(Table 1) Details on the Uranium/Thorium age determinations carried out on core GeoB11569-2

Autoria(s): Eisele, Markus Hermann; Frank, Norbert; Wienberg, Claudia; Hebbeln, Dierk; López Correa, Matthias; Douville, Eric; Freiwald, André

LATITUDE: 17.666800 * LONGITUDE: -16.672200 * DATE/TIME START: 2007-01-08T09:30:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2007-01-08T09:30:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.130 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 5.005 m




Cold-water corals are widely distributed along the Atlantic continental margin with varying growth patterns in relation to their specific environment. Here, we investigate the long-term development of cold-water corals that once thrived on a low-latitude (17°40'N) cold-water coral mound in the Banda Mound Province off Mauritania during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. U/Th dates obtained from 20 specimens of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa, revealed three distinct periods of coral growth during the last glacial at 65 to 57 kyr BP, 45 to 32 kyr BP and 14 kyr BP, thus comprising the cool periods of Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 2-4. These coral growth periods occur during periods of increased productivity in the region, emphasizing that productivity seems to be the major steering factor for coral growth off Mauritania, which is one of the major upwelling regions in the world. This pattern differs from the well studied coral mounds off Ireland, where the current regime predominantly influences the prosperity of the cold-water corals. Moreover, coral growth off Ireland takes place during rather warm interglacial and interstadial periods, whereas off Mauritania coral growth is restricted to glacial and stadial periods. However, the on-mound sedimentation patterns off Mauritania largely resemble the observations reported from the Irish mounds. The bulk of the preserved sediments derives from periods of coral growth, whereas during periods without corals hardly any net sedimentation or mound growth took place.


text/tab-separated-values, 320 data points









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Supplement to: Eisele, Markus Hermann; Frank, Norbert; Wienberg, Claudia; Hebbeln, Dierk; López Correa, Matthias; Douville, Eric; Freiwald, André (2011): Productivity controlled cold-water coral growth periods during the last glacial off Mauritania. Marine Geology, 280(1-4), 143-149, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.12.007

Palavras-Chave #Age, 230Th/U Thorium-Uranium; Age, dated; Age, error; Center for Marine Environmental Sciences; delta 234 Uranium; delta 234 Uranium, standard deviation; DEPTH, sediment/rock; GC; GeoB11569-2; Gravity corer; ICP-QMS, ThermoFisher, X-Series; MARUM; off Mauritania; POS346; POS-346; POS346_69-2; Poseidon; Request/Laboratory code; Sample code/label; Thorium 230/Thorium 232 ratio; Thorium 230/Thorium 232 ratio error; Thorium 230/Uranium 238, error, relative; Thorium 230/Uranium 238 ratio; Thorium 232; Thorium 232, standard deviation; Uranium 238; Uranium 238, standard deviation
