1000 resultados para experimento a campo
RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do sombreamento e de métodos de propagação na morfoanatomia foliar e no estabelecimento de cupuaçuzeiros. O experimento foi realizado a campo, em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições de 10 plantas cada. Para análise de crescimento, utilizou-se do esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas (cinco épocas – parcela; três níveis de sombreamento – subparcela, e quatro métodos de propagação – subsubparcela). Para a avaliação da biometria das plantas, utilizou-se do esquema de parcela subdivida com os sombreamentos na parcela e os métodos de propagação nas subparcelas; e para as análises morfoanatômicas, considerou-se a casualização do sombreamento nos blocos. As análises de crescimento foram realizadas a cada 90 dias; e as morfoanatômicas, aos 15 meses após o plantio. A espessura do parênquima esponjoso foi maior nas folhas sombreadas por tela de 50%, as outras características morfoanatômicas não sofreram influência significativa dos níveis de sombreamento. As mudas com desenvolvimento inicial em viveiro atingiram maior taxa de crescimento relativo e absoluto. As maiores taxas de crescimento relativo e absoluto foram obtidas em cultivo sob tela de 50% de sombreamento, seguido pelo consórcio (45% de sombreamento). Os piores desempenhos em todas as características avaliadas foram observados em plantas cultivadas a pleno sol.
Al iniciarse la transgresión miocena se producen varios olistostromas de materiales mesozoicos, debido a los basculamientos relacionados con la formación de la Depresión Prelitoral. Se analiza y demuestra la naturaleza gravitacional de estos procesos, netamente separados en el tiempo de la fase de tectónica compresiva. Los olistostromas y materiales asociados presentan una brechación muy característica, con calcitización y microsparitización, que indican un largo período de exposición subaérea. Atendiendo a sus características litológicas y posicionales, en estos depósitos puede establecerse la siguiente zonación: núcleo, frente de transición y parte posterior. Se considera el posible mecanismo de desplazamiento.
OBJETIVO: Comparar os aparelhos de ressonância magnética de baixo campo e de alto campo para estudo da cartilagem articular da patela. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo usando as seqüências GRE 2D, GRE 3D, FSE T2 e STIR (baixo campo) e TSE T2 SPIR. Cada seqüência foi analisada separadamente para o estudo da cartilagem, sem o conhecimento dos dados do paciente e do resultado das outras seqüências, sendo atribuído grau de lesão de 0 a 3 e descrita a sua localização. Os resultados de concordância e discordância foram analisados pelos testes de Kappa e McNemar. RESULTADOS: Na faceta medial houve baixas concordâncias e as discordâncias mostraram significativa superestimação. Na faceta lateral houve boas concordâncias e as discordâncias não foram significativas. No ápice houve boas concordâncias e as discordâncias mostraram significativa subestimação. CONCLUSÃO: A seqüência STIR teve a melhor concordância com a seqüência TSE T2 SPIR. Lesões de alto grau são mais bem caracterizadas pelas seqüências do aparelho de baixo campo. Áreas de aumento de sinal dificultam o estudo da cartilagem da faceta medial da patela no aparelho de baixo campo.
OBJETIVO: Comparar a ressonância de baixo campo (0,2 T) com a de alto campo (1,5 T) na avaliação da endometriose pélvica e adenomiose. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas, prospectivamente, 27 pacientes do sexo feminino com suspeita clínica de endometriose, realizando-se exames de ressonância magnética de alto campo e baixo campo. Um mesmo radiologista realizou a leitura dos exames, iniciando pelo baixo campo, seguido pelo alto campo, usando como padrão-ouro o alto campo. RESULTADOS: Das 27 pacientes estudadas, 18 (66,7%) apresentaram alguma lesão indicativa de endometriose nos exames realizados no alto campo. Foram corretamente diagnosticados pelo baixo campo 14 destas pacientes. Endometriomas, lesões tubárias e focos de endometriose maiores do que 7 mm identificados pelo alto campo foram também identificados no baixo campo, com acurácia, sensibilidade e especificidade de 100%. Das nove pacientes com adenomiose caracterizadas pelo alto campo, oito foram corretamente identificadas pelo baixo campo, com acurácia, sensibilidade e especificidade de 88,9%. CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância de baixo campo apresentou baixa sensibilidade na detecção de pequenos focos de endometriose, alta sensibilidade na detecção de endometriomas e focos de endometriose grandes, e boa acurácia na detecção da adenomiose quando comparada com a ressonância de alto campo.
