949 resultados para optoelectronic packaging
Summary form only given. Currently the vast majority of adhesive materials in electronic products are bonded using convection heating or infra-red as well as UV-curing. These thermal processing steps can take several hours to perform, slowing throughput and contributing a significant portion of the cost of manufacturing. With the demand for lighter, faster, and smaller electronic devices, there is a need for innovative material processing techniques and control methodologies. The increasing demand for smaller and cheaper devices pose engineering challenges in designing a curing systems that minimize the time required between the curing of devices in a production line, allowing access to the components during curing for alignment and testing. Microwave radiation exhibits several favorable characteristics and over the past few years has attracted increased academic and industrial attention as an alternative solution to curing of flip-chip underfills, bumps, glob top and potting cure, structural bonding, die attach, wafer processing, opto-electronics assembly as well as RF-ID tag bonding. Microwave energy fundamentally accelerates the cure kinetics of polymer adhesives. It provides a route to focus heat into the polymer materials penetrating the substrates that typically remain transparent. Therefore microwave energy can be used to minimise the temperature increase in the surrounding materials. The short path between the energy source and the cured material ensures a rapid heating rate and an overall low thermal budget. In this keynote talk, we will review the principles of microwave curing of materials for high density packing. Emphasis will be placed on recent advances within ongoing research in the UK on the realization of "open-oven" cavities, tailored to address existing challenges. Open-ovens do not require positioning of the device into the cavity through a movable door, hence being more suitable for fully automated processing. Further potential advantages of op- - en-oven curing include the possibility for simultaneous fine placement and curing of the device into a larger assembly. These capabilities promise productivity gains by combining assembly, placement and bonding into a single processing step. Moreover, the proposed design allows for selective heating within a large substrate, which can be useful particularly when the latter includes parts sensitive to increased temperatures.
The curing of a thermosetting polymer materials utilized on micro-electronics packaging applications can be performed using microwave systems. The use of microwave energy enables the cure process to be completed more rapidly than with alternative approaches due to the ability to heat volumetrically. Furthermore, advanced dual-section microwave systems enable curing of individual components on a chip-on-board assembly. The dielectric properties of thermosetting polymer materials, commonly used in microelectronics packaging applications, vary significantly with temperature and degree of cure. The heating rate within a material subjected to an electric field is primarily dependant on the dielectric loss properties of the material itself. This article examines the variation in dielectric properties of a commercially available encapsulant paste with frequency and temperature and the resulting influence on the cure process. The 'FAMOBS' dual section microwave system and its application to microelectronics manufacture are described. The measurement of the dielectric properties of 'Henkel EO1080' encapsulant paste uses a commercially available 'dielectric probe kit' and is described in this paper. The FAMOBS heating system is used to encapsulate a small op-amp chip. A numerical model formulated to assess the cure process in thermosetting polymer materials under microwave heating is outlined. Numerical results showing that the microwave processing systems is capable of rapidly and evenly curing thermosetting polymer materials are presented.
Numerical modelling technology and software is now being used to underwrite the design of many microelectronic and microsystems components. The demands for greater capability of these analysis tools are increasing dramatically, as the user community is faced with the challenge of producing reliable products in ever shorter lead times. This leads to the requirement for analysis tools to represent the interactions amongst the distinct phenomena and physics at multiple length and timescales. Multi-physics and Multi-scale technology is now becoming a reality with many code vendors. This chapter discusses the current status of modelling tools that assess the impact of nano-technology on the fabrication/packaging and testing of microsystems. The chapter is broken down into three sections: Modelling Technologies, Modelling Application to Fabrication, and Modelling Application to Assembly/Packing and Modelling Applied for Test and Metrology.
