958 resultados para gas phase reactions
In this paper we investigate the solubility of a hard-sphere gas in a solvent modeled as an associating lattice gas. The solution phase diagram for solute at 5% is compared with the phase diagram of the original solute free model. Model properties are investigated both through Monte Carlo simulations and a cluster approximation. The model solubility is computed via simulations and is shown to exhibit a minimum as a function of temperature. The line of minimum solubility (TmS) coincides with the line of maximum density (TMD) for different solvent chemical potentials, in accordance with the literature on continuous realistic models and on the "cavity" picture. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4743635]
We measured the mixing ratios of NO, NO2, O-3, and volatile organic carbon as well as the aerosol light-scattering coefficient on a boat platform cruising on rivers downwind of the city of Manaus (Amazonas State, Brazil) in July 2001 (Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia-Cooperative LBA Airborne Regional Experiment-2001). The dispersion and impact of the Manaus plume was investigated by a combined analysis of ground-based (boat platform) and airborne trace gas and aerosol measurements as well as by meteorological measurements complemented by dispersion calculations (Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model). For the cases with the least anthropogenic influence (including a location in a so far unexplored region similar to 150 km west of Manaus on the Rio Manacapuru), the aerosol scattering coefficient, sigma(s), was below 11 Mm(-1), NOx mixing ratios remained below 0.6 ppb, daytime O-3 mixing ratios were mostly below 20 ppb and maximal isoprene mixing ratios were about 3 ppb in the afternoon. The photostationary state (PSS) was not established for these cases, as indicated by values of the Leighton ratio, Phi, well above unity. Due to the influence of river breeze systems and other thermally driven mesoscale circulations, a change of the synoptic wind direction from east-northeast to south-southeast in the afternoon often caused a substantial increase of ss and trace gas mixing ratios (about threefold for sigma(s), fivefold for NOx, and twofold for O-3), which was associated with the arrival of the Manaus pollution plume at the boat location. The ratio F reached unity within its uncertainty range at NOx mixing ratios of about 3 ppb, indicating "steady-state" conditions in cases when radiation variations, dry deposition, emissions, and reactions mostly involving peroxy radicals (XO2) played a minor role. The median midday/afternoon XO2 mixing ratios estimated using the PSS method range from 90 to 120 parts per trillion (ppt) for the remote cases (sigma(s) < 11 Mm(-1) and NOx < 0.6 ppb), while for the polluted cases our estimates are 15 to 60 ppt. These values are within the range of XO2 estimated by an atmospheric chemistry box model (Chemistry As A Box model Application-Module Efficiently Calculating the Chemistry of the Atmosphere (CAABA/MECCA)-3.0).
Full validation of the electrochemical mechanisms so far postulated as driving force of electric field-assisted non-spontaneous crystallization development in given glasses has suffered experimental restrictions. In this work, we looked into origin of this phenomenon in lead oxyfluoroborate glasses, resulting in beta-PbF2 growth even below the corresponding glass transition temperatures, through achieving a systematic study of not only Pt,Ag/Glass/Ag,Pt- but also Pt,Ag/Glass/YSZ:PbF2/Ag,Pt-type cells, where YSZ:PbF2 represents a two-phase system (formed by Y2O3-doped ZrO2 and PbF2). It is demonstrated that crystallization induction in these glasses involves Pb2+ ions reduction at the cathode, the phenomenon being, however, confirmed only when the F- ions were simultaneously also able to reach the anode for oxidation, after assuring either a direct glass-anode contact or percolation pathways for free fluoride migration across the YSZ:PbF2 mixtures. A further support of this account is that the electrochemically induced beta-PbF2 phase crystallizes showing ramified-like microstructure morphology that arises, accordingly, from development of electroconvective diffusion processes under electric field action.
