908 resultados para forward osmosis
In vascular plants, the endodermis establishes a protective diffusion barrier surrounding the vasculature preventing the passive, uncontrolled entry of nutrients absorbed by the plant. It does so by means of a differentiation feature, the "Casparian Strip" (CS), a highly localized cell wall impregnation made of lignin, which seals the extracellular space. Although the existence of this differentiation feature has been intensively described, the mechanisms establishing this hallmark remain obscure. In this work I report, the developmental sequence of events that leads to a differentiated endodermis, in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana. In addition, my descriptive approach gave important insights as to how these cells define membrane domains involved in the directional transport of nutrients. I also participated in characterizing a new transmembrane protein family, the CASPs, localized to the membrane domain underlying the CS, which we accordingly named the Casparian Strip membrane Domain (CSD). Our molecular analysis indicates that these proteins drive CS establishment. To identify more molecular factors of CS establishment, I performed a forward genetic screen. This screen led to the identification of 11 endodermis permissive mutants, which we named schengen (sgn) mutants. The causative mutations have been mapped to 5 independent loci: SGN1 to SGN5. SGN1 and SGN3 encode Receptor Like Kinases involved in the correct establishment of the CSD. A lack of those kinases leads to an incomplete CSD, which gives rise to interrupted CS barriers. Interestingly, SGN1 seems to also regulate CSD positioning to the middle of endodermal transversal walls. SGN4 encodes an NADPH oxidase involved in lignin polymerization essential for CS formation. The sgn5 mutant induces extra divisions of cortical cells strongly affecting the cell identity, but also leading to incorrect differentiation. A thorough characterization of the sgn2 mutant will follow elsewhere, yet preliminary results indicate that SGN2 encodes an Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase. . In summary, with my work I have contributed a first set of molecular players of Casparian strip formation and initiated their characterization. Eventually, this might lead to an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of CS establishment in A.thaliana . This in turn will hopefully help to better understand nutrient uptake in higher plants and their response to environmental stresses. - Au sein des plantes vasculaires, l'endoderme représente un tissu protecteur mettant en place une barrière imperméable, empêchant n'importe quel élément de rejoindre les tissus conducteurs par simple diffusion. Cette barrière, appelée « Cadre de Caspary », correspond à une lignification de la paroi de l'endoderme et donne lieu à un cloisonnement de l'espace intercellulaire. Bien que cet élément de différenciation soit décrit en détail, sa mise en place reste incomprise. Cette étude indique la suite d'événements aboutissant à l'établissement du cadre de Caspary chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. De plus, ce travail apporte de nouvelles connaissances expliquant comment ces cellules définissent des domaines membranaires importants pour le transport des nutriments. Nous décrivons une nouvelle famille de protéines membranaires, les CASPs (« CAparian Strip membrane domain Proteins »), localisées dans un domaine membranaire longeant le cadre de Caspary : le domaine de Caspary (CSD). L'analyse moléculaire des CASPs indique qu'elles dirigent la formation du cadre de Caspary. Par ailleurs, une approche génétique directe nous a permis d'identifier 11 mutants ayant un endoderme perméable. Nous avons nommé ces mutants Schengen, en référence à la zone de libre échange européenne. Les mutations impliquées dans ces mutants affectent 5 gènes désignés de SGN1 à SGN5. SGN1 et SGN3 produisent des protéines de type kinases (« Receptor-like Kinases », RLK) qui participent à la délimitation du CSD. L'absence de ces kinases aboutit à un domaine CSD incomplet, se traduisant par un cadre de Caspary discontinu. De plus, SGN1 semble réguler le positionnement du CSD au milieu de la paroi transversale de l'endoderme. SGN4 produit une enzyme de type NADPH oxydase impliquée dans la polymérisation du cadre de Caspary. Dans le mutant sgn5, on observe une division anormale des cellules du cortex créant ainsi une nouvelle couche cellulaire incapable d'achever sa différenciation en endoderme. Quant à la mutation sgn2, bien que nous pensons qu'elle affecte une Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase, sa caractérisation ne sera réalisée que prochainement. Au final, ce travail procure de nouveaux éléments sur l'établissement du cadre de Caspary qui pourraient être importants afin de comprendre comment les plantes sélectionnent leurs nutriments et résistent à des conditions environnementales parfois hostiles. - De par leur immobilité, les plantes terrestres n'ont pas d'autre choix que de puiser leurs ressources dans leur environnement direct. La plante extrait du sol les nutriments qui lui sont nécessaires et les redistribue grâce à des tissus conducteurs. Afin de ne pas s'intoxiquer, il est donc essentiel de pouvoir sélectionner les éléments entrant dans la racine. Etonnement, ce n'est pas la surface des racines qui permet ce