920 resultados para humic micelles
A new procedure was developed in this study, based on a system equipped with a cellulose membrane and a tetraethylenepentamine hexaacetate chelator (MD-TEPHA) for in situ characterization of the lability of metal species in aquatic systems. To this end, the DM-TEPHA system was prepared by adding TEPHA chelator to cellulose bags pre-purified with 1.0 mol L-1 of HCl and NaOH solutions. After the MD-TEPHA system was sealed, it was examined in the laboratory to evaluate the influence of complexation time (0-24 h), pH (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0), metal ions (Cu, Cd, Fe, Mn and Ni) and concentration of organic matter (15, 30 and 60 mg L-1) on the relative lability of metal species by TEPHA chelator. The results showed that Fe and Cu metals were complexed more slowly by TEPHA chelator in the MD-TEPHA system than were Cd, Ni and Mn in all pH used. It was also found that the pH strongly influences the process of metal complexation by the MD-TEPHA system. At all the pH levels, Cd, Mn and Ni showed greater complexation with TEPHA chelator (recovery of about 95-75%) than did Cu and Fe metals. Time also affects the lability of metal species complexed by aquatic humic substances (AHS); while Cd, Ni and Mn showed a faster kinetics, reaching equilibrium after about 100 min, and Cu and Fe approached equilibrium after 400 min. Increasing the AHS concentration decreases the lability of metal species by shifting the equilibrium to AHS-metal complexes. Our results indicate that the system under study offers an interesting alternative that can be applied to in situ experiments for differentiation of labile and inert metal species in aquatic systems. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work commercial filters papers were organomodified with tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (3-APTS), aiming at the development of a new analytical procedure for in-situ speciation of labile and inert metal species in aquatic systems. Parameters that exert influence on the metal lability such as pH, chelating time, concentration and characteristics of the organic matter were studied in the laboratory using tests for metal recuperation. The results showed slower kinetics for Cu ion than for Ni, Mn and Cd in the absence of aquatic humic substances (AHS). The relative lability observed for complexed metals in aquatic humic substances using organomodified filter papers was Cu>>Cd>Ni>Mn. The pH values, structural characteristics and concentration of AHS exert strong influence on the lability of the metals. The results obtained showed that the utilization of organomodified filter papers can be an interesting and promising alternative for in situ characterization of metal lability in aquatic systems.
The present study deals with a new analytical procedure based on a cellulose diffusion membrane and immobilised tetraethylene-pentamine-hexaacetate chelator (DM-TEPHA) for an in situ differentiation of labile and inert metal species in aquatic systems. The DM-TEPHA system was prepared by placing TEPHA chelator in pre-purified cellulose bags and in situ applied immersing the system in two Brazilian rivers to study the relative lability of metal species (Cu, Pb, Fe, Mn and Ni) as a function of the time and the quantity of exchanger, respectively. The procedure is simple and enables a new perspective for understanding the complexation, transport, stability and lability of metal species in aquatic systems rich in organic matter.
In Situ Characterization of Optical Absorption by Carbonaceous Aerosols: Calibration and Measurement
Light absorption by aerosols has a great impact on climate change. A Photoacoustic spectrometer (PA) coupled with aerosol-based classification techniques represents an in situ method that can quantify the light absorption by aerosols in a real time, yet significant differences have been reported using this method versus filter based methods or the so-called difference method based upon light extinction and light scattering measurements. This dissertation focuses on developing calibration techniques for instruments used in measuring the light absorption cross section, including both particle diameter measurements by the differential mobility analyzer (DMA) and light absorption measurements by PA. Appropriate reference materials were explored for the calibration/validation of both measurements. The light absorption of carbonaceous aerosols was also investigated to provide fundamental understanding to the absorption mechanism. The first topic of interest in this dissertation is the development of calibration nanoparticles. In this study, bionanoparticles were confirmed to be a promising reference material for particle diameter as well as ion-mobility. Experimentally, bionanoparticles demonstrated outstanding homogeneity in mobility compared to currently used calibration particles. A numerical method was developed to calculate the true distribution and to explain the broadening of measured distribution. The high stability of bionanoparticles was also confirmed. For PA measurement, three aerosol with spherical or near spherical shapes were investigated as possible candidates for a reference standard: C60, copper and silver. Comparisons were made between experimental photoacoustic absorption data with Mie theory calculations. This resulted in the identification of C60 particles with a mobility diameter of 150 nm to 400 nm as an absorbing standard at wavelengths of 405 nm and 660 nm. Copper particles with a mobility diameter of 80 nm to 300 nm are also shown to be a promising reference candidate at wavelength of 405 nm. The second topic of this dissertation focuses on the investigation of light absorption by carbonaceous particles using PA. Optical absorption spectra of size and mass selected laboratory generated aerosols consisting of black carbon (BC), BC with non-absorbing coating (ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride) and BC with a weakly absorbing coating (brown carbon derived from humic acid) were measured across the visible to near-IR (500 nm to 840 nm). The manner in which BC mixed with each coating material was investigated. The absorption enhancement of BC was determined to be wavelength dependent. Optical absorption spectra were also taken for size and mass selected smoldering smoke produced from six types of commonly seen wood in a laboratory scale apparatus.