The oil industry uses gas separators in production wells as the free gas present in the suction of the pump reduces the pumping efficiency and pump lifetime. Therefore, free gas is one of the most important variables in the design of pumping systems. However, in the literature there is little information on these separators. It is the case of the inverted-shroud gravitational gas separator. It has an annular geometry due to the installation of a cylindrical container in between the well casing and pioduction pipe (tubing). The purpose of the present study is to understand the phenomenology and behavior of inverted-shroud separator. Experimental tests were performed in a 10.5-m-length inclinable glass tube with air and water as working fluids. The water flow rate was in the range of 8.265-26.117 l/min and the average inlet air mass flow rate was 1.1041 kg/h, with inclination angles of 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees, 75 degrees, 80 degrees and 85 degrees. One of the findings is that the length between the inner annular level and production pipe inlet is one of the most important design parameters and based on that a new criterion for total gas separation is proposed. We also found that the phenomenology of the studied separator is not directly dependent on the gas flow rate, but on the average velocity of the free surface flow generated inside the separator. Maps of efficiency of gas separation were plotted and showed that liquid flow rate, inclination angle and pressure difference between casing and production pipe outlet are the main variables related to the gas separation phenomenon. The new data can be used for the development of design tools aiming to the optimized project of the pumping system for oil production in directional wells. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this study we report the characterization of the volatile compounds of Laurencia dendroidea. Solvent extracts (dichloromethane and methanol), hydrodistillation extracts and headspace solid-phase microextraction samples were obtained and analyzed by GC-MS. Forty-six volatile components were identified in L. dendroidea, among them hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters and terpenes.
In the work underlying this thesis solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was evaluated as a passive sampling technique for organophosphate triesters in indoor air. These compounds are used on a large scale as flame-retarding and plastizicing additives in a variety of materials and products, and have proven to be common pollutants in indoor air. The main objective of this work was to develop an accurate method for measuring the volatile fraction. Such a method can be used in combination with active sampling to obtain information regarding the vapour/particulate distribution in different indoor environments. SPME was investigated under both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions and parameters associated with these different conditions were estimated. In Paper I, time-weighted average (TWA) SPME under dynamic conditions was investigated in order to obtain a fast air sampling method for organophosphate triesters. Among the investigated SPME coatings, the absorptive PDMS polymer had the highest affinity for the organophosphate triesters and was consequently used in all further work. Since the sampling rate is dependent on the agitation conditions, the linear airflow rates had to be carefully considered. Sampling periods as short as 1 hour were shown to be sufficient for measurements in the ng-μg m-3 range when using a PDMS 100-μm fibre and a linear flow rate above 7 cm s-1 over the fibre. SPME under equilibrium conditions is rather time-consuming, even under dynamic conditions, for slowly partitioning compounds such as organophosphate triesters. Nevertheless, this method has some significant advantages. For instance, the limit of detection is much lower compared to 1 h TWA sampling. Furthermore, the sampling time can be ignored as long as equilibrium has been attained. In Paper II, SPME under equilibrium conditions was investigated and evaluated for organophosphate triester vapours. Since temperature and humidity are closely associated with the distribution constant a simple study of the effect of these parameters was performed. The obtained distribution constants were used to determine the air levels in a common indoor environment. SPME and parallel active sampling on filters yielded similar results, indicating that the detected compounds were almost entirely associated with the vapour phase To apply dynamic SPME method in the field a sampler device, which enables controlled linear airflow rates to be applied, was constructed and evaluated (Paper III). This device was developed for application of SPME and active sampling in parallel. A GC/PICI-MS/MS method was developed and used in combination with active sampling of organophosphate triesters in indoor air (Paper IV). The combination of MS/MS and the soft ionization achieved with methanol as reagent gas yielded high selectivity and detection limits comparable to those provided by GC with nitrogen-phosphorus detection (NPD). The method limit of detection, when sampling 1.5 m3 of air, was in the range 0.1-1.4 ng m-3. In Paper V, the developed MS method was used in combination with SPME for indoor air measurements. The levels detected in the investigated indoor environments range from a few ng to μg m-3. Tris(2-chloropropyl) phosphate was detected at a concentration as high as 7 μg m-3 in a newly rebuilt lecture room.
