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This article surveys a selection of the most recent advances in aziridine synthesis. Novel synthetic methods and new insights into existing methodologies for the selective construction of the title compounds reported in the past decade are discussed in terms of synthetic applicability and environmentally benign conditions. Mechanisms involving stereoselective preparation of structurally diverse aziridines are also presented in order to highlight the most important issues associated with the synthesis of these versatile building blocks.
Copper selenide (berzelianite) films were prepared on the title substrates using the chemical bath deposition technique (CBD). Film composition was determined by energy dispersion of x-rays. The kinetics of film growth is parabolic and film adherence limits the film thickness. On titanium, copper selenide forms islands that do not completely cover the surface, unless the substrate is prepared with a tin oxide layer; film composition also depends on the titanium oxide layer. On vitreous carbon, CBD and mechanical immobilization techniques lead to films with similar resistances for the electron transfer across the film/substrate interface. On gold, composition studies revealed that film composition is always the same if the pH is in the range from 8 to 12, in contrast to films prepared by an ion-ion combination route. On copper, a new procedure for obtaining copper selenide films as thick as 5 µm has been developed.
El treball que es presenta conté un text articulat sobre la part de teoria general del contracte (arts. 612-1 i següents) del llibre sisè del Codi Civil de Catalunya. El procés de codificació civil que es viu a Catalunya justifica aquest treball, que podria ser útil per a elaboració del llibre sisè del CCCat dedicat a les obligacions i els contractes. El treball consta d’una proposta de text articulat, amb el seus respectius comentaris a cada article. Es tracta del capítol segon del títol primer del llibre sisè, i es divideix en les següents seccions: 1) El contracte, els seus elements essencials, i la seva eficàcia; 2) La formació del contracte; 3) La interpretació del contracte; i 4) La ineficàcia del contracte, que inclou l’anàlisi dels vicis del consentiment. El treball ha pres com a referència les principals propostes d’harmonització del dret contractual (Principis Unidroit [PICC], Principis de Dret Contractual Europeu [PECL], Marc Comú de Referència [DCFR], i l’Instrument Opcional sobre Compravenda Europea [CESL] i la regulació dels codis més moderns (entre ells, el del Quebec, l’Holandès, el Portuguès o l’Italià) i les seves propostes de reforma (el projecte Terrè a França, i la Propuesta de Modificación del Código Civil Español en materia de obligaciones y contratos). En la proposta presentada s’incorporen institucions no regulades en el Codi civil espanyol actualment vigent a Catalunya en la seva condició de dret supletori, i s’omplen algunes llacunes d’aquest cos legal. Es poden citar, entre elles, les clàusules abusives dels contractes, el canvi en les circumstàncies essencials del contracte, el contracte per a persona per designar, la responsabilitat per culpa in contrahendo, les cartes d’intencions, el règim de l’oferta i l’acceptació del contracte, els contractes preparatoris, els drets de preferència, la possibilitat d’anul·lació del contracte per concessió d’un avantatge injust a alguna de les parts, i el règim dels contractes en frau de creditors.
Due to font problem on the tilte field the titlte of the thesis is corrected here. The title of the thesis is: Magnetic Perovskites Sr2FeMoO6 and La(1-x)Ca(x)MnO3: Synthesis, Fabrication and Characterization of Nanosized Powders and Thin Films
Preparation of the title compounds are described as an alternative nucleophilic aromatic substitution for practices in the graduate laboratory. The low toxicity and disponibility of the reagents make a suitable procedure approach to experiments regarding this aromatic reaction.
Static electric dipole polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilites have been calculated for the title molecules and their 3' and 4'-nitro derivatives at ab-initio Hartree- Fock/6-31G(d, p) level. The influence of the pivotal p vacant 3A elements (B, Al or Ga) substitution on the electrical properties of these molecules is detailed. The axial vector components of the first hyperpolarizabilities β(0) of the push-pull 4'-nitro derivatives, -18.2×10-32 esu (B), -21.1×10-32 esu (Al) and -20.8×10-32 esu (Ga) are calculated to be as much as fourfold larger then that calculated for the p-nitroaniline, a reference organic molecule for comparison for this type of molecular property.
