942 resultados para erbium doping


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We investigate the electrical properties of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) photonic crystals as a function of both doping level and air filling factor. The resistance trends can be clearly explained by the presence of a depletion region around the sidewalls of the holes that is caused by band pinning at the surface. To understand the trade-off between the carrier transport and the optical losses due to free electrons in the doped SOI, we also measured the resonant modes of L3 photonic crystal nanocavities and found that surprisingly high doping levels, up to 1018 / cm3, are acceptable for practical devices with Q factors as high as 4× 104. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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Thin films (100-500 nm) of the Si:O alloy have been systematically characterized in the optical absorption and electrical transport behavior, by varying the Si content from 43 up to 100 at. %. Magnetron sputtering or plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition have been used for the Si:O alloy deposition, followed by annealing up to 1250 °C. Boron implantation (30 keV, 3-30× 1014 B/cm2) on selected samples was performed to vary the electrical sheet resistance measured by the four-point collinear probe method. Transmittance and reflectance spectra have been extracted and combined to estimate the absorption spectra and the optical band gap, by means of the Tauc analysis. Raman spectroscopy was also employed to follow the amorphous-crystalline (a-c) transition of the Si domains contained in the Si:O films. The optical absorption and the electrical transport of Si:O films can be continuously and independently modulated by acting on different parameters. The light absorption increases (by one decade) with the Si content in the 43-100 at. % range, determining an optical band gap which can be continuously modulated into the 2.6-1.6 eV range, respectively. The a-c phase transition in Si:O films, causing a significant reduction in the absorption coefficient, occurs at increasing temperatures (from 600 to 1100 °C) as the Si content decreases. The electrical resistivity of Si:O films can be varied among five decades, being essentially dominated by the number of Si grains and by the doping. Si:O alloys with Si content in the 60-90 at. % range (named oxygen rich silicon films), are proved to join an appealing optical gap with a viable conductivity, being a good candidate for increasing the conversion efficiency of thin-film photovoltaic cell. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Raman spectroscopy is an integral part of graphene research. It is used to determine the number and orientation of layers, the quality and types of edge, and the effects of perturbations, such as electric and magnetic fields, strain, doping, disorder and functional groups. This, in turn, provides insight into all sp(2)-bonded carbon allotropes, because graphene is their fundamental building block. Here we review the state of the art, future directions and open questions in Raman spectroscopy of graphene. We describe essential physical processes whose importance has only recently been recognized, such as the various types of resonance at play, and the role of quantum interference. We update all basic concepts and notations, and propose a terminology that is able to describe any result in literature. We finally highlight the potential of Raman spectroscopy for layered materials other than graphene.