Introduction 1.1 Occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the environment Worldwide industrial and agricultural developments have released a large number of natural and synthetic hazardous compounds into the environment due to careless waste disposal, illegal waste dumping and accidental spills. As a result, there are numerous sites in the world that require cleanup of soils and groundwater. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one of the major groups of these contaminants (Da Silva et al., 2003). PAHs constitute a diverse class of organic compounds consisting of two or more aromatic rings with various structural configurations (Prabhu and Phale, 2003). Being a derivative of benzene, PAHs are thermodynamically stable. In addition, these chemicals tend to adhere to particle surfaces, such as soils, because of their low water solubility and strong hydrophobicity, and this results in greater persistence under natural conditions. This persistence coupled with their potential carcinogenicity makes PAHs problematic environmental contaminants (Cerniglia, 1992; Sutherland, 1992). PAHs are widely found in high concentrations at many industrial sites, particularly those associated with petroleum, gas production and wood preserving industries (Wilson and Jones, 1993). 1.2 Remediation technologies Conventional techniques used for the remediation of soil polluted with organic contaminants include excavation of the contaminated soil and disposal to a landfill or capping - containment - of the contaminated areas of a site. These methods have some drawbacks. The first method simply moves the contamination elsewhere and may create significant risks in the excavation, handling and transport of hazardous material. Additionally, it is very difficult and increasingly expensive to find new landfill sites for the final disposal of the material. The cap and containment method is only an interim solution since the contamination remains on site, requiring monitoring and maintenance of the isolation barriers long into the future, with all the associated costs and potential liability. A better approach than these traditional methods is to completely destroy the pollutants, if possible, or transform them into harmless substances. Some technologies that have been used are high-temperature incineration and various types of chemical decomposition (for example, base-catalyzed dechlorination, UV oxidation). However, these methods have significant disadvantages, principally their technological complexity, high cost , and the lack of public acceptance. Bioremediation, on the contrast, is a promising option for the complete removal and destruction of contaminants. 1.3 Bioremediation of PAH contaminated soil & groundwater Bioremediation is the use of living organisms, primarily microorganisms, to degrade or detoxify hazardous wastes into harmless substances such as carbon dioxide, water and cell biomass Most PAHs are biodegradable unter natural conditions (Da Silva et al., 2003; Meysami and Baheri, 2003) and bioremediation for cleanup of PAH wastes has been extensively studied at both laboratory and commercial levels- It has been implemented at a number of contaminated sites, including the cleanup of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 1989, the Mega Borg spill off the Texas coast in 1990 and the Burgan Oil Field, Kuwait in 1994 (Purwaningsih, 2002). Different strategies for PAH bioremediation, such as in situ , ex situ or on site bioremediation were developed in recent years. In situ bioremediation is a technique that is applied to soil and groundwater at the site without removing the contaminated soil or groundwater, based on the provision of optimum conditions for microbiological contaminant breakdown.. Ex situ bioremediation of PAHs, on the other hand, is a technique applied to soil and groundwater which has been removed from the site via excavation (soil) or pumping (water). Hazardous contaminants are converted in controlled bioreactors into harmless compounds in an efficient manner. 