925 resultados para fragility fractures


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Therapeutic goal of vitamin D: optimal serum level and dose requirements Results of randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses investigating the effect of vitamin D supplementation on falls and fractures are inconsistent. The optimal serum level 25(OH) vitamin D for musculoskeletal and global health is > or = 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l) for some experts and 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/l) for some others. A daily dose of vitamin D is better than high intermittent doses to reach this goal. High dose once-yearly vitamin D therapy may increase the incidence of fractures and falls. High serum level of vitamin D is probably harmful for the musculoskeletal system and health at large. The optimal benefits for musculoskeletal health are obtained with an 800 UI daily dose and a serum level of near 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l).


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The aim of this review is to better identify for which women with osteoporosis the treatment is efficient, without taking into account the bone mineral density only. The age, previous fractures, the severity of vertebral deformity identify women at high risk for subsequent fracture. The development of assessment tools for predicting fracture risk, the use of the NNT (number needed to treat), and economical analyses are particularly helpful. The number of patients needed to treat to prevent one patient having the target event expresses the magnitude of a treatment effect in a clinically useful way. Economical analyses take into account the health care resources needed to get these benefits. We analysed the NNT and the cost of the treatments which significantly reduced the risk of fracture.


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Ce travail consiste en l'analyse et la revue des différentes prises en charge de la pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale dans un groupe nommé « Echantillon CHUV » formé par 16 patients. Les patients ont tous été opérés au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, CHUV, entre 2008 et 2011 pour cure de pseudarthrose. Une présentation succincte des fractures de la diaphyse fémorale ainsi que de la pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale consiste en la première partie du rapport. La deuxième partie est une revue des cas des patients de l'échantillon CHUV. Des paramètres tels que le mode initial de fracture, la durée effective de la pseudarthrose, le nombre de révisions avant la consolidation ou la répartition des pseudarthroses selon leur type font partie des différents éléments caractéristiques répertoriés puis analysés dans cette revue. 25 cures de pseudarthroses sont effectuées sur les 16 patients. Les techniques de fixations les plus utilisées sont la fixation par plaque après réduction ouverte (ORIF, 64%, 16 cures sur 25) et l'enclouage centromédullaire (24%, 6 cures sur 25). L'utilisation de substituts osseux est très souvent complémentaire à la refixation mécanique lors des cures de pseudarthrose (recours à la greffe osseuse dans 72% des cures). Le taux d'union après la première cure de pseudarthrose s'établit à 63% et il monte à 100% après l'ensemble des cures. Le retour à une fonction adéquate du membre inférieur est obtenu chez 14 des 16 patients (1 patient est traité par arthrodèse du genou sur pseudarthrose du tiers distal de la diaphyse fémorale et 1 patient tétraplégique est traité par résection de la tête et du col fémoral sur pseudarthrose du tiers proximal de la diaphyse fémorale). La revue quantifie la durée de l'invalidité causée par la pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale : la longueur totale du traitement avant union est d'au minimum 12 mois pour 75% des patients. 8 patients sur 16 ont un temps avant union supérieur à 20 mois. La pseudarthrose de la diaphyse fémorale doit être considérée comme une complication grave. La localisation au niveau du fémur réduit voire abolit l'autonomie de marche du patient et limite ses activités de la vie quotidienne. Elle entrave le retour au travail et réduit terriblement la qualité de vie pendant souvent plus d'une année. L'ensemble des symptômes ont un effet dévastateur sur la rééducation et peuvent parfois laisser d'importantes séquelles physiques ou psychologiques sur le long terme. Pour ces raisons, le traitement doit être adapté du mieux possible à la pseudarthrose du patient afin d'augmenter les chances de réussite de la cure.


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How do the liquidity functions of banks affect investment and growth at different stages ofeconomic development? How do financial fragility and the costs of banking crises evolve with the level of wealth of countries? We analyze these issues using an overlapping generations growth model where agents, who experience idiosyncratic liquidity shocks, can invest in a liquid storage technology or in a partially illiquid Cobb Douglas technology. By pooling liquidity risk, banks play a growth enhancing role in reducing inefficient liquidation of long term projects, but they may face liquidity crises associated with severe output losses. We show that middle income economies may find optimal to be exposed to liquidity crises, while poor and rich economies have more incentives to develop a fully covered banking system. Therefore, middle income economies could experience banking crises in the process of their development and, as they get richer, they eventually converge to a financially safe long run steady state. Finally, the model replicates the empirical fact of higher costs of banking crises for middle income economies.