contrôle mais un tissu interne appelé endoderme. Ce dernier forme une barrière imperméable qui entoure chaque cellule et crée une jointure permettant de bloquer le passage des éléments entre les cellules. Cette structure, appelée « cadre de Caspary », oblige les éléments à entrer dans les cellules de l'endoderme et à être ainsi sélectionnés. Bien que cette structure soit décrite en détail, sa mise en place reste incomprise. Cette étude indique la suite d'événements qui aboutit à la formation du cadre de Caspary chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. Ce travail apporte également de nouvelles connaissances expliquant comment ces cellules définissent, organisent et dirigent le transport des nutriments. Nous décrivons comment certains éléments de la cellule, les protéines CASPs (CAsparian Strip membrane domain Proteins), sont organisées un domaine particulier des membranes afin de créer une plateforme de construction longeant le cadre de Caspary : le domaine de Caspary (CSD). Afin de déterminer ce qu'il se passerait si une plante ne possédait pas de cadre de Caspary, nous avons réalisé une mutagénèse, ou approche génétique directe, et identifié 11 mutants (individu ayant un gène défectueux conduisant à la perte d'une fonction) ayant un endoderme perméable. Nous avons nommé ces mutants schengen, en référence à la zone de libre échange européenne. Les mutations impliquées dans ces mutants affectent 5 gènes désignés de SGN1 à SGN5. Les gènes SGN1 et SGN3 produisent des protéines de type kinases (« Receptor-like Kinases », RLK) servant à l'établissement de la plateforme de construction. L'absence de ces kinases aboutit à une base incomplète, se traduisant par un cadre de Caspary discontinu. Qui plus est, la kinase SGN1 semble réguler le positionnement de la plateforme au milieu de l'endoderme. Le gène SGN4 est par contre, impliqué dans la construction à proprement dite du cadre de Caspary. Dans le mutant sgn5, on observe une nouvelle couche de cellules ressemblant à de l'endoderme mais incapable de former correctement une barrière identique au cadre de Caspary. Quant au dernier mutant, sgn2, bien que cette étude fournisse des indices permettant de comprendre pourquoi le mutant sgn2 est défectueux, nous n'expliquerons ce cas que prochainement. En résumé, ce travail procure de nouvelles connaissances sur l'établissement du cadre de Caspary qui pourraient être importantes afin de comprendre comment les plantes sélectionnent leurs nutriments et résistent à des conditions environnementales parfois hostiles.
This paper proposes a hybrid coordination method for behavior-based control architectures. The hybrid method takes advantages of the robustness and modularity in competitive approaches as well as optimized trajectories in cooperative ones. This paper shows the feasibility of applying this hybrid method with a 3D-navigation to an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The behaviors are learnt online by means of reinforcement learning. A continuous Q-learning implemented with a feed-forward neural network is employed. Realistic simulations were carried out. The results obtained show the good performance of the hybrid method on behavior coordination as well as the convergence of the behaviors
OBJECTIVE. The main goal of this paper is to obtain a classification model based on feed-forward multilayer perceptrons in order to improve postpartum depression prediction during the 32 weeks after childbirth with a high sensitivity and specificity and to develop a tool to be integrated in a decision support system for clinicians. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Multilayer perceptrons were trained on data from 1397 women who had just given birth, from seven Spanish general hospitals, including clinical, environmental and genetic variables. A prospective cohort study was made just after delivery, at 8 weeks and at 32 weeks after delivery. The models were evaluated with the geometric mean of accuracies using a hold-out strategy. RESULTS. Multilayer perceptrons showed good performance (high sensitivity and specificity) as predictive models for postpartum depression. CONCLUSIONS. The use of these models in a decision support system can be clinically evaluated in future work. The analysis of the models by pruning leads to a qualitative interpretation of the influence of each variable in the interest of clinical protocols.
The aim of the current study was to describe the occurrence of the blaOXA-23 gene and the ISAba1 element in imipenem-susceptible Acinetobacter baumannii strains. By performing the polymerase chain reaction mapping using combinations of ISAba1 forward primers and the blaOXA-23-like gene reverse primers, we demonstrated that the ISAba1 element did not occur upstream of the blaOXA-23 gene in five of 31 isolates, which explained the lack of resistance to imipenem despite the presence of the blaOXA-23 gene. All of the blaOXA-23-positive isolates were susceptible to imipenem and meropenem with minimal inhibitory concentration < 4 µg/mL. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis revealed four genotypes among the five blaOXA-23-positive isolates. The current report of the blaOXA-23 gene in imipenem-susceptible isolates provided evidence that this gene may be silently spread in a hospital environment and highlighted the threat of undetected reservoirs of carbapenemase genes.