1.4 Bioavailability of PAH in the subsurface Frequently, PAH contamination in the environment is occurs as contaminants that are sorbed onto soilparticles rather than in phase (NAPL, non aqueous phase liquids). It is known that the biodegradation rate of most PAHs sorbed onto soil is far lower than rates measured in solution cultures of microorganisms with pure solid pollutants (Alexander and Scow, 1989; Hamaker, 1972). It is generally believed that only that fraction of PAHs dissolved in the solution can be metabolized by microorganisms in soil. The amount of contaminant that can be readily taken up and degraded by microorganisms is defined as bioavailability (Bosma et al., 1997; Maier, 2000). Two phenomena have been suggested to cause the low bioavailability of PAHs in soil (Danielsson, 2000). The first one is strong adsorption of the contaminants to the soil constituents which then leads to very slow release rates of contaminants to the aqueous phase. Sorption is often well correlated with soil organic matter content (Means, 1980) and significantly reduces biodegradation (Manilal and Alexander, 1991). The second phenomenon is slow mass transfer of pollutants, such as pore diffusion in the soil aggregates or diffusion in the organic matter in the soil. The complex set of these physical, chemical and biological processes is schematically illustrated in Figure 1. As shown in Figure 1, biodegradation processes are taking place in the soil solution while diffusion processes occur in the narrow pores in and between soil aggregates (Danielsson, 2000). Seemingly contradictory studies can be found in the literature that indicate the rate and final extent of metabolism may be either lower or higher for sorbed PAHs by soil than those for pure PAHs (Van Loosdrecht et al., 1990). These contrasting results demonstrate that the bioavailability of organic contaminants sorbed onto soil is far from being well understood. Besides bioavailability, there are several other factors influencing the rate and extent of biodegradation of PAHs in soil including microbial population characteristics, physical and chemical properties of PAHs and environmental factors (temperature, moisture, pH, degree of contamination). Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing possible rate-limiting processes during bioremediation of hydrophobic organic contaminants in a contaminated soil-water system (not to scale) (Danielsson, 2000). 1.5 Increasing the bioavailability of PAH in soil Attempts to improve the biodegradation of PAHs in soil by increasing their bioavailability include the use of surfactants , solvents or solubility enhancers.. However, introduction of synthetic surfactant may result in the addition of one more pollutant. (Wang and Brusseau, 1993).A study conducted by Mulder et al. showed that the introduction of hydropropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HPCD), a well-known PAH solubility enhancer, significantly increased the solubilization of PAHs although it did not improve the biodegradation rate of PAHs (Mulder et al., 1998), indicating that further research is required in order to develop a feasible and efficient remediation method. Enhancing the extent of PAHs mass transfer from the soil phase to the liquid might prove an efficient and environmentally low-risk alternative way of addressing the problem of slow PAH biodegradation in soil.
The topics I came across during the period I spent as a Ph.D. student are mainly two. The first concerns new organocatalytic protocols for Mannich-type reactions mediated by Cinchona alkaloids derivatives (Scheme I, left); the second topic, instead, regards the study of a new approach towards the enantioselective total synthesis of Aspirochlorine, a potent gliotoxin that recent studies indicate as a highly selective and active agent against fungi (Scheme I, right). At the beginning of 2005 I had the chance to join the group of Prof. Alfredo Ricci at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Bologna, starting my PhD studies. During the first period I started to study a new homogeneous organocatalytic aza-Henry reaction by means of Cinchona alkaloid derivatives as chiral base catalysts with good results. Soon after we introduced a new protocol which allowed the in situ synthesis of N-carbamoyl imines, scarcely stable, moisture sensitive compounds. For this purpose we used α-amido sulfones, bench stable white crystalline solids, as imine precursors (Scheme II). In particular we were able to obtain the aza-Henry adducts, by using chiral phase transfer catalysis, with a broad range of substituents as R-group and excellent results, unprecedented for Mannich-type transformations (Scheme II). With the optimised protocol in hand we have extended the methodology to the other Mannich-type reactions. We applied the new method to the Mannich, Strecker and Pudovik (hydrophosphonylation of imines) reactions with very good results in terms of enantioselections and yields, broadening the usefulness of this novel protocol. The Mannich reaction was certainly the most extensively studied work in this thesis (Scheme III). Initially we developed the reaction