962 resultados para formative constructs


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This dissertation empirically explores the relations among three theoretical perspectives: university students approaches to learning, self-regulated learning, as well as cognitive and attributional strategies. The relations were quantitatively studied from both variable- and person-centered perspectives. In addition, the meaning that students gave to their disciplinary choices was examined. The general research questions of the study were: 1) What kinds of relationships exist among approaches to learning, regulation of learning, and cognitive and attributional strategies? What kinds of cognitive-motivational profiles can be identified among university students, and how are such profiles related to study success and well-being? 3) How do university students explain their disciplinary choices? Four empirical studies addressed these questions. Studies I, II, and III were quantitative, applying self-report questionnaires, and Study IV was qualitative in nature. Study I explored relations among cognitive strategies, approaches to learning, regulation of learning, and study success by using correlations and a K-means cluster analysis. The participants were 366 students from various faculties at different phases of their studies. The results showed that all the measured constructs were logically related to each other in both variable- and person-centered approaches. Study II further examined what kinds of cognitive-motivational profiles could be identified among first-year university students (n=436) in arts, law, and agriculture and forestry. Differences in terms of study success, exhaustion, and stress among students with differing profiles were also looked at. By using a latent class cluster analysis (LCCA), three groups of students were identified: non-academic (34%), self-directed (35%), and helpless students (31%). Helpless students reported the highest levels of stress and exhaustion. Self-directed students received the highest grades. In Study III, cognitive-motivational profiles were identified among novice teacher students (n=213) using LCCA. Well-being, epistemological beliefs, and study success were looked at in relation to the profiles. Three groups of students were found: non-regulating (50%), self-directed (35%), and non-reflective (22%). Self-directed students again received the best grades. Non-regulating students reported the highest levels of stress and exhaustion, the lowest level of interest, and showed the strongest preference for certain and practical knowledge. Study IV, which was qualitative in nature, explored how first-year students (n = 536 ) in three fields of studies, arts, law, and veterinary medicine explained their disciplinary choices. Content analyses showed that interest appeared to be a common concept in students description of their choices across the three faculties. However, the objects of interest of the freshmen appeared rather unspecified. Veterinary medicine and law students most often referred to future work or a profession, whereas only one-fifth of the arts students did so. The dissertation showed that combining different theoretical perspectives and methodologies enabled us to build a rich picture of university students cognitive and motivational predispositions towards studying and learning. Further, cognitive-emotional aspects played a significant role in studying, not only in relation to study success, but also in terms of well-being. Keywords: approaches to learning, self-regulation, cognitive and attributional strategies, university students


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The outer domain (OD) of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 is an important target for vaccine design as it contains a number of conserved epitopes, including a large fraction of the CD4 binding site.Attempts to design OD-based immunogens in the past have met with little success. We report the design and characterization of an Escherichia coli-expressed OD-based immunogen (ODEC), based on the sequence of the HxBc2 strain. The ODEC-designed immunogen lacks the variable loops V1V2 and V3 and incorporates 11 designed mutations at the interface of the inner and the outer domains of gp120. Biophysical studies showed that ODEC is folded and protease-resistant, whereas ODEC lacking the designed mutations is highly aggregation-prone. In contrast to previously characterized OD constructs, ODEC bound CD4 and the broadly neutralizing antibody b12 but not the non-neutralizing antibodies b6 and F105. Upon immunization in rabbits, ODEC was highly immunogenic,and the sera showed measurable neutralization for four subtype B and one subtype C virus including two b12-resistant viruses. In contrast,sera from rabbits immunized with gp120 did not neutralize any of the viruses. ODEC is the first example of a gp120 fragment-based immunogen that yields significant neutralizing antibodies.