Introduction: Motor abilities in schoolchildren have been decreasing in the last two decades (Bös, 2003, Tomkinson et al., 2003). This may be related to the dramatic increase in overweight and adiposity during the same time period. Children of migrant background are especially affected (Lasserre et al., 2007). But little is known about the relationship between BMI and migration background and motor abilities in preschool children. Methods/Design We carried out a cross-sectional analysis with 665 children (age 5.1 ± 0.6 years; 49.8 % female) of 40 randomly selected kindergarten classes from German and French speaking regions in Switzerland with a high migrant background. We investigated BMI, cardiorespiratory fitness (20 m shuttle run), static (displacement of center of pressure (COP)) and dynamic (balancing forward on a beam) postural control and overall fitness (obstacle course). Results: Of the children, 9.6 % were overweight, 10.5 % were obese (Swiss national percentiles) and 72.8 % were of migrant background (at least one parent born outside of Switzerland). Mean BMI from children of non-migrant background was 15.5 ± 1.1 kg/m2, while migrant children had a mean BMI of 15.8 ± 1.7 kg/m2 (p=0.08). Normal-weight children performed better in cardiorespiratory fitness (3.1 ± 1.4 vs. 2.6 ± 1.1 stages, p<0.001), overall fitness (18.9 ± 4.4 vs. 20.8 ± 4.6 sec, p<0.001) and in dynamic balance (4.9 ± 3.5 vs. 3.8 ± 2.5 steps, p<0.001) compared to overweight and obese children, while the latter had less postural sway (COP: 956 ± 302 vs. 1021 ± 212 mm, p=0.008). There was a clear inverse dose-response relationship between weight status and dynamic motor abilities. There were no significant differences in most tested motor abilities between non-migrant and migrant. The latter performed less well in only one motor test (overall fitness: 20.2 ± 5.2 vs. 18.3 ± 3.5 sec, p<0.001). These findings persisted after adjustment for BMI. Conclusion In preschool children, differences in motor abilities are already present between normal weight and overweight/obese children. However, migrant children demonstrate similar motor abilities compared to non-migrant children for almost all tests, despite their slightly higher BMI.
Morphogens of the Wnt protein family are the secreted lipoglycoprotein ligands which initiate several pathways heavily involved in the coordination of various developmental stages of organisms in the majority of animal species. Deregulation of these pathways in the adult leads to formation and sustaining of multiple types of cancer. The latter notion is reinforced by the fact that the very discovery of the first Wnt ligand was due to its role as the causative factor of carcinogenic transformation (Nusse and Varmus, 1982). Nowadays our knowledge on Wnt signaling has "moved with the times" and these pathways were identified to be often crucial for tumor formation, its interactions with the microenvironment, and promotion of the metastases (Huang and Du, 2008; Zerlin et al., 2008; Jessen, 2009). Thus the relevance of the pathway as the target for drug development has further increased in the light of modern paradigms of the complex cancer treatments which target also spreading and growth- promoting factors of tumors by specific and highly efficient substances (Pavet et al., 2010). Presently the field of the Wnt-targeting drug research is almost solely dominated by assays based on transcriptional activation induced by the signaling. This approach resulted in development of a number of promising substances (Lee et al., 2011). Despite its effectiveness, the method nevertheless suffers from several drawbacks. Among the major ones is the fact that this approach is prone to identify compounds targeting rather downstream effectors of the pathway, which are indiscriminately used by all the subtypes of the Wnt signaling. Additionally, proteins which are involved in several signaling cascades and not just the Wnt pathway turn out as targets of the new compounds. These issues increase risks of side effects due to off-target interactions and blockade of the pathway in healthy cells. In the present work we put forward a novel biochemical approach for drug development on the Wnt pathway. It targets Frizzleds (Fzs) - a family of 7-transmbembrane proteins which serve as receptors for Wnt ligands. They offer unique properties for the development of highly specific and effective drugs as they control all branches of the Wnt signaling. Recent advances in the understanding of the roles of heterotrimeric G proteins downstream from Fzs (Katanaev et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2005; Jernigan et al., 2010) suggest application of enzymatic properties of these effectors to monitor the receptor-mediated events. We have applied this knowledge in practice and established a specific and efficient method based on utilization of a novel high-throughput format of the GTP-binding assay to follow the activation of Fzs. This type of assay is a robust and well-established technology for the research and screenings on the GPCRs (Harrison and Traynor, 2003). The conventional method of detection involves the radioactively labeled non-hydrolysable GTP analog [35S]GTPyS. Its application in the large-scale screenings is however problematic which promoted development of the novel non-radioactive GTP analog GTP-Eu. The new molecule employs phenomenon of the time-resolved fluorescence to provide sensitivity comparable to the conventional radioactive substance. Initially GTP-Eu