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Introduction: L'unité d'Assistance Pharmaceutique de la Pharmacie des HUG fonctionne comme centre d'information sur les médicaments et gère des informations mises à disposition sur le web. Celles-ci sont destinées prioritairement au personnel soignant des HUG et accessibles sur le site intranet/Internet (http://www.hcuge.ch/Pharmacie), mis en service en 1998. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer la qualité de l'information du site intranet/Internet et d'y apporter les améliorations nécessaires. Méthode: Le site intranet/Internet de la pharmacie des HUG a été évalué en automne 2004 à l'aide de 2 outils : NetScoring : grille d'évaluation de la qualité de l'information de santé sur Internet (http://www.chu-rouen.fr/netscoring/). Elle comporte 49 critères répartis en 8 catégories. Chaque critère est noté sur une échelle de 5 occurrences puis pondéré selon son importance (multiplication par 3 si le critère est essentiel, par 2 s'il est important ou par 1 s'il est mineur). Analyse AMDEC : méthode permettant de séquencer un processus et d'en Analyser les Modes de Défaillance, leur Effet et leur Criticité (Qual Saf Health Care 2005 :14(2);93-98). Un score est attribué à chaque mode de défaillance identifié en terme de fréquence, de sévérité et de détectabilité. La multiplication des 3 scores fournit un résultat global de criticité (indice de criticité IC, max. 810), permettant de hiérarchiser les risques. Résultats: Etat des lieux NetScoring : La qualité globale du site intranet/Internet était bonne (202 pts/312). Les points forts concernaient la pertinence et l'utilité du site, la qualité du contenu, du moteur de recherche et du design, la rapidité de chargement du site, la sélection des liens externes proposés et le respect du secret médical. Les faiblesses résidaient dans l'absence de politique de mise à jour régulière, d'annotation systématique de l'état d'actualisation des documents, d'un comité éditorial et scientifique, de mots-clés en anglais et d'une liste permettant l'identification des auteurs. Analyse AMDEC : Quatre catégories (création du document, conversion, structure du site et publication du document) et 19 modes de défaillances ont été caractérisés. Trois modes de défaillance étaient associés à un IC important: erreurs lors de la création d'un document (IC 256), information inadéquate car pratique non validée ou recommandation non généralisable (IC 147) et absence de relecture après la conversion du document en format publiable (ex : PDF) (IC 144). Mesures correctives: Une procédure standard (SOP) a été élaborée pour la gestion du site intranet/Internet. Le format standard des informations (initiales de l'auteur, dates de création et de mise à jour, logo de la pharmacie), la validation et la politique de mise à jour des documents ainsi que la procédure d'archivage y sont clairement définis. Une fiche de suivi accompagnant chaque document a été créée pour la traçabilité de toutes les modifications effectuées et la fréquence de révision à respecter. Discussion et conclusion Cette étude a permis de déterminer et de quantifier les points critiques à améliorer sur le site intranet/Internet de la Pharmacie des HUG. Les mesures correctives entreprises doivent permettre d'améliorer les principales faiblesses et défaillances mises en évidence. La mise en place d'un comité éditorial et scientifique devra être évaluée à l'avenir. Le NetScoring et l'analyse AMDEC sont des outils utiles pour l'évaluation et l'amélioration continue de la qualité d'un site Internet, sous réserve d'une interprétation critique des résultats obtenus avant la mise en place de mesures correctives. Malgré une approche totalement différente, ces outils ont permis de mettre en évidence des lacunes similaires.
The report describes the state of the art video equipment used and experiences gained from the 6,800 mile field test. The first objective of this project was to determine if laser disc equipment could capture and store usable roadway images while operating in a mobile environment. The second objective was to evaluate methods of using optical disc storage and retrieval features to enhance highway planning and design function. Several highway departments have attempted to use video technology to replace the traditional 16 and 35 mm film format used in photologging. These attempts have met with limited success because of the distortion caused by video technology not being capable of dealing with highway speeds. The distortion has caused many highway signs to be unreadable and, therefore, clients have labeled the technology unusable. Two methods of using optical laser disc storage and retrieval have been successfully demonstrated by Wisconsin and Connecticut Departments of Transportation. Each method provides instantaneous retrieval and linking of images with other information. However, both methods gather the images using 35 mm film techniques. The 35 mm film image is then transferred to laser disc. Eliminating the film conversion to laser disc has potential for saving $4 to $5 per logging mile. In addition to a cost savings, the image would be available immediately as opposed to delays caused by film developing and transferring to laser disc. In June and November of 1986 Iowa DOT staff and cooperating equipment suppliers demonstrated the concept of direct image capture. The results from these tests were promising and an FHWA Demonstration program established. Since 1986 technology advancements have been incorporated into the design that further improve the image quality originally demonstrated.