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Although its prognosis has improved nowadays, methods to predict the progression of the disease or to treat it are not comprehensive. This thesis work was initiated to elucidate in breast carcinogenesis the role of HuR, a ubiquitously expressed mRNA-binding protein that regulates gene expression posttranscriptionally. HuR is predominantly nuclear, but it shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, and this nucleocytoplasmic translocation is important for its function as a RNA-stabilizing and translational regulator. HuR has been associated with diverse cellular processes, for example carcinogenesis. The specific aims of my thesis work were to study the prognostic value of HuR in breast cancer and to clarify the mechanisms by which HuR contributes to breast carcinogenesis. My ultimate goal is, by better understanding the role of HuR in breast carcinogenesis, to aid in the discovery of novel targets for cancer therapies. HuR expression and localization was studied in paraffin-embedded preinvasive (atypical ductal hyperplasia, ADH, and ductal carcinoma in situ, DCIS) specimens as well in sporadic and familial breast cancer specimens. Our results show that cytoplasmic HuR expression was already elevated in ADH and remained elevated in DCIS as well as in cancer specimens. Clinicopathological analysis showed that cytoplasmic HuR expression associated with the more aggressive form of the disease in DCIS, and in cancer specimens it proved an independent marker for poor prognosis. Importantly, cytoplasmic HuR expression was significantly associated with poor outcome in the subgroups of small (2 cm) and axillary lymph node-negative breast cancers. HuR proved to be the first mRNA stability protein the expression of which is associated in breast cancer with poor outcome. To explore the mechanisms of HuR in breast carcinogenesis, lentiviral constructs were developed to inhibit and to overexpress the HuR expression in a breast epithelial cell line (184B5Me). Our results suggest that HuR mediates breast carcinogenesis by participating in processes important in cell transformation, in programmed cell death, and in cell invasion. Global gene expression analysis shows that HuR regulates genes participating in diverse cellular processes, and affects several pathways important in cancer development. In addition, we identified two novel target transcripts (connective tissue growth factor, CTGF, and Ras oncogene family member 31, RAB31) for HuR. In conclusion, because cytoplasmic HuR expression in breast cancer can predict the outcome of the disease it could serve in clinics as a prognostic marker. HuR accumulates in the cytoplasm even at its non-invasive stage (ADH and DCIS) of the carcinogenic process and supports functions essential in cell alteration. These data suggest that HuR contributes to carcinogenesis of the breast epithelium.


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Ever since its initial introduction some fifty years ago, the rational expectations paradigm has dominated the way economic theory handles uncertainty. The main assertion made by John F. Muth (1961), seen by many as the father of the paradigm, is that expectations of rational economic agents should essentially be equal to the predictions of relevant economic theory, since rational agents should use information available to them in an optimal way. This assumption often has important consequences on the results and interpretations of the models where it is applied. Although the rational expectations assumption can be applied to virtually any economic theory, the focus in this thesis is on macroeconomic theories of consumption, especially the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis proposed by Robert E. Hall in 1978. The much-debated theory suggests that, assuming that agents have rational expectations on their future income, consumption decisions should follow a random walk, and the best forecast of future consumption level is the current consumption level. Then, changes in consumption are unforecastable. This thesis constructs an empirical test for the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis using Finnish Consumer Survey data as well as various Finnish macroeconomic data. The data sample covers the years 1995–2010. Consumer survey data may be interpreted to directly represent household expectations, which makes it an interesting tool for this particular test. The variable to be predicted is the growth of total household consumption expenditure. The main empirical result is that the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI), a balance figure computed from the most important consumer survey responses, does have statistically significant predictive power over the change in total consumption expenditure. The history of consumption expenditure growth itself, however, fails to predict its own future values. This indicates that the CCI contains some information that the history of consumption decisions does not, and that the consumption decisions are not optimal in the theoretical context. However, when conditioned on various macroeconomic variables, the CCI loses its predictive ability. This finding suggests that the index is merely a (partial) summary of macroeconomic information, and does not contain any significant private information on consumption intentions of households not directly deductible from the objective economic variables. In conclusion, the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis is strongly rejected by the empirical results in this thesis. This result is in accordance with most earlier studies conducted on the topic.