The synthesis of two new D-galactose-based dimers having a 1,4-butanediamine spacer is reported aiming at the evaluation of their interaction with the Erythrina cristagalli lectin. The title compounds were prepared in four and five steps from 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-D-galactopyranoside bromide, in 20 % and 15 % overall yield, respectively, using the Doebner modification of the Koenavenagel reaction as the key sep. The lectin-carbohydrate interaction could be evaluated for only one dimer, due to solubility problems. A twofold enhancement of affinity was observed, compared to the corresponding monovalent ligand.
Here we describe the total syntheses and characterization by elemental analyses, infrared and NMR spectroscopy of three new compounds analogous to avenaciolide, a bis-γ-lactone isolated from Aspergillus avenaceus that possesses antifungal activity, where the octyl group of the natural product was replaced by aromatic groups containing chlorine and fluorine atoms. The effects of the avenaciolide, the novel compounds and their synthetic precursors on mycelia development and conidia germination of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Fusarium solani were evaluated in vitro. The title compounds were almost as active as avenaciolide. The absolute structures of the chlorinated analogs were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis.
Due to font problem on the tilte field the titlte of the thesis is corrected here. The title of the thesis is: Superconducting properties and their enhancement in ReBa2Cu3O7-delta (RE = Y and Gd) films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
Poetics and Politics. AugustoBoal and the Theatre of the Oppressed deals with the ideas and methods of the Brazilian author, director and theatre theorist Augusto Boal. The main purpose of the thesis is to give a description of what can be characterized as the poetics of Augusto Boal. What is the specific nature of his theatre methods and in what way do they differ from traditional theatre? How do these methods actually work? What is the overall intention of the Theatre of the Oppressed? As objects for my research I have selected Forum Theatre and Rainbow of Desire. The reason for this choice is partly that the two methods mentioned have become the most widespread among Boal's theatre forms, partly that they complement each other, the former being a method that works with problems of the material world, in realistic action-based narratives; the latter being an expressionistic analytical method, designed to deal with psychological problems and internalized oppression. Going from a micro- to a macro-level, I first examine the theatrical text of both forms, which in this case includes not only the verbal narrative, but also the performance itself and the setting of it, and even the implied conditions of the whole theatrical situation. Secondly, I turn to the encounter between the text and its actual recipient in the theatrical space. What happens, psychologically, when the observing, but passive spectator is turned into the actor of the play? Thirdly, I discuss the ideological and political implications of the Theatre ofthe Oppressed in real life. The way I interpret Boal's poetics, this is of vital importance. The purpose of the Theatre of the Oppressed is not anything resembling l'art pour l'art. In the contrary, its intention is to teach the oppressed the use of theatre as a martial art, so that they can fight and break the oppression in a social context of the real world. Thus the title Poetics and Politics.
MISSALE ABOENSE, Turun messukirja, painettiin Lyypekissä Turun hiippakuntaa eli Suomea varten. Se lasketaan Suomen ensimmäiseksi painatteeksi ja on myös Suomen ainoa inkunaabeli, eli kirjapainotaidon alkuajan, 1400-luvun, painotuote. Esipuheen tähän latinankieliseen loistoteokseen laati Turun piispa Konrad Bitz. Esipuheen alussa on puupiirros, joka kuvaa Pyhää Henrikiä Bitzin, tuomiorovasti Maunu Särkilahden ja kahden papin ympäröimänä. Maassa makaa Pyhän Henrikin surmaaja, talonpoika Lalli. Esipuhe ja alkuun liitetty pyhimyskalenteri oli tarkoitettu Suomea varten; muutoin samaa messukirjaa käytettiin muuallakin katolisen kirkon piirissä. MISSALEA painettiin sekä paperille että pergamentille. Tiettävästi ainoa pergamentille painettu alkuperäissidos on Tanskan Kuninkaallisessa kirjastossa. Muut säilyneet pergamenttikappaleet, kuten Kansalliskirjaston kappale on koottu eri niteiden katkelmista. Paperille painettua MISSALEA on säilynyt 15 epätäydellistä kappaletta.
Added engraved title page: The history of Lapland.
Added engraved title page: Joannis Schefferi Argentoratensis Lapponia.
Added engraved title page: Ioannis Schefferi Argentoratensis Lapponia.
Added engraved title page: Waragtige en aanmerkenswaardige historie van Lapland en Finland.