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The structural, magnetic and electrical transport properties of the Sn-doped TbMnO3 manganites are studied by X-ray diffraction, ac susceptibility, dc magnetization and electrical resistivity measurements. The Sn doping into the Tb and Mn sites of TbMnO3 compresses the unit cell and changes parameters of the antiferromagnetic phase whereas the magnetic moment of Mn are only weakly affected. The electrical resistivity of doped manganites is reduced and the activation energy EA is determined for the thermally activated conduction. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The magnetocaloric effect in magnetic materials is of great interest nowadays. In this article we present an investigation about the magnetic properties near the magnetic transition in a polycrystalline sample of a manganite Tb0.9 Sn0.1 MnO3. Particularly, we are interested in describing the nature of the magnetic interactions and the magnetocaloric effect in this compound. The temperature dependence of the magnetization was measured to determine the characteristics of the magnetic transition and the magnetic entropy change was calculated from magnetization curves at different temperatures. The magnetic solid is paramagnetic at high temperatures. We observe a dominant antiferromagnetic interaction below Tn =38 K for low applied magnetic fields; the presence of Sn doping in this compound decreases the Ńel temperature of the pure TbMnO3 system. A drastic increase in the magnetization as a function of temperature near the magnetic transition suggests a strong magnetocaloric effect. We found a large magnetic entropy change Δ SM (T) of about -4 J/kg K at H=3 T. We believe that the magnetic entropy change is associated with the magnetic transition and we interpret it as due to the coupling between the magnetic field and the spin ordering. This relatively large value and broad temperature interval (about 35 K) of the magnetocaloric effect make the present compound a promising candidate for magnetic refrigerators at low temperatures. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Besides the Kondo effect observed in dilute magnetic alloys, the Cr-doped perovskite manganate compounds La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3 also exhibit Kondo effect and spin-glass freezing in a certain composition range. An extensive investigation for the La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3 (x=0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0) system on the magnetization and ac susceptibility, the resistivity and magnetoresistance, as well as the thermal conductivity is done at low temperature. The spin-glass behavior has been confirmed for these compounds with x=0.05, 0.1, and 0.3. For temperatures above Tf (the spin-glass freezing temperature) a Curie-Weiss law is obeyed. The paramagnetic Curie temperature θ is dependent on Cr doping. Below Tf there exists a Kondo minimum in the resistivity. Colossal magnetoresistance has been observed in this system with Cr concentration up to x=0.6. We suppose that the substitution of Mn with Cr dilutes Mn ions and changes the long-range ferromagnetic order of La0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3. These behaviors demonstrate that short-range ferromagnetic correlation and fluctuation exist among Mn spins far above Tf. Furthermore, these interactions are a precursor of the cooperative freezing at Tf. The "double bumps" feature in the resistivity-temperature curve is observed in compounds with x=0.05 and 0.1. The phonon scattering is enhanced at low temperatures, where the second peak of double bumps comes out. The results indicate that the spin-cluster effect and lattice deformation induce Kondo effect, spin-glass freezing, and strong phonon scattering in mixed perovskite La0.7 Ca0.3 Mn1-x Crx O3. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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We review the electronic structure of defects in aSi:H, aGaAs and aSi3N4, emphasising in aSi:H the doping mechanism, the evidence that its dangling bond defect has a small electron-lattice coupling and a positive correlation energy, and possible atomic mechanisms for the Staebler-Wronski effect. © 1985.


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We determine the Raman scattering efficiency of the G and 2D peaks in graphene. Three substrates are used: silicon covered with 300 or 90 nm oxide, and calcium fluoride (CaF2). On Si/SiOx, the areas of the G and 2D peak show a strong dependence on the substrate due to interference effects, while on CaF2 no significant dependence is detected. Unintentional doping is reduced by placing graphene on CaF2. We determine the Raman scattering efficiency by comparison with the 322 cm -1 peak area of CaF2. At 2.41 eV, the Raman efficiency of the G peak is ∼200×10-5 m-1Sr-1, and changes with the excitation energy to the power of 4. The 2D Raman efficiency is at least one order of magnitude higher than that of the G peak, with a different excitation energy dependence. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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We have performed a comparative study of ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in a range of III-V nanowires using optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy. This versatile technique allows measurement of important parameters for device applications, including carrier lifetimes, surface recombination velocities, carrier mobilities and donor doping levels. GaAs, InAs and InP nanowires of varying diameters were measured. For all samples, the electronic response was dominated by a pronounced surface plasmon mode. Of the three nanowire materials, InAs nanowires exhibited the highest electron mobilities of 6000 cm² V⁻¹ s⁻¹, which highlights their potential for high mobility applications, such as field effect transistors. InP nanowires exhibited the longest carrier lifetimes and the lowest surface recombination velocity of 170 cm s⁻¹. This very low surface recombination velocity makes InP nanowires suitable for applications where carrier lifetime is crucial, such as in photovoltaics. In contrast, the carrier lifetimes in GaAs nanowires were extremely short, of the order of picoseconds, due to the high surface recombination velocity, which was measured as 5.4 × 10⁵ cm s⁻¹. These findings will assist in the choice of nanowires for different applications, and identify the challenges in producing nanowires suitable for future electronic and optoelectronic devices.


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The ultrafast charge carrier dynamics in GaAs/conjugated polymer type II heterojunctions are investigated using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy at 10 K. By probing the photoluminescence at the band edge of GaAs, we observe strong carrier lifetime enhancement for nanowires blended with semiconducting polymers. The enhancement is found to depend crucially on the ionization potential of the polymers with respect to the Fermi energy level at the surface of the GaAs nanowires. We attribute these effects to electron doping by the polymer which reduces the unsaturated surface-state density in GaAs. We find that when the surface of nanowires is terminated by native oxide, the electron injection across the interface is greatly reduced and such surface doping is absent. Our results suggest that surface engineering via π-conjugated polymers can substantially improve the carrier lifetime in nanowire hybrid heterojunctions with applications in photovoltaics and nanoscale photodetectors.