with α-amido sulfones as imine precursors and non-commercially available malonates with excellent results in terms of yields and enantioselections.3 In this particular case we recorded 1 mol% of catalyst loading, very low for organocatalytic processes. Then we thought to develop a new Mannich reaction by using simpler malonates, such as dimethyl malonate.4 With new optimised condition the reaction provided slightly lower enantioselections than the previous protocol, but the Mannich adducts were very versatile for the obtainment of β3-amino acids. Furthermore we performed the first addition of cyclic β-ketoester to α-amido sulfones obtaining the corresponding products in good yield with high level of diastereomeric and enantiomeric excess (Scheme III). Further studies were done about the Strecker reaction mediated by Cinchona alkaloid phase-transfer quaternary ammonium salt derivatives, using acetone cyanohydrin, a relatively harmless cyanide source (Scheme IV). The reaction proceeded very well providing the corresponding α-amino nitriles in good yields and enantiomeric excesses. Finally, we developed two new complementary methodologies for the hydrophosphonylation of imines (Scheme V). As a result of the low stability of the products derived from aromatic imines, we performed the reactions in mild homogeneous basic condition by using quinine as a chiral base catalyst giving the α-aryl-α-amido phosphonic acid esters as products (Scheme V, top).6 On the other hand, we performed the addition of dialkyl phosphite to aliphatic imines by using chiral Cinchona alkaloid phase transfer quaternary ammonium salt derivatives using our methodology based on α-amido sulfones (Scheme V, bottom). The results were good for both procedures covering a broad range of α-amino phosphonic acid ester. During the second year Ph.D. studies, I spent six months in the group of Prof. Steven V. Ley, at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Cambridge, in United Kingdom. During this fruitful period I have been involved in a project concerning the enantioselective synthesis of Aspirochlorine. We provided a new route for the synthesis of a key intermediate, reducing the number of steps and increasing the overall yield. Then we introduced a new enantioselective spirocyclisation for the synthesis of a chiral building block for the completion of the synthesis (Scheme VI).
In questo lavoro di tesi sono state sviluppate reazioni domino, tandem e procedure one-pot per ottenere eterocicli enatioarricchiti. Lo sviluppo di queste metodologie sintetiche è molto importante perché permettono di ottenere molecole complesse partendo da prodotti semplici, senza effettuare ripetuti passaggi di purificazione (stop-and-go or step-by-step synthesis). Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di ottenere derivati tetraidrofuranici modificati e derivati ossoazzolinici enantioarrichiti tramite reazioni SN2-Michael o tramite reazioni aldolica-ciclizzazione-Michael usando la catalisi asimmetrica a trasferimento di fase (PTC). Come catalizzatori PTC per imprimere enantioselezione sono stati utilizzati sali di ammonio quaternario derivati dagli alcaloidi della Cinchona. Sono state ottimizzate le condizioni di reazione (base inorganica, temperatura, solvente, tempo di reazione) per i diversi substrati presi in considerazione. I prodotti target sono stati ottenuti con buone rese, ottime diastereoselezioni ma con bassa enantioselezione. I risultati ottenuti richiedono un’ulteriore ottimizzazione e dovranno essere valutate variazioni strutturali dei nucleofili utilizzati. In this thesis were developed domino, tandem reactions and one-pot procedures to obtained enantioenriched heterocycles. The development of these methodologies is very fundamental because they allow to obtain complex molecules starting from raw materials, without carrying out repeated purification steps (stop-and-go or step-by-step synthesis). The purpose of this work is to obtain enantioenriched tetrahydrofuran and oxazoline derivatives through a SN2-Michael reaction or a aldol- cyclization-Michael reaction using the phase-transfer asymmetric catalysis (PTC). For imprint enantioselection we used Cinchona alkaloids quaternary ammonium salts derivatives. The reaction conditions (inorganic base, temperature, solvent, reaction time) were optimised for the different substrates taken into account. The target products were obtained with good yields, excellent diastereoselections but with low enantioselections. The obtained results require further optimization and structural changes in the nucleophiles used must be evaluated.