An adaptation of the Raman experiment is presented as a very convenient, simple and easily made demonstration about inelastic light scattering. The procedure involves an overhead projector, a rectangular and transparent cell, complementary filters and solvent. Alternatively a spectrofluorimeter can he used to evaluate how weak Raman scattering is.
In the oil industry, the paraffination phenomenon is a major problem during oil production, displacement and treatment. Paraffin deposition in subsea flowlines, surface equipment, production string or even in the reservoir, can cause significant and increasing oil losses. To minimize paraffin precipitation, the application of magnetic field in the petroleum path has been suggested based on empiric studies. In this study, we assembled a labscale magnetic conditioner to determine the influence of magnetic field on the physical-chemical properties of two fluids : oil and a paraffin mixture. We observed that magnetic field reduce sample aparent viscosity due to crystal morphology alteration.
The influence of a strong external electric field in chemical bonding is not extensively studied. In this work, the behavior of the potential energy curves of the BeH+ ion in an external electric field is investigated by means of variational calculations using molecular orbitals. For simplicity we consider the case where the external field is parallel to the molecular axis, in the direction of the dipole moment, which raises the polarization of the ion. The effects on dissociation are investigated.
A new approach for teaching in basic experimental organic chemistry is presented. Experimental work goes on parallel to theoretical lectures leading to an immediate application of theoretical concepts transmitted therein. One day/week is dedicated exclusively to the organic laboratory. Reactions are proposed as problems to be solved; the student has to deduce the structure of the product on the basis of his observations, the analytical data and his mechanistical knowledge. 70 different experiments, divided in 7 thematical chapters, are presented. All experiments require the analysis and discussion of 1H and 13C NMR, IR and UV spectra. Additional questions about each reaction have to be answered by the student in his written report. Laboratory safety is garanteed by the exclusion or substitution of hazardous and toxic reagents. Microscale preparations are adopted in most cases to lower the cost of materials and the amount of waste. Recycling of many reaction products as starting materials in other experiments reduces the need for commercial reagents and allows the execution of longer reaction sequences. Only unexpensive standard laboratory equipment and simple glassware are required. All experiments include instructions for the save treatment or disposal of chemical waste.
In this study we describe an experimental procedure based on a chemical industrial process of soya-bean oil extraction applied in general chemistry for undergraduate students. The experiment was planned according to the Science, Technology and Society (STS) approach to teach basic chemical concepts and provide grounding in the management of environmental care. The use of real life chemistry problems seems to salient the relevance of chemistry to our students and enhances their motivation to learn both the practical and theoretical components of the discipline.
Little is known about the amount of water and ash in brazilian foodstuffs and plants. The relationships between fresh, dry and ash weight were determined in 40 different biological samples. It could be an important tool when one studies biological material containing low concentration of the chemical elements. This study address to determine these relationships and to provide the amount of biological material that one needs to collect. It aims to supply information that could be used to improve the detection limit, precision and accuracy of the analytical methodology utilized.
A view of the general aspects involving the 2D NMR spectroscopy using inverse detection and field gradient techniques is presented through the analysis of a sesquiterpene.
The aim of this work is to show an experiment from which students can learn some of the main characteristics of buffer solutions. A mixture of some acid-base indicators, named as Yamada's indicator, can be used to estimate pH values in an acid-base titration of a buffer, with good approximation. In the experiment it is also possible to verify the relationship between the buffer capacity and the concentrations and the molar ratio of the components of a NH3 / NH4+ buffer solution. The shortage of experiments associated with the relative small importance given to many aspects of buffer solutions, is now explored with simplicity. In the proposed experiments, students prepare buffer solutions by themselves, calculate the pH, understand how acid-base indicators act and learn how buffer solutions work through graph constructed by sharing experimental data.
In this work we intend to eliminate the idea that laboratory exercises seem like cookbooks. That is, exercises shall be presented as a problematic situation. Based on observation and experimentation, the students should determine the E-Z configuration of maleic and fumaric acids. The basis of this laboratory exercise is the acid-catalyzed isomerization of maleic acid to fumaric acid. Students are given the starting material, reagents and the experimental procedure. They are told that the starting material is a dicarboxylic acid containing a C=C double bond of formula C4H4O4. Students determine melting points, solubilities, acidity and chromatographic patterns for both the starting material and the product, so that a configuration of each acid can be proposed. This type of experiment yields excellent results, because the students are left to deduce that maleic acid is less stable than fumaric acid. Additionally, they conclude that maleic acid is the "Z" isomer and fumaric acid is the "E" isomer. Finally, this laboratory exercise allows the students to develop simultaneously their critical-thinking skills with the respective laboratory techniques and not to see chemistry as recipes to be followed.