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In Cape Verde, the low soil cover and inadequate practices on rain fed agricultural lands constitute major problems related to desertification. To the fragility of the land associates severe water erosion, causing tons of land to be washed away from the fields every year during the rainy season. Therefore, the aim in the scope of combating desertification is to provide a certain degree of permanent soil cover to serve as shield for the impact of rain. During the selection workshop several technologies, all related to vegetative cover either as strips or surface cover were discussed. Only two technologies were selected: vegetation strip with pigeon pea and afforestation with fruit trees.  Technology 1: Pigeon pea (cajanus cajan) barriers/strips. It consists in planting seeds of pigeon pea, a leguminous perennial shrub that has dual purpose of protecting the soil and feed people. It is planted in association with maize crop. After the maize is harvested, the soil remains with some degree of cover. Though the objective was to plant as strip barriers, six meters apart, most farmers planted it as surface cover.  Technology 2: Afforestation with fruit trees. It consists in the plantation of different fruit tree species in humid areas to provide both soil cover and feed for farmers. Since fruit trees require several years to provide effective cover, and though it was implemented in some areas, it was not evaluated during the project’s period.


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In Cape Verde, the low soil cover and inadequate practices on rain fed agricultural lands constitute major problems related to desertification. To the fragility of the land associates severe water erosion, causing tons of land to be washed away from the fields every year during the rainy season. Therefore, the aim in the scope of combating desertification is to provide a certain degree of permanent soil cover to serve as shield for the impact of rain. During the selection workshop several technologies, all related to vegetative cover either as strips or surface cover were discussed. Only two technologies were selected: vegetation strip with pigeon pea and afforestation with fruit trees.  Technology 1: Pigeon pea (cajanus cajan) barriers/strips. It consists in planting seeds of pigeon pea, a leguminous perennial shrub that has dual purpose of protecting the soil and feed people. It is planted in association with maize crop. After the maize is harvested, the soil remains with some degree of cover. Though the objective was to plant as strip barriers, six meters apart, most farmers planted it as surface cover.  Technology 2: Afforestation with fruit trees. It consists in the plantation of different fruit tree species in humid areas to provide both soil cover and feed for farmers. Since fruit trees require several years to provide effective cover, and though it was implemented in some areas, it was not evaluated during the project’s period.


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The efficacy of treatments for osteoporosis does not become evident when evaluated by fracture incidence (FI). Vertebral FI decreased in all controlled studies on calcitonin, but not significantly. Small sample sizes and short periods of treatment may have masked a possible therapeutic benefit, but longer, controlled studies with sodium fluoride or etidronate in larger groups of patients also failed to show a decrease in FI. The present analysis of nine published, therapeutic studies which indicate the FI per year and the initial prevalence of vertebral fractures, examines the question of whether the initial prevalence of fractures has an effect on the subsequent incidence of new fractures and whether the therapeutic effects have to be evaluated as a function of the initial prevalence of fractures. Bearing in mind the differences in roentgenological evaluation and in the size and quality of the various studies, the analysis revealed (1) that in the control groups there was a higher FI in patients with more than three vertebral fractures at baseline (estimated odds ratio (OR) = 49, p = 0.011); (2) that a similar trend, although not statistically significant, was observed in treated patients; (3) that the groups of control patients treated for more than 1 year showed in general an increase in FI beyond the first year and that the reverse was true in treated patients. In conclusion, failure to allow for the initial prevalence of vertebral fractures at the individual level in therapeutic trials of calcitonin to treat osteoporosis and prevent new fractures might have contributed to the absence of a demonstrable benefit of the treatment in those studies.


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A presente dissertação teve como finalidade analisar os Problemas Ambientais em Cabo Verde, com destaque para as políticas e medidas implementadas no período que decorre de 1975 a 2010. Para tal, centrou-se no confronto de resultados de estudos que permitiram uma comparação entre os Concelhos da Praia e de São Salvador do Mundo, localizados no sul e no centro da ilha de Santiago, respectivamente. Como ponto de partida, fez-se uma caracterização climática/ambiental do país, salientando a sua fragilidade ambiental através de uma estreita ligação entre as suas características naturais e o estado de ambiente para delinear a evolução das medidas políticas e jurídicas tomadas no sentido de combater ou minimizar os problemas existentes. Todo o trabalho empírico foi realizado nos concelhos acima referidos, com base nos inquéritos efectuados junto dos moradores, escolas, técnicos e políticos que lidam com a problemática ambiental nesses Concelhos. Posteriormente, foi possível analisar profundamente as principais causas da degradação ambiental nos dois Concelhos como a pobreza, a escassez de água, o saneamento básico, o aumento da população, o êxodo rural e as construções clandestinas, estabelecendo uma correlação entre estas e o desenvolvimento económico-social e a qualidade de vida dos seus habitantes. Finalmente, expôs-se o trabalho realizado e o que se perspectiva fazer para sua mitigação, privilegiando a vertente pedagógica, destacando a importância do envolvimento de grupos comunitários para prossecução de acções diversificadas de sensibilização, de programação e da formação em paralelo com o reforço de fiscalização para melhor aplicação de normas existentes.


