949 resultados para obesity I and II


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Sporadic instances of tetrasomaty in the primary and secondary roots of five varieties ofCicer arietinum Linn. are illustrated. The phenomenon was more common in Varieties I and II. The SAT-chromosomes are reliable guides to estimate the degree of polysomaty, since pre-treatment withp-dichlorobenzene revealed that cell types with 32 chromosomes at metaphase had two pairs of SAT-chromosomes associated with the nucleolus at prophase. Tetrasomatic cells appear to be limited to the dermatogen and periblem. Higher degrees of polysomaty were not observed.


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ABSTRACT Mental disorders and suicide attempts among acute burn patients were investigated in a collaborative research project between National Institute for Health and Welfare and Departments of Psychiatry and Plastic surgery in University of Helsinki in Finland. This project was realized in two parts. The first cohort of burn patients consisted of all burn patients admitted to the Helsinki Burn Centre during 1989 97. In this retrospective cohort, 5.7% (N=46) of the total of 811 burn patients had attempted suicide. The burn severity of suicide attempters was markedly higher than in the other burn patients. Suicide attempters were more often unemployed or on disability pension and had psychiatric history before the injury. The second sample was a prospective cohort of all acute consecutive burn patients admitted to the Helsinki Burn Centre during 18 months in 2006- 2007. All subjects (N=107) of the cohort were interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV for Axis I and II mental disorders (SCID-I and SCID-II) at baseline and then 86 % of all (N=92) with SCID-I at the end of six-month follow-up. Most (61%) patients had at least one lifetime mental disorder before burn; 47 % substance-related, 10% psychotic and 23% personality disorders. The overall prevalence of Axis I mental disorders increased significantly from the month prior to burn to acute care but decreased significantly from acute care to six months. However, more than one half (55%) of the cohort suffered from some mental disorder during follow-up. Less than one half of the burn patients with estimated need for psychiatric care received psychiatric care. Burn severity independently and strongly predicted risk for mental disorders during follow-up and pre-burn psychiatric history, severe burns and estimated need for psychiatric care significantly predicted psychiatric care received. The proportion of patients with self-inflicted burns is not high but mental disorders are common among burn patients. Mental disorders may predispose to burns. After burn injury, more than half of the patients suffer from mental disorders and a strong relationship exists between burn severity and some post-burn mental disorders. A minority of the patients with unequivocal need for psychiatric care actually receive it. Psychiatric consultations and care follow mainly the course of acute burn treatment.


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In this paper, modes I and II crack tip fields in polycrystalline plastic solids are studied under plane strain, small scale yielding conditions. Two different initial textures of an Al–Mg alloy, viz., continuous cast AA5754 sheets in the recrystallized and cold rolled conditions, are considered. The former is nearly-isotropic, while the latter displays distinct anisotropy. Finite element simulations are performed by employing crystal plasticity constitutive equations along with a Taylor-type homogenization as well as by using the Hill quadratic yield theory. It is found that significant texture evolution occurs close to the notch tip which profoundly influences the stress and plastic strain distributions. Also, the cold rolling texture gives rise to higher magnitude of plastic strain near the tip.


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In this paper, modes I and II crack tip fields in polycrystalline plastic solids are studied under plane strain, small scale yielding conditions. Two different initial textures of an Al-Mg alloy, viz.,continuous cast AA5754 sheets in the recrystallized and cold rolled conditions, are considered. The former is nearly-isotropic, while the latter displays distinct anisotropy. Finite element simulations are performed by employing crystal plasticity constitutive equations along with a Taylor-type homogenization as well as by using the Hill quadratic yield theory. It is found that significant texture evolution occurs close to the notch tip which profoundly influences the stress and plastic strain distributions. Also, the cold rolling texture gives rise to higher magnitude of plastic strain near the tip. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we define a game which is played between two players I and II on two mathematical structures A and B. The players choose elements from both structures in moves, and at the end of the game the player II wins if the chosen structures are isomorphic. Thus the difference of this to the ordinary Ehrenfeucht-Fra¨ıss´e game is that the isomorphism can be arbitrary, whereas in the ordinary EF-game it is determined by the moves of the players. We investigate determinacy of the weak EF-game for different (the length of the game) and its relation to the ordinary EF-game.