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We study the spectral characteristics of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein conjugated single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), and quantify their uptake by macrophages. The binding of BSA onto the SWNT surface is found to change the protein structure and to increase the doping of the nanotubes. The G-band Raman intensity follows a well-defined power law for SWNT concentrations of up to 33 μg ml-1 in aqueous solutions. Subsequently, in vitro experiments demonstrate that incubation of BSA-SWNT complexes with macrophages affects neither the cellular growth nor the cellular viability over multiple cell generations. Using wide spot Raman spectroscopy as a fast, non-destructive method for statistical quantification, we observe that macrophages effectively uptake BSA-SWNT complexes, with the average number of nanotubes internalized per cell remaining relatively constant over consecutive cell generations. The number of internalized SWNTs is found to be ∼30 × 106 SWNTs/cell for a 60 mm-2 seeding density and ∼100 × 10 6 SWNTs/cell for a 200 mm-2 seeding density. Our results show that BSA-functionalized SWNTs are an efficient molecular transport system with low cytotoxicity maintained over multiple cell generations. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Controlling the crystallographic phase purity of III-V nanowires is notoriously difficult, yet this is essential for future nanowire devices. Reported methods for controlling nanowire phase require dopant addition, or a restricted choice of nanowire diameter, and only rarely yield a pure phase. Here we demonstrate that phase-perfect nanowires, of arbitrary diameter, can be achieved simply by tailoring basic growth parameters: temperature and V/III ratio. Phase purity is achieved without sacrificing important specifications of diameter and dopant levels. Pure zinc blende nanowires, free of twin defects, were achieved using a low growth temperature coupled with a high V/III ratio. Conversely, a high growth temperature coupled with a low V/III ratio produced pure wurtzite nanowires free of stacking faults. We present a comprehensive nucleation model to explain the formation of these markedly different crystal phases under these growth conditions. Critical to achieving phase purity are changes in surface energy of the nanowire side facets, which in turn are controlled by the basic growth parameters of temperature and V/III ratio. This ability to tune crystal structure between twin-free zinc blende and stacking-fault-free wurtzite not only will enhance the performance of nanowire devices but also opens new possibilities for engineering nanowire devices, without restrictions on nanowire diameters or doping.


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We investigate how growth parameters may be chosen to obtain high quality GaAs nanowires suitable for optoelectronic device applications. Growth temperature and precursor flows have a significant effect on the morphology, crystallographic quality, intrinsic doping and optical properties of the resulting nanowires. Significantly, we find that low growth temperature and high arsine flow rate improve nanowire optical properties, reduce carbon impurity incorporation and drastically reduce planar crystallographic defects. Additionally, cladding the GaAs nanowire cores in an AlGaAs shell enhances emission efficiency. These high quality nanowires should create new opportunities for optoelectronic devices. © 2008 IEEE.


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Fano resonances and their strong doping dependence are observed in Raman scattering of single-layer graphene (SLG). As the Fermi level is varied by a back-gate bias, the Raman G band of SLG exhibits an asymmetric line shape near the charge neutrality point as a manifestation of a Fano resonance, whereas the line shape is symmetric when the graphene sample is electron or hole doped. However, the G band of bilayer graphene (BLG) does not exhibit any Fano resonance regardless of doping. The observed Fano resonance can be interpreted as interferences between the phonon and excitonic many-body spectra in SLG. The absence of a Fano resonance in the Raman G band of BLG can be explained in the same framework since excitonic interactions are not expected in BLG. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the transition energy levels of the vacancy defects in gallium nitride by means of a hybrid density functional theory approach (DFT). We show that, in contrast to predictions from a recent study on the level of purely local DFT, the inclusion of screened exchange stabilizes the triply positive charge state of the nitrogen vacancy for Fermi energies close to the valence band. On the other hand, the defect levels associated with the negative charge states of the nitrogen vacancy hybridize with the conduction band and turn out to be energetically unfavorable, except for high n-doping. For the gallium vacancy, the increased magnetic splitting between up-spin and down-spin bands due to stronger exchange interactions in sX-LDA pushes the defect levels deeper into the band gap and significantly increases the associated charge transition levels. Based on these results, we propose the ϵ(0| - 1) transition level as an alternative candidate for the yellow luminescence in GaN.