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A new language concept for high-level distributed programming is proposed. Programs are organised as a collection of concurrently executing processes. Some of these processes, referred to as liaison processes, have a monitor-like structure and contain ports which may be invoked by other processes for the purposes of synchronisation and communication. Synchronisation is achieved by conditional activation of ports and also through port control constructs which may directly specify the execution ordering of ports. These constructs implement a path-expression-like mechanism for synchronisation and are also equipped with options to provide conditional, non-deterministic and priority ordering of ports. The usefulness and expressive power of the proposed concepts are illustrated through solutions of several representative programming problems. Some implementation issues are also considered.


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The function of a protein in a cell often involves coordinated interactions with one or several regulatory partners. It is thus imperative to characterize a protein both in isolation as well as in the context of its complex with an interacting partner. High resolution structural information determined by X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance offer the best route to characterize protein complexes. These techniques, however, require highly purified and homogenous protein samples at high concentration. This requirement often presents a major hurdle for structural studies. Here we present a strategy based on co-expression and co-purification to obtain recombinant multi-protein complexes in the quantity and concentration range that can enable hitherto intractable structural projects. The feasibility of this strategy was examined using the sigma factor/anti-sigma factor protein complexes from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The approach was successful across a wide range of sigma factors and their cognate interacting partners. It thus appears likely that the analysis of these complexes based on variations in expression constructs and procedures for the purification and characterization of these recombinant protein samples would be widely applicable for other multi-protein systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Current design models and frameworks describe various overlapping fragments of designing. However, little effort exists in consolidating these fragments into an integrated model. We propose a model of designing that integrates product and process facets of designing by combining activities, outcomes, requirements, and solutions. Validation of the model using video protocols of design sessions demonstrates that all the constructs are used naturally by designers but often not to the expected level, which hinders the variety and resulting novelty of the concepts developed in these sessions. To resolve this, a prescriptive framework for supporting design for variety and novelty is proposed and plans for its implementation are created. DOI: 10.1115/1.3467011]


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The study is the outcome of two research projects on the North American Indian traditions: the role of the shields within the Plains Indians traditional culture and religion, and the bear ceremonialism of the Native North America, especially the significance of the bear among the Plains Indians. This article-based dissertation includes seven separately published scholar papers, forming Chapters 6 12. The introduction formulates the objectives and frame of reference of the study and the conclusions pulls together its results. The study reconsiders the role of the Plains Indian shields with bear motifs. Such shields are found in rock art, in the Plains Indian s paintings and drawings, and in various collections, the main source material being the shields in European and North American museums. The aim is not only to study shields with bear power motifs and the meanings of the bear, but also to discuss appropriate methods for studying these subjects. There are three major aims of the study: to consider methodical questions in studying Plains Indian shields, to examine the complexity of the Plains Indian shields with the bear power motifs, and to offer new interpretations for the basic meanings of the bear among the Plains Indians and the interrelationship between individualism and collectivism in the Plains Indians visionary art that show bear power motifs on the shields. The study constructs a view on the bear shields taking account of all sources of information available and analysing the shields both as physical artefacts and religious objects from different perspectives, studying them as a part of the ensemble of Plains culture and religious traditions. The bear motifs represented the superhuman power that medicine men and warriors could exploit through visions. For the Plains Indians, the bear was a wise animal from which medicine men could get power for healing but also a dangerous animal from which warriors could get power for warfare. The shields with bear motifs represented the bear powers of the owners of the shields. The bear shield was made to represent the vision, and the principal interpretation of the symbolism was based on the individual experience of spiritual world and its powers. The study argues that the bear shield as personal medicine object is based on wider tribal traditions, and the basic meaning is derived from the collective tradition. This means that the bear seen in vision represented particular affairs and it was represented on the shield surface using conventional ways of traditional artistry. In consequence of this, the bear shields reflect not only the individual experiences of bear power but whole field of tribal traditions that legitimated the experiences and offered acceptable interpretations and conventional modes for the bear symbols.