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The crystal and molecular structures of the photochromic compounds 2,5-dimethylisophthalaldehyde (I) and 5-isopropyl-2-methylisophthalaldehyde (II) have been determined by single crystal X-ray analyses. The intramolecular gamma-hydrogen abstraction process involved in the photoenolisation of I and II in the solid state has been rationalised in the light of relevant geometrical parameters.


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This study focuses on the similarities and differences between the Estonian Defence League and the Finnish Civil Guard brass bands during the period 1925-1934. By 1934 this paramilitary volunteer state defence organisation had reached stability in its development, such that social, cultural and patriotic education of the people - with the help of brass band music among other means- had acquired a significant role, in addition to prioritised military and sports activities. The study begins with introductory paragraphs I and II, which describes the founding of the organisations, their participation in the Wars of Independence and their subsequent peace time activities as well as their representation in the media at the time. The thesis also briefly introduces military music in Finland and Estonia, as well as describes the influence of military music on the Defence League brass bands. The period under review includes the global economic crisis, which undoubtedly concerned the Defence League/Civil Guard and the Lapua and War of Independence movements, which greatly affected the apolitical principles of the organisations. The main emphasis of the thesis is the Defence League/Civil Guard brass band`s musical activities in two counties - Etelä-Pohjanmaa and Pärnumaa, while also including a general overview of the Estonian Defence League brass bands´ activities. One of the most important benefits of the thesis is its introduction of the brass band repertoire in use at the time, which was played by both professional and as well as amateur orchestras the latter of which also included the brass bands of the Defence League/Civil Guard and the Fire Services. Brass band music held a secondary, yet significant position in the Defence League/Civil Guard, where the orchestra as a musical grouping was obliged to perform not only at inner-organisational and national celebrations but also at any event requiring brass band music, such as song festivals, singing days, and other local cultural events. The professional preparation of the band conductors at the beginning of the period under review was not well specialised, but the training of the Defence League/Civil Defence brass band conductors was carried out regularly in both republic according to the opportunities and dedicated training programmes available. The musicians of the Defence League/Civil Defence brass bands were at the same time members of the military organisations as well as amateur musicians, which placed upon them extra demands - they were under close public supervision in all situations. Based on the principle of chronology it appeared that both Finnish and Estonian respective organisations´ brass bands used the gradually improving economic situation for purchasing musical instruments, obtaining repertoire and training musicians/conductors. Despite the fact that brass band music in the Defence League/Civil Guard was considered an amateur activity and a hobby, the more far-reaching objective of the organisation was to resemble the Defence Forces´ orchestras as closely as possible in all aspects. The Defence League/Civil Guard brass band music definitely had a significant influence on forming, developing and enriching music life in both republics. The reviewed nine-year period introduced the musical activities of the Defence League/Civil Guard against the background of the everyday life of the organisation and the need for brass band music and its continuity in the voluntary state defence institutions of both republics.


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Anion-deficient perovskite oxides of the formula AM(1-x)Al(x)O(3-x) (A = Na or K; M = Nb or Ta) have been prepared for 0 < x less than or equal to 0.5. Diffraction experiments reveal that while the potassium compounds adopt orthorhombic/cubic perovskite structures similar to the parent KNbO3/KTaO3, the sodium compound, NaNb0.5Al0.5O2.5, possesses a brownmillerite/LaSr-CuAlO5-like superstructure. Al-27 NMR spectra show an exclusive tetrahedral oxygen coordination for AI(III) in Na-Nb0.5Al0.5O2.5 (I) and both tetrahedral and octahedral coordination for Al(III) in KNb0.5Al0.5O2.5 (II). The results suggest a long-range and short-range ordering of oxide ion vacancies in I and II respectively. Electrical conductivity measurements show a significant oxide ion conduction for KNb1-xAlxO3-x, with the conductivity increasing with x up to x = 0.5. The differences in the Arrhenius plots of the ionic conductivity of I and II have been rationalized in terms of the long-range and short-range ordering of oxide ion vacancies in the anion-deficient perovskite oxides.