The need for solutions to minimize the negative environmental impacts of anthropogenic activities Fhas increased. Sewage sludge is composed of predominantly organic matter and can be used to improve soil characteristics, such as fertility. Therefore, its application in agriculture is an adequate alternative for its final disposal. However, there is a lack of information on its long-term effects on soil changes in tropical areas. Thus, the objectives of this study were to determine (i) the effect of sewage sludge application on heavy metal build-up in soil and maize grains and leaves, and (ii) the effects of soil amendment with sewage sludge on the chemical properties of a Brazilian oxisol. Besides the increasing levels of Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr, amending soil with sewage sludge also alters the distribution of these metals by increasing the mobile Phases, which correlated significantly with the increase in metal extraction with two single extractants, Mehlich 1 and DTPA (Diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid). The levels of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu in maize grains and leaves increased with the type and rate of sewage sludge application. Nevertheless, metal build-up in soil and plants was within the allowed limits. Significant differences were also found in soil characteristics like humic fractionation with the applied sewage doses. The data obtained does not indicate any expressive drawbacks in the use of sewage sludge as a soil amendment, as the heavy metal concentrations observed are unlikely to cause any environmental or health problems, even overestimated loadings, and are in accordance with the Brazilian regulations on farming land biosolid disposal.
Les stérosomes, des vésicules artificielles composées d’amphiphiles monoalkylés et d’un grand pourcentage de stérols, sont prometteurs dans plusieurs domaines comme les industries pharmaceutiques et alimentaires. Il existe des stérosomes chargés négativement, positivement et neutres. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons approfondi nos connaissances sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des stérosomes chargés : acide palmitique (PA)/stérol et stéarylamine (SA)/cholestérol (Chol). Premièrement, afin de mesurer la diffusion latérale de PA dans les membranes PA/stérol (30/70 mol/mol) par RMN à gradients pulsés, nous avons tenté de former des bicouches liquide-ordonnées (lo) orientées magnétiquement avec ce mélange. En s'inspirant de l’idée que l’ajout de 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DHPC), un lipide à courtes chaînes, dans le système 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) mène à la formation de bicouches orientées, nous avons étudié la formulation PA perdeutéré/acide hexanoïque (HA)/Chol avec une proportion molaire de 25/18/57 à plusieurs températures; aucune formation de bicouches orientées n’a été observée. Ce résultat pourrait être expliqué par la solubilisation partielle de HA en milieu aqueux. Alors, une quantité insuffisante serait insérée dans la bicouche pour induire son orientation. La formulation PA perdeutéré/DHPC/Chol n’a pas conduit, elle non plus, à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement à des températures et concentrations lipidiques variées. En étudiant le mélange DMPC/DHPC/Chol (67/17/14), nous avons remarqué que la présence de Chol inhibait l'orientation magnétique des bicouches. Tandis que le mélange DMPC/DHPC/stigmastérol (SS) avec les proportions molaires 67/19/14 et 72/21/7 conduisait à des bicouches orientées avec leur normale (n) perpendiculaire au champ magnétique à 40 °C et 50 °C. Ces résultats suggèrent que le mélange PA/SS avec une proportion de lipide à courtes chaînes, HA et DHPC, pourrait mener à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement. Le mélange PA/Chol avec un lipide à courtes chaînes pourrait aussi être étudié en présence