This paper discusses the Design for Reliability modelling of several System-in-Package (SiP) structures developed by NXP and advanced on the basis of Wafer Level Packaging (WLP). Two different types of Wafer Level SiP (WLSiP) are presented and discussed. The main focus is on the modelling approach that has been adopted to investigate and analyse the board level reliability of the presented SiP configurations. Thermo-mechanical non-linear Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is used to analyse the effect of various package design parameters on the reliability of the structures and to identify design trends towards package optimisation. FEA is used also to gain knowledge on moulded wafer shrinkage and related issues during the wafer level fabrication. The paper provides a brief outline and demonstration of a design methodology for reliability driven design optimisation of SiP. The study emphasises the advantages of applying the methodology to address complex design problems where several requirements may exist and uncertainties and interactions between parameters in the design are common.
Nano-imprint forming (NIF) as manufacturing technology is ideally placed to enable high resolution, low-cost and high-throughput fabrication of three-dimensional fine structures and the packaging of heterogeneous micro-systems (S.Y. Chou and P.R. Krauss, 1997). This paper details a thermo-mechanical modelling methodology for optimising this process for different materials used in components such as mini-fluidics and bio-chemical systems, optoelectronics, photonics and health usage monitoring systems (HUMS). This work is part of a major UK Grand Challenge project - 3D-Mintegration - which is aiming to develop modelling and design technologies for the next generation of fabrication, assembly and test processes for 3D-miniaturised systems.
A numerical modelling method for the analysis of solder joint damage and crack propagation has been described in this paper. The method is based on the disturbed state concept. Under cyclic thermal-mechanical loading conditions, the level of damage that occurs in solder joints is assumed to be a simple monotonic scalar function of the accumulated equivalent plastic strain. The increase of damage leads to crack initiation and propagation. By tracking the evolution of the damage level in solder joints, crack propagation path and rate can be simulated using Finite Element Analysis method. The discussions are focused on issues in the implementation of the method. The technique of speeding up the simulation and the mesh dependency issues are analysed. As an example of the application of this method, crack propagation in solder joints of power electronics modules under cyclic thermal-mechanical loading conditions has been analyzed and the predicted cracked area size after 3000 loading cycles is consistent with experimental results.
In this paper, computer modelling techniques are used to analyse the effects of globtops on the reliability of aluminium wirebonds in power electronics modules under cyclic thermal-mechanical loading conditions. The sensitivity of the wirehond reliability to the changes of the geometric and the material property parameters of wirebond globtop are evaluated and the optimal combination of the Young's modulus and the coefficient of thermal expansion have been predicted.
Dual-section variable frequency microwave systems enable rapid, controllable heating of materials within an individual surface mount component in a chip-on=board assembly. The ability to process devices individually allows components with disparate processing requirements to be mounted on the same assembly. The temperature profile induced by the microwave system can be specifically tailored to the needs of the component, allowing optimisation and degree of cure whilst minimising thermomechanical stresses. This paper presents a review of dual-section microwave technology and its application to curing of thermosetting polymer materials in microelectronics applications. Curing processes using both conventional and microwave technologies are assessed and compared. Results indicate that dual-section microwave systems are able to cure individual surface mount packages in a significantly shorter time, at the expense of an increase in thermomechanical stresses and a greater variation in degree of cure.
Biofluid behaviour in microchannel systems is investigated in this paper through the modelling of a microfluidic biochip developed for the separation of blood plasma. Based on particular assumptions, the effects of some mechanical features of the microchannels on behaviour of the biofluid are explored. These include microchannel, constriction, bending channel, bifurcation as well as channel length ratio between the main and side channels. The key characteristics and effects of the microfluidic dynamics are discussed in terms of separation efficiency of the red blood cells with respect to the rest of the medium. The effects include the Fahraeus and Fahraeus-Lindqvist effects, the Zweifach-Fung bifurcation law, the cell-free layer phenomenon. The characteristics of the microfluid dynamics include the properties of the laminar flow as well as particle lateral or spinning trajectories. In this paper the fluid is modelled as a single-phase flow assuming either Newtonian or Non-Newtonian behaviours to investigate the effect of the viscosity on flow and separation efficiency. It is found that, for a flow rate controlled Newtonian flow system, viscosity and outlet pressure have little effect on velocity distribution. When the fluid is assumed to be Non-Newtonian more fluid is separated than observed in the Newtonian case, leading to reduction of the flow rate ratio between the main and side channels as well as the system pressure as a whole.