Die Photoemissions-Elektronenmikroskopie ist eine hervorragend geeignete Methode zur Untersuchung dynamischer Vorgänge auf realen polykristallinen Oberflächen im sub-μm Bereich. Bei der Anwendung auf Adsorbatsysteme lassen sich geringe Bedeckungsunterschiede, sowie Adsorbatstrukturen und -phasen unterscheiden. Die Methode erlaubt dabei ein breites Anwendungsspektrum über weite Temperaturbereiche und Systeme unterschiedlichster Bindungsenergie. Bei der Chemisorption von Sauerstoff auf polykristallinen Metallen wird unterschiedliches Aufwachsverhalten in den Helligkeitswerten im Mikroskopbild widergespiegelt. Bei Kupferproben zeigen Oberflächen mit unterschiedlicher kristalliner Richtung aufgrund der Symmetrie des fcc-Gitters ein ähnliches Verhalten. Das hexagonale Gitter des Titans zeigt dagegen große Unterschiede im Adsorptionsverhalten in Abhängigkeit der kristallinen Richtung. Diese Unterschiede konnten auf verschiedene Haftkoeffizienten und Oxidationsstufen der Metalle zurückgeführt werden. In einem Modell zur Photostromanalyse konnte beim Kupfer der Übergang von verschiedenen Überstrukturen bei wachsender Bedeckung gezeigt und die Übergänge ermittelt werden.. Auf den Titanoberflächen wurde so das Wachstum der Oxide TiO, TiO2 und Ti2O3 unterschieden und die Übergänge des unterschiedlichen Wachstums ermittelt. Bei der thermischen Desorption der Schichten konnten unterschiedliche Haftkoeffizient auf einzelnen Kristalliten qualitativ gezeigt werden. Diese erstmalig eingesetzte Analysemethode weist Ähnlichkeiten zur Thermo-Desorptions-Spektroskopie (TDS) auf, zeigt jedoch ortsaufgelöst lokale Unterschiede auf polykristallinen Oberflächen. Bei thermisch gestützten Oberflächenreaktionen ließen sich die Reaktionskeime deutlich identifizieren und mit einer Grauwertanalyse konnte die Oxidation der karbidischen Lagen zu Kohlenmonoxid und die Metalloxidation unterschieden werden. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Reaktionskeime nur an Plattengrenzen auftreten, nicht jedoch auf der Oberfläche. Durch die Aufrauhung der Plattengrenzen mit zunehmender Reaktionsdauer nimmt die Zahl der Reaktionskeime kontinuierlich zu, die laterale Ausdehnung der Einzelreaktionen bleibt aber konstant. Bei der Physisorption von Xenon auf Graphit wurde erstmals für die Photoemissionsmikroskopie die resonanten Anregung ausgenutzt. Die verschiedenen Phasen des Adsorbats können dabei deutlich unterschieden werden; bei niedrigen Temperaturen (40K) findet ein gleichmäßiges Wachstum auf der gesamten Oberfläche statt, bei höheren Temperaturen von 60-65K ist dagegen ein Inselwachstum in verschiedenen Phasen zu beobachten. Die zeitliche Entwicklung des Wachstums, die örtliche Lage der Phasen und die Phasenübergänge (gas, fest inkommensurabel, fest kommensurabel) konnten bestimmt werden. Bei der Desorption der Schichten konnten die einzelnen Phasen ebenfalls getrennt werden und das unterschiedliche Desorptionsverhalten sowie die Phasenübergänge selber verifiziert werden.
This Thesis studies the dynamics of hot and cold gas outside the plane in galaxies like the Milky-Way (extra-planar gas) and focuses on the interaction between disc and halo material. Stationary models for the cold phase of the extra-planar gas are presented. They show that the kinematics of this phase must be influenced by the interaction with an ambient medium that we identify as the hot cosmological corona that surrounds disc galaxies. To study this interaction a novel hydrodynamical code has been implemented and a series of hydrodynamical simulations has been run to investigate the mass and momentum exchange between the cold extra-planar gas clouds and the hot corona. These simulations show that the coronal gas can condense efficiently in the turbulent wakes that form behind the cold clouds and it can be accreted by the disc to sustain star formation. They also predict that the corona cannot be a static structure but it must rotate and lag by approximately 80-120 km/s with respect to the disc. Implications of the results of this Thesis for the evolution of star-forming galaxies and for the large-scale dynamics of galactic coronae are also briefly discussed.