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Free-living amoebae of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum aggregate when starved and give rise to a long and thin multicellular structure, the slug. The slug resembles a metazoan embryo, and as with other embryos it is possible to specify a fate map. In the case of Dictyostelium discoideum the map is especially simple: cells in the anterior fifth of the slug die and form a stalk while the majority of those in the posterior differentiate into spores. The genesis of this anterior-posterior distinction is the subject of our review. In particular, we ask: what are the relative roles of individual pre-aggregative predispositions and post-aggregative position in determining cell fate? We review the literature on the subject and conclude that both factors are important. Variations in nutritional status, or in cell cycle phase at starvation, can bias the probability that an amoeba differentiates into a stalk cell or a spore. On the other hand, isolates, or slug fragments, consisting of only prestalk cells or only prespore cells can regulate so as to result in a normal range of both cell types. We identify three levels of control, each being responsible for guiding patterning in normal development: (i) 'coin tossing', whereby a cell autonomously exhibits a preference for developing along either the stalk or the spore pathway with relative probabilities that can be influenced by the environment; (ii) 'chemical kinetics', whereby prestalk and prespore cells originate from undifferentiated amoebae on a probabilistic basis but, having originated, interact (e.g. via positive and negative feedbacks), and the interaction influences the possibility of conversion of one cell type into the other, and (iii) 'positional information', in which the spatial distribution of morphogens in the slug influences the pathway of differentiation. In the case of possibilities (i) and (ii), sorting out of like cell types leads to the final spatial pattern. In the case of possibility (iii), the pattern arises in situ.


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The Res subunits of the type III restriction-modification enzymes share a statistically significant amino acid sequence similarity with several RNA and DNA helicases of the so-called DEAD family. It was postulated that in type III restriction enzymes a DNA helicase activity may be required for local unwinding at the cleavage site. The members of this family share seven conserved motifs, all of which are found in the Res subunit of the type III restriction enzymes. To determine the contribution, if any, of these motifs in DNA cleavage by EcoPI, a type III restriction enzyme, we have made changes in motifs I and II. While mutations in motif I (GTGKT) clearly affected ATP hydrolysis and resulted in loss of DNA cleavage activity, mutation in motif II (DEPH) significantly decreased ATP hydrolysis but had no effect on DNA cleavage. The double mutant R.EcoPIK90R-H229K showed no significant ATPase or DNA restriction activity though ATP binding was not affected. These results imply that there are at least two ATPase reaction centres in EcoPI restriction enzyme. Motif I appears to be involved in coupling DNA restriction to ATP hydrolysis. Our results indicate that EcoPI restriction enzyme does not have a strand separation activity. We suggest that these motifs play a role in the ATP-dependent translocation that has been proposed to occur in the type III restriction enzymes. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.


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Three one-dimensional zinc phosphates, [C5N2H14][Zn(HPO4)2], I, [C10N4H26][Zn(HPO4)2].2H2O II, and [C4N2H6]2[Zn(HPO4)], III, have been prepared employing hydro/solvothermal methods in the presence of organic amines. While I and II consist of linear chains of corner-shared four-membered rings, III is a polymeric wire where the amine molecule is directly bonded to the metal center. The wire, as well as the chain in these structures, are held together by hydrogen bond interactions involving the amine and the framework oxygens. The polymeric zinc phosphate with wire-like architecture, III, is only the second example of such architecture. Crystal data: I, monoclinic, P21/c (no. 14), a=8.603(2), b=13.529(2), c=10.880(1) Å, β=94.9(1)°, V=1261.6(1) Å3, Z=4, ρcalc.=1.893 gcm−3, μ(MoKα)=2.234 mm−1, R1=0.032, wR2=0.086, [1532 observed reflections with I>2σ(I)], II, orthorhombic, Pbca (no. 61), a=8.393(1), b=15.286(1), c=22.659(1) Å, V=2906.9(2) Å3, Z=8, ρcalc.=1.794 gcm−3, μ(MoKα)=1.957 mm−1, R1=0.055, wR2=0.11, [1565 observed reflections with I>2σ(I) and III, monoclinic, P21/c (no. 14), a=8.241(1), b=13.750(2), c=10.572(1) Å, β=90.9(1)°, V=1197.7(2) Å3, Z=4, ρcalc.=1.805 gcm−3, μ(MoKα)=2.197 mm−1, R1=0.036, wR2=0.10, [1423 observed reflections with I>2σ(I)].