des lanthanides. Deuxièmement, nous avons examiné la possibilité de moduler la libération de matériel encapsulé dans des liposomes essentiellement composés de PA et d’un stérol. Il est connu que le mélange PA/Chol (30/70) à pH ≥ 7,5 forme des liposomes très peu perméables. Il est avantageux de pouvoir moduler la perméabilité pour avoir un contrôle sur le temps de libération de leur contenu, qui est un paramètre de grande importance pour les formulations liposomales de médicaments. D’abord, il a été montré que l’acide oléique (OA)/Chol (30/70) est capable de former des vésicules, ce qui n’avait jamais été prouvé auparavant. Par contre, les bicouches OA/Chol (30/70) ne sont pas plus perméables que les bicouches PA/Chol (30/70). L’ajout de 1-palmitoyl-2-oléoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) dans le mélange PA/Chol n’augmente pas plus la perméabilité. En effet, les cinétiques de relargage de calcéine des vésicules PA/POPC/Chol (15/27.5/57.5), POPC/Chol (40/60) et POPC étaient très semblables à celle de PA/Chol (30/70). Il a été remarqué que les études littéraires se contredisent à propos de la perméabilité à la calcéine des bicouches de phosphatidylcholine (PC). L’explication de ces divergences est inconnue pour le moment. En remplaçant la moitié de la proportion molaire de Chol par le cholate de sodium (SC) dans le mélange PA/Chol (30/70), la membrane n’était pas plus apte à libérer son contenu. Il se pourrait que le SC se retrouvant dans la bicouche n’induit pas une diminution d’empilement. Il est aussi possible que le SC ne s'insère pas dans la membrane à cause de son hydrophilie considérable et il pourrait alors former seul des micelles. En remplaçant complètement le Chol par le sulfate de cholestérol (SChol), un stérol chargé négativement, et en préparant les vésicules à un bas pH, la formulation PA/SChol (30/70) mène à une très grande perméabilité à pH 7.5; le relargage est provoqué par un saut de pH. Nos travaux suggèrent qu'il serait possible de moduler la perméabilité des liposomes en les préparant avec le mélange PA/SChol/Chol en variant les proportions entre 30/63/7 à 30/70/0. Le diagramme pH-composition du mélange PA/SChol/Chol indique que ces proportions conduisent, à pH 7.4, à la coexistence de phases solide et lo en différentes proportions, ce qui pourrait moduler la perméabilité membranaire. Troisièmement, les résultats de perméabilité obtenus avec la calcéine et les difficultés survenues lors de l’extrusion des vésicules encapsulant cette sonde nous ont amené à nous demander si la calcéine interagit avec les bicouches chargées. L’impact de certains anions, dont la calcéine, a été examiné sur les bicouches chargées positivement SA/Chol (50/50). La calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC, de l’anglais differential scanning calorimetry), indique qu’il n’y a aucune transition entre 25 et 90 °C pour les liposomes SA/Chol (50/50) à pH = 7.4. L’ajout de chlorure de sodim (375 mM) n’a pas mené à la formation d’agrégats et aucune transition n’a été observée sur le thermogramme. La formation d’agrégats macroscopiques instantanément après l’ajout d’hydrogénophosphate de sodium (125 mM), de sulfate de sodium (125 mM) et de calcéine (3 mM) a été observée. Une transition a été observée sur les thermogrammes en présence de ces sels. Les agrégats observés pourraient être associés à la transition de phase. L’effet des anions sur la température et l’enthalpie de transition suivent le même ordre que la série d’Hofmeister : sulfate > hydrogénophosphate > chlorure (pas de pic). La calcéine avait l’impact le plus prononcé sur l’agrégation; ceci illustre que la calcéine n’est pas une sonde fluorescente inerte avec le mélange SA/Chol. Elle pourrait être un chaotrope volumineux. De plus, les interactions SA-calcéine plus fortes, menant à l’agrégation des vésicules, que les interactions PC-calcéine pourraient s’expliquer par le fait que la SA est chargée positivement.