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Introduction. - « Ostéo-Mobile Vaud » est un projet pilote visant àinformer et promouvoir les mesures générales de prévention del'ostéoporose chez les femmes vaudoises de 60 ans et plus. Son butest également d'évaluer le risque de fracture dans cette populationen associant les facteurs de risque cliniques, la mesure de la DMOpar DXA de la colonne lombaire et du fémur proximal (Hologic Discovery),la recherche des fractures vertébrales préexistantes parVFA et une appréciation de la « qualité osseuse » par TBS. Une phaseprospective de 5 ans est prévue. Le Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) estun procédé qui consiste à appliquer un traitement informatique àl'image 2D de projection de la DXA basé sur la quantification desvariations locales de niveaux de gris. Un modèle mathématiquerelie le paramètre TBS avec des paramètres de microarchitecture 3Dtels la connectivité 3D, le nombre de travées et l'espace inter-trabéculaire.Ce modèle fait de TBS une mesure indirecte de microarchitectureosseuse.Résultats. - Fin juillet 2011, 510 femmes de ± 67 ans, IMC ± 26 kg/m2,ont été évaluées. Une ou plusieurs fractures de fragilité ont été rapportéeschez 72 femmes, parmi lesquelles 39 avec fractures vertébrales.TBS diminue avec l'âge (-0.005 par année, p < 0,001) etdiminue en fonction de l'IMC (- 0,011 par kg/m2, p < 0,001). La corrélationentre TBS et la DMO de la colonne lombaire est faible(r = 0,4, p < 0,001) et un grand pourcentage de la variabilité du TBSest indépendant de la DMO (> 84%). TBS discrimine les femmes avecfractures vertébrales des femmes sans fracture vertébrale et lesfemmes avec OP clinique (fractures de fragilité) de celles sans OPclinique. Ce pouvoir discriminatif est indépendant de la DMO de lacolonne lombaire ou du T-score le plus bas, après ajustement pourl'âge et l'IMC.Odd ratio (OR, 95 % IC) pour une diminution d'une déviation standarddu TBS, ajusté pour l'âge, l'IMC et la mesure de DMO :Conclusion. - TBS représente une plus-value par rapport à la DMOdans l'appréciation du risque de fracture chez les femmes vaudoisesde 60 ans et plus.


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Due to the increasing survival of thalassemic patients, osteopathy is a mounting clinical problem. Low bone mass alone cannot account for the high fracture risk described; impaired bone quality has been speculated but so far it cannot be demonstrated noninvasively. We studied bone quality in thalassemia major using trabecular bone score (TBS), a novel texture measurement extracted from spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), proposed in postmenopausal and secondary osteoporosis as an indirect index of microarchitecture. TBS was evaluated in 124 adult thalassemics (age range 19-56 years), followed-up with optimal transfusional and therapeutical regimens, and in 65 non-thalassemic patients (22-52 years) undergoing DXA for different bone diseases. TBS was lower in thalassemic patients (1.04 ± 0.12 [range 0.80-1.30]) versus controls (1.34 ± 0.11 [1.06-1.52]) (p < 0.001), and correlated with BMD. TBS and BMD values correlated with age, indicating that thalassemia negatively affects both bone quality and quantity, especially as the patient gets older. TBS was 1.02 ± 0.11 [0.80-1.28] in the osteoporotic thalassemic patients, 1.08 ± 0.12 [0.82-1.30] in the osteopenic ones and 1.15 ± 0.10 [0.96-1.26] in those with normal BMD. No gender differences were found (males: 1.02 ± 0.13 [0.80-1.30], females 1.05 ± 0.11 [0.80-1.30]), nor between patients with and without endocrine-metabolic disorders affecting bone metabolism. Our findings from a large population with thalassemia major show that TBS is a valuable tool to assess noninvasively bone quality, and it may be related to fragility fracture risk in thalassemic osteopathy.