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Acetate kinase (AckA) catalyzes the reversible transfer of a phosphate group from acetyl phosphate to ADP, generating acetate and ATP, and plays a central role in carbon metabolism. In the present work, the gene corresponding to AckA from Salmonella typhimurium (StAckA) was cloned in the IPTG-inducible pRSET C vector, resulting in the attachment of a hexahistidine tag to the N-terminus of the expressed enzyme. The recombinant protein was overexpressed, purified and crystallized in two different crystal forms using the microbatch-under-oil method. Form I crystals diffracted to 2.70 angstrom resolution when examined using X-rays from a rotating-anode X-ray generator and belonged to the monoclinic space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 283.16, b = 62.17, c = 91.69 angstrom, beta = 93.57 degrees. Form II crystals, which diffracted to a higher resolution of 2.35 angstrom on the rotating-anode X-ray generator and to 1.90 angstrom on beamline BM14 of the ESRF, Grenoble, also belonged to space group C2 but with smaller unit-cell parameters (a = 151.01, b = 78.50, c = 97.48 angstrom, beta = 116.37 degrees). Calculation of Matthews coefficients for the two crystal forms suggested the presence of four and two protomers of StAckA in the asymmetric units of forms I and II, respectively. Initial phases for the form I diffraction data were obtained by molecular replacement using the coordinates of Thermotoga maritima AckA (TmAckA) as the search model. The form II structure was phased using a monomer of form I as the phasing model. Inspection of the initial electron-density maps suggests dramatic conformational differences between residues 230 and 300 of the two crystal forms and warrants further investigation.


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The constant increase in the number of solved protein structures is of great help in understanding the basic principles behind protein folding and evolution. 3-D structural knowledge is valuable in designing and developing methods for comparison, modelling and prediction of protein structures. These approaches for structure analysis can be directly implicated in studying protein function and for drug design. The backbone of a protein structure favours certain local conformations which include alpha-helices, beta-strands and turns. Libraries of limited number of local conformations (Structural Alphabets) were developed in the past to obtain a useful categorization of backbone conformation. Protein Block (PB) is one such Structural Alphabet that gave a reasonable structure approximation of 0.42 angstrom. In this study, we use PB description of local structures to analyse conformations that are preferred sites for structural variations and insertions, among group of related folds. This knowledge can be utilized in improving tools for structure comparison that work by analysing local structure similarities. Conformational differences between homologous proteins are known to occur often in the regions comprising turns and loops. Interestingly, these differences are found to have specific preferences depending upon the structural classes of proteins. Such class-specific preferences are mainly seen in the all-beta class with changes involving short helical conformations and hairpin turns. A test carried out on a benchmark dataset also indicates that the use of knowledge on the class specific variations can improve the performance of a PB based structure comparison approach. The preference for the indel sites also seem to be confined to a few backbone conformations involving beta-turns and helix C-caps. These are mainly associated with short loops joining the regular secondary structures that mediate a reversal in the chain direction. Rare beta-turns of type I' and II' are also identified as preferred sites for insertions.


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For several years, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug mefenamic acid, MA, has been known to exist as dimorphs (I and II). We report a new metastable polymorph (III) of MA obtained during attempted co-crystallization experiments and establish its stability relationship with existing forms. At elevated temperatures I and III convert to II, as evident from DSC experiments. On the basis of the lattice energy calculations in conjunction with thermal analysis, the stability order is proposed to be I > II > III at ambient conditions, whereas at elevated temperature the order is II > I > III. In either condition III is a metastable form and hence transforms to I at ambient conditions and to II at higher temperatures. Also we report the structural studies of a DMF solvate and a cytosine complex.


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The t(10;14) translocation involving the HOX11 gene is found in several T-cell leukemia patients. Previous efforts to determine the causes of HOX11 fragility were not successful. The role of non-B DNA structures is increasingly becoming an important cause of genomic instability. In the present study, bioinformatics analysis revealed two G-quadruplex-forming motifs at the HOX11 breakpoint cluster. Gel shift assays showed formation of both intra- and intermolecular G-quadruplexes, the latter being more predominant. The structure formation was dependent on four stretches of guanines, as revealed by mutagenesis. Circular dichroism analysis identified parallel conformations for both quadruplexes. The non-B DNA structure could block polymerization during replication on a plasmid, resulting in consistent K K+-dependent pause sites, which were abolished upon mutation of G-motifs, thereby demonstrating the role of the stretches of guanines even on double-stranded DNA. Extrachromosomal assays showed that the G-quadruplex motifs could block transcription, leading to reduced expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) within cells. More importantly, sodium bisulfite modification assay showed the single-stranded character at regions I and II of HOX11 in the genome. Thus, our findings suggest the occurrence of G-quadruplex structures at the HOX11 breakpoint region, which could explain its fragility during the t(10;14) translocation.