A numerical model for studying the influences of deep convective cloud systems on photochemistry was developed based on a non-hydrostatic meteorological model and chemistry from a global chemistry transport model. The transport of trace gases, the scavenging of soluble trace gases, and the influences of lightning produced nitrogen oxides (NOx=NO+NO2) on the local ozone-related photochemistry were investigated in a multi-day case study for an oceanic region located in the tropical western Pacific. Model runs considering influences of large scale flows, previously neglected in multi-day cloud resolving and single column model studies of tracer transport, yielded that the influence of the mesoscale subsidence (between clouds) on trace gas transport was considerably overestimated in these studies. The simulated vertical transport and scavenging of highly soluble tracers were found to depend on the initial profiles, reconciling contrasting results from two previous studies. Influences of the modeled uptake of trace gases by hydrometeors in the liquid and the ice phase were studied in some detail for a small number of atmospheric trace gases and novel aspects concerning the role of the retention coefficient (i.e. the fraction of a dissolved trace gas that is retained in the ice phase upon freezing) on the vertical transport of highly soluble gases were illuminated. Including lightning NOx production inside a 500 km 2-D model domain was found to be important for the NOx budget and caused small to moderate changes in the domain averaged ozone concentrations. A number of sensitivity studies yielded that the fraction of lightning associated NOx which was lost through photochemical reactions in the vicinity of the lightning source was considerable, but strongly depended on assumptions about the magnitude and the altitude of the lightning NOx source. In contrast to a suggestion from an earlier study, it was argued that the near zero upper tropospheric ozone mixing ratios which were observed close to the study region were most probably not caused by the formation of NO associated with lightning. Instead, it was argued in agreement with suggestions from other studies that the deep convective transport of ozone-poor air masses from the relatively unpolluted marine boundary layer, which have most likely been advected horizontally over relatively large distances (both before and after encountering deep convection) probably played a role. In particular, it was suggested that the ozone profiles observed during CEPEX (Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment) were strongly influenced by the deep convection and the larger scale flow which are associated with the intra-seasonal oscillation.
The focus of this thesis was the in-situ application of the new analytical technique "GCxGC" in both the marine and continental boundary layer, as well as in the free troposphere. Biogenic and anthropogenic VOCs were analysed and used to characterise local chemistry at the individual measurement sites. The first part of the thesis work was the characterisation of a new set of columns that was to be used later in the field. To simplify the identification, a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) detector was coupled to the GCxGC. In the field the TOF-MS was substituted by a more robust and tractable flame ionisation detector (FID), which is more suitable for quantitative measurements. During the process, a variety of volatile organic compounds could be assigned to different environmental sources, e.g. plankton sources, eucalyptus forest or urban centers. In-situ measurements of biogenic and anthropogenic VOCs were conducted at the Meteorological Observatory Hohenpeissenberg (MOHP), Germany, applying a thermodesorption-GCxGC-FID system. The measured VOCs were compared to GC-MS measurements routinely conducted at the MOHP as well as to PTR-MS measurements. Furthermore, a compressed ambient air standard was measured from three different gas chromatographic instruments and the results were compared. With few exceptions, the in-situ, as well as the standard measurements, revealed good agreement between the individual instruments. Diurnal cycles were observed, with differing patterns for the biogenic and the anthropogenic compounds. The variability-lifetime relationship of compounds with atmospheric lifetimes from a few hours to a few days in presence of O3 and OH was examined. It revealed a weak but significant influence of chemistry on these short-lived VOCs at the site. The relationship was also used to estimate the average OH radical concentration during the campaign, which was compared to in-situ OH measurements (1.7 x 10^6 molecules/cm^3, 0.071 ppt) for the first time. The OH concentration ranging from 3.5 to 6.5 x 10^5 molecules/cm^3 (0.015 to 0.027 ppt) obtained with this method represents an approximation of the average OH concentration influencing the discussed VOCs from emission to measurement. Based on these findings, the average concentration of the nighttime NO3 radicals was estimated using the same approach and found to range from 2.2 to 5.0 x 10^8 molecules/cm^3 (9.2 to 21.0 ppt). During the MINATROC field campaign, in-situ ambient air measurements with the GCxGC-FID were conducted at Tenerife, Spain. Although the station is mainly situated in the free troposphere, local influences of anthropogenic and biogenic VOCs were observed. Due to a strong dust event originating from Western Africa it was possible to compare the mixing ratios during normal and elevated dust loading in the atmosphere. The mixing ratios during the dust event were found to be lower. However, this could not be attributed to heterogeneous reactions as there was a change in the wind direction from northwesterly to southeasterly during the dust event.
