991 resultados para internet filtering
Resumen basado en el del autor. Seleccionado en la convocatoria: Licencias por estudios destinadas a funcionarios docentes no universitarios, Gobierno de Aragón 2010-11
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In the last years, the use of every type of Digital Elevation Models has iimproved. The LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology, based on the scansion of the territory b airborne laser telemeters, allows the construction of digital Surface Models (DSM), in an easy way by a simple data interpolation
Este artículo muestra una pequeña selección de recursos de gran interés y calidad existentes en Internet, que pueden hacer un poco más fácil el trabajo con las calculadoras gráficas.
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Resumen basado en la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
El manual de cátedra que se presenta a continuación, como todo manual, no pretende sentar las bases teóricas sobre el objeto de estudio, ni convertirse en doctrina de obligada referencia. Simplemente busca acercar a los estudiantes e interesados en el tema, al estado del arte en lo que al derecho del comercio electrónico y de Internet se refiere. Dado que el autor ha orientado en la Universidad del Rosario las cátedras Derecho de Comercio Electrónico –en pregrado- y Legislación del Comercio Electrónico, en posgrado, éste ha tenido la oportunidad de validar parte importante del material con los estudiantes, quienes con sus aportes y comentarios han nutrido el texto. El trabajo se inscribe en la línea de investigación en Derecho Comercial, pues cuenta con una estructura que analiza algunos de los problemas jurídicos más importantes, identificados mediante la práctica profesional, en la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.
Addresses the problem of estimating the motion of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), while it constructs a visual map ("mosaic" image) of the ocean floor. The vehicle is equipped with a down-looking camera which is used to compute its motion with respect to the seafloor. As the mosaic increases in size, a systematic bias is introduced in the alignment of the images which form the mosaic. Therefore, this accumulative error produces a drift in the estimation of the position of the vehicle. When the arbitrary trajectory of the AUV crosses over itself, it is possible to reduce this propagation of image alignment errors within the mosaic. A Kalman filter with augmented state is proposed to optimally estimate both the visual map and the vehicle position
A common problem in video surveys in very shallow waters is the presence of strong light fluctuations, due to sun light refraction. Refracted sunlight casts fast moving patterns, which can significantly degrade the quality of the acquired data. Motivated by the growing need to improve the quality of shallow water imagery, we propose a method to remove sunlight patterns in video sequences. The method exploits the fact that video sequences allow several observations of the same area of the sea floor, over time. It is based on computing the image difference between a given reference frame and the temporal median of a registered set of neighboring images. A key observation is that this difference will have two components with separable spectral content. One is related to the illumination field (lower spatial frequencies) and the other to the registration error (higher frequencies). The illumination field, recovered by lowpass filtering, is used to correct the reference image. In addition to removing the sunflickering patterns, an important advantage of the approach is the ability to preserve the sharpness in corrected image, even in the presence of registration inaccuracies. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated in image sets acquired under strong camera motion containing non-rigid benthic structures. The results testify the good performance and generality of the approach
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Se hace una recopilaci??n a modo de dec??logo de p??ginas webs educativas de inter??s para las etapas de infantil y primaria, en las que los alumnos del CP S'Hort des Fassers, puedan acercarse a la realidad y uso de la red, as?? como tambi??n puedan pasar un rato entretenido y vayan aprendiendo a utilizar internet para informar-se, leer, estudiar o divertirse.
"Internet for Image Searching" is a free online tutorial to help staff and students in universities and colleges to find digital images for their learning and teaching. The emphasis of the tutorial is on finding copyright cleared images which are available free; facilitating quick, hassle-free access to a vast range of online photographs and other visual resources. "This tutorial is an excellent resource for anyone needing to know more about where and how to find images online. The fact that it concentrates on copyright cleared images will make it even more valuable for busy learning and teaching professionals, researchers and students alike. It will also serve to inspire confidence in those needing to use images from the web in their work." (Sharon Waller of the Higher Education Academy).