908 resultados para mound
Cold-water corals are widely distributed along the Atlantic continental margin with varying growth patterns in relation to their specific environment. Here, we investigate the long-term development of cold-water corals that once thrived on a low-latitude (17°40'N) cold-water coral mound in the Banda Mound Province off Mauritania during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. U/Th dates obtained from 20 specimens of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa, revealed three distinct periods of coral growth during the last glacial at 65 to 57 kyr BP, 45 to 32 kyr BP and 14 kyr BP, thus comprising the cool periods of Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 2-4. These coral growth periods occur during periods of increased productivity in the region, emphasizing that productivity seems to be the major steering factor for coral growth off Mauritania, which is one of the major upwelling regions in the world. This pattern differs from the well studied coral mounds off Ireland, where the current regime predominantly influences the prosperity of the cold-water corals. Moreover, coral growth off Ireland takes place during rather warm interglacial and interstadial periods, whereas off Mauritania coral growth is restricted to glacial and stadial periods. However, the on-mound sedimentation patterns off Mauritania largely resemble the observations reported from the Irish mounds. The bulk of the preserved sediments derives from periods of coral growth, whereas during periods without corals hardly any net sedimentation or mound growth took place.
The deep sea sedimentary record is an archive of the pre-glacial to glacial development of Antarctica and changes in climate, tectonics and ocean circulation. Identification of the pre-glacial, transitional and full glacial components in the sedimentary record is necessary for ice sheet reconstruction and to build circum-Antarctic sediment thickness grids for past topography and bathymetry reconstructions, which constrain paleoclimate models. A ~3300 km long Weddell Sea to Scotia Sea transect consisting of multichannel seismic reflection data from various organisations, were used to interpret new horizons to define the initial basin-wide seismostratigraphy and to identify the pre-glacial to glacial components. We mapped seven main units of which three are in the inferred Cretaceous-Paleocene pre-glacial regime, one in the Eocene-Oligocene transitional regime and three units in the Miocene-Pleistocene full glacial climate regime. Sparse borehole data from ODP leg 113 and SHALDRIL constrain the ages of the upper three units. Compiled seafloor spreading magnetic anomalies constrain the basement ages and the hypothetical age model. In many cases, the new horizons and stratigraphy contradict the interpretations in local studies. Each seismic sedimentary unit and its associated base horizon are continuous and traceable for the entire transect length, but reflect a lateral change in age whilst representing the same deposition process. The up to 1240 m thick pre-glacial seismic units form a mound in the central Weddell Sea basin and, in conjunction with the eroded flank geometry, support the interpretation of a Cretaceous proto-Weddell Gyre. The base reflector of the transitional seismic unit, which marks the initial ice sheet advances to the outer shelf, has a lateral model age of 26.6-15.5 Ma from southeast to northwest. The Pliocene-Pleistocene glacial deposits reveals lower sedimentations rates, indicating a reduced sediment supply. Sedimentation rates for the pre-glacial, transitional and full glacial components are highest around the Antarctic Peninsula, indicating higher erosion and sediment supply of a younger basement. We interpret an Eocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet expansion, Oligocene grounding of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Early Miocene grounding of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet.
The Plio-Pleistocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere continental ice-sheet development is known to have profoundly affected the global climate system. Evidence for early continental glaciation is preserved in sediments throughout the North Atlantic Ocean, where ice-rafted detritus (IRD) layers attest to the calving of sediment-loaded icebergs from circum-Atlantic ice sheets. So far, Early-Pleistocene IRD deposition has been attributed to the presence of high-latitudinal ice sheets, whereas the existence and extent of ice accumulation in more temperate, mid-latitudinal regions remains enigmatic. Here we present results from the multiproxy provenance analysis of a unique, Pleistocene-Holocene IRD sequence from the Irish NE Atlantic continental margin. There, the Challenger coral carbonate mound (IODP Expedition 307 site U1317) preserved an Early-Pleistocene record of 16 distinctive IRD events, deposited between ca 2.6 and 1.7 Ma. Strong and complex IRD signals are also identified during the mid-Pleistocene climate transition (ca 1.2 to 0.65 Ma) and throughout the Middle-Late Pleistocene interval. Radiogenic isotope source-fingerprinting, in combination with coarse lithic component analysis, indicates a dominant sediment source in the nearby British-Irish Isles, even for the oldest, Early-Pleistocene IRD deposits. Hence, our findings demonstrate, for the first time, repeated and substantial (i.e. marine-terminating) ice accumulation on the British-Irish Isles since the beginning of the Pleistocene. Contemporaneous expansion of both high- and mid-latitudinal ice sheets in the North Atlantic region is therefore implied at the onset of the Pleistocene. Moreover, it suggests the recurrent establishment of (climatically) favourable conditions for ice sheet inception, growth and instability in mid-latitudinal regions, even in the earliest stages of Northern Hemisphere glacial expansion and in an obliquity-driven climate system.