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The current crisis has swept aside not only the whole of the US investment banking industry butalso the consensual perception of banking risks, contagion and their implication for bankingregulation. As everyone agrees now, risks where mispriced, they accumulated in neuralgic pointsof the financial system, and where amplified by procyclical regulation as well as by the instabilityand fragility of financial institutions.The use of ratings as carved in stone and lack of adequate procedure to swiftly deal withsystemic institutions bankruptcy (whether too-big-to-fail, too complex to fail or too-many to fail).The current paper will not deal with the description and analysis of the crisis, already covered inother contributions to this issue will address the critical choice regulatory authorities will face. Inthe future regulation has to change, but it is not clear that it will change in the right direction. Thismay occur if regulatory authorities, possibly influenced by public opinion and political pressure,adopt an incorrect view of financial crisis prevention and management. Indeed, there are twoapproaches to post-crisis regulation. One is the rare event approach, whereby financial crises willoccur infrequently, but are inescapable.


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A major lesson of the recent financial crisis is that the interbank lending marketis crucial for banks facing large uncertainty regarding their liquidity needs. Thispaper studies the efficiency of the interbank lending market in allocating funds. Weconsider two different types of liquidity shocks leading to different implications foroptimal policy by the central bank. We show that, when confronted with a distributional liquidity-shock crisis that causes a large disparity in the liquidity held amongbanks, the central bank should lower the interbank rate. This view implies that thetraditional tenet prescribing the separation between prudential regulation and monetary policy should be abandoned. In addition, we show that, during an aggregateliquidity crisis, central banks should manage the aggregate volume of liquidity. Twodifferent instruments, interest rates and liquidity injection, are therefore required tocope with the two different types of liquidity shocks. Finally, we show that failureto cut interest rates during a crisis erodes financial stability by increasing the riskof bank runs.


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Osteoporosis of elderly is a growing medical, economic and health-care problem. It is due to the increase of the life expectancy and the number of osteoporotic fractures. With the new Swiss-specific tool FRAX and the development of inpatients fracture trajectory, we can better identify patients with high risk of fracture. An appropriate treatment can be proposed more quickly. The follow-up of bone markers increases the treatment efficiency. With a better identification, treatment and follow-up of osteoporosis of elderly patients, we can ameliorate the patient's quality of life and decrease the number of osteoporotic fractures with a good cost-effectiveness ratio.


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We use data from Bankscope to analyze the holdings of public bonds by over 18,000 banks located in 185 countries and the role of these bonds in 18 sovereign debt crises over the period 1998-2012. We find that: (i) banks hold a sizeable share of their assets in government bonds (about 9% on average), particularly in less financially developed countries; (ii) during sovereign crises, banks on average increase their bondholdings by 1% of their assets, but this increase is concentrated among larger and more profitable banks, and; (iii) the correlation between a bank's holdings of public bonds and its future loans is positive in normal times, but turns negative during defaults. A 10% increase in bank bond-holdings during default is associated with a 3.2% reduction in future loans, and bonds bought in normal times account for 75% of this effect. Our results are consistent with the view that there is a liquidity benefit for banks to hold public bonds in normal times, which is critical for understanding bank fragility during sovereign crises.


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The objective of this study was to estimate the incidence of hip fracture in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland (total population 584 000), for the period 1986-1991 using routine hospital discharge data collected by the Cantonal Service of Statistical Research and Information (SCRIS). For the survey period, the estimated average annual crude incidence rate of hip fractures was 167 per 100 000 persons aged 20 or older (241 for women and 84 for men). For the population aged 50 years or older, the crude incidence rate was 388 per 100 000 persons (546 for women and 185 for men). The average annual age-specific rates rose exponentially by successive 5-year age groups. The median age of patients at the time of the fracture was 82 years in women and 74 years in men. There was no significant difference between the total number of cervical and trochanteric fractures. Between the ages of 20 and 84 years, the cumulative risk for a woman to be admitted to hospital with a hip fracture was twice that of a man (15.8% vs 7.8%). From 1986 to 1991, the age- and sex-adjusted incidence, like the ratio of cervical to trochanteric fractures, did not show any significant trend, although it was consistent with an increase in men (p=0.09). However, the annual number of fractures rose from 644 to 776, particularly among very aged men. The mean length of stay in the acute care hospital fell from 38 days in 1986 to 25 days in 1991. Finally, the comparison of these results with those obtained in 1986 for the same population from more exhaustive sources has confirmed the provision of a consistent, although overestimated, assessment of hip fracture incidence by means of these routine hospital statistics in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland.