existente, relatando os desafios encontrados por nossa equipe no atendimento à cirurgia-anestesia de separação de gêmeos isquiópagos. RELATO do CASO: Pacientes gêmeos, nascidos a termo, de parto cesariano, pesando juntos 5.100 g, classificados como isquiópagus tetrapus. Duas equipes anestésico-cirúrgicas estavam presentes, sendo o procedimento anestésico esquematizado com aparelho de anestesia, cardioscópio, capnógrafo, oxímetro de pulso, termômetro elétrico, estetoscópio esofágico, todos em dobro. Realizou-se indução anestésica com halotano e fentanil, com os gêmeos em posição lateral e com rotação da cabeça em 45º para facilitar a intubação traqueal. Os recém-nascidos foram mantidos em ventilação controlada manualmente, utilizando o sistema de Rees-Baraka. A anestesia foi mantida com halotano, oxigênio e fentanil. Durante o per-operatório, foram encontrados órgãos abdominais duplos, com exceção do cólon, que era único. As bexigas e os ísquios estavam ligados. Ao final da cirurgia as duas crianças apresentavam-se com sinais vitais estáveis. Os gêmeos permaneceram na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) Neonatal por quatro semanas e receberam alta em bom estado geral. CONCLUSÕES: Ressalta-se a importância do entrosamento da equipe, do estudo retrospectivo multidisciplinar, da monitorização adequada e acurada observação clínica; todos esses fatores contribuíram para a boa evolução e alta dos gêmeos.


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OBJETIVOS: Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a eficácia da efedrina na prevenção dos efeitos hemodinâmicos induzidos pela associação do propofol e do remifentanil, assim como os efeitos sobre o tempo de latência do cisatracúrio. MÉTODOS: Sessenta pacientes com idade entre 18 e 52 anos, estado físico ASA I ou II, foram divididos em três grupos, aleatoriamente: G I - propofol 1%; G II - propofol 1% + efedrina 0,5 mg.ml-1 e G III - propofol 1% + efedrina 1,0 mg.ml-1 (velocidade de infusão igual a 180 ml.h-1), até a perda da consciência. Administrou-se remifentanil (0,5 mg.kg-1.min-1) e cisatracúrio na dose de 0,15 mg.kg-1. Foram registrados os dados demográficos, os sinais vitais (PAS, PAM, PAD, FC e SpO2) e o tempo de latência do cisatracúrio. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram homogêneos com relação aos dados demográficos. Houve diminuição estatisticamente significativa dos valores de PAS, PAM, PAD e FC, um e três minutos após a administração do propofol, porém sem significado clínico importante e sem diferença entre os grupos. As medianas para os tempos de latência do cisatracúrio foram: 178 s (G2 e G3) e 183 s (G1), mas sem diferença significante entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve diminuição clinicamente importante dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos avaliados nos grupos que receberam ou não a efedrina e o tempo de latência do cisatracúrio foi o mesmo para os diferentes grupos.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os bloqueadores neuromusculares (BNM) são freqüentemente utilizados em anestesia pediátrica e não existe aquele considerado ideal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o rocurônio, o atracúrio e o mivacúrio, em crianças, quanto ao tempo de latência e de recuperação, à interferência sobre as variáveis hemodinâmicas e às condições de intubação traqueal. MÉTODO: Sessenta e sete crianças, estado físico ASA I e II, com idade variando de 2 anos e 6 meses a 12 anos, foram anestesiadas com alfentanil (50 µg.kg-1), propofol (3 mg.kg-1), sevoflurano e N2O/O2 e divididas em três grupos: G1 = rocurônio 0,9 mg.kg-1 (n = 22); G2 = atracúrio 0,5 mg.kg-1 (n = 22) e G3 = mivacúrio 0,15 mg.kg-1 (n = 23). A monitorização do bloqueio neuromuscular foi realizada com o método de aceleromiografia no trajeto do nervo ulnar. Foram estudados: o tempo de latência (TL), a duração clínica (T25), o tempo de relaxamento (T75) e o índice de recuperação (T25-75). A pressão arterial média (PAM) e a freqüência cardíaca (FC) foram registradas em seis momentos, bem como as condições encontradas no momento da intubação traqueal. RESULTADOS: A mediana do TL foi de 0,6 minutos em G1, 1,3 minutos em G2 e 1,9 minutos em G3. A mediana do T25 foi em G1 = 38 minutos, G2 = 41,5 minutos e G3 = 8,8 minutos. A mediana do T75 foi em G1 = 57,7 minutos, G2 = 54,6 minutos e G3 = 13,6 minutos. A mediana do índice de recuperação (T25-75) foi em G1 = 19,7 minutos, G2 = 13,1 minutos e G3 = 4,8 minutos. As condições de intubação traqueal foram consideradas excelentes na maioria dos pacientes de ambos os grupos. Não houve modificações clínicas importantes da PAM e da FC. CONCLUSÕES: O rocurônio, 0,9 mg.kg-1, teve o menor tempo de latência e o mivacúrio, 0,15 mg.kg-1, o menor tempo de recuperação nos pacientes pediátricos anestesiados com sevoflurano. Também, o rocurônio, o mivacúrio e o atracúrio não determinaram alterações hemodinâmicas de importância clínica relevante e proporcionaram excelentes condições de intubação traqueal.


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This master thesis aimed to investigate how the power relations operating in the tourism social processes, have shaped the urbanization of Ponta Negra district, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte - RN. The study assumes that the production of space is the result of global phenomena individualized by local forces a process of glocalization. The method used was the case study. It used primary and secondary data and information were treated using the technique of content analysis. The urbanization of Ponta Negra is inserted in the context of global process triggered in the 1970s. The Park of Dunas and Costeira Highway (PD/VC) urbanization project marks the beginning of the Tourisms since 1979. The period in focus was 1979 to 2009. The tourism was dived into four major sections time: tourism in Natal before the Coastal Highway (1939-1979); Project Parque das Dunas / Coastal Highway to the first boom in domestic tourism (1979 - 1990); the internationalization of tourism (1991-2000) and, of first "boom" to "decline" of international tourism (2001-2009). Based on the historical evolution of the tourism were elected three different social processes, able to demonstrate how relations of social forces brought in space act on them and help shape the process of urbanization of the neighborhood in question: The removal of beach hut , the soccer field Botafogo Football Club and the skyscrapers . Finally, it should summarize the research identified interests and conflicts among the actors that form the thrust of spatial transformations: cultural conflicts resulting from the imposition of social practices that differ from the taste of native; clashes between different groups that reflect the duality between use value and exchange value; and interests in land values. In addition, demonstrated that the social relations that involve the production of the area are stimulated by deep-seated societal processes historically and camouflaged by market relations and a modern facade that the city has acquired in recent times; revealed that the actors are linked in networks to increase their influence and that this influence varies mainly according to economic and political power that they or their associates hold


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The study presents an approach on planning, sociospatial transformations and public touristic policies implemented between 2000 and 2010 in Caicó, encompassing people from the government, private sector and the population of the municipality and informal traders who use the leisure facilities and services arranged in place. As the main goal, the research intends to analyze the performance of public and private sectors correlated to the touristic activity in Caicó city and their reflections in the process changes sociospatial. The dissertation is structured in order to carry out an investigation into the role of public policies to the development of a location with touristic potential, in this case, the municipality of Caicó; to investigate public policies implemented in the touristic industry of Rio Grande do Norte, particularly the actions of PRODETUR-Nordeste focused on the development of the tourism in the countryside, affecting particularly the region of Seridó region and the municipality of Caicó, and, finally, to check the main changes sociospatial verified in Caicó between 2000 and 2010. Cultural issues and certain natural beauties can be seen as attractions that can attract tourist demand, taking into consideration the awakening increasingly more evident quest by the tourist for knowledge of the peculiarities of the region. Several authors have worked in this view, pointing to the cultural aspects of the region as elements that are able to boost the touristic activity. The questions raised in this study was based on a literature, based mainly on authors like Beni, Dias, Cruz, Azevedo and Morais. To obtain the necessary data in the analysis, the methodological procedures used in intensive direct observation, using interviews, applied together with the public representatives who are acting as leaders of the political actions related to tourism in the municipality and members of the private sector related to tourism services such as lodging establishments, food and travel agency and, finally, the local people and informal traders benefited directly or indirectly, with the touristic resources and structure. These research agents were investigated by means of structured forms such as support for analysis. Was detected in the survey that the leisure facilities and services installed in the last decade in the city of Caico has a priority the population of the municipality, is necessary to emphasize that the residents interviewed perceive the importance of these tools for tourist activity. It was also found that the public sector is the main responsible for the observed changes. Therefore, proved to be relevant to study the role public private sector partnerships and population influences, considering that this analysis may contribute to the work of researchers, public administrators and businessmen, may serve as a norteador for planning and development of tourism in the city of Caico