Échelle(s) : [Echelles diverses]
The proposed Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) amendments to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) will change the way local agencies manage their pavement markings and places a focus on pavement marking quality and management methods. This research effort demonstrates how a pavement marking maintenance method could be developed and used at the local agency level. The report addresses the common problems faced by agencies in achieving good pavement marking quality and provides recommendations specific towards these problems in terms of assessing pavement marking needs, selecting pavement marking materials, contracting out pavement marking services, measuring and monitoring performance, and in developing management tools to visualize pavement marking needs in a GIS format. The research includes five case studies, three counties and two cities, where retroreflectivity was measured over a spring and fall season and then mapped to evaluate pavement marking performance and needs. The research also includes over 35 field demonstrations (installation and monitoring) of both longitudinal and transverse durable markings in a variety of local agency settings all within an intense snow plow state.
L'objectiu principal és oferir uns recursos educatius multimèdia (en format HTML i JAVA) utilitzables en línea (Internet) o en suport autònom (CD-ROM) per a l'autoformació i l'autoevaluació ...
The current version of the SUDAS Specifications will be revised to accommodate the DOT’s utilization of SUDAS. The revisions to the SUDAS Specifications will be based upon the recommendations from Phase 1. In some instances, the recommendations will require reorganization of portions of the SUDAS Specifications. Upon incorporation of the Phase 1 recommendations, each applicable Division of the SUDAS Specifications will be updated into the active-imperative style, utilizing the 3- part specification format currently utilized by SUDAS.
The current version of the SUDAS Specifications will be revised to accommodate the DOT’s utilization of SUDAS. The revisions to the SUDAS Specifications will be based upon the recommendations from Phase 1. In some instances, the recommendations will require reorganization of portions of the SUDAS Specifications. Upon incorporation of the Phase 1 recommendations, each applicable Division of the SUDAS Specifications will be updated into the active-imperative style, utilizing the 3- part specification format currently utilized by SUDAS.
Iowa state, county, and city engineering offices expend considerable effort monitoring the state’s approximately 25,000 bridges, most of which span small waterways. In fact, the need for monitoring is actually greater for bridges over small waterways because scour processes are exacerbated by the close proximity of abutments, piers, channel banks, approach embankments, and other local obstructions. The bridges are customarily inspected biennially by the county’s road department bridge inspectors. It is extremely time consuming and difficult to obtain consistent, reliable, and timely information on bridge-waterway conditions for so many bridges. Moreover, the current approaches to gather survey information is not uniform, complete, and quantitative. The methodology and associated software (DIGIMAP) developed through the present project enable a non-intrusive means to conduct fast, efficient, and accurate inspection of the waterways in the vicinity of the bridges and culverts using one technique. The technique combines algorithms image of registration and velocimetry using images acquired with conventional devices at the inspection site. The comparison of the current bridge inspection and monitoring methods with the DIGIMAP methodology enables to conclude that the new procedure assembles quantitative information on the waterway hydrodynamic and morphologic features with considerable reduced effort, time, and cost. It also improves the safety of the bridge and culvert inspections conducted during normal and extreme hydrologic events. The data and information are recorded in a digital format, enabling immediate and convenient tracking of the waterway changes over short or long time intervals.
The federal government is aggressively promoting biofuels as an answer to global climate change and dependence on imported sources of energy. Iowa has quickly become a leader in the bioeconomy and wind energy production, but meeting the United States Department of Energy’s goal having 20% of U.S. transportation fuels come from biologically based sources by 2030 will require a dramatic increase in ethanol and biodiesel production and distribution. At the same time, much of Iowa’s rural transportation infrastructure is near or beyond its original design life. As Iowa’s rural roadway structures, pavements, and unpaved roadways become structurally deficient or functionally obsolete, public sector maintenance and rehabilitation costs rapidly increase. More importantly, costs to move all farm products will rapidly increase if infrastructure components are allowed to fail; longer hauls, slower turnaround times, and smaller loads result. When these results occur on a large scale, Iowa will start to lose its economic competitive edge in the rapidly developing bioeconomy. The primary objective of this study was to document the current physical and fiscal impacts of Iowa’s existing biofuels and wind power industries. A four-county cluster in north-central Iowa and a two-county cluster in southeast Iowa were identified through a local agency survey as having a large number of diverse facilities and were selected for the traffic and physical impact analysis. The research team investigated the large truck traffic patterns on Iowa’s secondary and local roads from 2002 to 2008 and associated those with the pavement condition and county maintenance expenditures. The impacts were quantified to the extent possible and visualized using geographic information system (GIS) tools. In addition, a traffic and fiscal assessment tool was developed to understand the impact of the development of the biofuels on Iowa’s secondary road system. Recommended changes in public policies relating to the local government and to the administration of those policies included standardizing the reporting and format of all county expenditures, conducting regular pavement evaluations on a county’s system, cooperating and communicating with cities (adjacent to a plant site), considering utilization of tax increment financing (TIF) districts as a short-term tool to produce revenues, and considering alternative ways to tax the industry.