Extracellular iron reduction has been suggested as a candidate metabolic pathway that may explain a large proportion of carbon respiration in temperate peatlands. However, the o-phenanthroline colorimetric method commonly employed to quantitate iron and partition between redox species is known to be unreliable in the presence of humic and fulvic acids, both of which represent a considerable proportion of peatland dissolved organic matter. We propose ionic liquid extraction as a more accurate iron quantitation and redox speciation method in humic-rich peat porewater. We evaluated both o-phenanthroline and ionic liquid extraction in four distinct peatland systems spanning a gradient of physico-chemical conditions to compare total iron recovery and Fe2+:Fe3+ ratios determined by each method. Ionic liquid extraction was found to provide more accurate iron quantitation and speciation in the presence of dissolved organic matter. A multivariate approach utilizing fluorescence- and UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to identify dissolved organic matter characteristics in peat porewater that lead to poor performance of the o-phenanthroline method. Where these interferences are present, we offer an empirical correction factor for total iron quantitation by o-phenanthroline, as verified by ionic liquid extraction. The written work presented in this thesis is in preparation for submission to Soil Biology and Biochemisrty by T.J. Veverica, E.S. Kane, A.M. Marcarelli, and S.A. Green.
Brain is one of the safe sanctuaries for HIV and, in turn, continuously supplies active viruses to the periphery. Additionally, HIV infection in brain results in several mild-to-severe neuro-immunological complications termed neuroAIDS. One-tenth of HIV-infected population is addicted to recreational drugs such as opiates, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, etc. which share common target-areas in the brain with HIV. Interestingly, intensity of neuropathogenesis is remarkably enhanced due to exposure of recreational drugs during HIV infection. Current treatments to alleviate either the individual or synergistic effects of abusive drugs and HIV on neuronal modulations are less effective at CNS level, basically due to impermeability of therapeutic molecules across blood-brain barrier (BBB). Despite exciting advancement of nanotechnology in drug delivery, existing nanovehicles such as dendrimers, polymers, micelles, etc. suffer from the lack of adequate BBB penetrability before the drugs are engulfed by the reticuloendothelial system cells as well as the uncertainty that if and when the nanocarrier reaches the brain. Therefore, in order to develop a fast, target-specific, safe, and effective approach for brain delivery of anti-addiction, anti-viral and neuroprotective drugs, we exploited the potential of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) which, in recent years, has attracted significant importance in biomedical applications. We hypothesize that under the influence of external (non-invasive) magnetic force, MNPs can deliver these drugs across BBB in most effective manner. Accordingly, in this dissertation, I delineated the pharmacokinetics and dynamics of MNPs bound anti-opioid, anti-HIV and neuroprotective drugs for delivery in brain. I have developed a liposome-based novel magnetized nanovehicle which, under the influence of external magnetic forces, can transmigrate and effectively deliver drugs across BBB without compromising its integrity. It is expected that the developed nanoformulations may be of high therapeutic significance for neuroAIDS and for drug addiction as well.
Les stérosomes, des vésicules artificielles composées d’amphiphiles monoalkylés et d’un grand pourcentage de stérols, sont prometteurs dans plusieurs domaines comme les industries pharmaceutiques et alimentaires. Il existe des stérosomes chargés négativement, positivement et neutres. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons approfondi nos connaissances sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des stérosomes chargés : acide palmitique (PA)/stérol et stéarylamine (SA)/cholestérol (Chol). Premièrement, afin de mesurer la diffusion latérale de PA dans les membranes PA/stérol (30/70 mol/mol) par RMN à gradients pulsés, nous avons tenté de former des bicouches liquide-ordonnées (lo) orientées magnétiquement avec ce mélange. En s'inspirant de l’idée que l’ajout de 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DHPC), un lipide à courtes chaînes, dans le système 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) mène à la formation de bicouches orientées, nous avons étudié la formulation PA perdeutéré/acide hexanoïque (HA)/Chol avec une proportion molaire de 25/18/57 à plusieurs températures; aucune formation de bicouches orientées n’a été observée. Ce résultat pourrait être expliqué par la