The formation and growth of intermetallic compound layer thickness is one of the important issues in search for reliable electronic and electrical connections. Intermetallic compounds (IMCs) are an essential part of solder joints. At low levels, they have a strengthening effect on the joint; but at higher levels, they tend to make solder joints more brittle. If the solder joint is subjected to long-standing exposure of high temperature, this could result in continuous growth of intermetallic compound layer. The brittle intermetallic compound layer formed in this way is very much prone to fracture and cold therefore lead to mechanical and electrical failure of the joint. Therefore, the primary aim of this study is to investigate the growth of intermetallic compound layer thickness subjected to five different reflow profiles. The study also looks at the effect of three different temperature cycles (with maximum cycle temperature of 25 0C, 40 0C and 60 0C) on intermetallic compound formation and their growth behaviour.. Two different Sn-Ag-Cu solder pastes (namely paste P1 and paste P2) which were different in flux medium, were used for the study. The result showed that the growth of intermetallic compound layer thickness was a function of ageing temperature. It was found that the rate of growth of intermetallic compound layer thickness of paste P1 was higher than paste P2 at the same temperature condition. This behaviour could be related to the differences in flux mediums of solder paste samples used.
The stencil printing process is an important process in the assembly of Surface Mount Technology (SMT)devices. There is a wide agreement in the industry that the paste printing process accounts for the majority of assembly defects. Experience with this process has shown that typically over 60% of all soldering defects are due to problems associated with the flow properties of solder pastes. Therefore, the rheological measurements can be used as a tool to study the deformation or flow experienced by the pastes during the stencil printing process. This paper presents results on the thixotropic behaviour of three pastes; lead-based solder paste, lead-free solder paste and isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA). These materials are widely used as interconnect medium in the electronics industry. Solder paste are metal alloys suspended in a flux medium while the ICAs consist of silver flakes dispersed in an epoxy resin. The thixotropy behaviour was investigated through two rheological test; (i) hysteresis loop test and (ii) steady shear rate test. In the hysteresis loop test, the shear rate were increased from 0.001 to 100s-1 and then decreased from 100 to 0.001s-1. Meanwhile, in the steady shear rate test, the materials were subjected to a constant shear rate of 0.100, 100 and 0.001s-1 for a period of 240 seconds. All the pastes showed a high degree of shear thinning behaviour with time. This might be due to the agglomeration of particles in the flux or epoxy resin that prohibits pastes flow under low shear rate. The action of high shear rate would break the agglomerates into smaller pieces which facilitates the flow of pastes, thus viscosity is reduced at high shear rate. The solder pastes exhibited a higher degree of structural breakdown compared to the ICAs. The area between the up curve and down curve in the hysteresis curve is an indication of the thixotropic behavior of the pastes. Among the three pastes, lead-free solder paste showed the largest area between the down curve and up curve, which indicating a larger structural breakdown in the pastes, followed by lead-based solder paste and ICA. In a steady shear rate test, viscosity of ICA showed the best recovery with the steeper curve to its original viscosity after the removal of shear, which indicating that the dispersion quality in ICA is good because the high shear has little effect on the microstructure of ICA. In contrast, lead-based paste showed the poorest recovery which means this paste undergo larger structural breakdown and dispersion quality in this paste is poor because the microstructure of the paste is easily disrupted by high shear. The structural breakdown during the application of shear and the recovery after removal of shear is an important characteristic in the paste printing process. If the paste’s viscosity can drop low enough, it may contribute to the aperture filling and quick recovery may prevent slumping.