El propòsit d’aquest article és endreçar la cronologia dels programes femenins que les estacions de ràdio pioneres emetien a Catalunya abans de la Guerra Civil i conèixer-ne els trets diferenciadors que tenien. Tal com ja he posat de manifest en les conclusions de la meva tesi doctoral, i en alguns dels articles que se n’han derivat, els programes femenins que les emissores catalanes varen dur a terme abans de 1939 van ser els primers espais de la radiodifusió espanyola que varen tenir el que ara coneixem com a format. Aquesta manera d’entendre un programa de ràdio, que ja va tenir una locutora a finals dels anys vint, ha permès que ara investiguem, per ordenar-los cronològicament, aquests espais tan vells i tan preuats de la ràdio pionera, i que a més a més puguem revelar quines característiques comunes tenien tots aquests espais femenins, a partir de saber els detalls de tots els que varen coincidir, en el temps, a les ones de Barcelona
The goal of this work was to move structural health monitoring (SHM) one step closer to being ready for mainstream use by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Bridges and Structures. To meet this goal, the objective of this project was to implement a pilot multi-sensor continuous monitoring system on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge such that autonomous data analysis, storage, and retrieval can be demonstrated. The challenge with this work was to develop the open channels for communication, coordination, and cooperation of various Iowa DOT offices that could make use of the data. In a way, the end product was to be something akin to a control system that would allow for real-time evaluation of the operational condition of a monitored bridge. Development and finalization of general hardware and software components for a bridge SHM system were investigated and completed. This development and finalization was framed around the demonstration installation on the Iowa Falls Arch Bridge. The hardware system focused on using off-the-shelf sensors that could be read in either “fast” or “slow” modes depending on the desired monitoring metric. As hoped, the installed system operated with very few problems. In terms of communications—in part due to the anticipated installation on the I-74 bridge over the Mississippi River—a hardline digital subscriber line (DSL) internet connection and grid power were used. During operation, this system would transmit data to a central server location where the data would be processed and then archived for future retrieval and use. The pilot monitoring system was developed for general performance evaluation purposes (construction, structural, environmental, etc.) such that it could be easily adapted to the Iowa DOT’s bridges and other monitoring needs. The system was developed allowing easy access to near real-time data in a format usable to Iowa DOT engineers.
The objective of the Phase 3 project was to re-write the identified sections of the SUDAS specifications into the imperative mood, consistent with the format utilized during the Phase 2 project and other work completed by SUDAS staff. Figures for the identified sections were updated to match the new SUDAS format, similar to the Iowa DOT Standard Road Plans. While the Iowa DOT does not intend to incorporate all of the following sections into their specification book, consistency with the Iowa DOT specifications was strived for wherever possible. Maintaining consistency between the specifications simplifies design, bidding, and construction.
En aquest treball es pretén estudiar el potencial d'emmagatzematge d'energia tèrmica, per aplicacions de refrigeració solar d'un sistema format per dos tancs intercanviadors acumuladors connectats en cascada. Cada tanc conté un PCM diferent amb diferent temperatura de canvi de fase. Concretament es tracta d'hidroquinona i d-mannitol. Els quals posseixen temperatures de canvi de fase entre 140 i 200 Cº requerides per aplicacions de fred solar. També es pretén comparar el sistema en cascada amb el mateix sistema connectat en paral·lel.
Why we fight és un grup de set pel·lícules de format documental que van formar part d’un ampli programa d’informació, formació i propaganda impulsat per l’exèrcit nord-americà, en el moment en què els Estats Units ja s’havien implicat en la Segona Guerra Mundial. És també un dels més reeixits exercicis de retòrica cinematogràfica nord-americana d’aquell període que permet analitzar com els països democràtics van gestionar qüestions tan compromeses com la propaganda de guerra. La pretensió d’aquest treball de recerca és aprofundir en la complexitat ideològica i formal de la sèrie, que faci possible descobrir-ne els orígens, els objectius i la manera com aquests van ser assolits per un grup d’especialistes cinematogràfics, coordinats pel director Frank Capra, tots els quals havien triomfat fins llavors a Hollywood
En aquest projecte final de carrera s'ha desenvolupat una aplicació web mòbil basada en HTML5, jQuery i jQuery Mobile. Les dades es gestionen mitjançant un webservice, el qual respon les peticions en format JSONP. L'aplicació web té com a objectiu la localització de llocs d'estudi propers geogràficament i en funció de la disponibilitat horària de l'usuari.