Diversité microbienne associée au cycle du méthane dans les mares de fonte du pergélisol subarctique
La fonte et l’effondrement du pergélisol riche en glace dans la région subarctique du Québec ont donné lieu à la formation de petits lacs (mares de thermokarst) qui émettent des gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère tels que du dioxyde de carbone et du méthane. Pourtant, la composition de la communauté microbienne qui est à la base des processus biogéochimiques dans les mares de fonte a été très peu étudiée, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la diversité et l’activité des micro-organismes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc d’étudier la diversité phylogénétique et fonctionnelle des micro-organismes dans les mares de fonte subarctiques en lien avec les caractéristiques de l’environnement et les émissions de méthane. Pour ce faire, une dizaine de mares ont été échantillonnées dans quatre vallées situées à travers un gradient de fonte du pergélisol, et disposant de différentes propriétés physico-chimiques. Selon les vallées, les mares peuvent être issues de la fonte de palses (buttes de tourbe, à dominance organique) ou de lithalses (buttes de sol à dominance minérale) ce qui influence la nature du carbone organique disponible pour la reminéralisation microbienne. Durant l’été, les mares étaient fortement stratifiées; il y avait un fort gradient physico-chimique au sein de la colonne d’eau, avec une couche d’eau supérieure oxique et une couche d’eau profonde pauvre en oxygène ou anoxique. Pour identifier les facteurs qui influencent les communautés microbiennes, des techniques de séquençage à haut débit ont été utilisées ciblant les transcrits des gènes de l’ARNr 16S et des gènes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane : mcrA pour la méthanogenèse et pmoA pour la méthanotrophie. Pour évaluer l’activité des micro-organismes, la concentration des transcrits des gènes fonctionnels a aussi été mesurée avec des PCR quantitatives (qPCR). Les résultats montrent une forte dominance de micro-organismes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane, c’est-à-dire des archées méthanogènes et des bactéries méthanotrophes. L’analyse du gène pmoA indique que les bactéries méthanotrophes n’étaient pas seulement actives à la surface, mais aussi dans le fond de la mare où les concentrations en oxygène étaient minimales; ce qui est inattendu compte tenu de leur besoin en oxygène pour consommer le méthane. En général, la composition des communautés microbiennes était principalement influencée par l’origine de la mare (palse ou lithalse), et moins par le gradient de dégradation du pergélisol. Des variables environnementales clefs comme le pH, le phosphore et le carbone organique dissous, contribuent à la distinction des communautés microbiennes entre les mares issues de palses ou de lithalses. Avec l’intensification des effets du réchauffement climatique, ces communautés microbiennes vont faire face à des changements de conditions qui risquent de modifier leur composition taxonomique, et leurs réponses aux changements seront probablement différentes selon le type de mares. De plus, dans le futur les conditions d’oxygénation au sein des mares seront soumises à des modifications majeures associées avec un changement dans la durée des périodes de fonte de glace et de stratification. Ce type de changement aura un impact sur l’équilibre entre la méthanogenèse et la méthanotrophie, et affectera ainsi les taux d’émissions de méthane. Cependant, les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse indiquent que les archées méthanogènes et les bactéries méthanotrophes peuvent développer des stratégies pour survivre et rester actives au-delà des limites de leurs conditions d’oxygène habituelles.
Character states used in distinguishing taxa within the Thripidae subfamily Dendrothripinae are discussed, and a key presented to the 11 genera recognized worldwide. Comments on each of these genera are provided, together with keys to the species from Australia of Dendrothrips, Ensiferothrips and Pseudodendrothrips. From Australia are described, four new species of Dendrothrips, one of Pseudodendrothrips, and a remarkable new species of Ensiferothrips that has required a re-diagnosis of that genus. Another new species of Ensiferothrips is described from Sulawesi, thus greatly extending the known geographical range of this previously Australian genus. © 2016 Magnolia Press.
A primary goal of this dissertation is to understand the links between mathematical models that describe crystal surfaces at three fundamental length scales: The scale of individual atoms, the scale of collections of atoms forming crystal defects, and macroscopic scale. Characterizing connections between different classes of models is a critical task for gaining insight into the physics they describe, a long-standing objective in applied analysis, and also highly relevant in engineering applications. The key concept I use in each problem addressed in this thesis is coarse graining, which is a strategy for connecting fine representations or models with coarser representations. Often this idea is invoked to reduce a large discrete system to an appropriate continuum description, e.g. individual particles are represented by a continuous density. While there is no general theory of coarse graining, one closely related mathematical approach is asymptotic analysis, i.e. the description of limiting behavior as some parameter becomes very large or very small. In the case of crystalline solids, it is natural to consider cases where the number of particles is large or where the lattice spacing is small. Limits such as these often make explicit the nature of links between models capturing different scales, and, once established, provide a means of improving our understanding, or the models themselves. Finding appropriate variables whose limits illustrate the important connections between models is no easy task, however. This is one area where computer simulation is extremely helpful, as it allows us to see the results of complex dynamics and gather clues regarding the roles of different physical quantities. On the other hand, connections between models enable the development of novel multiscale computational schemes, so understanding can assist computation and vice versa. Some of these ideas are demonstrated in this thesis. The important outcomes of this thesis include: (1) a systematic derivation of the step-flow model of Burton, Cabrera, and Frank, with corrections, from an atomistic solid-on-solid-type models in 1+1 dimensions; (2) the inclusion of an atomistically motivated transport mechanism in an island dynamics model allowing for a more detailed account of mound evolution; and (3) the development of a hybrid discrete-continuum scheme for simulating the relaxation of a faceted crystal mound. Central to all of these modeling and simulation efforts is the presence of steps composed of individual layers of atoms on vicinal crystal surfaces. Consequently, a recurring theme in this research is the observation that mesoscale defects play a crucial role in crystal morphological evolution.