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Previous research has been inconclusive regarding the impact of those who invest in entrepreneurs. Consider for a moment how potentially important they are to entrepreneurs. They for example decide who deserves funding, how much time they contribute to their portfolio firms, how they grant entrepreneurs access to their networks, and help entrepreneurs acquire additional funding. In sum, investors potentially have a great impact on the success of entrepreneurs. It is therefore important that we better understand the environment, relationships and context in which parties operate. This thesis contains five articles that explore investors’ and entrepreneurs’ relationships from various viewpoints, in theoretical frameworks, and use a variety of data and research methods. The first article is a literature review that summarises what we know of venture capital, business angel and corporate venture capital funding. The second article studies the entrepreneurs’ investor selection process, its consequences, and identifies key factors that influence the process. Earlier, the common approach has been to concentrate research on the investors’ selection policy, not the entrepreneurs’. The data and conclusions are based on multiple case studies. The article analyses how entrepreneurs can ensure that they get the best possible investor, when it is possible for an entrepreneur to select an investor, and what are the consequences of investor selection. The third article employs power constructs (dependency, power balance/imbalance, power sources) and analyses their applicability in the investor-entrepreneur relationship. Power constructs are extensively studied and utilised in the management and organisation literature. In entrepreneur investor relationships, power aspects are rarely analysed. However, having the ability to “get others to do things they would not otherwise do” is a very common factor in the investor-entrepreneur relationship. Therefore, employing and analysing the applicability of power constructs in this setting is well founded. The article is based on a single case study but suggests that power constructs could be applicable and consequently provide additional insights into the investor-entrepreneur relationship. The fourth article studies the role of advisors in the venture capital investment process and analyses implications for research and practice, particularly from the entrepreneurs’ perspective. The common entrepreneurial finance literature describes the entrepreneur-investor relationship as linear and bilateral. However, it was discovered that advisors may influence the relationship. In this article, the role of advisors, operating procedures and advisors’ impact on different parties is analysed. The fifth article concentrates on investors’ certification effect. The article measures and demonstrates that venture capital investment is likely to increase the credibility (in terms of media attention) of early stage firms, those that most often need additional credibility. Understanding investor certification can affect how entrepreneurs evaluate investment offers and how investors can make their offers appear more lucrative.