solubilisation partielle de HA en milieu aqueux. Alors, une quantité insuffisante serait insérée dans la bicouche pour induire son orientation. La formulation PA perdeutéré/DHPC/Chol n’a pas conduit, elle non plus, à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement à des températures et concentrations lipidiques variées. En étudiant le mélange DMPC/DHPC/Chol (67/17/14), nous avons remarqué que la présence de Chol inhibait l'orientation magnétique des bicouches. Tandis que le mélange DMPC/DHPC/stigmastérol (SS) avec les proportions molaires 67/19/14 et 72/21/7 conduisait à des bicouches orientées avec leur normale (n) perpendiculaire au champ magnétique à 40 °C et 50 °C. Ces résultats suggèrent que le mélange PA/SS avec une proportion de lipide à courtes chaînes, HA et DHPC, pourrait mener à des bicouches orientées magnétiquement. Le mélange PA/Chol avec un lipide à courtes chaînes pourrait aussi être étudié en présence des lanthanides. Deuxièmement, nous avons examiné la possibilité de moduler la libération de matériel encapsulé dans des liposomes essentiellement composés de PA et d’un stérol. Il est connu que le mélange PA/Chol (30/70) à pH ≥ 7,5 forme des liposomes très peu perméables. Il est avantageux de pouvoir moduler la perméabilité pour avoir un contrôle sur le temps de libération de leur contenu, qui est un paramètre de grande importance pour les formulations liposomales de médicaments. D’abord, il a été montré que l’acide oléique (OA)/Chol (30/70) est capable de former des vésicules, ce qui n’avait jamais été prouvé auparavant. Par contre, les bicouches OA/Chol (30/70) ne sont pas plus perméables que les bicouches PA/Chol (30/70). L’ajout de 1-palmitoyl-2-oléoyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) dans le mélange PA/Chol n’augmente pas plus la perméabilité. En effet, les cinétiques de relargage de calcéine des vésicules PA/POPC/Chol (15/27.5/57.5), POPC/Chol (40/60) et POPC étaient très semblables à celle de PA/Chol (30/70). Il a été remarqué que les études littéraires se contredisent à propos de la perméabilité à la calcéine des bicouches de phosphatidylcholine (PC). L’explication de ces divergences est inconnue pour le moment. En remplaçant la moitié de la proportion molaire de Chol par le cholate de sodium (SC) dans le mélange PA/Chol (30/70), la membrane n’était pas plus apte à libérer son contenu. Il se pourrait que le SC se retrouvant dans la bicouche n’induit pas une diminution d’empilement. Il est aussi possible que le SC ne s'insère pas dans la membrane à cause de son hydrophilie considérable et il pourrait alors former seul des micelles. En remplaçant complètement le Chol par le sulfate de cholestérol (SChol), un stérol chargé négativement, et en préparant les vésicules à un bas pH, la formulation PA/SChol (30/70) mène à une très grande perméabilité à pH 7.5; le relargage est provoqué par un saut de pH. Nos travaux suggèrent qu'il serait possible de moduler la perméabilité des liposomes en les préparant avec le mélange PA/SChol/Chol en variant les proportions entre 30/63/7 à 30/70/0. Le diagramme pH-composition du mélange PA/SChol/Chol indique que ces proportions conduisent, à pH 7.4, à la coexistence de phases solide et lo en différentes proportions, ce qui pourrait moduler la perméabilité membranaire. Troisièmement, les résultats de perméabilité obtenus avec la calcéine et les difficultés survenues lors de l’extrusion des vésicules encapsulant cette sonde nous ont amené à nous demander si la calcéine interagit avec les bicouches chargées. L’impact de certains anions, dont la calcéine, a été examiné sur les bicouches chargées positivement SA/Chol (50/50). La calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC, de l’anglais differential scanning calorimetry), indique qu’il n’y a aucune transition entre 25 et 90 °C pour les liposomes SA/Chol (50/50) à pH = 7.4. L’ajout de chlorure de sodim (375 mM) n’a pas mené à la formation d’agrégats et aucune transition n’a été observée sur le thermogramme. La formation d’agrégats macroscopiques instantanément après l’ajout d’hydrogénophosphate de sodium (125 mM), de sulfate de sodium (125 mM) et de calcéine (3 mM) a été observée. Une transition a été observée sur les thermogrammes en présence de ces sels. Les agrégats observés pourraient être associés à la transition de phase. L’effet des anions sur la température et l’enthalpie de transition suivent le même ordre que la série d’Hofmeister : sulfate > hydrogénophosphate > chlorure (pas de pic). La calcéine avait l’impact le plus prononcé sur l’agrégation; ceci illustre que la calcéine n’est pas une sonde fluorescente inerte avec le mélange SA/Chol. Elle pourrait être un chaotrope volumineux. De plus, les interactions SA-calcéine plus fortes, menant à l’agrégation des vésicules, que les interactions PC-calcéine pourraient s’expliquer par le fait que la SA est chargée positivement.