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The study consists in an analysis of researches with tourism issues, in Master s and Doctoral level, investigating their epistemological trends, regarding the type of study that is being produced and the methods used. It is characterized as exploratory, documental and bibliographical, having undertaken a cross-sectional study which covers the period from 2007 to 2011. It analyzes the context of academically production in tourism, the nature of these researches, the methodological aspects adopted in these theses and dissertations, the philosophical inclinations and the coherence and contribution of the same. This research uses, the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) and the secretariats of the Academic Centers of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) as means to collect data. It employs the technique of sampling by judgment and undertakes the research in various Academic Centers in UFRN, using the method of content analysis. It shows that, from the 643 studies analyzed, 43 of them have themes related to tourism, which characterized this study sample. This study realizes that PPGA is the largest producer of researches on tourism issues, ahead of PPGTur, which ranks the third position, in this aspect. Also realizes that all surveys analyzed are crosssectional and the theme further investigated, with 21% of the sample, is related to the marketing aspects of tourism, with the theme Directors of Hotels and Restaurants (DHR) . This research demonstrates that all sample surveys make use of interviews, and these are, mostly, structured. Also realizes that most of these studies, with 21% of the sample, employ the method of content analysis. The references in Portuguese are surveyed about five times more than the ones in other languages. It estimates that more than half of the sample is characterized as positivist, associated with aspects of functionalism. A minority of 21% of these researches seeks to identify and recommend solutions to the tourism issues, or even represent part of them. This research concludes that the studies in tourism are mostly unifocal, being driven by issues related to the touristic trade. PPGTur produces a number still unrepresentative of studies. The theses and dissertations of the sample are limited and/or unable to analyze the changes of the phenomenon caused by the time. The studies from the sample present criteria and make use of other methods and techniques to associate with the interviews and content analysis to obtain more solid and reliable data and results. They use a low number of references in languages other than Portuguese. Most of these studies, characterized as positivist-functionalist, investigate the functioning, planning, coordination and expectations in organizations, leaving aside other issues, also relevant for tourism. The number of studies aimed at identifying solutions to the problems of tourism, or that even represents part of them, is not expressive


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Nowadays, there is a tourism phase in the city of Natal/RN called internationalization of tourism , which shows a tourism model with a planning and an administration, based on the needs of the visitors. Such process shows that the production as well as the reproduction of the city spaces with the goal of favor tourism excludes of its composition the effective participation of local subjects. Thus, the research is a result of the perception of tourism as an activity with a meaningful power of transformation of the social and natural space taking into account the low participation of the residents in the decisions of the tourism activities in the city of Natal/RN. Despite that reality, it is possible to note Natal that civil society, starts to mobilize its citizens trying to develop collective actions to low the negative impacts caused by the bad planning as wells not efficient tourism administration, trying to put in action the right of the local population to take part in the decisions of the city activities. Having this panorama as background, this paper aims at investigating in which way the mobilizing action of the social capital in Natal has contributed to change the spatial production which is part of the process of expansion of tourism in Natal/RN? The research presents a temporal picture which starts in the year of 1980, when occurs the first effective state intervention aiming to develop tourism in the capital, taking into account an analysis of 2012. Concerning the spatial picture, the research investigates the beaches of Natal which concentrates criteria and actions such as: visitation, tourism appeal and focus of investments, highlighting the following beaches: Ponta Negra, Areia Preta, Praia dos Artistas, Praia do Meio, Praia do Forte and Redinha. This study is of a descriptive and exploratory nature concerning its goals. With respect to the treatment of its object it is a qualitative research. The data was collected through structural interviews, with open questions. Regarding the methodological choices, it was used the content analysis proposed as well as the collective discursive subject methodology. The results show that there´s not yet in Natal a meaningful social capital related to tourism, capable to change the spatial production related to the activity. It should be stressed that Natal social capital presents difficulties concerning the incentive to trust, spontaneous cooperation and the civic participation, which are the foundation for the development of an effective social capital, which makes it harder for a more expressive articulation in the reality in Natal/RN. It should be stressed, as an answer to the research questions, that tourism in Natal/RN is represented by social and spatial segregation. In other words it emphasizes mainly the action of hegemonic agents (State and market), leaving little room for the participation of society. It can be noticed that the actions related to tourism in Natal keeps the popular participation out of the way. Thus, it can be said that the social capital in Natal/RN does not yet contribute to a more fair spatial production related to the expansion of the tourism as well as the well being of the population of Natal/RN. In conclusion, it should be taken into account that this participation do exists but not in a meaningful way. In other words, it´s not enough yet to cause meaningful changes in the actions which tourism needs nowadays in Natal/RN


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This study has as main objective to verify the effect of the tax and financial incentives granted by the brazilian states, specially in the reduction of ICMS on the investment decision of the entities, which in the last years led to the companies to decide new projects in based on the region that presented the better infrastructure beyond lesser tributary expense. For in such was made an economic valuation of the companies with focus in the beneficiary s optics using an adaptation of the Discounted Cash Flow method to measure the impact of the tax incentives in the value of the companies, this study selected the textile industry segment located in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The results indicated that such incentives created addition in the value of the companies, however the inexistence of incentives would not be enough to a negative decision of investment in the Rio Grande do Norte. The smallest difference between the value with and without incentive observed was 8.9%, and the biggest 31.7%, and the average of value aggregation with the tax incentives represented 18.9%