935 resultados para nonodontogenic cysts


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INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: The study of biological behavior of odontogenic lesions is essential to the establishment of appropriate therapeutic approach and prognosis. The production of extracellular matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), angiogenesis and cell proliferation contribute to tumor growth. This paper aims to review the literature on odontogenic tumors (OT) selected according to the new World Health Organization classification (WHO- 2005) by evaluating the expression of MMPs, angiogenic and cell proliferation. Furthermore, it aims to verify the relation between these markers and the biological behavior of these lesions. RESULTS: it was found that MMPs -1, -2, -7, -9 and -26 had a higher expression in both epithelial component and stroma, and 13 particularly in the stroma. Increased angiogenesis was observed in more aggressive OT. CD105 expression was higher in keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KOT) and CD34 in solid ameloblastomas (SA). It was observed a higher expression of Ki-67 and p53 in SA and KOT and a low cell proliferation rate in the adenomatoid odontogenic tumour (AOT). CONCLUSION: These results show that MMPs are involved in invasion and recurrence of some odontogenic lesions and are associated with the biological behavior of these tumors. Angiogenesis is critical to provide support to cell proliferation and these concomitant events are correlated with different levels of biological behavior in OT when compared to odontogenic cysts, hence the use of angiogenic inhibitors may be a potential therapeutic approach in these lesions.


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INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: The study of biological behavior of odontogenic lesions is essential to the establishment of appropriate therapeutic approach and prognosis. The production of extracellular matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), angiogenesis and cell proliferation contribute to tumor growth. This paper aims to review the literature on odontogenic tumors (OT) selected according to the new World Health Organization classification (WHO- 2005) by evaluating the expression of MMPs, angiogenic and cell proliferation. Furthermore, it aims to verify the relation between these markers and the biological behavior of these lesions. RESULTS: it was found that MMPs -1, -2, -7, -9 and -26 had a higher expression in both epithelial component and stroma, and 13 particularly in the stroma. Increased angiogenesis was observed in more aggressive OT. CD105 expression was higher in keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KOT) and CD34 in solid ameloblastomas (SA). It was observed a higher expression of Ki-67 and p53 in SA and KOT and a low cell proliferation rate in the adenomatoid odontogenic tumour (AOT). CONCLUSION: These results show that MMPs are involved in invasion and recurrence of some odontogenic lesions and are associated with the biological behavior of these tumors. Angiogenesis is critical to provide support to cell proliferation and these concomitant events are correlated with different levels of biological behavior in OT when compared to odontogenic cysts, hence the use of angiogenic inhibitors may be a potential therapeutic approach in these lesions.


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An exceptional triple palynological signal (unusually high abundance of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial palynomorphs) recovered from a core collected during the 2007 ANDRILL (Antarctic geologic drilling program) campaign in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, provides constraints for the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. Compared to elsewhere in the core, this signal comprises a 2000-fold increase in two species of dinoflagellate cysts, a synchronous five-fold increase in freshwater algae, and up to an 80-fold increase in terrestrial pollen, including a proliferation of woody plants. Together, these shifts in the palynological assemblages ca. 15.7 Ma ago represent a relatively short period of time during which Antarctica became abruptly much warmer. Land temperatures reached 10 °C (January mean), estimated annual sea-surface temperatures ranged from 0 to 11.5 °C, and increased freshwater input lowered the salinity during a short period of sea-ice reduction.


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Influence of methanogenic populations in Holocene lacustrine sediments revealed by clone libraries and fatty acid biogeochemistry.Biological characteristics of ice-associated algal communities were studied in Darnley Bay (western Canadian Arctic) during a 2-week period in July 2008 when the landfast ice cover had reached an advanced stage of melt. We found two distinct and separate algal communities: (1) an interior ice community confined to brine channel networks beneath white ice covers; and (2) an ice melt water community in the brackish waters of both surface melt ponds and the layer immediately below the ice cover. Both communities reached maximum chlorophyll a concentrations of about 2.5 mg/m**3, but with diatoms dominating the interior ice while flagellates dominated the melt water community. The microflora of each community was diverse, containing both unique and shared algal species, the latter suggesting an initial seeding of the ice melt water by the bottom ice community. Absorption characteristics of the algae indicated the presence of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) and carotenoid pigments as a photoprotective strategy against being confined to high-light near-surface layers. Although likely not contributing substantially to total annual primary production, these ice-associated communities may play an important ecological role in the Arctic marine ecosystem, supplying an accessible and stable food source to higher trophic levels during the period of ice melt.