Self-replication and compartmentalization are two central properties thought to be essential for minimal life, and understanding how such processes interact in the emergence of complex reaction networks is crucial to exploring the development of complexity in chemistry and biology. Autocatalysis can emerge from multiple different mechanisms such as formation of an initiator, template self-replication and physical autocatalysis (where micelles formed from the reaction product solubilize the reactants, leading to higher local concentrations and therefore higher rates). Amphiphiles are also used in artificial life studies to create protocell models such as micelles, vesicles and oil-in-water droplets, and can increase reaction rates by encapsulation of reactants. So far, no template self-replicator exists which is capable of compartmentalization, or transferring this molecular scale phenomenon to micro or macro-scale assemblies. Here a system is demonstrated where an amphiphilic imine catalyses its own formation by joining a non-polar alkyl tail group with a polar carboxylic acid head group to form a template, which was shown to form reverse micelles by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The kinetics of this system were investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy, showing clearly that a template self-replication mechanism operates, though there was no evidence that the reverse micelles participated in physical autocatalysis. Active oil droplets, composed from a mixture of insoluble organic compounds in an aqueous sub-phase, can undergo processes such as division, self-propulsion and chemotaxis, and are studied as models for minimal cells, or protocells. Although in most cases the Marangoni effect is responsible for the forces on the droplet, the behaviour of the droplet depends heavily on the exact composition. Though theoretical models are able to calculate the forces on a droplet, to model a mixture of oils on an aqueous surface where compounds from the oil phase are dissolving and diffusing through the aqueous phase is beyond current computational capability. The behaviour of a droplet in an aqueous phase can only be discovered through experiment, though it is determined by the droplet's composition. By using an evolutionary algorithm and a liquid handling robot to conduct droplet experiments and decide which compositions to test next, entirely autonomously, the composition of the droplet becomes a chemical genome capable of evolution. The selection is carried out according to a fitness function, which ranks the formulation based on how well it conforms to the chosen fitness criteria (e.g. movement or division). Over successive generations, significant increases in fitness are achieved, and this increase is higher with more components (i.e. greater complexity). Other chemical processes such as chemiluminescence and gelation were investigated in active oil droplets, demonstrating the possibility of controlling chemical reactions by selective droplet fusion. Potential future applications for this might include combinatorial chemistry, or additional fitness goals for the genetic algorithm. Combining the self-replication and the droplet protocells research, it was demonstrated that the presence of the amphiphilic replicator lowers the interfacial tension between droplets of a reaction mixture in organic solution and the alkaline aqueous phase, causing them to divide. Periodic sampling by a liquid handling robot revealed that the extent of droplet fission increased as the reaction progressed, producing more individual protocells with increased self-replication. This demonstrates coupling of the molecular scale phenomenon of template self-replication to a macroscale physicochemical effect.
O cancro é a segunda causa de mortalidade a nível mundial. Um dos problemas nos tratamentos atuais de quimioterapia relaciona-se com os efeitos secundários causados pela falta de seletividade dos fármacos utilizados. Assim, um dos desafios atuais é o desenvolvimento de sistemas terapêuticos que permitam potenciar o efeito dos fármacos e diminuir os seus efeitos nocivos. Neste contexto, neste trabalho, foram sintetizados complexos de Fe, Co e Zn com fórmula geral [M(bipy-R)3]x+, a partir dos quais foi possível obter sistemas micelares formados in situ pela adição de um copolímero de PLA-b-PEG ou por introdução de macroligandos poliméricos anfifílicos. Os resultados mostram que as nanopartículas formadas apresentam tamanho e características adequadas para aplicações na terapia dirigida contra o cancro. Os resultados preliminares de citotoxicidade na linha tumoral humana da mama MDAMB231 indicam que todos os compostos estudados apresentam atividade citotóxica relevante, sendo os compostos micelares os mais promissores; Abstract: New micellar transition metals complexes for targeted therapy of cancer Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality worldwide. One problem in the current chemotherapy treatments is related to the severe side effects caused by the lack of selectivity of the drugs in clinical use. Thus, one of the current challenges is the development of new therapeutic systems that allow maximizing the effect of the drugs and reducing their harmful effects. In this context, several Fe, Co and Zn compounds of the general formula [M (bipy-R)3]x+ were synthesized in order to obtain micellar systems, either by in situ addition of a PLA-b-PEG copolymer or by introducing amphiphilic macroligands. The results show that the formed nanoparticles have size and characteristics suitable for applications in targeted therapy against cancer. Preliminary results of cytotoxicity in human breast cancer line MDAMB231 indicate that all the studied compounds show significant cytotoxic activity, being the micellar compounds the most promising agents.