The aim of this thesis is to study how explosive behavior and geophysical signals in a volcanic conduit are related to the development of overpressure in slug-driven eruptions. A first suite of laboratory experiments of gas slugs ascending in analogue conduits was performed. Slugs ascended into a range of analogue liquids and conduit diameters to allow proper scaling to the natural volcanoes. The geometrical variation of the slug in response to the explored variables was parameterised. Volume of gas slug and rheology of the liquid phase revealed the key parameters in controlling slug overpressure at bursting. Founded on these results, a theoretical model to calculate burst overpressure for slug-driven eruptions was developed. The dimensionless approach adopted allowed to apply the model to predict bursting pressure of slugs at Stromboli. Comparison of predicted values with measured data from Stromboli volcano showed that the model can explain the entire spectrum of observed eruptive styles at Stromboli – from low-energy puffing, through normal Strombolian eruptions, up to paroxysmal explosions – as manifestations of a single underlying physical process. Finally, another suite of laboratory experiments was performed to observe oscillatory pressure and forces variations generated during the expansion and bursting of gas slugs ascending in a conduit. Two end-member boundary conditions were imposed at the base of the pipe, simulating slug ascent in closed base (zero magma flux) and open base (constant flux) conduit. At the top of the pipe, a range of boundary conditions that are relevant at a volcanic vent were imposed, going from open to plugged vent. The results obtained illustrate that a change in boundary conditions in the conduit concur to affect the dynamic of slug expansion and burst: an upward flux at the base of the conduit attenuates the magnitude of the pressure transients, while a rheological stiffening in the top-most region of conduit changes dramatically the magnitude of the observed pressure transients, favoring a sudden, and more energetic pressure release into the overlying atmosphere. Finally, a discussion on the implication of changing boundary on the oscillatory processes generated at the volcanic scale is also given.
Foundry aluminum alloys play a fundamental role in several industrial fields, as they are employed in the production of several components in a wide range of applications. Moreover, these alloys can be employed as matrix for the development of Metal Matrix Composites (MMC), whose reinforcing phases may have different composition, shape and dimension. Ceramic particle reinforced MMCs are particular interesting due to their isotropic properties and their high temperature resistance. For this kind of composites, usually, decreasing the size of the reinforcing phase leads to the increase of mechanical properties. For this reason, in the last 30 years, the research has developed micro-reinforced composites at first, characterized by low ductility, and more recently nano-reinforced ones (the so called metal matrix nanocomposite, MMNCs). The nanocomposites can be obtained through several production routes: they can be divided in in-situ techniques, where the reinforcing phase is generated during the composite production through appropriate chemical reactions, and ex situ techniques, where ceramic dispersoids are added to the matrix once already formed. The enhancement in mechanical properties of MMNCs is proved by several studies; nevertheless, it is necessary to address some issues related to each processing route, as the control of process parameters and the effort to obtain an effective dispersion of the nanoparticles in the matrix, which sometimes actually restrict the use of these materials at industrial level. In this work of thesis, a feasibility study and implementation of production processes for Aluminum and AlSi7Mg based-MMNCs was conducted. The attention was focused on the in-situ process of gas bubbling, with the aim to obtain an aluminum oxide reinforcing phase, generated by the chemical reaction between the molten matrix and industrial dry air injected in the melt. Moreover, for what concerns the ex-situ techniques, stir casting process was studied and applied to introduce alumina nanoparticles in the same matrix alloys. The obtained samples were characterized through optical and electronic microscopy, then by micro-hardness tests, in order to evaluate possible improvements in mechanical properties of the materials.