Wall-slip plays an important role in characterising the flow behaviour of solder paste materials. The wall slip arises due to the various attractive and repulsive forces acting between the solder particles and the walls of the measuring geometry.These interactions could lead to the presence of a thin solvent layer adjacent to the wall, which gives rise to slippage. The wall slip effect can play an important role in ensure successfulpaste release after the printing process. Wall-slip plays animportant role in characterising the flow behaviour of solderpastes and isotropic conductive adhesives. The study investigates the wall-slip formation in solder paste andisotropic conductive adhesives using flow visualisation technique. The slip distance was measured for parallel plate with different surface roughness in order to quantify the wallslip formations in these paste materials. An ink marker line was drawn between the parallel plate and the free surface of the sample. The parallel was rotated slowly at a constant shear rate of 0.05 sec-1 and the displacement of the ink marker was observed using a video microscope and image capturing software was utilised to capture the displacement of ink marker. From this study, it was found that the wall-slip effect was evident in all the paste materials. In addition, the different surface roughness of the parallel plates did not prevent the formation of wall-slip. This study has revealed that the wallslip effect could used to understand the flow behaviour of the paste in the stencil printing process.
Solder paste is the most important strategic bonding material used in the assembly of surface mount devices in electronic industries. It is known to exhibit a thixotropic behavior, which is recognized by the decrease in apparent viscosity of paste material with time when subjected to a constant shear rate. The proper characterization of this time-dependent rheological behavior of solder pastes is crucial for establishing the relationships between the pastes structure and flow behavior; and for correlating the physical parameters with paste printing performance. In this article, we present a novel method which has been developed for characterizing the time-dependent and non-Newtonian rheological behavior of solder pastes and flux mediums as a function of shear rates. We also present results of the study of the rheology of the solder pastes and flux mediums using the structural kinetic modeling approach, which postulates that the network structure of solder pastes breaks down irreversibly under shear, leading to time and shear-dependent changes in the flow properties. Our results show that for the solder pastes used in the study, the rate and extent of thixotropy was generally found to increase with increasing shear rate. The technique demonstrated in this study has wide utility for R&D personnel involved in new paste formulation, for implementing quality control procedures used in solder-paste manufacture and packaging; and for qualifying new flip-chip assembly lines.
Solder paste is the most widely used bonding material in the assembly of surface mount devices in electronic industries. It generally has a flocculated structure (show aggregation of solder particles), and hence are known to exhibit a thixotropic behavior. This is recognized by the decrease in apparent viscosity of paste material with time when subjected to a constant shear rate. The proper characterisation of this timedependent rheological behaviour of solder pastes is crucial for establishing the relationships between the pastes’ structure and flow behaviour; and for correlating the physical parameters with paste printing performance. In this paper, we present a novel method which has been developed for characterising the timedependent and non-Newtonian rheological behaviour of solder pastes as a function of shear rates. The objective of the study reported in this paper is to investigate the thixotropic build-up behaviour of solder pastes. The stretched exponential model(SEM) has been used to model the structural changes during the build-up process and to correlate model parameters with the paste printing process.
Solder paste plays an important role in the electronic assembly process by providing electrical, mechanical and thermal bonding between the components and the substrate. The rheological characterisation of pastes is an important step in the design and development of new paste formulations. With the ever increasing trend of miniaturisation of electronic products, the study of the rheological properties of solder pastes is becoming an integral part in the R&D of new paste formulations and in the quality monitoring and control during paste manufacture and electronic assembly process. This research work outlines some of the novel techniques which can be successfully used to investigate the rheology of leadfree solder pastes. The report also presents the results of the correlation of rheological properties with solder paste printing performance. Four different solder paste samples (namely paste P1, P2, P3 and P4) with different flux vehicle systems and particle size distributions were investigated in the study. As expected, all the paste samples showed shear thinning behaviour. Although the samples displayed similar flow behaviour at high shear rates, differences were observed at low shear rates. In the stencil printing trials, round deposits showed better results than rectangular deposits in terms of paste heights and aperture filling. Our results demonstrate a good correlation between higher paste viscosity and good printing performance. The results of the oscillatory and thixotropy tests were also successfully correlated to the printing behaviour of solder paste.