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Leevi Haapala explores moving image works, sculptures and installations from a psychoanalytic perspective in his study The Unconscious in Contemporary Art. The Gaze, Voice and Time in Finnish Contemporary Art at the Turn of the Millennium . The artists included in the study are Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Hans-Christian Berg, Markus Copper, Liisa Lounila and Salla Tykkä. The theoretical framework includes different psychoanalytic readings of the concepts of the gaze, voice and temporality. The installations are based on spatiality and temporality, and their detailed reading emphasizes the medium-specific features of the works as well as their fragmentary nature, heterogeneity and affectivity. The study is cross-disciplinary in that it connects perspectives from the visual culture, new art history and theory to the interpretation of contemporary art. The most important concepts from psychoanalysis, affect theory and trauma discourse used in the study include affect, object a (objet petit a) as articulated by Jacques Lacan, Sigmund Freud s uncanny (das Unheimliche) and trauma. Das Unheimliche has been translated as uncanny in art history under the influence of Rosalind Krauss. The object of the study, the unconscious in contemporary art, is approached through these concepts. The study focuses on Lacan s additions to the list of partial drives: the gaze and voice as scopic and invocative drives and their interpretations in the studies of the moving image. The texts by the American film theorist and art historian Kaja Silverman are in crucial role. The study locates contemporary art as part of trauma culture, which has a tendency to define individual and historical experiences through trauma. Some of the art works point towards trauma, which may appear as a theoretic or fictitious construction. The study presents a comprehensive collection of different kinds of trauma discourse in the field of art research through the texts of Hal Foster, Cathy Caruth, Ruth Leys and Shoshana Felman. The study connects trauma theory with the theoretical analysis of the interference and discontinuity of the moving image in the readings by Susan Buck-Morss, Mary Ann Doane and Peter Osborn among others. The analysis emphasizes different ways of seeing and multisensoriality in the reception of contemporary art. With their reflections and inverse projections, the surprising mechanisms of Hans-Christian Berg s sculptures are connected with Lacan s views on the early mirroring and imitation attempts of the individual s body image. Salla Tykkä s film trilogy Cave invites one to contemplate the Lacanian theory of the gaze in relation to the experiences of being seen. The three oceanic sculpture installations by Markus Copper are studied through the vocality they create, often through an aggressive way of acting, as well as from the point of view of the functioning of an invocative drive. The study compares the work of fiction and Freud s texts on paranoia and psychosis to Eija-Liisa Ahtila s manuscripts and moving image installations about the same topic. The cinematic time in Liisa Lounila s time-slice video installations is approached through the theoretical study of the unconscious temporal structure. The viewer of the moving image is inside the work in an in-between state: in a space produced by the contents of the work and its technology. The installations of the moving image enable us to inhabit different kinds of virtual bodies or spaces, which do not correspond with our everyday experiences. Nevertheless, the works of art often try to deconstruct the identification to what has been shown on screen. This way, the viewer s attention can be fixed on his own unconscious experiences in parallel with the work s deconstructed nature as representation. The study shows that contemporary art is a central cultural practice, which allows us to discuss the unconscious in a meaningful way. The study suggests that the agency that is discursively diffuse and consists of several different praxes should be called the unconscious. The emergence of the unconscious can happen in two areas: in contemporary art through different senses and discursive elements, and in the study of contemporary art, which, being a linguistic activity is sensitive to the movements of the unconscious. One of the missions of art research is to build different kinds of articulated constructs and to open an interpretative space for the nature of art as an event.


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This paper introduces CSP-like communication mechanisms into Backus’ Functional Programming (FP) systems extended by nondeterministic constructs. Several new functionals are used to describe nondeterminism and communication in programs. The functionals union and restriction are introduced into FP systems to develop a simple algebra of programs with nondeterminism. The behaviour of other functionals proposed in this paper are characterized by the properties of union and restriction. The axiomatic semantics of communication constructs are presented. Examples show that it is possible to reason about a communicating program by first transforming it into a non-communicating program by using the axioms of communication, and then reasoning about the resulting non-communicating version of the program. It is also shown that communicating programs can be developed from non-communicating programs given as specifications by using a transformational approach.