The interpretative framework presented here provides a rationale for many well-known features of cardiovascular diseases. Prolonged acidemia with high blood levels of free fatty acids is proposed to shape the basic context for formation of fatty acid micelles and vesicles with an acidic core that fuse with the endothelia, disrupt vital cell processes, and initiate atherosclerotic plaque formation. It offers an explanation for the distributed localization of atherosclerotic lesions, and how mild cases of occurrence of fatty acids vesicles formed within the heart and the arteries close to the heart may cause such lesions. It provides a rationale for how acute events, namely heart attacks and strokes, may arise from stormy development of fatty acid vesicles within the heart. Additionally, a process is proposed for clot development from the existing fatty acid vesicles.
The aim of this study was to assess the organic matter changes in quantity and quality, particularly of the humic fraction in the surface layer (0?20 cm), of a Typic Plinthustalf soil under different management of plant mixtures used as green manure for mango (Mangifera indica L.) crops. The plant mixtures, which were seeded between rows of mango trees, were formed by two groups of leguminous and non -leguminous plants. Prior to sowing, seeds were combined in different proportions and compositions constituting the following treatments: 100% non-leguminous species (NL); 100% leguminous species (L); 75% L and 25% NL; 50% L and 50% NL; 25% L and 75% NL; and 100% spontaneous vegetation, considered a control. The plant mixtures that grew between rows of mango trees caused changes in the chemical composition of the soil organic matter, especially for the treatments 50% L and 50% NL and 25% L and 75% NL, which increased the content of humic substances in the soil organic matter. However, the treatment 25% L and 75% NL was best at minimising loss of total organic carbon from the soil. The humic acids studied have mostly aliphatic characteristics, showing large amounts of carboxylic and nitrogen groups and indicating that most of the organic carbon was formed by humic substances, with fulvic acid dominating among the alkali soluble fractions.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which is intrinsically present or may be introduced in soils by inoculation, is an example of natural and renewable resource to increase plant nutrient uptake. This kind of fungi produces structures (hyphae, arbuscles and sometimes vesicles) inside the plant root cortex. This mutualistic relationship promotes plant gains in terms of water and nutrient absorption (mainly phosphorus). Biochar can benefit plant interaction with AMF, however, it can contain potentially toxic compounds such as heavy metals and organic compounds (e.g. dioxins, furans and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), depending on the feedstock and pyrolysis conditions, which may damage organisms. For these reasons, the present work will approach the impacts of biochar application on soil attributes, AMF-plant symbiosis and its responses in plant growth and phosphorus uptake. Eucalyptus biochar produced at high temperatures increases sorghum growth; symbiosis with AMF; and enhances spore germination. Enhanced plant growth in the presence of high temperature biochar and AMF is a response of root branching stimulated by an additive effect between biochar characteristics and root colonization. Biochar obtained at low temperature reduces AMF spore germination; however it does not affect plant growth and symbiosis in soil.
Biochar has been used worldwide as soil amendment. Due to the high sorption capacity of organic compounds by charcoal in general, the use of biochar can change the soil sorptive properties, that could result in a environmental protective strategy in one hand and/or in need of higher pesticides doses in another hand. However no data in the literature is available about the long term effect of biochar application in the sorptive properties of the soil, even studies about the sorptive properties of soil treated with biochar are scarce, the few available papers are with pure biochar. This unprecedented work, evaluating the sorption of atrazine in a clayed soil treated with biochar, under experimental field conditions, evaluated the sorption isotherms one and three years after the single biochar application (16 Mg ha-1 of biochar). One year after the biochar application the Kf was two times higher for the biochar amended soil than for the control one (without biochar). This effect decreases after three years from the application, but it is even significantly higher (50% higher) than the control treatment.