was tested only in one of many possible types of GTP-binding assays (Frang et al., 2003). In the present work we expand these limits by demonstrating the general comparability of the novel label with the radioactive method in various types of assays. We provide a biochemical characterization of GTP-Eu interactions with heterotrimeric and small GTPases and a comparative analysis of the behavior of the new label in the assays involving heterotrimeric G protein effectors. These developments in the GTP-binding assay were then applied to monitor G protein activation by the Fz receptors. The data obtained in mammalian cultured cell lines provides for the first time an unambiguous biochemical proof for direct coupling of Fzs with G proteins. The specificity of this interaction has been confirmed by the experiments with the antagonists of Fz and by the pertussis toxin-mediated deactivation. Additionally we have identified the specificity of Wnt3a towards several members of the Fz family and analyzed the properties of human Fz-1 which was found to be the receptor coupled to the Gi/o family of G proteins. Another process playing significant role in the functioning of every GPCR is endocytosis. This phenomenon can also be employed for drug screenings on GPCRs (Bickle, 2010). In the present work we have demonstrated that Drosophila Fz receptors are involved in an unusual for many GPCRs manifestation of the receptor-mediated internalization. Through combination of biochemical approaches and studies on Drosophila as the model organism we have shown that direct interactions of the Fzs and the α-subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein Go with the small GTPase Rab5 regulate internalization of the receptor in early endosomes. We provide data uncovering the decisive role of this self-promoted endocytosis in formation of a proper signaling output in the canonical as well as planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways regulated by Fz. The results of this work thus establish a platform for the high-throughput screening to identify substances active in the cancer-related Wnt pathways. This methodology has been adjusted and applied to provide the important insights in Fz functioning and will be instrumental for further investigations on the Wnt-mediated pathways.
Dengue virus (DENV) and parvovirus B19 (B19V) infections are acute exanthematic febrile illnesses that are not easily differentiated on clinical grounds and affect the paediatric population. Patients with these acute exanthematic diseases were studied. Fever was more frequent in DENV than in B19V-infected patients. Arthritis/arthralgias with DENV infection were shown to be significantly more frequent in adults than in children. The circulating levels of interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist (Ra), CXCL10/inducible protein-10 (IP-10), CCL4/macrophage inflammatory protein-1 beta and CCL2/monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) were determined by multiplex immunoassay in serum samples obtained from B19V (37) and DENV-infected (36) patients and from healthy individuals (7). Forward stepwise logistic regression analysis revealed that circulating CXCL10/IP-10 tends to be associated with DENV infection and that IL-1Ra was significantly associated with DENV infection. Similar analysis showed that circulating CCL2/MCP-1 tends to be associated with B19V infection. In dengue fever, increased circulating IL-1Ra may exert antipyretic actions in an effort to counteract the already increased concentrations of IL-1β, while CXCL10/IP-10 was confirmed as a strong pro-inflammatory marker. Recruitment of monocytes/macrophages and upregulation of the humoral immune response by CCL2/MCP-1 by B19V may be involved in the persistence of the infection. Children with B19V or DENV infections had levels of these cytokines similar to those of adult patients.
El projecte de tesi doctoral que estem portant a terme requereix una mitjana de quatre anys de durada. A hores d‟ara, nou mesos després de la concessió de l‟ajut, estem treballant per a la defensa del projecte, que farem en el primer trimestre de l‟any 2012. El nostre treball pertany al camp de la lingüística i està directament relacionat amb la lexicografia i la semàntica. L‟objectiu final és el disseny de materials per a la traducció i l‟ensenyament de llengües. L‟ús de lèxic és el tema escollit. D‟una banda, volem esbrinar com autors consagrats de literatura utilitzen el llenguatge. Per això, mirem de diferenciar el que es consideran usos “normals” del llenguatge del que serien “explotacions”, especialmente aquelles relacionades amb l‟extensió de significat i, més específicament, amb la metáfora. D‟altra banda, perseguim fer una proposta de material destinat tant a l‟ensenyament de llengües estrangeres com a la traducció (els idiomas amb els quals treballem són anglès i espanyol). Les teories que utilitzem en la nostra recerca són la teoria del lèxic generatiu (de J. Pustejovsky) i la teoria de normes i explotacions (de P. Hanks). Encara no hem decidit quins autors estudiarem, tot i estar consultant obres d‟escriptors com V. S. Naipaul i J. Marías. El treball de recerca desenvolupat fins avui ha consistit en la redacció de la memòria final de màster (Màster Oficial en Formació de Professors d‟Espanyol com a Llengua Estrangera) en què s‟estudiava el tractament de la metáfora en diferents diccionaris d‟ELE i d‟EFL i en la cerca, lectura i selección de documents que podran ajudar-nos en la nostra empresa.