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Past sea-surface conditions over the northern North Atlantic during the last glacial maximum were examined from the study of 61 deep-sea cores. The last glacial maximum time slice studied here corresponds to an interval between Heinrich layers H2 and H1, and spanning about 20-16 ka on a 14C time scale. Transfer functions based on dinocyst assemblages were used to reconstruct sea-surface temperature, salinity, and sea-ice cover. The results illustrate extensive sea-ice cover along the eastern Canadian margins and sea-ice spreading, only during winter, over most of the northern North Atlantic. On the whole, much colder winter prevailed, despite relatively mild conditions in August (10-15°C at most offshore sites), thus suggesting a larger seasonal contrast of temperatures than today. Lower salinity than at present is reconstructed, especially along the eastern Canadian and Scandinavian margins, likely because of meltwater supply from the surrounding ice sheets. These reconstructions contrast with those established by CLIMAP on the basis of planktonic foraminifera. These differences are discussed with reference to the stratigraphical frame of the last glacial maximum, which was not the coldest phase of the last glacial stage. The respective significance of dinocyst and foraminifer records is also examined in terms of the thermohaline characteristics of surface waters and the vertical structure of upper water masses, which was apparently much more stratified than at present in the northern North Atlantic, thus preventing deep-water formation.


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A sediment-sampling program was carried out in the Nares Strait region during the Nares 2001 Expedition to obtain cores for high-resolution palaeoceanographic studies of late Pleistocene-Holocene climate change. Long cores (>4 m) were obtained from basins near Coburg Island, Jones Sound, John Richardson Fiord off Kane Basin, and in northeastern Hall Basin. Short cores and grab samples were taken on shelves east and west of northern Smith Sound and in Kennedy Channel. Detailed studies of sediment texture, stable isotopes, microfossils and palynomorphs were made on the longest cores from Jones Sound and Hall Basin at the southern and northern ends of the Nares Strait region.


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Sediments from the Black Sea, a region historically dominated by forests and steppe landscapes, are a valuable source of detailed information on the changes in regional terrestrial and aquatic environments at decadal to millennial scales. Here we present multi-proxy environmental records (pollen, dinoflagellate cysts, Ca, Ti and oxygen isotope data) from the uppermost 305 cm of the core 22-GC3 (42°13.53' N, 36°29.55' E) collected from a water depth of 838 m in the southern part of the Black Sea in 2007. The records span the last ~ 18 kyr (all ages are given in cal kyr BP). The pollen data reveal the dominance of the Artemisia-steppe in the region, suggesting rather dry/cold environments ~ 18-14.5 kyr BP. Warming/humidity increase during melt-water pulses (~ 16.1-14.5 kyr BP), indicated by d18O records from the 22-GC3 core sediment and from the Sofular Cave stalagmite, is expressed in more negative d13C values from the Sofular Cave, usually interpreted as the spreading of C3 plants. The records representing the interstadial complex (~ 14.5-12.9 kyr BP) show an increase in temperature and moisture, indicated by forest development, increased primary productivity and reduced surface run-off, whereas the switch from primary terrigenous to primary authigenic Ca origin occurs ~ 500 yr later. The Younger Dryas cooling is clearly demonstrated by more negative d13C values from the Sofular Cave and a reduction of pines. The early Holocene (11.7-8.5 kyr BP) interval reveals relatively dry conditions compared to the mostly moist and warm middle Holocene (8.5-5 kyr BP), which is characterized by the establishment of the species-rich warm mixed and temperate deciduous forests in the low elevation belt, temperate deciduous beech-hornbeam forests in the middle and cool conifer forest in upper mountain belt. The border between the early and middle Holocene in the vegetation records coincides with the opening of the Mediterranean corridor at ~ 8.3 kyr BP, as indicated by a marked change in the dinocyst assemblages and in the sediment lithology. Changes in the pollen assemblages indicate a reduction in forest cover after ~ 5 kyr BP, which was likely caused by increased anthropogenic pressure on the regional vegetation.


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T. gondii can infect the gut mucosa by direct invasion of epithelial cells in the small intestine and these cells may respond directly to infection promoting a local immune response. C57BL/6 mice orally infected with a high parasitic load of T.gondii are highly susceptible, presenting a lethal ileitis. Recently, it was demonstrated that pretreatment with STAg protects C57BL/6 mice against intestinal pathology in oral T. gondii infection. To investigate the mechanisms induced by STAg in the small intestine in oral T.gondii infection, BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were treated with STAg 48 hours before oral infection with 30 ME-49 cysts and sacrificed at 8 days of infection. Previous treatment with STAg were able of decrease parasitism and pathology in peripheral organs of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice and induced a increase in amounts of goblet cells, IgA positive cells, Paneth cells and expression of cryptidin in the small intestine of both lineages of mice, moreover BALB/c mice presented higher amount of these cells comparing with C57BL/6 mice. The results suggests that STAg is able of promoting protective mechanisms in both lineages of mice, although these protection is more evidenced in BALB/c mice, and these mechanisms could be in part mediated by increase in goblet, Paneth and local secretion of IgA in the small intestine of mice orally infected with T.gondii.


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To understand the role of the ocean within the global carbon cycle, detailed information is required on key-processes within the marine carbon cycle; bio-production in the upper ocean, export of the produced material to the deep ocean and the storage of carbon in oceanic sediments. Quantification of these processes requires the separation of signals of net primary production and the rate of organic matter decay as reflected in fossil sediments. This study examines the large differences in degradation rates of organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst species to separate these degradation and productivity signals. For this, accumulation rates of cyst species known to be resistant (R-cysts) or sensitive (S-cysts) to aerobic degradation of 62 sites are compared to mean annual chlorophyll-a, sea-surface temperature, sea-surface salinity, nitrate and phosphate concentrations of the upper waters and deep-water oxygen concentrations. Furthermore, the degradation of sensitive cysts, as expressed by the degradation constant k and reaction time t, has been related to bottom water [O2]. The studied sediments were taken from the Arabian Sea, north-western African Margin (North Atlantic), western-equatorial Atlantic Ocean/Caraibic, south-western African margin (South Atlantic) and Southern Ocean (Atlantic sector). Significant relationships are observed between (a) accumulation rates of R-cysts and upper water chlorophyll-a concentrations, (b) accumulation rates of S-cysts and bottom water [O2] and (c) degradation rates of S-cysts (kt) and bottom water [O2]. Relationships that are extremely weak or are clearly insignificant on all confidence intervals are between (1) S-cyst accumulation rates and chlorophyll-a concentrations, sea-surface temperature (SST), sea-surface salinity (SSS), phosphate concentrations (P) and nitrate concentrations (N), (2) between R-cyst accumulation rates and bottom water [O2], SST, SSS, P and N, and between (3) kt and water depth. Co-variance is present between the parameters N and P, N, P and chlorophyll-a, oxygen and water depth. Correcting for this co-variance does not influence the significance of the relationship given above. The possible applicability of dinoflagellate cyst degradation to estimate past net primary production and deep ocean ventilation is discussed.


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The environmental preferences of calcareous dinoflagellates have been investigated over the last 140 ka by comparing material from two sediment cores: one from the highly productive equatorial divergence of the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the other from the low productivity western tropical Atlantic Ocean. Pronounced differences in palaeoproductivity between the two sediment cores are indicated by high and variable organic carbon accumulation rates in the east, in contrast to relatively constant and low values in the west. Calcareous dinoflagellates show just the opposite pattern: high accumulation rates in the west and lower in the east. At the equatorial divergence, temporal variations of calcareous dinoflagellate and organic carbon accumulation rates show, for the most part, an inverse relationship. High calcareous dinoflagellate content coincides with low organic carbon accumulation rates and vice versa. In the investigated region and time interval, enhanced production of calcareous dinoflagellates can be correlated to periods of reduced palaeoproductivity probably related to relatively stratified conditions of the upper water column.


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A Pliocene (2.6-3.5 Ma) age is determined from glacial sediments studied in a 20m long, 4 m deep trench excavated in Heidemann Valley, Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. The age determination is based on a combined study of amino acid racemization, diatoms, foraminifera, and magnetic polarity, and supports earlier estimates of the age of the sedimentary section; all are beyond 14C range. Four till units are recognized and documented, and 16 subunits are identified. All are ascribed to deposition during a Late Pliocene glaciation that was probably the last time the entire Vestfold Hills was covered by an enlarged East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). Evidence for other more recent glacial events of the 'Vestfold Glaciation' may have been due to lateral expansion of the Sorsdal Glacier and limited expansion of the icesheet margin during the Last Glacial Maximum rather than a major expansion of the EAIS. The deposit appears to correlate with a marine deposition event recorded in Ocean Drilling Program Site 1166 in Prydz Bay, possibly with the Bardin Bluffs Formation of the Prince Charles Mountains and with part of the time represented in the ANDRILL AND-1B core in the Ross Sea.


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Five plankton groups, including diatoms, radiolarians, coccolithophores, foraminifers, and dinoflagellate cysts, were synoptically analyzed in six sediment cores and two sediment traps from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea and the North Atlantic in order to provide more detailed insights into the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic evolution and the development of plankton assemblages of the northern North Atlantic during the last 15,000 years. Based on Q-mode factor analyses, cold, warm, transitional, and relict assemblages were calculated for each of the plankton groups. Data from the different plankton groups complement one another, although they are not always consistent. However, the multiple plankton-group data set is able to bridge intervals in which single groups lack preservation or the ability to react to changes. Synoptically interpreted, the results provide a detailed picture of the response of plankton assemblages to environmental changes during the time period investigated, which includes the B0lling/Aller0d interstadial, the Younger Dryas cold spell, Termination IB, and, in all likelihood, also the "8,200 Event", and the Hypsithermal (approximately 8-4 14C ky BP).


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A cyclic marl-limestone succession of Middle-Late Campanian age has been investigated with respect to a Milankovitch-controlled origin of geochemical data. In general, the major element geochemistry of the marl-limestone rhythmites can be explained by a simple two-component mixing model with the end-members calcium carbonate and 'average shale'-like material. Carbonate content varies from 55 to 90%. Non-carbonate components are clay minerals (illite, smectite) and biogenic silica from sponge spicules, as well as authigenically formed zeolites (strontian heulandite) and quartz. The redox potential suggests oxidizing conditions throughout the section. Trace element and stable isotopic data as well as SEM investigations show that the carbonate mud is mostly composed of low-magnesium calcitic tests of planktic coccolithophorids and calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (calcispheres). Diagenetic overprint results in a decrease of 2% d18O and an increase in Mn of up to 250 ppm. However, the sediment seems to preserve most of its high Sr content compared to the primary low-magnesium calcite of co-occurring belemnite rostra. The periodicity of geochemical cycles is dominated by 413 ka and weak signals between 51 and 22.5 ka, attributable to orbital forcing. Accumulation rates within these cycles vary between 40 and 50 m/Ma. The resulting cyclic sedimentary sequence is the product of (a) changes in primary production of low-magnesium calcitic biogenic material in surface waters within the long eccentricity and the precession, demonstrated by the CaCO3 content and the Mg/Al, Mn/Al and Sr/Al ratios, and (b) fluctuations in climate and continental weathering, which changed the quality of supplied clay minerals (the illite/smectite ratio), demonstrated by the K/Al ratio. High carbonate productivity correlates with smectite-favouring weathering (semi-arid conditions, conspicuously dry and moist seasonal changes in warmer climates). Ti as the proxy indicator for the detrital terrigenous influx, as well as Rb, Si, Zr and Na, shows only low frequency signals, indicating nearly constant rates of supply throughout the more or less pure pelagic carbonate deposition of the long-lasting third-order Middle-Upper Campanian sedimentary cycle.


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To investigate the potential use of the stable isotope composition of the vegetative cysts of the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Thoracosphaera heimii for quantitative palaeotemperature reconstructions a method has been developed to purify T. heimii cysts from sediment samples. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes have been measured on T. heimii cysts from 21 surface sediment samples from the equatorial Atlantic and South Atlantic Oceans. Calculated temperatures based on the palaeotemperature equation for inorganic calcite precipitation generally reflect mean annual temperatures of the upper water column, notably of thermocline depths. Although the present results suggest that the isotopic composition of T. heimii shells might be formed in equilibrium with the seawater in which the shells are being formed, future investigations are required to determine possible effects of metabolic and kinetic processes on the fractionation process. This pilot study therefore forms the basis for future investigations on the development of this tool and the determination of a species-specific palaeotemperature equation. The wide geographic and stratigraphic distribution of T. heimii cysts in sediments, the stable position of T. heimii within the water column and the high resistance of its cysts against calcite dissolution underline its potential for a wide usability in palaeotemperature reconstructions.


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The Canary Islands region occupies a key position with respect to biogeochemical cycles, with the zonal transition from oligotrophic to nutrient-rich waters and the contribution of Saharan dust to the particle flux. We present the distribution of geochemical proxies (TOC, carbonate, d15N, d13Corg, C/N-ratio) and micropaleontological parameters (diatoms, dinoflagellates, foraminifera, pteropods), in 80 surface-sediment samples in order to characterise the influence of coastally upwelled water on the domain of the subtropical gyre. Results of the surface-sediment analyses confirmed the high biomass gradient from the coast to the open ocean inferred from satellite data of surface chlorophyll or SST. The distribution of total dinoflagellate cysts, the planktic foraminifera species Globigerina bulloides, the diatom resting spore Chaetoceros spp., and TOC concentration coincided well with the areas of strong filament production off Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi. The warm-water planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white), the diatom Nitzschia spp., and the d15N-values showed the opposite trend with high values in the open ocean. Factor analyses on the planktic foraminifera species distribution indicated three major assemblages in the Canary Islands region that represent the present surface-water conditions from the upwelling influenced region via a mixing area towards the subtropical gyre.