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Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is an autosomal dominant disorder manifested by the formation of multiple benign tumors of the nervous system. Affected individuals typically develop bilateral vestibular schwannomas which lead to deafness and balance disorders. The syndrome is caused by inactivation of the NF2 tumor suppressor gene, and mutation or loss of the NF2 product, merlin, is sufficient for tumorigenesis in both hereditary and sporadic NF2-associated tumors. Merlin belongs to the band 4.1 superfamily of cytoskeletal proteins, which also contain the related ezrin, radixin, and moesin (ERM) proteins. The ERM members provide a link between the cell cytoskeleton and membrane by connecting membrane-associated proteins to actin filaments. By stabilizing complexes in the cell cortex, the ERMs modulate morphology, growth, and migration of cells. Despite their structural homology, overlapping subcellular distribution, direct molecular association, and partial overlap of molecular interactions, merlin and ezrin exert opposite effects on cell proliferation. Merlin suppresses cell proliferation, whereas ezrin expression is linked to oncogenic activity. We hypothesized that the regions which differ between the proteins might explain merlin s specificity as a tumor suppressor. We therefore analyzed the regions, which are most diverse between merlin and ezrin; the N-terminal tail and the C-terminus. To determine the properties of the C-terminal region, we studied the two most predominant merlin isoforms together with truncation variants similar to those found in patients. We also focused on the evolutionally conserved C-terminal residues, E545-E547, that harbor disease causing mutations in its corresponding DNA sequence. In addition to inhibiting cell proliferation, merlin regulates cytoskeletal organization. The morphogenic properties of merlin may play a role in tumor suppression, since patient-derived tumor cells demonstrate cytoskeletal abnormalities. We analyzed the mechanisms of merlin-induced extension formation and determined that the C-terminal region of amino acids 538-568 is particularly important for the morphogenic activity. We also characterized the role of C-terminal merlin residues in the regulation of proliferation, phosphorylation, and intramolecular associations. In contrast to previous reports, we demonstrated that both merlin isoforms are able to suppress cell proliferation, whereas C-terminally mutated merlin constructs showed reduced growth inhibition. Phosphorylation serves as a mechanism to regulate the tumor suppressive activity of merlin. The C-terminal serine 518 is phosphorylated in response to both p21-activated kinase (PAK) and protein kinase A (PKA), which inactivates the growth inhibitory function of merlin. However, at least three differentially phosphorylated forms of the protein exist. In this study we demonstrated that also the N-terminus of merlin is phosphorylated by AGC kinases, and that both PKA and Akt phosphorylate merlin at serine 10 (S10). We evaluated the impact of this N-terminal tail phosphorylation, and showed that the phosphorylation state of S10 is an important regulator of merlin s ability to modulate cytoskeletal organization but also regulates the stability of the protein. In summary, this study describes the functional effect of merlin specific regions. We demonstrate that both S10 in the N-terminal tail and residues E545-E547 in the C-terminus are essential for merlin activity and function.


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Flaviviruses generate their structural and nonstructural proteins by proteolytic processing of a single large polyprotein precursor. These proteolytic events are brought about both by host cell signalase and a virally encoded protease. The virally encoded proteolytic activity has been shown to reside within the nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) and requires the product of the nonstructural 2b (NS2b) gene. In order to obtain sufficient quantities of pure NS2b and NS3 proteins for kinetic analysis, we have expressed both these proteins in recombinant systems as fusions to glutathione S-transferase (GST). The fusion constructs were driven by the strong bacteriophage T7 promoter. Transfection of these constructs into the African green monkey kidney cell line CV-1 previously infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the T7 RNA polymerase resulted in synthesis of the fusion proteins. Both the fusion proteins could be purified to homogeneity in a single step using a glutathione agarose affinity matrix.


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Hybrid systems are constructs of different molecular entities, natural or unnatural, to generate functional molecules in which the characteristics of various components are modulated, amplified or give rise to entirely new properties. These hybrids can be designed from carefully selected components either through domain intergration of key structural/functional features or via straightforward covalent linkages. Some of the recently reported hybrid systems based on steroid, carbohydrate, C-60-fullerene platforms, amongst others, mainly crafted with the object of enhancement of the therapeutical spectrum, will be discussed.


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Because of frequent topology changes and node failures, providing quality of service routing in mobile ad hoc networks becomes a very critical issue. The quality of service can be provided by routing the data along multiple paths. Such selection of multiple paths helps to improve reliability and load balancing, reduce delay introduced due to route rediscovery in presence of path failures. There are basically two issues in such a multipath routing Firstly, the sender node needs to obtain the exact topology information. Since the nodes are continuously roaming, obtaining the exact topology information is a tough task. Here, we propose an algorithm which constructs highly accurate network topology with minimum overhead. The second issue is that the paths in the path set should offer best reliability and network throughput. This is achieved in two ways 1) by choice of a proper metric which is a function of residual power, traffic load on the node and in the surrounding medium 2) by allowing the reliable links to be shared between different paths.